Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 26

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  The winged beauty stepped closer and bent over to say “Your grandmother was wiser.” and laughed. “Good night, Ethan.”

  “Night… Oh wait!” she stopped and turned back around. “Where do you want to meet?”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind an ear. “Breakfast of course. My body requires food now. I want to meet your friends and now that the cat’s out of the bag I don’t want to hide from you anymore.” Her wings had a black quality as they expanded and she shot into the air with a ‘whoosh’ heading for her room with a lighter heart and something to greatly look forward to.

  Ethan remained out on the roof for a few more minutes before heading down. He grabbed the lock and locked the roof hatch so Celestia didn’t get madder.

  As he entered his bedroom Dress immediately turned himself. “Tell. Me. Everything.” The cabinet demanded. Ethan was too excited not to go into every detail and told the spirit how happy he was. “I knew it! I just knew it! Out of everyone, Kanade wants to speak about you all the blasted time. It makes sense now why you haven’t been rutting with every willing female. You’re each other’s angel! Ha, now the babies will start coming. I love babies. It’s a sure thing now. Spirit Guides can’t bond with someone shooting blanks.”

  “Whoa! Nobody said anything about kids. All we did was kiss!”

  “Give it time.” Dress said ominously. “Doubt you’ll get much sleep, Handsome, till you get it all out of your system…” Dress rolled his eyes. “Kanade’s says to tell you to get in bed and have pleasant dreams.”

  “Tell her I will… Oh, and what does she say about me?”

  “Done!” Then the blue eyes focused. “And you know I don’t share personal information. Not even with her and she bloody tries nearly every hour on the hour. I keep all confidences private. Now get to bed before I tell her you’re hesitating… You can talk from bed and she’ll never know.” Dress added mischievously with a wink.

  After another hour, the rush of the moment subsided and the day’s work caught up. Ethan fell asleep with dreams of Kanade again, but this time they were more loving and the impression of her lips lingered, even in the dreams.

  Dress didn’t even need to wake Ethan this morning. It might have been only two hours of sleep, but it was the best he’d had all month. He jumped out of bed in the nude without a care, much to Dressor’s delight and humor. Ethan took another shower, one more thorough and he also trimmed his beard more evenly, shaving a bit around his throat. He brushed his hair and teeth and wrapped a towel around his middle before exiting to find Dress had set out a brown sleeved shirt that was thin and cool to the touch and would breathe well, a pair of sweats, new boxers he ordered yesterday for the first time with his points and ankle socks. “You want me to wear this? What will Kanade think?”

  The furniture rolled his eyes. “Plaaa-ease! She won’t care how your dressed if you start slacking off with Blake. Not only will he not tolerate it, she won’t. These clothes are what you usually train in. Better get going.”

  Ethan realized the truth of the words and put on the clothes, tucked in his shirt and tied his new boots on. They fit great and they, plus the boxers, cost him twenty three points total. So far it was a well spent exchange. The steel toed boots would be great for three times already in the shop he dropped the heavy hammer, nearly breaking several toes in the process.

  Early morning air filled Ethan’s lungs as he stepped out and his mind had never felt so clear. It remained quite bright, but dawn light was just as happy as he as he forged ahead down the old worn path. His mind couldn’t stop going over what occurred hours ago and realizing he now had the woman beyond even his own vivid imagination. He felt revitalized and filled with purpose. Each step brought him one step closer to the castle and to the one who actually liked him.

  It took near an hour to reach the castle and the morning chime sounded just as he located his table.

  Several minutes passed before Storm-shadow arrived and took his seat beside his companion. Immediately he noticed an obvious difference. “Ethan, what has occurred? Normal mornings you are too tired to sit up, but you are wide awake. Did you sleep at all or have a cup of coffee already?”

  Ethan couldn’t hide his grin. “Nope. I did get two hours, but no coffee yet. Actually I had a bit of a surprise last night.”

  “Oh?” The stallion smiled from Ethan’s bright energy. “Do tell.”

  “Have you met the new Enchantress yet?” He asked first.

  “I have not had the pleasure to do so yet.” Storm-shadow honestly said.

  “She and Kanade are one and the same.”

  The stallion prince was quiet as he contemplated before his dark eyes widened. “Wait… Kanade, you’ve not said that name often… not since you and Floa had that confrontation… I wondered, but didn’t wish to pry into an affair that upset you. Has the situation been rectified?”

  “I’d say so, Storm.” Ethan grinned cheerfully. “Do you know much about Spirit Guide courtship?”

  “The subject is familiar…” Then Storm-shadow’s eyes widened as things began falling in place. The Pegasai whinnied a hearty laugh, stomping a hoof on the floor loudly enough that a few heads turned. “Truly? You and a Spirit Guide are soul mates?”

  “She told me last night.” Ethan then asked in a hushed tone. “Storm, could it be a trick?”

  “No.” came a definitive answer. “Her kind cannot lie, just as they cannot harm. They can omit information or not answer, but if they tell you directly, there is no doubt. Did she tell you that you are her angel?”

  “She did.”

  “Then it completely explains why you aren’t like other biped males mounting every female who allows it. Your souls are locked together. I’m glad for you…”

  “I hear a but coming.” Ethan interrupted.

  “But” Storm-shadow chuckled and fluffed his wings playfully. “if she becomes a distraction it will only hinder you and the need for you is great… And do not make a fool of yourself and prance around like an untried colt to impress your filly. Disaster will befall fools.” The wisdom in that wasn’t lost.

  “Got it. She said the same thing.”

  “I did.” Came a chiming voice which had them turning.

  Kanade had silently landed behind their table while their attention was on each other. Her presence drew all nearby attention as she didn’t have the fuzzy shroud the other Spirit Guides there had. Her corporeal and solid form had everyone realizing she was the Enchantress. Her wings shimmered almost as much as her faint glittery skin in the hall lighting.

  Kanade smiled brightly and she wasn’t alone as Floa sat on her collarbone, like it was a sofa. The Pixie commented “I’m so glad you kids kissed and made up. Now I don’t have to hear you both complaining and sulking around… Ethan, you were better at hiding it.”

  “Floa!” Kanade gasped. “Don’t embarrass me.”

  “How long again have you known me, Girlfriend?” The Pixie tinkled a tiny laugh. “I’m not going to change. I’d be no fun if I did.” Kanade groaned.

  “Fair morning, Enchantress. I am Storm-shadow.” The steed stood and turned around. “It is a pleasure.”

  “Kanade, please.” She lightly corrected and looked slightly down into those critical eyes. “Floa has told me much of Ethan’s companion. I hope he has behaved and brought honor to your union?”

  “He still has much to learn, but his progress is steady. Will you be sharing a meal with us?”

  “If it isn’t an imposition?”

  “Ugh, stop the formalities. They are so boring!” Floa half screamed and demanded as she jumped of Kanade’s bare collarbone with the flourish of an acrobat and flitted down to the ground where she clapped her hands and in an instant grew to five and a half feet tall. Her sharp white teeth were revealed in a grin. “Come and sit. I want to hear all about last night’s rendezvous. I’ve been itching for the scoop all night. Seeing how you both didn’t arrive together I’m guessing last night wasn’t steamy.” She got her a
nswer as both of then flushed.

  “Hello? Did I miss something?” Kira’s voice chimed in as she sauntered closer in an azure, strapless dress with matching heels. Her long brown hair was loose and tumbled down both her back and front in a way that still accentuated her bombshell figure and large bust. As always she was done up perfectly with makeup that highlighted her pouty lips, sharp cheekbones and large light green eyes.

  “Great, another half dressed harlot. In my day a woman barely showed their ankles!” Ken commented, but went ignored.

  “Ah, you must be Kira Penbrooke.” The Enchantress bent lower and offered her hand, hiding her jealousy. Kanade instantly disliked this short Witch who took provocatively clothed to the very limit. Kanade hated how this was the woman who had been constantly trying to bring Ethan into a naked embrace. Now that she finally got a close look she found her jealously was understated for this female was of perfect figure and immensely beautiful. Still, these foul thoughts were hid as she said “I’m Kanade Cerulean the First House’s new Enchantress. It’s a pleasure.”

  Kira immediately recognized the name and her eyes darted from the giantess to the Elemental and noticed he seemed more relaxed and spirited, even meeting her gaze. He never looked so well and handsome at this hour and knew deep down that her territory had been violated. The Witch absently took the hand, noticing Kanade’s bare long legs that stopped at a pair of short jean shorts that hugged round hips. Her top was a backless white shirt that would be a dress on Kira and was made of delicate lace over a light green slip top. Her breasts seemed below average on such a tall body, but were larger than Kira’s double D’s. The wings were as perfect as her hair, sharing the same color. And Kira instantly resented Kanade for she didn’t wear even a hint of makeup because it wasn’t required. Kanade hadn’t one outward flaw. The two of them instantly despised one another and all could see the tension except the oblivious Ethan and most every other male watching. What was worse was the delicate, dainty southern belle accent that didn’t match such a tall woman. Kira smiled pleasantly though her green eyed monster reared its ugly head. “A pleasure, Kanade. Is there a reason the infamous Enchantress to graces us this morning? You come to also see the man who singlehandedly took down and Elf and saved a baby?”

  Ken laughed, but then disappeared with a clap from Floa and stomped on his surface as she often does. She realized the book was about to make matters worse, and giving a little pain saved the nearby area. Floa didn’t say it, but every Pixie in the vicinity could taste the rise in magic and were ready to flee. “None of your remarks!” She stomped her bare heel on it.

  The change, thanks to Floa’s actions, lowered the magic along with hostility between the two women.

  “I didn’t know my view was bad enough to be infamous.” Kanade straightened, glancing at Ethan who seemed oblivious. Men didn’t see things as women. “What have I done that was so bad?”

  Kira shook her head. “Poor choice of words on my part. Few have seen you is all. Many Casters want to speak with you, but you are either gone or locked in your room. My mother and cousins really wish to learn some new runes from an experienced Enchantress and are jealous. Now that I’ve got you, can you…”

  “I’m sorry.” Kanade quickly held up her hands. “Many runes I use would kill mortals. The Spirit Energy required is immense and would break another species’ soul.”

  “Can’t you just copy runes? I see them everywhere.”

  Both Kanade and Kira looked at his puzzled expression. The Witch said “Just because runes can be seen doesn’t mean they can be duplicated. One rune could mean to lift a droplet of water while the same one for a different intent could petrify a mouse or make boils grow. It is the intent a Caster needs to understand to recreate a spell. Those like me can make a ball of light about the size of a beach ball, but her kind can make a skyscraper of light… and many of us do not believe we’ll die if we try their runes.”

  “Believe it, Kira Penbrooke.” Heads turned toward an ancient pair. High Wizard and Witch Merlin and Morgane Le Fay walked hand in hand. Morgane looked lovely in a lavender flowing dress that showed off her youthful bosom and shoulders while flowing red hair and deep green eyes took them in. She had an air of ancient nobility about her. Merlin meanwhile looked as crazed as usual, his brown hair wild as his hazel eyes darted around like a kid with ADD who just had rock-candy and a liter of soda and chugged. The Wizard’s excitement seemed tempered only by his wife’s touch and serene energy. Morgane continued to say “I know the truth for both my mother and sister learned runes beyond their limit and fractured their souls. Few know, but Thor had to put them down so they could be taken to Spirit World to be repaired. I’ve seen the horror of a fractured soul and even after a four hundred years, my communion with them is still difficult. It took two centuries before they remembered my name and even now they are still being healed. If the Enchantress says no about runes, she has a reason.”

  “Mr. Inferno!” Merlin shouted as if he just spotted Ethan standing beside Storm-shadow. “Just who I was looking for!” The Wizard moved quickly in a button-down vest and brown leather pants, not even realizing his wife’s declaration and the silence it caused for twenty feet while everyone living there came in for breakfast. Kira sighed for breath as her leader shifted her green eyes to her husband’s back. Merlin excitedly asked “I’d like to examine the Drone Odin told me about last night. We spoke in passing, but you didn’t answer. I also heard a Witch helped test some of its limits. Which Witch was it?”

  “Me, High Wizard.” Kira said meekly and the crowd began dispersing under Storm-shadow’s penetrating stare.

  “What’s your name again?” the crazed Wizard spun around in a smooth motion, showing deceptive strength in his lanky body. She gave her name and he looked blankly.

  “Don’t mind him.” Morgane said when Kira looked hurt at the reaction. “Merlin isn’t good with names, especially when he gets like this.”

  “How can you tell the difference?” Ethan chuckled and Morgane gave him a small smile.

  “Centuries of being a devoted wife. Be thankful you weren’t around during Disco. Merlin wore some of the most outlandish material…”

  “So can I see it! The Drone, I want to study it.” Merlin’s eyes retuned to Ethan’s and were both hilarious and a bit madman frightening.

  Kanade stepped forward and placed a hand on the Wizards shoulder. He looked up as she said “The Drone in an ethereal combination of spiritual energy and fire. It attacks its target through all physical matter unimpeded. Even if a demon changed to a spirit form the Drone would still be capable of attacking. It is the second most lethal fire ability a Fire Elemental can create. Nothin’ can hide from it once released and gets faster the longer its hunting. Only an enchanter’s magic or that of greater dragons and upper class demons have a hope of blockin’ or resistin’, dependin’ by how much energy is contained in the sphere. It’s limits are only as great as the individual. It can only target objects and cannot just come out by command without said target fixed in the user’s mind. Once the target is reached the energy is instantly released. That is the capabilities of the Drone.”

  “You sucked the fun out of months of experimenting!” He accused and a split second later he smiled and said “Thank you! Saved me some time you did!”

  “Come, Love.” Morgane said and held out a hand. Merlin half bounced over, took it and they walked away without another word.

  Floa giggled while her foot kept grinding into Ken who was both in pain and cursing. “Interesting pair they make. Merlin hasn’t changed. You handled him like a pro. You were listening to my stories, Girlfriend. You hit every one of his intellectual questions and satisfied them. Good work.”

  “Kanade,” Ethan began and watched as Kira moved to sit down so she could go over what just happened. Her own mind needed sorting and got like this sometimes when she was working out a solution. “where did all that information come from? Did your powers sense all that last night?”

/>   She shook her head, but before she could answer Cook started popping up all over the place. “We better take our seats.”

  They sat together, Floa to Ethan’s left and Kanade to the right. Beside the Pixie sat Kira and then Storm-shadow. Cook’s eye widened as her mouth-less voice said “Kanade, well this is a surprise.” at the same time she was also in front of Ethan asking “What’ll it be, Hon?”

  “Yes, I’m intendin’ to eat with everyone else startin’ today.” Kanade surprised Ethan as beneath the table she wound her hand with his as if it were the most natural thing in her life, like breathing. He too held her hand possessively. “May I have a dozen eggs, bowl of grits, four ham steaks, crispy bacon and a pitcher of orange juice with pulp.”

  “Coming right up.” Cook dropped to a large plate and a second later was breakfast.

  “Hungry?” Ethan asked with a grin.

  “Girl has to eat.” She returned with mirth dancing in her eyes.

  “Alright then… Cook, same order for me, but give me the usual portions.”

  “Pastry?” the floating eyes looked between them.

  “None for me.” He said as she added “Me either.” In a moment his meal looked like hers, only smaller with four eggs, two ham steaks, half her bowl’s size with similar crispy bacon. She bid farewell and vanished.

  Then Ethan went for the fork and stopped as he realized he held Kanade’s hand. She too looked at the intimate threading of their hands with surprise before both smiled. Knowing he’s right handed, she let go, but instantly missed the connection. To busy herself she began to eat with gusto, but with proper table manners. Ethan ate much the same and realized she had also been raised well at mealtimes. Halfway through her meal Ethan finished and made sure his hand claimed hers. She smiled in gratification and finished in three more minutes.

  Afterwards she returned to the earlier question. “No, my senses only told me how powerful the Drone is.” His attention, as well as everyone at the table turned to listen. “I learned of a Fire Elemental’s powers from another Guide who once watched over King Solomon himself. I prepared myself as thoroughly as possible.”


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