Fae- Beginnings

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Fae- Beginnings Page 10

by Eva Blackwing

  “Human?” Morgana’s face scrunched up. She had never liked the human realm. “How can we be sure she really is the missing queen?”

  Arthur snorted and started walking toward his suite, which was conveniently directly next to the suite Mor and her mates were in. “I can sense all four Elements in her.”

  “Damn.” Morgana grinned, “Of course you wouldn’t have a regular mate. Noooo, no standard shifter girl for my brother. He needs a queen.”

  “What’s a king without his queen?”

  Morgana laughed. “As long as she can keep that ego in check.”

  “She’s wonderful. Mor has absolutely no filter. She just says whatever pops into that head of hers. And her mates stay around her like she’s their gravity.”

  “And you’ll be fine sharing with four Fae?” Now Morgana’s face was skeptical.

  “I’ll have to be if I want to keep her. She’s my mate. I can either live with her or without her.” He shrugged. “I’ll be damned if I live without her.”

  “Then you’ll find a way to make it work, brother, I have no doubt. Now, convincing the Council to go to war for the Fae may be a harder task.”

  “This is true, sister. Why don’t we retire to my study to discuss strategy? I’ve given them until the evening meal to rest.” At her nod, he led the way to his study. He would convince them, even if he had to force them to bend. They would bend.

  * * *

  Arthur paced outside the dining room. He was waiting for Mor and her mates to arrive. His sister Morgana stood to the side, looking regal as always in a teal dress with her black hair tumbling down her back. He’d been growing more and more anxious throughout the day, unable to focus on the work he needed to do. Not with his mate on the other side of the wall from him. He couldn’t hear them thanks to the excellent sound proofing of the rooms in the castle, but he could sense her.

  “Calm yourself, brother. You don’t want her to come in and see you pacing like some love sick child.”

  He shot her a glare but did stop pacing. And he was glad he did, because just then Mor walked in with her mates behind her. She was wearing a long blue gown that hugged her curves and plunged low in the back. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. As if in a fog, he walked up to her and picked up her hand. Knowing he was pushing his luck, he bent over her hand a placed a kiss on it.

  A blush crept up her cheeks and Arthur grinned. “Queen Mor, you look stunning.”

  “Thank you, King Arthur.” She snorted. “I’m so sorry, I just can’t say that without giggling.”

  “Then just call me Arthur.” He smiled at her, lost in the depths of her eyes. When he heard a throat clear behind him he forced himself to gesture his sister forward. “May I present to you my sister, Her Royal Highness, Morgana Pendragon.”

  Mor definitely laughed now. Arthur’s grin grew at the sound of her laugh filling the room. “I’m so sorry. I just…”

  Morgana waved her off and pulled Mor into a hug. “I can’t imagine I’d have a different reaction if it was me in your shoes.”

  “Thank you. I know I should do better since I’m supposed to be a queen, but I just don’t seem to have a filter.”

  “Hush now, Mor. You’re a queen. You say whatever the fuck you want to say.” Morgana winked.

  Mor laughed again and Arthur forced himself to stop from wrapping her in his arms. “Thank you, Morgana! Make sure you tell my mates that. They get annoyed whenever I say ‘fuck’ in public.” She glanced back at the Fae standing behind her.

  Morgana linked arms with her. “Come, Mor, let us go and get this party started, shall we? I’m sure the Council is getting restless out there.”

  “Council?” Mor glanced at Morgana. Morgana’s response was lost to Arthur as she led her through the doors, leaving him alone with her Fae mates.

  “So.” Ben’s voice was sharp. “You seem to have taken a liking to our mate.”

  Arthur paused, trying to come up with an appropriate response. “Um.”

  Atreyu grinned and clapped him on the back. “She’s definitely captivating, isn’t she?”

  “Um. She’s…”

  “Just spit it out.” Max smirked.

  Arthur paused, feeling the words stuck on the tip of his tongue. “She’s my mate.” He finally blurted it out.

  “We know.” Ben stood from where he was leaning against the wall. “We could sense it. She hasn’t come to terms with it yet, though.”

  “Have to admit, we were a bit shocked at first since we thought we were a complete set. I wonder if it was because of proximity?”

  Sebastian nodded thoughtfully, “It could have definitely been due to distance. Or perhaps we couldn’t sense you before because you’re a shifter?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea.” Arthur shook his head. “Shifters typically mate in singles, not in groups.” The sounds of the dinner in the other room grew louder. “I know we have much more to discuss, but we need to get in there. We have to get the Council on our side.”

  “Can’t you just make them do what you want?” Atreyu asked.

  “Well, yes, but if they agree then it makes it easier.” Arthur rolled his eyes. These children really had no idea what it took to rule a kingdom. “The Council has influence over the Clans. Gaining their agreement will make it easier to deal with the Clans. So while the easy answer is ‘yes’, it makes more sense politically to gain the support of your people before sending them into a war where some of them will not be returning home. And it’s a war that doesn’t have anything to do with them, which will make this a harder sell.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  Atreyu scoffed, but Sebastian was nodding thoughtfully. “He’s right, you know. Politics. Would you want our people to get involved in a war that has nothing to do with us?” He made eye contact with each of them. “However, with Mor being your possible - “ he paused as Arthur growled - “ - ok, actual mate, then we should be able to use that to our advantage.”

  “You may have a point.” Arthur nodded. “So, I’ll just sweep Mor off her feet, declare her my mate, and then we’ll be good to go!”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to work,” Max chimed in. “Mor isn’t exactly going to be easy to convince.”

  “I mean, how hard could it be?” Arthur shrugged and smirked. “She’s my mate, surely she won’t be able to resist me.”

  Ben, Max, Atreyu, and Sebastian burst out laughing. “She resisted us quite well. I mean, really, it only took a couple weeks, but that is time we don’t have now.” Ben shook his head.

  Max looked thoughtful. “I wonder how many shifters and Fae should be mates and aren’t because we don’t mix.”

  “While that is an interesting question, Max, we need to figure out how to convince Mor to accept Arthur.” Ben’s voice was dry.

  Just then, the door opened and Morgana stuck her head in the room. “While I understand you gentlemen are having fun gossiping like old women out here, your guests are waiting.” Morgana raised an eyebrow and then - almost - slammed the door.

  “Perhaps an evening of revelry will soften her heart.” Arthur grinned. “Let’s go, gentlemen. We have a party to attend.” Arthur led the way into the room. His guests were milling around talking. Mor was laughing near his sister, talking with some of his higher ranking nobles. They were genuinely smiling, too. He hadn’t seen them do that in literally hundreds of years. His mate was going to be so good for their people.

  He strode over to where Mor was standing, her other mates trailing in his wake. He placed a hand on the small of her back and tried to ignore the instant rush of blood to his shaft. “Your Majesty, would you care to join me?” He gestured toward the head table.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. Where will my mates be seated?” Her eyes twinkled up at him.

  “They’ll be seated at the high table with us, as is appropriate for the mates of a queen.” He put a little pressure on her lower back, guiding her toward the head of the long table. Once there, he held the chair out for her and sett
led her into place. Arthur ignored the gasps as he sat down. Protocol dictated he should have sat first, but he would always put his mate before himself. They’d just have to get used to it. “Please, everyone, welcome Queen Mor of the house of Byrne, Queen of the Fae, and her mates Ben, Sebastian, Max, and Atreyu. Now! Let us enjoy our dinner!”

  “What was the gasp for?” Mor glanced up at Arthur briefly before turning her smile back to the on-looking nobles as Max settled in next to her with Sebastian on his other side. Ben and Atreyu were across from them since Morgana had graciously given up her place as sister of the King.

  “Well, technically, I should have sat first.” Arthur winked at her.

  “Why did you seat me then?” Now her gaze was locked on his.

  Arthur dropped his hand under the table and briefly squeezed her hand before letting it go and saying, “Because you deserve the honor.” Before she could say anything, staff began bringing out the plates. He gestured for them to serve Mor first, sending more gasps around the table.

  Morgana leaned toward him. “Brother, you are causing quite the stir among the nobles.” Her voice was low and she was grinning.

  “Let them gossip.” He waved a hand.

  “Why would they gossip?” Mor looked confused.

  “By putting you before him,” Morgana started with a smile, “it sends…signals…that are bound to rile up particular parties.”

  Arthur was grateful Sebastian quickly turned the conversation to lighter topics. Mor kept shooting them all looks that said she was going to get an answer sooner rather than later. Dinner went by too quickly for Arthur. Mor was endearingly relaxed compared to his nobles who insisted on a formal court at all times. She laughed loudly, had no filter, and her blush was adorable. And she kept cussing, which scandalized the nobles and made her mates roll their eyes. He couldn’t get enough of it.

  As soon as dinner was finished, Arthur stood and assisted Mor to her feet. “Shall we continue the party in honor of our guests?” Linking his arm through Mor’s, he led her into the ballroom.

  “Wow. This is huge.”

  Arthur smirked down at her and leaned down to whisper, “It isn’t the only huge thing in this room.” That delightful blush crept into her cheeks again. “Come, let us dance, my queen.” He swept her into his arms as they reached the dance floor, nodding for the band to start. Thankfully, they started with an upbeat song, keeping them from being able to chat. He could see the calculating look Mor had on her face and knew they would be having a conversation sooner rather than later.

  At the end of the song, Atreyu came to take his place sweeping Mor into his arms with a laugh. The rest of the night she spent dancing with her official mates and every noble that could get their hands on her. Arthur mingled, making the expected small talk, but couldn’t keep from watching his mate.

  “Well, brother, I think everyone in the kingdom knows your intent by this point.” Morgana caught him in a brief moment between conversations.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, sister.”

  “You haven’t been able to keep your eyes off of her all night. By now, word will be spreading. This could cause some problems.”

  “Who would dare?” Arthur gave an arrogant grin. Just then a door slammed open and in walked Selina followed by her father. “Fuck.”

  “She would dare. And I’m pretty sure she will. Right now, by the looks of it. Gird your loins, brother.”

  He let his royal mask drop over his face as Selina and her father strode over to him. “Your Majesty. I present my daughter Selina.”

  “I’m well aware of who she is, Lord Richard. In fact, she was just sent from my presence in disgrace. Why have you brought her before me?” He let his voice grow hard.

  “I come to present her as a potential mate. It’s high time this kingdom had a queen and heirs, my lord.”

  “Let’s leave for a moment that you feel you may decide when I take a mate. And let’s leave for a moment that you believe I should marry outside of my true mate. And let’s consider Selina.” He turned to look at her. “She attempted conspiracy in the Fae Realm. She has used unsavory methods to gain her current position - don’t think I wasn’t fully aware of what you were doing, Selina. I watched your every move and made sure the damage you did wasn’t permanent. And finally, she disobeyed direct orders and put at risk the life of visiting royalty.” The ballroom had grown quite as Arthur spoke.

  “How dare you speak of my daughter this way!” Lord Richard’s face turned purple as he fumed. “She is the only woman in here who is worthy of you!”

  Now Morgana started laughing. “Only worthy woman in here? You must be joking.”

  Arthur forced himself not to laugh at his sister’s antics. “I would never take your daughter as my wife, Lord Richard.” His glance strayed to Mor.

  “What’s this?” Selina glared across at Mor. She started to cackle. It was really the only word that Arthur could think of. “You could not possibly be thinking of taking that human-raised piece of trash as a mate?”

  Mor turned toward the scene that was unfolding in front of her. Her eyes were wide while her mates looked on with unmistakable ‘oh shit’ looks on their faces. “Fuck.” Morgana’s whispered curse came from behind him, but he didn’t say anything. He was trying to force himself to stay calm and not attack Selina for insulting his mate.

  Selina laughed again. “You are! You think this Fae mongrel is your mate! We both know that doesn’t work. You heard about what happened with me.”

  Arthur’s patience snapped. He advanced toward her. “You’re right. I heard about what you did to Atreyu. I heard how you tried to use him. And then how you tried to use his brother.” He was in her face now, forcing her to back up since he didn’t stop going forward. “Then you came back here. You lied, cheated, and slept your way to the top. I allowed it, but only so that I could keep an eye on you. You never noticed that the people you tried to screw over are all perfectly fine.” He stopped, standing even with Mor and her other mates. “This woman is a queen. And my mate. And you - you are banished from my kingdom. You have one day and then you will be hunted down like the scum that you are.” She didn’t move, her eyes wide and her face flushed with anger. She opened her mouth to say something but Arthur didn’t allow her to say anything. “GO!” he roared.

  Selina turned and ran. Her father spluttered, “You - you - you can’t do this!”

  Arthur turned on him. “I am the king! You dare tell me what I can and cannot do? I suggest you go before you join your daughter in banishment.” He turned and followed his daughter out the door. Arthur took a moment to calm himself before turning to Mor. She was glaring at him. “I think we need to talk.” He glanced around the room. “Alone.”

  Eyes narrowed on him. “I believe you are correct, Arthur. Although my mates will attend me.” She swept from the room without waiting for his response.

  “You’re in for it now.” Atreyu clapped him on the back before following Mor.

  “This definitely was not how I wanted her to find out.” Arthur started to run a hand through his hair, mumbling a curse when he hit his crown.

  Ben looked at him. “The sooner we get this over with the better,” he grunted and left, Sebastian and Max going with him.

  “Fuck. Take care of this?” Arthur sighed to his sister and then followed them out of the room.

  Chapter 11


  Mor stormed out of the ballroom. Selina. And his mate? What the fuck was he thinking? And why were her mates so calm? She fumed as she paced the ballroom. Atreyu came in but didn’t approach her, just sat at the table. Ben, Sebastian, and Max came in and sat at the table. They didn’t say anything either, just watched her pace. Arthur came in a few moments later, firmly shutting the door behind him. He didn’t say anything, just leaned against the door and waited for her to stop.

  Mor turned on her heel and strode up to Arthur. “What were you talking about in there?”

  Arthur tried to ru
n his hand through his thick, black hair, cursing when he hit the crown. He yanked it off of his head. “This isn’t how I wanted this to happen.”

  “For what to happen?”

  “For how to tell you about this. To tell you that you’re my mate.”

  “That’s impossible. I have mates. Four of them. They are sitting right over there.” Mor spun to face them. “And why haven’t you said anything about this?”

  Max smiled at Mor. “We may have already known.”

  “You already knew?” She advanced toward them. “How dare you!”

  “Mor.” Ben stood up and faced her. “We spoke with him just before going into the room dinner. Just a few short hours ago.”

  “Well - I - “ she huffed and plopped into a chair. “Tell me what happened.”

  Smiling, Sebastian reached over and grabbed her hand. “We could see the attraction you had for him. And we feel that he’s a missing piece.”

  “I don’t understand.” Mor pulled her hand from Sebastian’s. “You all told me that we were complete.”

  Arthur came to the table and sat next to Mor. “We think it may be because of the distance. I also think it’s because of the barriers we keep around our borders.”

  “Is that why I - um - “

  “Why you keep getting all hot and bothered around me?” Arthur smirked.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can smell it.” His grin turned predatory.

  “Delicious, isn’t it?” Max was staring at her with a wicked smile.

  “It is at that.” Arthur leaned in toward her and ran his nose down her neck, making Mor shiver.

  She stood up abruptly and backed away from the grinning males. “Ooookay. Lets just…take a second to really think about this. I couldn’t possibly have another mate. And I was told dragons don’t share mates like Fae do.” She looked triumphantly at them. “See? I couldn’t possibly be Arthur’s mate!”


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