Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 28

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Date-night again?” Ethan asked.

  “It is Thursday.” Storm-shadow confirmed. “It’s our only day together that Queen Gra and her Amazons aren’t taking all the mares on patrol. You should be safe without me for a few hours.” And then he winked before trotting off.

  “What would you like to do for the next four hours?” Ethan asked.

  “Spend quality time with you of course. Care to do that in my room?” Kanade hoped for a positive answer.

  “I’d love to. You’re my girl after all.”

  “That I am.” Kanade smiled so brightly her cheeks hurt. “Flying will be quicker. Or would you rather walk.”

  “What do you think?”

  “That you want to embrace me as much as I do and cop a feel.” She knew it was true as she said it.

  “Bingo!” He wrapped his sore right arm around her back just as her left gripped him. They knelt together and jumped as her wings flapped downward and took off straight up.

  The rush of wind felt good as her cinnamon scent surrounded him. In moments she cleared the castle’s roof and glided forward over the nursery of trees and baby Nymphs that hadn’t sprouted yet. A dozen Centaur and Ogre patrolled relentlessly around the roof, vigilant protectors of the young along with all Nymph mothers who watched over their seeds. Kanade made sure the flight was slow towards the lone, large tower in the heart of the Castle.

  Eventually she angled towards the tower’s fifth of six tower floors which all had grand balconies used for landing and serve as a strategic defense should danger come from the sky. She flew to her balcony on the north side and effortlessly landed.

  More runes framed a large iron door even a Centaur could walk through sideways. It was shut, but as he pulled his arm back Kanade stepped forward and laid a hand on a specific rune that looked similar to a starburst with a spiraling line in its heart. The moment she touched it the rune flashed blue and the door swung outwards on silent hinges. She returned and intentionally claimed Ethan’s hands with a giddy bounce to her step. “I’ve never had a boyfriend, but this is my room.”

  Inside Ethan vaguely remembered it from yesterday. Like his own room, this one was spacious with a fifteen foot ceiling and plenty of room to hold a party up to about fifty people without feeling crowded. On one wall held an sixty inch HD TV with a DVR and DVD hooked up. Shelves surrounded the TV and were filled with hundreds and hundreds of movies. In front of the TV was the supersized sofa with a fifteen foot long arrangement and was four and a half to five feet deep and made of a rusty color leather. In the corner was her bed, one large enough for her to stretch out and was just as large as his. It was covered in a lavender bed sheet with six large pillows at its head. On the nightstand was a thick book with a glass of water and beside it was a fireplace, not currently in use. Beside the door, in a corner at an angle, was Dress grinning from ear to ear. He broke the silence. “Well isn’t this romantic. Flying in through the air, holding one another. Hmmm,” The cabinet hummed. “young love.”

  Kanade had forgotten about him and flushed. “Dress, we wish for total privacy till supper.”

  “Very well, Spoilsport.” Dress said with a wink and his large golden face and eyes faded completely away. The knobs were now ivory white and mahogany wood grains looked proper.

  “Wow, how did you do that?!” Ethan asked, shocked. “Could Dress always do that, leave I mean?”

  Kanade gave him an ‘Are you serious?’ look. “Did you not know that you can ask or order him for total privacy?” He shook his head. “Well now you know. Though Dress doesn’t sleep, he can inhabit closets and leave so long as you give him a timeframe on when to return. He will respect a person’s privacy, but if away you will be unable to retrieve a new wardrobe without goin’ to another resident’s room and speak to him there.”

  “Seems I’m going to need to have a chat with him. He neglected that bit of information. Good to know. Now I can sleep more easily.”

  “Do you find it difficult to sleep?” Kanade asked as she led him to the couch and together they got comfortable.

  The leather was soft and felt great on his sore body. “I do because I prefer to sleep in the nude. Having a gay closet who doesn’t sleep and likes watching TV all night long is a difficult roommate to have. Dress likes to tease, but he has a good heart… and I hate to admit it, but the man sure knows how to make stylish clothes.”

  “That he does. He made me a new bra and panties this mornin’ and picked out this shirt and shorts.” When she realized what she said her cheeks reddened.

  Ethan grinned. “I know. Red lace. It surprised me.”

  “Oh, this is embarrassin’.” Her wings shook and her blue hair tried bashfully covering her features.

  “Don’t be. When you bent over and I saw the classy thong. I liked it. Personally, I didn’t expect Spirit Guides to wear something so sexy.”

  “Dress did say he knew you’d like it if you found out. And I’m a woman, why wouldn’t I want to warm the blood of my angel.”

  Ethan laughed. “Isn’t that a bit dangerous? I’m a Fire Elemental after all. Didn’t your parents tell you not to play with fire?”

  “Perhaps I didn’t listen. Can’t help that my angel can’t take the heat.”

  One of his dark auburn eyebrows raised. “I’m immune to fire, Beautiful. I can take anything you can throw my way.”

  “We’ll see soon enough.” Her molten gold eyes twinkled as her rosy cheeks darkened more. She even felt her nipples hardening and tried shifting topic. “Ethan, you seem to have recovered from last night’s revelation… I… I want to hear how you are takin’ it…”

  He took her slightly trembling hands in his. Now that they were close and alone Kanade noticed Ethan’s eyes weren’t entirely grey, he had several rusty specks hidden inside. He then gave her another smile that reached his eyes. “Kanade, all you told me last night wasn’t too hard to deny. I felt an instant connection, but now I can understand why I’ve reacted this way. I’ve dreamt of you every time my eyes closed. Never has any girl done that. Your eyes. Your lips. Your smile. Your soft spoken voice and accent. I remember it all. When we touched you felt right.

  “I was torn up inside and threw myself into my work after you left. I hated how my fantasies involved a woman who I could never have. An actual angel, in my mind, and a human couldn’t be together. It was impossible, but still I yearned. Before you I would admire a woman’s body like every other guy, searching for one who would love me totally. When I got here I was bombarded by women who wanted me, but I couldn’t respond to their attentions as I would have. I now know my heart was already given away. Deep down I knew you were all I would want, will ever want. I told others I was flattered, but always said no.

  “And then last night… well… was a surprise. You called me your husband, Kanade, in your culture, are we actually married?”

  Slowly, she nodded while chewing her bottom lip. “Yes. The moment we kissed and I could taste my own power, we were wed down to our very souls. But till we are truly joined my desires are manageable. I am your wife, soul mate, lover, best friend, confidant, mother of your future children and angel. I cannot lie about this. For my kind to find their soul mate there is no lavish ceremony, weddin’ in front of family and friends. Nothin’ can break the bond we share forever, not even time. When we kissed was all the ceremony needed.”

  “Are you ok with all of this? I mean, I’m just a human…”

  “Ethan, do not think that way. Do not think I want another.” She leaned forward and kissed him slowly. When she pulled back she said. “I’ve never told anyone this, no one.” She said clearly. “But I’ve always known my soul mate wasn’t Spirit Guide or Enforcer. My dreams were of a faceless, but beautiful bearded man cloaked in red. No Guide or Enforcer has body hair except on their head or eyebrows and wouldn’t ever wear red unless they were born with such colorin’. Celestial beings usually wear gold and only mortals would wear red. And now that I see you here, I know my dreams were right.
Furthermore, now that I have a mortal body and a beatin’ heart again, I can feel much more deeply. Ethan you are what I want and need. So long as we live, I have no regrets. I’m truly happy.”

  “Prove it.”

  “Kiss me.” She whispered and felt his hands wrap around her waist and his lips tenderly pressed against hers. Her wings instinctively and intimately surrounded them together. Her hands wove through his hair and pulled him closer. She felt her head begin to swim and noticed he was pushing her back. She went willingly, not wanting to resist. She enjoyed how he took control and how tender he was at the same time. She submitted to his power, unable to resist her angel’s love for her. They found each other and wouldn’t be separated. He kissed her and his hand went to her breast. She gasped and arched her back. He went to pull away, but she said “Don’t. Here.” and took his hand in hers and pushed it under her shirt and bra so she could feel him touch her bare breast. “Do you like them?” She shivered in pleasure as he caressed her nipple and was delighted as he rumbled a growl deep in his chest. She then kissed him again, enjoying how great he could make her feel. “Ethan, if we don’t stop” she gasped again. “we won’t leave my room at all.”

  “Sorry.” He took his hand out from under her shirt and she realized her own hands were under his as well, enjoying the feel of his firm, hairy chest, coarse yet soft and erotic.

  Her cocooning wings opened as he propped on her side, pinning a wing down, but she enjoyed how his body molded with hers. “Don’t be.” She stroked his hair out of his eyes and along his jaw. “That was amazin’ and beautiful. I’ve never felt so womanly and loved. I truly wish to have you in me, My Angel, but our duties are more important at this time than personal pleasure. Very soon though I want that experience. I’m glad you are not the pressurin’ type.”

  “You’re worth it.” Is all he needed to say.

  She turned on her side and enveloped him in her wings. He stroked them and all were softer than velvet and she warned “Ethan, don’t do that if you don’t want me to sleep. Stroking my wings will do that. They are very sensitive. And I do not wish to be in a compromisin’, vulnerable state with a man who wants me so badly.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around him. “Not that I’d mind too much.”

  “I wouldn’t…”

  “I know.” She got more comfortable after giving another kiss she couldn’t get enough of. She was already addicted. “Ethan, I want to know more about you. Tell me your history.”

  “Couldn’t you just flick your wrist or snap your fingers and read my life?”

  Kanade shook her head. “Not anymore. When I took mortal form I lost many abilities my spirit form is capable of. I’m no longer a Spirit Guide. I’m an Enchantress. I can no longer suck in souls for safe keepin’ or read Fate’s plan, but now I can feel my emotions more deeply, touch objects without magic, feel sensations a spirit cannot, feel my heart beatin’, have fatigue, need to eat… and be with you again. Ethan I want to learn about my angel’s life from him, not read it.”

  “So you’ve given up a lot huh?”

  “No, I’ve gained more.” He had to smile at that answer.

  “Alright, but I want to know more about you too.” She nodded eagerly. “Well thirty years ago my mom had me through a cesarean section, because she was already a quadriplegic due to a car accident when she was a teen. I weighed eight pound, eight and a half ounces. I was her first. My brother Billy came a year after, but six weeks after my brother was born my dad just took off on my mom.” His tone turned bitter. “My grandparents took care of my mom and us till I got big enough to help out. When I was thirteen I was curious about tracking my dad down, but found he died in a hiking accident with a new wife he had cheated with on my Mom, ten years prior. Can’t say he didn’t deserve it, but I never told my mom, she still loved him and didn’t know the real reason he left her, but still suspected. My mom hated being a quad, but she was the strongest person I ever knew. She was always so quiet and even tempered, which I emulated because I was always so angry and hot headed as a kid. I never got into a fight before, but I always had anger issues. For my mom though, I hid it like she did the pain of her hard life…”

  “What’s a quad?” Kanade asked softly.

  “Short for quadriplegic. My mom was paralyzed entirely from the chest down. She was able to breathe under her own power, but only her left arm worked enough to drive her chair and she could manage to hold a fork or spoon to feed herself.” He explained. “She was beautiful, had auburn hair like me and sterling silver eyes. Billy’s black hair he got from my grandfather.

  “I grew up helping my mom while Billy became distant and in high school started doing drugs and drinking, partying like crazy and snidely blaming me and our mother for his own shortcomings.

  “I graduated with honors and went to Florida State University to later receive my Masters in business with a minor in art while my grandparents looked after mom and Billy went somewhere.

  “Then five years ago I lost my mom. I was driving us down I-4 from her book club meeting one night when a drunk fell asleep behind a wheel. Before I could react he ran us off the road. We hit the ditch at seventy five miles an hour and careened straight for the trees. It all happened so fast, but we crashed into a tree.” Ethan swallowed as the memory returned, but didn’t stop. “I awoke in the hospital with only a concussion and a cut on the cheek from a shard of glass, but my mom wasn’t so lucky. A tree branch pierced the windshield and pierced her heart. Doctors said that she didn’t feel anything, especially with the paralysis. Since then I’ve never driven and will never drive a car again.”

  “I’m sorry Ethan, but you can know with certainty that your mother’s soul is in the Endless Gardens with your grandparents. I do know that much. I’ve spoken with them. Your relatives have vibrant spirits.”

  “Really?” He drew back and sat up.

  Kanade also sat properly and fixed her top. “Yes. The three of them are all proud of you. I had to meet future my husband’s family and I can tell you they love me already and they wish us the very best, especially Lori, your mother. As for Daniel, your father, Lori’s spirit was stronger than his and his actions brought him to the Isle of Regret with that woman who was also married to another at the time.”

  Ethan deflated. “I’m glad they are together and he got what was deserved. Thank you for that, Kanade, but you said you didn’t know my past.”

  “You’re welcome and I wasn’t lyin’. Lori and you grandparents spoke fondly of you and wanted to know of me, but I made it clear they were to say nothin’ of your life. They didn’t. Now it’s my turn.” Kanade took his hand and threaded her baby soft fingers with his. “Twenty nine Earth years ago…”

  “Earth years?”

  “Oh Ethan…” Kanade laughed. “Earth isn’t the only mortal world that has life. Other worlds, millions of them, have strange and wondrous beings even beyond your imagination. Many are neutral, like humans and Thunderbirds. Do you really think Nagai or Centaur originate from Earth? Think again. They have their own worlds.” She enjoyed his expression and wide eyes. “When I say Earth years, different planets have different calendars. Time is the same, but is counted differently. Only Demon and Spirit World are a realm with endless space.

  “Back to what I was sayin’, twenty nine Earth years ago I hatched from my egg. The Cerulean family is the third largest of all Spirit Guide clans. Mated pairs decide which family they wish to belong to. My family consists of ten thousand eight hundred and four… which now includes you. My ancestral grandmother already counts you as my mate of the family.”

  “Since I’m not a winged spiritual being that already has a family you mean?”

  “Good, you do understand.” He loved making her smile. “After I hatched my maturity is much like every other human female except I stopped aging at twenty one and I don’t menstruate.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Ethan joked and received a slight slap on the arm.

  “Behave you!” She laughed in a mus
ical way. “We’ll have time to banter later.” Kanade shook, trying not to continue laughing. “After I hatched my parents rejoiced. At three I began learnin’ runes and how to fly unaided. At nine I learned all children needed to pick a world in which help’s Order. I chose the one in Alabama because I liked how all the girls talked and became an Enchantress. I loved helpin’ out and makin’ things last longer. My powers grew steadily till my eighteenth year in which I was strong enough to protect and deliver souls to Spirit World.” She then pointed to her movie collection. “I know your hobby is in comics and games, but my favorites are the old classics. Slapstick mostly, like the Three Stooges or the Addams Family. Black and white only for those. I’m also a sap for romance movies.” Ethan groaned. “Sorry, you’re stuck with a real woman. If you are my man you’ll learn to love it… Especially if you want a piece of this.” She gestured to herself.

  “Kanade, it’s not just a piece I want. I want all of you. If that means suffering through a few movies, I can handle it. You just better be prepared for what I’ll do…” Then his eyes widened as he realized a detail he missed. “Uh, I know this is wrong on so many levels, but I need to know… Is… a… do we combine like other couples. It’s not like you lay eggs like a salmon and I have to uh…”

  The Enchantress laughed out loud. “No, did you not just hear me say I’m just like every other woman? Ethan, we will be together like any other couple, in every way. My part A will take in your part B. I’ve got a vagina. The only difference is that one day I will lay a single white egg larger than an ostrich’s from our union. It will be a long time before that occurs most likely. The benefit of layin’ a precious egg is all the practice I’m looking forward to.”

  “Then will it be like it is between the female races like Nymphs and Pixies who daughters stay like mothers, but sons reflect their father? Oh and would it have a mortal or spirit form?”

  “Our future children will take after me without doubt for my matriarch’s children all took after her regardless to sex rather than the Thunderbird king. If I have this physical body when I lay, our offspring will have a physical body. Similarly would occur without. My more dominant genes will determine a winged child. Are you disappointed?”


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