Fae- Beginnings

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Fae- Beginnings Page 12

by Eva Blackwing

  “Who is Lance? Could he have helped her?”

  Arthur burst out laughing. “Not possible. Lance is Lancelot.”

  “The stories all say he betrayed you.”

  “In this case, that was definitely not what happened. I was having a - uh - fling with Guinevere when Lance came back from traveling and met her. Turned out they were mates. I was the best man at their wedding.” Arthur grinned.

  “Oh, well, that’s definitely different than the story that gets told.” Ben smiled back at him. “Is there anything else we need to discuss right now? I want to check on the others. And make sure Mor gets some food in her and some rest. She’s not the best at remembering to take care of herself.”

  “Do you think she’ll accept me?”

  Ben stopped standing up and slowly sank back into the chair at Arthur’s soft words. “She’s stubborn but it took a surprisingly short time to convince her that we were her mates. And that we all wanted only her.” Ben shrugged. “Growing up human is fucked up. But I can tell you she is already starting to accept you. I feel it in our bond.” Now he stood up and said, “Come on, let’s get you back to her. You can start winning her over by making her eat something and then sleep.”

  Arthur snorted. “I’m not stupid. I’ll have food sent in for her and have a cot set up next to Max’s bed so she won’t have to leave him.”

  Ben groaned, “Better make it four cots - we won’t want to leave our mate.”

  “Fuck, I don’t want to leave her. I’ll have Max brought up to my suite. He can have one of the spare rooms and I’ll have the cots set up in there.”

  “And you’ll feel better knowing she’s in your rooms.”

  “Damn straight I will.” Arthur stood. “It’ll be good knowing you all are there too. Protecting our mate and each other.” He clapped Ben on the shoulder as they walked out of his office.

  When they got back to the healer’s room, they found Mor leaning forward with her head on the bed fast asleep. Max’s arm had somehow ended up draped across her back. Sebastian and Atreyu were dozing in chairs next to the bed. Arthur walked over to the side and started speaking with the healers. They nodded and then started issuing soft orders. “Can you get Mor upstairs? We’re going to bring Max up. Mor can share a bed with him and - “ He paused. “How do you usually sleep?”

  “We have one big bed. We all like to be touching her when we sleep.”

  “Huh. We’re going to need a bigger bed then. Anyway, I don’t think the healers would like us to pile in a bed with Max tonight. So we’ll let Mor and Max take the bed and I’ll have cots set up for the rest of us around the bed.”

  “Good, we’ll keep them safe. I’d feel better if we took watches, but you do have guards.”

  “I do. Lance will make sure we’re watched. I’ll meet with him while you get everyone settled in our suite.”

  “Our suite?”

  “Well, of course. I don’t want my mate and my brothers away from me.”

  “How are you doing so well with this? Dragons don’t mate in groups like the Fae.”

  “It just feels - right. And I’m far older than all of you combined. I’ve seen many things in my life, and this is definitely not one of the stranger ones.”

  “I think one day I’d like to sit down and hear about your past.” Ben looked at him thoughtfully.

  “When this is all over, we’ll sit down over a beer and have that talk. Go bring her up to the room, Ben. Max will be brought up shortly.”

  With a nod, Ben walked over to Mor and gently gripped her shoulder. She jumped up, blinking sleepy eyes at him. “Come, love, let’s get you to bed.”

  “I’m so tired.” Mor rubbed her eyes.

  “It’s close to two in the morning, love, and you just expended a lot of energy healing Max and then fighting off a dragon shifter.” Rather than waiting for her to try and stand, Ben pulled Mor into his arms. He took her up to the king’s suite and Mor was so tired she didn’t even notice it was the wrong room. Getting her into the bathroom, Ben got Mor ready for bed. By the time he carried her out of the bathroom, Max was already installed and sleeping in the bed. Gently, Ben tucked Mor into bed next to Max. He watched them for a moment and then went and got himself ready.

  Sebastian, Atreyu, and Arthur were already tucked into cots around the bed. With a heavy sigh, Ben crawled into his and waited for sleep to take him over. His mind kept running in circles. John. Selina. Mor having a dragon mate - a Pendragon, at that! His family. Max’s family. The change in how Fae were mating. Too much had happened. Mor turning up when she did. Not that he would ever complain about that. There must have been some sort of connection, but he couldn’t see it. Eventually, sleep snuck over him and pulled him into it’s depths.

  When he woke up, Ben felt rested for the first time in a long time. The room was still dark but he could hear voices in the next room over. He was alone in the room. Even Max wasn’t in the bed. He got up slowly, stretching each muscle as he went before going and getting ready for the day. After he got ready, Ben made his way out into the main room. He smiled at the scene that greeted him. Mor was sitting with the others, laughing over breakfast. This is how it should be, he thought. He walked over and kissed her softly when her head turned up toward him.

  “Good morning, love,” he whispered against her ear, just to feel the shiver it gave her. He sat down and helped himself to breakfast. The conversation flowed around him, but he didn’t talk much. He was still trying to figure out the connection between everything.

  “Why so quiet this morning, Ben?” Arthur finally called him out.

  Sighing, Ben said, “I’m missing the connection.”

  “Connection?” Max asked.

  “The missing royal family, finding Mor, John, Selina, Mor having you for a mate.” He waved his hand vaguely. “There must be something connecting it all.” His voice was frustrated.

  “I agree, Ben. Something must be connecting all of this.” Sebastian nodded, a slight frown marring his face.

  “I think we can agree that everything is escalating across the board.” Arthur picked up another piece of bacon and started munching on it.

  “Mor is the catalyst.” Atreyu had been silent until now. “She is the one everyone is trying to get ahold of. Her parents, John, Selina…I think we should be asking ‘why’ more than ‘what’.”

  Everyone was silent as they thought about what Atreyu had said. Finally Ben said, “So why do they need Mor?”

  “The castle. We all know it can only be accessed by a member of the royal family. And Mor is the last remaining member of the royals. So - what’s in the castle that they need?” Sebastian placed his napkin on his plate.

  “Do any of you know what is in the castle?” Arthur looked at each of them.

  “Well, no. Here’s what we do know. We found Mor. John tried to take Mor and has surrounded the castle. Selina has gone mad. Fae families are taking sides. Selina appears to have gone mad and appears to be sick.”

  Morgana had been silent until this point. “There must be something they want in the castle. Some weapon, or something. I’ll do some research today while you work on the Council.”

  “Why do you need to work on the Council?” Mor’s voice was quiet.

  “They need to accept you as my mate.”

  “And that will be hard because….?”

  Arthur sighed. “One, you’re a Fae with multiple mates. And two, if we ever had a child, it would combine the kingdoms. Fae and Pendragon.”

  “Oh. Maybe you shouldn’t be trying to force that.”

  Arthur scowled and Ben held back a smile as he said, “You are my mate. We will be assisting you in taking back your kingdom.” His voice was hard. Ben waited for Mor to argue, but she didn’t. She just stared searchingly at his face for a moment before nodding once.

  Good. Ben definitely suppressed his smile now. She was starting to accept Arthur as a mate and that her mates would always help her. “I think Max probably still needs a rest day. W
hy don’t we all stay in today and keep him company while Arthur deals with his Council?”

  Sebastian grinned. “Can your kitchen make popcorn with Reeses Pieces? It’s my favorite.”

  Arthur rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure we can accommodate your snacking needs.”

  Morgana stood. “I will be going to my library to research. We need to know what they are after.”

  Breakfast broke up, and they went into the TV room that Arthur indicated. Only it wasn’t a TV room. It was a full blown theater. With Amazon Prime and Netflix. Mor came in just behind him. “Holy fuck. This is amazing.” She ran over to the chair in the middle and grabbed the remote. “I think we all need a movie day since we can’t help Arthur with the Council.”

  “Let’s make the most of it, Mor. Who knows when we’ll get another chance.” Ben grinned at her and pulled her into a deep kiss. When she moaned into his mouth, he had a hard time pulling back. “I love you, Mor.”

  “I love you.” She kissed him again and then tugged him down next to her. “Time to relax - even if we just have today.”

  Ben smiled down at her. He was so grateful that he got to be hers. And he would do everything in his power to ensure she took her place as queen.

  Chapter 13


  Mor was restless. Selina’s dad had been found immediately but hadn’t known much. Apparently, she had forced him into presenting her as a potential mate by blackmailing him. He’d been having an affair - which should have been impossible with fated mates, but it turned out he was as awful as his daughter. Mor figured that’s where Selina had learned it from. Morgana had ordered Lance to report to her and he had several suspects - including the guard who had stopped them at the border. Apparently, Selina had her claws in more than Arthur had realized. He had bowed and said he would continue to work until they found the responsible party.

  Arthur had come to have lunch with them all, then gone back to argue some more with his Council. They were all opposed to him declaring Mor his mate. They were angry that he hadn’t picked a ‘nice dragon girl’. When he tried to point out that finding your mate wasn’t a choice, they scoffed and said he must be wrong. At which point Morgana had called for a lunch break before Arthur had started issuing execution orders.

  Now, Mor was still watching movies with her mates. She was finding it hard to settle in and relax. She stood and walked over to the bar and poured herself a drink. Without thinking about it, she started pacing around, her mind only partly on the movie.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Max came and joined her.

  “I don’t know. Just feeling - antsy? I can’t seem to stop moving.” Mor took a drink and kept pacing.

  “What are you feeling antsy over?”

  “Gee, I don’t know. Being a queen, fighting a war, being attacked by a dragon, you being shot?”

  Max chuckled softly. “I know there’s a lot going on. But you’ve been fine for most of the day, so I’m thinking there must be something triggering these feelings.”

  “Oh, what, like my magic is going to suddenly, what? See the future?”

  “I know you’re being sarcastic, but that was one of the traits of the royal family.”

  “Seriously? Sparks, healing, fire, water, earth, and fucking foresight?” She shook her head violently. “No. No. No. No. I do not want to see the future.”

  “Foresight comes in many ways, darling.” Sebastian came over to join them. “In the Air realm, foresight is more common than in the others. Still rare, but we see it more. It can be as simple as feelings or as complicated as a full vision.”

  Max looked at Mor thoughtfully. “You could be feeling anxious because Arthur isn’t here and hasn’t been around for most of the day.”

  Rolling her eyes, Mor poured herself another glass of wine. “Why would that make me anxious?”

  “Do you remember how your sleep got better when you were with all of us?” At her nod, Max continued, “That’s because you had all of your mates present. When one is missing, it can lead to stress and anxiety. It’s part of why we refused to split the group up.”

  “Once the bond is more established, then we can be separated for a few days, but in the early stages it’s incredibly hard.” Sebastian poured himself a glass of wine and then leaned on the bar.

  “Then why were your parents trying to send only some of us?”

  “Darling, my parents are many things, but they do not always see past the tips of their own noses.”

  Mor snorted, then started laughing. She caught Sebastian and Max sharing a self-satisfied smile and chose to ignore it. “Okay, so then maybe it’s just the bond. Why isn’t he back? I thought he would have dinner with us.”

  “Mor, it’s only four in the afternoon. Dinner will probably be at seven or eight.”

  “Then what are we going to do until then? I can’t sit and watch movies anymore. And I can’t go wandering the palace because it’s not safe.” She threw her head back and sighed.

  “Hmmm, my queen needs a distraction,” Sebastian purred as he slid next to her and wrapped her in his arms. “Care to help me distract her, Max?”

  “Oh absolutely. I think we can come up with many ways to keep her entertained while we wait for Arthur.”

  Sebastian scooped her into his arms and strode into the bedroom. “We’ll be out in a bit!” he called over his shoulder to Atreyu and Ben. Reaching the bed, Sebastian gently stood her up in front of it. “Strip.” His voice was hard, sending shivers down Mor’s spine. She reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up over head. Popping the button on her jeans she started to push them down until Sebastian said, “Stop. Turn around.”

  Turning around, Mor pushed her jeans over her hips and bent at the waist to push them off her legs. Before she could stand back up, she felt Max’s hand on her lower back, holding her in place. “I do love this view, but it’s better without these on.” His fingers gripped her panties and tore them off of her. “Look at this pretty pussy.” He dragged a finger along her lips and slipped one inside of her. “And already so wet. Hold on to the edge of the bed.”

  Mor reached out and grabbed the mattress just as she felt Max grip her thighs and push them a little farther apart. Then she lost all thought as his tongue began lapping at her pussy. “Fuck,” she moaned as flicked her clit with his tongue before going back to long lazy laps. “Please, Max.”

  She felt him pull away and cried out, trying to push back into him. “Why don’t you show me how much you want to come.”

  “How should I show you?”

  “Sebastian’s right there. Show him how much you want to come and maybe I’ll let you.”

  Mor looked up to see Sebastian on the bed. He slid to the edge of the bed and sat between her hands, holding the edge. His hand was on his cock, taking long, slow strokes. When the tip gleamed, Mor bent down and licked it off. She started to move her hands off the edge of the bed, but stopped at when Max growled, “Mouth only.” Mor bent down, her hair falling to cover her face as she licked his length from root to tip. As she swirled her tongue around the head of Sebastian’s cock she felt him gather her hair and hold it in a pony tail. Taking him in her mouth, she began to move up and down his length, using her tongue to swirl around as she went.

  “Good girl,” Max whispered against her before pulling her lips apart and starting to eat her again.

  Mor came off Sebastian with a moan and Max spanked her hard while Sebastian used his grip on her hair to pull her back. “Now, darling, that’s just rude. You’re supposed to be proving to us you want to come.” Immediately, Mor took him back in her mouth, but she kept losing focus as Max stepped up his game, slipping two fingers inside of her. “The next time you get distracted, darling, I’m going to fuck your face as punishment.”

  He tried to sound harsh about it, but they all knew she loved when they took control like this. Mor forced herself to try and focus on loving Sebastian’s cock, but then Max pushed a finger against her back hole and slipped it in
side. Mor stopped moving, the sensations of his fingers and mouth overwhelming her. “Tsk, tsk, Mor. You know what that means.” Sebastian’s hand grew tight in her hair as he stood up. Once standing, he demanded, “Open.” As soon as Mor’s mouth dropped he thrust his cock in and started moving. “You’re going to take all of me tonight, darling. I want to feel your throat wrapped around my cock.” Just as he said that, Max sucked hard on her clit, sending Mor into orgasm. She moaned around his cock as her body pulsed around Max’s fingers.

  Sebastian didn’t stop moving as Mor felt Max stand behind her. He pushed up against her and she felt his cock sliding along her soaking folds. “I’m not going to need any extra lubrication. Our queen is soaking.” Sebastian was moving deeper into her throat and she felt Max grip her ass cheeks and pull them apart. She felt the tip of his cock press against her and she whined a little as he pressed inside. “Relax, Mor.” Max’s voice was hard as he pushed and slipped inside of her. “You’re going to come again, but not until we’re ready.” His voice was harsh as his hands tightened on her hips and he began to thrust. “You’re such a good girl, taking us both like this.”

  Mor moaned, feeling her body begin to tighten again as they drove her toward another orgasm. “Look at me,” Sebastian demanded as he thrust all the way into her mouth. Mor gagged, couldn’t breathe, but she loved the control he had over her. He pulled back out and started thrusting shallowly into her throat. “Next time, you’re going to swallow everything. Keep those eyes on me.”

  One of Max’s hands slipped around her front and began flicking her clit. She was moaning hard now, her voice muffled by Sebastian thrusting into her throat. Her body was tense, ready, about to go over the edge but she was holding back until they were ready. “I’m ready to feel you come, Mor. Do it now.” Max’s demand sent her flying back over the edge, and he thrust into her hard as Sebastian pushed all the way into her mouth.


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