Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga)

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Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 39

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “How so?” Kanade asked, her cheeks coloring some.

  “Your wings, they rustle against you. Spirit Guides can speak, but do not make sound without a mortal body. So, did you accept Odin’s offer?”

  “Not yet. I’ve got enough on my plate already. Between you, Celestia, Storm and now learning I’ve now have a soul mate… well it’s a bit much.” Ethan admitted to the relaxed Naga.

  “I watched the recording you sent me.” Blake crossed his arms while watching Ethan unstring his boots, pausing momentarily at this abrupt change in conversation. “Quite enlightening, as was Odin’s letter to me of you being offered a role as an elite squad leader. I must say you have begun to impress me, Ethan. A five mile trek through thick brush would have had you doubled over when you first arrived, but you controlled your breathing rather well. Your movement requires more help, but towards the end you did a fair job sneaking up. The demons didn’t have a chance and your reaction to destroy the arrow aimed at your heart was superb.” Blake now began to stand. “The six hours of training will be changed.”

  Suspiciously Ethan asked while stuffing a sock in a boot “Why?”

  “Because this past month of running has forced you to shed pounds of fat while weapons training increased your reaction time to danger. We are now going to move on to new areas that need improvement. Instead of six hours of training, I’m reducing it to four. From eight till noon from today onwards. We shall begin with Escape and Evade.” The Naga stood in a fluid move that was humanly improbable. “Instead of two rounds around the castle, we’ll do one, but this time you need to stay away from me at all costs. Retreat is just as important as victory. Living to fight again is important to those waiting back home. Recently Chaos is gaining the upper hand and retreating is getting harder. Many warriors are dying because they don’t know when or how to successfully flee. More than I care to say of my many hatchlings have died because of stubbornness. I’ve seen good friends never return. Should a Pixie not be there to escape or get eaten, you need to know how to get away on your own, especially without your flames. You cannot use fire indefinitely and will get tired like the rest of us…”

  “Really? I haven’t got tired yet.”

  This put Blake up short. “Truly?”

  “Elementals, fire especially,” Kanade said. “do not tire like casters. A Wizard may be able to conjure a flame for an hour or two, but I can attest Ethan uses flames continuously. Physically he may tire, but his mastery over heat has few limitations, tirin’ not being one of them.”

  “And how do I have proof of such a claim?”

  Emboldened, Kanade sat her hand on Ethan’s shoulder. Since none were nearby to hear she said “Last night we became of one body and the whole time we were joined, he was quite literally on fire that surrounded us. He was ablaze for the entire night and the flames weren’t weakened even slightly. Have you ever met Cyllia, the Wind Elemental from the Forty Third House? She can summon a storm indefinitely if she wanted… Ethan is her superior.”

  “Can’t say I’ve had the pleasure, but this information is welcome. Nevertheless, Ethan, get running. These fundamentals must be instilled. You have one minute to start… and no powers.”

  Ethan was already charging away.

  In no time at all, Blake caught up and tackled him to the ground. “Dead!” The Naga said. “Throw me off like I showed.” Ethan drew his legs up, grabbed the side of Blake’s scaly neck, planted his leading-foot on the ground with his left knee at Blake’s thick ribs, growled and twisted in a powerful, full body twist which sent the Naga up and over him. Blake’s great weight was used against him as he found himself staring at thickening clouds. “Well done!” Went to look, but already Ethan was gone. Blake grinned, always impressed with Ethan’s focus. He rolled, gathered his feet and shot forward again. The Naga noticed Ethan wasn’t running flat out as he had the past two days since Kanade arrived. Every dozen steps he’d glance over his shoulder, judging distance. Blake knew what he was doing and said more to himself “You’re learning. Running carelessly is how I got you so easily last time.” This next tackle was just as painful for Ethan, but he rolled with it and got up before Blake could pen him again.

  After ten more times being tackled or tripped, Ethan began to tire and the ground wasn’t soft, each landing taking more and more of a toll. Then he twisted an ankle and couldn’t put any weight on it. Teeth gritted, Ethan gasped and collapsed. “Hold still.” Blake knelt, looking just as dirty from the exchanges. Despite deadly claws, Blake’s touch was gentle, even though his ankle hurt. “Not broken or sprained. Just over extended. Another half inch and you might have required surgery. Not bad.” He pulled his hand back and pulled a cloth from a pocket to begin tightly wrapping the already swelling injury. “I’ll help you stand. You need to walk it off or the pain will only hinder you be seizing up.”

  Air sucked through grit teeth as he draped an arm over Blake’s shoulders. The feel of those bony scales were odd feeling, but supportive. Gently Ethan was forced to walk and listen so his ankle could continue to move properly “You did well, Ethan, all things considering. When we return to your mate we’ll work on falling properly.”

  “Falling properly?” He scoffed. “Isn’t that a bit of an oxymoron?”

  “Not at all. In fact I was surprised you lasted this long. I was intentionally aiming on your legs. If your prey cannot run, they are helpless. If you knew how to fall the right way you wouldn’t have just landed on the ball of your foot during a roll thereby hurting yourself. Your heel is stronger than the ball for a reason. If thrown, never extend your arms rigidly, they’ll break. The key is to not be rigid, as you are in many ways. There is a moment in every fight where you do not have the advantage. The key to not leaving it open is how to move. Never land how the opponent wants. Do you remember that hip-toss I had you practice?”


  “Use it on me right now. It won’t put too much pressure on that ankle.” A moment later Blake was flipped, but Ethan watched as instead of the Naga falling flat on his back, he hit on the side and rolled into a springing step which had him standing. “You see, I twisted my shoulder ever so slightly to land on my side whereas if I hit my back, the wind would have been knocked out my lungs.”

  “To get that proficient I’m going to need a lot of practice.” Ethan admitted.

  “Hence why you no longer need weapons practice.”

  “Wait… What?”

  Blake crossed his arms. “Ethan, did you seriously think a regular human could use a sword or staff with any real effect against a Goblin or other demon? Against another human you might succeed, but a demon? You would be as helpless as a mouse is to an owl. The only reason I’ve been teaching you how to handle a weapon is to show you how the enemy will come at you and how to react. You saw that one Incubus effortlessly holding that barbell that weighed more than you in one hand and Incubus are lesser demons. One swipe and you’d be pulped. My lessons were specific in teaching you how one will attack. All the pain you endured was to make your body react so pain would spur you to avoid more.”

  “So what you’re saying is all the fighting was pointless?” Ethan was dumbfounded by this.

  “Not pointless. Necessary.” Blake clarified. “Ethan, without my lessons you would have required four extra months of training, but you took just a month. It also gave me time to learn what I needed to teach.” He poked a claw in the center of Ethan’s sternum. “It takes years to master the sword, but your personality isn’t compatible with weapons. Your focus is greater than any I’ve seen in a human your age and that is saying something. It is your elders who can focus. Swordsmanship requires the ability to not focus, and flow like water. You focus on one thing, one target and won’t look away till its complete. You focus on utter relentlessness. When we fought you were better at self-defense and your fire is offensive. You have a knack at learning and taking things as they are, but do not mistake my words. You might not ever be a worthy swordsman or archer, but I believ
e you may be a hand to hand master. Should a demon get close and your fire prove ineffective, a sword will only be your undoing, but if you master hand to hand, you can get closer and survive. This month I’ve been deciding which martial art you would find most adept at learning. Due to your relentless focus on singular tasks it seems Krav Maga would suit you.”

  “What is Kra Ma-ga?”

  “Krav, you forgot the slight v sound. It is a self defense style that was created in the early nineteen hundreds that combine Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-jitsu and grappling. It is one of the more versatile unarmed styles you humans created to kill each other. It uses the natural reflexes for devastating results. It doesn’t have any flowery moves that require years to master. Its simpler than Karate and more effective from day to day situations we warriors must face. Now let’s keep going so we can get started.”

  “Blake, how many fighting styles do you know?” Ethan asked as he was helped to walk?”

  The Naga smiled without teeth. “All of them. I was the one who taught Samurai how to first use the sword, the first to invent the ancient Chinese martial arts over two thousand years ago. Back in those days I made a lot of it up. Humans were so gullible back then. If you ever visit the ancient temples you can see me in old paintings, though they exaggerated my profile as a dragon. Real dragons look like the medieval kind. Some old monks still remember that a snake man was who first taught their art to reach enlightenment. You wouldn’t believe how many places I’ve been and the students I’ve taught.”

  “If you’re so skilled, why aren’t you High Champion, like Crait?”

  Blake hissed a laugh. “Because he is my father and knows if we ever crossed swords, only one would walk away. He is stronger than I, but I’m faster. My mother would be sad as well. Besides I do not want to lead my kind and he is well suited to the task.”

  “Oh.” Ethan said, learning more today than in the past month of the Naga Blademaster.

  Kanade flew in a half hour later when the two were later than she expected, carrying Ethan’s shoes and Blake’s three swords. “What happened?” She touched down lightly, her wings folding up behind her. “You two were late. Ethan, your ankle.” She approached slowly.

  “One of the hazards of the task.” Ethan responded lightly.

  “That requires a proper wrap. I’ll return soon.” She sat their belongings down and took off.

  “Females.” Blake shook his head and hissed a chuckle. “Always think they know best… Usually they are correct. Don’t let them know I said that.”

  “Mum’s the word.” Ethan chuckled.

  “While we wait for your mate’s return. We shall meditate, but not on controlling your anger.” Blake helped Ethan sit in the grass. The Naga knelt before the human and took his usual meditative arrangement. “Ethan, do you believe the mind can do anything if trained properly?”

  “Truthfully? Before I died I would have said it with an absolute no. I thought all that stuff was fantasy hokum. Like all my comics. Something enjoyable, but untrue… now I’m not so sure. I always hoped the supernatural was real and now that I can make fire just by thinking about it, I’m a bit more open to possibilities.”

  “Good response.” Blake made a three knuckled fist. “It took me over a thousand years to take control of my mind rather than it rule me. In my four thousand years of life, Ethan, I’ve seen many unbelievable things. There was once this demon Titan who was an outcast of his kind for he wanted peace between Order and Chaos and it was he to taught me how to learn just how powerful the mind is. Usually it takes months for any being with regenerative abilities to re-grow a limb. He lost a leg in a fight and I saw it grow back in a week. The Tournikka ointment I have been supplying you is but a balm. A Witch can induce rapid healing by forcing the mind to rest, all but the part which heals the body thereby speeding the healing process. I’ve learned a way to manipulate my very own mind to heal even faster than magic and am willing to teach you these methods. Your intense focus will be a benefit for these mental exercises. When you broke my toe and burned my shoulder, didn’t you wonder how I was whole by the next day? Now you will learn. You will likely never reach my proficiency, but even being healed one day earlier is better than suffer another in pain.” Ethan listened to the method which seemed simple. Breathe deep and slow, focus only where it hurt by mentally picturing the whole of the body and willing the pain away.

  Kanade dropped in during this and broke Ethan’s concentration, but she wrapped a bandage tightly over the enflamed joint and also gave him some pain medicine that Blake approved of that was made of all natural ingredients and by a Nymph herbalist. In a few minutes it kicked in and allowed Ethan to spend an hour learning Blake’s lessons on mental healing.

  Then without going to the training area Blake spent the rest of their time together teaching Ethan the art of falling correctly in the soft grass. Krav Maga was skipped as it required more footwork than Ethan was able to manage on the ankle without worsening the damage. Blake started slowly throwing Ethan around as if he weighed little to nothing. Compared to Nagai’s strength, human would never compare. Nevertheless, Ethan experienced how to rotate just enough and roll to his feet. He was actually enjoying the lessons.

  Kanade though surprised them both as she requested Blake to throw her. The Naga was amiable to the idea and Ethan’s jaw dropped as no matter what Blake did, Kanade always landed on her feet. She was more graceful than a dancer and her wings the perfect counterbalance. One flap, one stretch and she would flip lazily and wear a smile the whole time. Even in heels she was infinitely more poised and inspiring than Ethan ever was. He was both jealous and insanely impressed. “Thank you, Blademaster.”

  “I should thank you, Enchantress. Being blessed with wings has given you great balance. Flying must make you a natural fighter.”

  “You know I cannot intentionally harm another.” She laughed.

  “Say that to my back.” Ethan joked and watched her flush.

  “I just held you tight. You moved and my nails were just there.”

  “We’ll see who’s right soon enough.” He vowed.

  “And that is my cue to leave.” Blake said. “Rest up Ethan. Until tomorrow.”

  “Thanks again, Master.” Ethan said while slightly limping over to Kanade.

  In the hall for lunch Floa leapt at Kanade after growing to a short woman’s size and wrapped her green arms around the Enchantress’s glittery neck. “You had sex!” The Pixie giggled ad smiled proudly. “So how was it?”

  “How could you tell?” Kanade asked as she bent down to put her friend on her feet.

  “The way you walk.” Floa giggled and slapped Ethan on the back, making him blush. “Gave it to her good by the looks of it, Ethan.” She spun back around. “Kanade, you move with more sway to your hips and are in a bit of pain. I remember my first time and could barely walk. You have that look.”

  “You’re hurt?” Ethan stood quickly with worry.

  “No much, My Love… and Floa, it was romantic and everythin’ I dreamed.”

  The cheerful Pixie took both of the Enchantress’s hands. “I’m so happy. And do you know the cure to end the pain?” Kanade tilted her head. “More sex of course. Trust me, once you chafe, it will no longer hurt again.”

  “Thank you for the update.” Ethan rumbled in mortification.

  “Oh,” Floa switched to a different mental channel. “and I heard about Kira. She got off well. Are you over it now?”

  “I’ve forgiven her if that is what you are askin’.” Kanade drawled. “It’s over and I’m lookin’ forward to the future.” She smiled in Ethan’s direction. “Floa, I hope you won’t be mad if you don’t see us often.”

  “Hardly!” Floa slapped Kanade’s arm playfully. “When I find my soul mate I plan on not seeing anyone and holing up alone for months. And Kanade?”

  “…Yes?” She hesitated at Floa’s new tone.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing the babies you two will have. Your kind rarely has childre
n and I expect to see them soon.”

  “A little too early to think about children I think.” Ethan cut in when Kanade turned beet red and took a drink of water. “If it happens it happens, but right now we should enjoy each other. All I know is Kanade will be a great mother one day and she will make me a father. But getting there will take practice.”

  “That’s the spirit, Kiddo! Now you two better get busy perfecting.” Next thing they see is Floa bringing her hands together.

  Next thing they know is they stood in their room, but all the flower petals were swept up and a large food basket waited on the coffee table.

  “Did she just?” Ethan asked.

  Kanade looked around and smiled. “That she did. Broke in and cleaned the place.” She plucked a card off the table and it made her laugh. “It says ‘Girlfriend, I cleaned this room for you and I had better not see you for awhile. I’ll send food for the next week. It isn’t right soul mates do other things when they need to be joined in the groin. This is my honeymoon gift. Love you, Girl! P.S. Make me proud.”

  “What is with her and babies?” He asked.

  “A Pixie thing.” Kanade opened the care package to find an assortment of food. “You know she has had over seven hundred children. Unfortunately half were killed in combat or stung by a bug. All Pixies can do are manipulate space and open gateways. Like me, they cannot do serious harm, but because they are so small most of the time they are easily eaten whole or demon bugs poison them… the bugs are the Pixies natural enemy. Yes they can have many children, but physically they are weak and fall prey faster than any race in Order. Floa in particular loves babies. She was there when I hatched and helped raise me.”

  “But I thought it’s been centuries since she’s been on earth and you also said she took you camping when you were in the Nineteenth House.”

  “True on both, but she didn’t take mortal form at the time.” She sat the food down and asked “Ethan, is was you said true…” She blushed. “That I would be a good mother? We’ve never spoken, but are you open to children?”


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