Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 31

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “She has one hell of an uppercut.” He admitted, feeling his jaw. “She dropped me harder than Blake.” He smiled weakly as he stood and brushed off his sweats before heading off the roof first.

  The Enchantress followed him down and magically locked the hatch. She shut and locked his bedroom door. Just as he was heading into the shower Kanade said “Wait.” and told him Celestia’s words.

  Dress silently watched and listened to Ethan say “You may explain what happened to my master and please also inform Blake I’ll make up tomorrow’s lesson. Should he ask, you may tell him as well. Please also seal the door and activate privacy. Lastly, can we be alone tonight? You can come back at our usual wake up time.”

  “Sure thing, Handsome.” Ethan saw a momentary flicker of blue light at his door. “If you need me, just knock. Good night… oh and Ethan?” Dress paused, looking at Kanade. “I think you might need nightclothes. Your usual sleeping arrangements might be a little much for Kanade’s… delicate sensibilities.”

  Surprising both she said with scarlet cheeks “My mate will sleep as he always does… but with boxer shorts… Dress after he goes to bathe, can I please wear what I usually do to bed?”

  The cabined raised a gold brow. “Fine by me.” The doors split his face in half and out shot a pair of blue boxers which Ethan caught. “Get to it.” He entered the bathroom and shut the door. In a low tone Ethan couldn’t hear Dress said “I was worried you had forgotten your promise about your fist night you’d be together?”

  Boldly she placed the food on the bed and returned. “I want my smell on him, not hers. He is mine, Dress. What happened will not occur again. He will know my body tonight as I will his… besides, I need to care for him. He’s been neglectin’ his back with the ointment. Those bruises are all over.”

  “It’s not that. Ethan just cannot reach those spots and won’t ask for help.”

  “Well as his mate, I’ll do it. My clothes please?” Dress shot out a pair of black lacy panties and a bra. “These? I do not wear these…”

  “Trust me, Girl, you’ll bond better because of it. You aren’t the first couple I’ve dealt with and certainly not last. This will be just enough to bring you close together and sexy enough that if you feel the time is right, will be easy enough to take off. If not, you two can still cuddle… Well I’m off.” Before she could demand more appropriate attire Dress’s golden face vanished from the closet.

  Kanade stared at the scandalous scraps of lace and shuddered. Momentarily forgotten was her hurt as lust filled her pleasantly. Thoughts of Ethan’s reactions and what she wanted him to do raced through her mind. She trusted Dress’s discretion and opinion as he’d yet to be wrong and slipped out of her clothes and put on her new bra and panties. She turned the TV to a white screen before turning off the ceiling light. It was darker now, and hoped all would go well as she unpacked the basket and laid out the food. Afterwards she found the depleting ointment in a jar out on his nightstand.

  The shower ended and Ethan made sure he could wash away all scent by scrubbing and washing four times, leaving no crevice unwashed. He didn’t know what waited beyond the door, but deep down it both thrilled and terrified him.

  With just a thought his power steamed off all the water, he brushed his teeth and hair before sliding on only his boxers. Thankfully they hid everything important, but his self body image was depressing by the moment as he looked over his many accumulated bruises. Unable to hide forever he opened the door and stopped dead.

  For laying on his bed was Kanade. She lay on her side in a sexy position men see only in magazines. Her higher right leg bent over her curled left while her head was propped on an elbow. Her round hip and small waist were more defined and with her wing as a sultry backdrop. Spread out before her on a picnic sheet was bread, cheeses, wedged ham and cheese sandwiches. A bottle of white wine sat uncorked on the nightstand with two empty glasses, not the usual wineglass, just glass cups. What’s more, she wore nothing other than her underwear. His mouth watered as his gaze locked between her legs and realized she either had one hell of a bikini wax or she was hairless in the carpet area.

  In the most beautiful voice he had ever heard from her she said “What do you think? Did Floa have a romantic idea or what?”

  “Is it Valentine’s day because I must be dreaming?”

  Even in the lower lighting he saw her redden. She sat up with a timid smile. “No, but Cupid has nothin’ on me.”

  “Kanade, you don’t have to push yourself.” He said softly.

  Her head shook. “I’m not, Ethan. After all that’s happened, I really want to do this, have a meal alone with my angel. Just the two of us, at night with no disturbances. I want to get over what happened as soon as possible and to do that I want my scent on you and yours on me. Ethan, please tell me what you’re thinkin’.”

  “That you’re more brave than I. I’ve never had a girl in my bed before let alone see how great you look right now. I’m just really unsure how to go on and how to fix this between us…” He admitted.

  She gestured him forward. “Come over and let’s start slow. This is new territory for the both of us and I feel like a long tail cat in a rocking chair store, just waitin’ for somethin’ bad to happen. Let me tend your wounds first. We should start there.”

  “Alright.” He felt that was a good place to start. She dipped her slender fingers in the jar as he sat on the edge of the bed and slowly applied the salve. He enjoyed her delicate touch along with the tingle of electricity. Kanade felt all the knots in his back and frowned as she knew he lived in pain, listened and enjoyed how he rumbled with pleasure like some satisfied beast. She massaged him slowly, loosening the many knots he didn’t speak of. He groaned and said “Your hands are pure magic.”

  “I expect the same treatment. My back muscles, especially around my wings, are tense.”

  “Got it.”

  As she worked the muscles at the base of his neck she couldn’t help sniffing and sighed. “Good. You washed her off.”

  “I did all I could. And just how strong is your sense of smell?” and he turned around.

  She applied more ointment over his hairy, discolored chest, but didn’t mention how glad she was it didn’t grow on his back like some gorilla. “Thrice that of humans and females naturally have a stronger sense of smell. Barely a trace lingers beneath your natural scent… there, that should do it. If you’re hurt elsewhere, do it yourself.”

  Ethan grinned. “I’m good. Do you want to eat or get that massage first.”

  “Definitely eat. If you do half a good of job as Floa, I’ll melt like butter.”

  The meal passed in silence until every crumb disappeared. They didn’t have time for conversation as their hunger and tiredness pulled all energy into eating. The food was delicious and the wine sweet, the way they both enjoyed. He tried to hide it, but she noticed how his eyes caressed her and could almost feel the touch. She enjoyed him looking at her with such passion, but didn’t as she noticed his loathing of what happened, blaming himself for everything.

  She took his glass and put it up on the nightstand. “I’m ready for that massage now.” And then she lay flat on the bed, spreading her wings so he could access her spine. When he didn’t immediately jump at the chance she looked over her shoulder to see him struggle. “All I have are thong panties if you’re wondering. You like?”

  “Stop tempting me, woman.” He said in a deep, husky voice that made her shiver. “I’m barely keeping it together here… got it.”

  “Got what?”

  He walked on his knees before straddling her backside. “Now I can work without distraction… and don’t you dare move.”

  She stifled a giggle and wide eyed as she felt his manhood go steel hard and poke her back, but before she could act and make him enter she groaned as his hands went down, skillfully doing a deep massage, his thumbs circling. He started at her waist and lower back. Ironically he thought he was massaging an actual angel. He worked and look
ed at her back. Kanade had a smooth back, but her underlying muscles were powerful. They needed to be so as to not only hold up her wings but also to fly. He worked his way up and her tense muscles slowly relaxed under his ministrations.

  “Ethan,” she crooned in absolute pleasure. “that is wonderful.” Kanade began twisting and pulling her wide wings in and he went to dismount, but then she took his hand and said “Come here.” She patted beside her.

  He twisted and lay on his right, staring into her eyes. He was then surprised as her long, tone legs wound with his while she pulled herself closer till they shared breath. “Where did you get so good?”

  “Always been a master of giving a backrub.”

  “Apparently.” She smiled lazily and hadn’t lied about melting in utter relief. This close she couldn’t resist giving him a deep, much needed kiss. There was nothing sexual about this one, Ethan knew. She needed the reassurance. In a very quiet voice she hesitated. “Ethan, may I ask a serious question?”

  “Of course. Ask away.”

  “Do you” her bottom lip quivered. “think it’s too soon to ask if you and I can nest together?”

  Ethan was very surprised to see her vulnerable again, like she was when she yelled at him. “You want to live together? What about this morning at breakfast when you told me Guides don’t pair up a week after finding their angel.”

  She looked at the rapid pulse in his neck speed up. “We’ve been a month technically.” She corrected.

  “Kanade, I can’t read your mind. Tell me.”

  She buried he head in his neck, inhaling his scent before whispering “I do not want a repeat of today. Ever! I want you near me all the time. You’re mine and as soon as all the other females see we are inseparable, they won’t dare come between us. My instinct is to nest with my mate and the drive is stronger than I ever imagined. I can barely sleep at all now that I know you are here. I feel so alone and today made it worse because if we were closer, Kira wouldn’t have spurned us. As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we live… as long as its together.”

  He was quiet for some time, but she didn’t lift her head from his neck. “I’ll say yes on the condition you wear this amazing ensemble to bed every night.” She leaned back, her eyes stinging gratefully. “How could you imagine I’d say no? Really, Kanade, I might be shy and awkward, but you know I love you. You felt how powerfully I do about you.”

  “That is the first time you said it.” He asked without words, just confused expression. “You love me. You said it aloud.” He smiled. “And yes, I’ll wear my underwear to bed if that’s what you like.”

  “If you really want to know what I’d like, read my mind.”

  She did and her eyes bulged. She recovered with a light laugh. “Soon, My Angel, soon. And thank you. Would you prefer I live here or would you want my room?”

  “We can figure arrangements later.” He draped a hand across her bare hip and she shivered in delight. Before she knew it he began stroking her wing. “Let’s get some sleep, Kanade.”

  “Don’t. Stroking my wing will put me to sleep.” She said, but didn’t stop him. The caress felt too good.

  “That’s the whole point.”

  Kanade threw her wing around him as Ethan pulled the covers over them both. His caress along with her head over his heart put her to sleep. He wasn’t far behind. Having her in his arms was the most soothing balm there could ever be.

  Soft as the finest silk caressed Ethan as he awoke to find his TV still on and offering enough light to see Kanade’s head on his chest. Her wings wrapped them together and the sheet had worked its way down to their tangled legs. Cinnamon filled his nostrils and calmed him like nothing he never knew before. He could feel her left wing beneath him as the bone lay just behind his neck. He had never been embraced in bed by a girl before, but he never wanted to leave and Kanade’s embrace, even in sleep, didn’t either.

  Whether it was a change in his heartbeat or she pretended to be sleeping, Kanade woke and her curtain of blue hair moved to reveal a sleepy face and a lazy smile as warm gold eyes rested on him. “How long you been awake?” Her southern drawl so early made his heart skip a beat, that and he remembered what she was wearing and how intimately she held him.

  “A few seconds. How do you feel?”

  Her draped arm across his chest tightened. “Better than I ever have. Mother was right, layin’ with your angel is like no other experience.” She heard his intake of breath. “Oh, sorry. I forgot your bruises.”

  “It’s alright.” He smiled and she returned it. “So… last night before we went to sleep… were you serious about moving in together?”

  “Actually… wait… what is that?” Kanade lifted her wings holding them together and looked down to what was poking her stomach.

  “Crap.” She heard and realized something she’d never seen, but always heard about from other females. Morning-wood. Ethan went to pull away, but her arms encircled him like steel bands.

  “Don’t.” She said and pulled him close. “Don’t be ashamed. Its natural and flatterin’… I mean… you’re my mate and I’ll be in your bed from now on unless… you changed your mind.” Her cheeked heated in embarrassment.

  Ethan’s hand caressed her glittery cheek and his thumb teased her bottom lip. “Sorry, it’s a habit. Kanade, I was serious. I know without a doubt I am serious about being with you. And after last night… well I also never slept so well. I want this. You and me living together. If you can stomach me and my quirks and make me feel like this… well how could I not want you.” She gave a small smile. “Besides, I could get used to having an angel in bed.”

  She kissed him deeply. Tentative at first, but then more urgent. Her hands wove through his hair as his wrapped around her trim waist. Her tongue went to work before she drew back for a breath. “I love you, Ethan.”

  It was music to his ears. “I love you more than anything or anyone, Kanade.”

  A hand pushed on his chest and rolled him back as her pinned wing extracted from beneath him. Flat on his back, Kanade threw her leg over him and straddled his stomach. He felt amazingly awake as she sat lightly on him in nothing except her underclothes. In a timidly sweet voice she asked “Do you truly want me?”

  “You know I do.” He rumbled and she felt him vibrate. “I should be asking.”

  Kanade’s smile brightened as her hands went to jerk his boxers off. “I can’t wait any longer. I must have you.”’

  “Sorry to rain on the parade, Kids.”

  Kanade squeaked as she nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned to find Dress had returned and looked apologetic. “What? Why?” Her heart beat wildly.

  Ethan growled. “Dress, you better have a good reason for interrupting.”

  “Well I did say ‘Sorry’ didn’t I?” Dress asked and was glowered at by both. “Look, it’s time for you two to get ready… not release all the sexual tension you two have built up for each other. You told me to return. I did. I would have left you alone, but soon you’ll be having a visitor. Storm will be here in a half hour and I doubt you two want to couple for so short a time, take a shower and get dressed before he arrives.”

  “Why is he coming? All week long he has been watching over the herd as he always had before I came here.” Ethan commented and watched as Kanade covered herself with the bed sheet.

  “Didn’t say more than he was coming.”

  “Ethan, is your bathroom large enough for me?” Kanade asked.

  “More than. Two Centaurs could occupy it at the same time and not feel crowded.”

  “Did you call me a Centaur?” her eyes narrowed.

  Ethan backtracked quickly. “No… I… wait…uh…”

  “I’m teasing.” She smiled and wrapped the sheet around her as she crawled out of bed. “Dress, I’ll need more formal clothes for today’s tribunal.”

  “Understood. Would you like a dress.”

  “You know I cannot wear a dress.”

  “Why?” Ethan had to
ask. He knew she would look amazing in a dress.

  Kanade’s cheeks flushed as she turned on the bathroom light. Seriously she said “Because they are breezy. The only one I want seeing my underwear is you and a dress is impossible to keep such things private, especially since I fly. Landin’, I found out as a little girl, would blow a dress clean over my head.”

  “Oh… makes sense. I’ve felt the wind your wings produce and I should have known… I don’t want anyone looking up your skirt either.”

  “And I do not want anyone seeing my angel in his boxers either. That is a pleasure reserved for me alone.” With more light bleeding into the bedroom, she moved back in front of Dress who spat out a pair of long black pants, a white backless blouse, fresh thong underwear and a pair of classy blue and white stiletto high heels. She collected the lot and headed for the bathroom.

  “So, what did I miss?” Dress hummed as the panels of his face shut.

  “Not much other than Kanade and I will be living together.”

  “Maaan!” Dress let out in a whine. “Floa won. That blasted Pixie.”

  “You two made a bet?” Ethan realized and couldn’t resist a smile from forming. “What were the stakes?”

  “Just how long it would take for you two to be together. I expected tomorrow night. Floa said during this one. Now I owe her the finest silks to line her vine cradle she’s making for her latest progeny. Oh Ethan, I so wanted to win a signed autograph of Elton John she was going to have to get.” Dress huffed.

  Ethan could only laugh. When he recovered he asked “So what news do you have for me?”

  “Well first Celestia listened to it all and says your tantrum last night on the roof she could understand. She also said that she doesn’t want you working tonight either. She is giving you tonight off, but expects tomorrow’s work to retain your usual efforts. Blake also was considerate. Today’s lack of training will be replaced for the one you’d have in three from today. And you should know Kira is still detained and the rulers of the House are all upset about this. Nothing this scandalous has happened in close to a century. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’ll be there in the tribunal with you for more than moral support. I’m also a witness.”


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