His Unplanned Lesson

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His Unplanned Lesson Page 18

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  “I love you, Sadie. Forever.” He tucked me into his arms and kissed me passionately. I never felt so right about something that was so wrong, not long ago.

  He deepened the kiss and climbed on top of me. He calmed my nerves immediately and I kissed him back so powerfully. The rest of the night he didn’t just make love to me, he owned me, he showed me that what was the true fate in our life.


  The rest of the trip consisted in mind blowing love-making and staying in the cabin to not risk ever having to run into Bobby again. I knew now, this was where he lived and he was only seven hours from his original home. The fact that it wasn’t that far away shocked me. I passed his memory out of my head and moved on with my life. It was the best feeling in the world getting to let go of the burden that lay heavily on your chest for years.

  Jake and I went through plans for what was next on our list. First, the divorce had to be settled, and then I had to plan a small baby shower for Ava, even if she didn’t want one. The holidays were quickly approaching, and taking Jake to visit my Aunt and Uncle were at the top of my list as well. I didn’t want to exclude them from my life, and they had to meet Jake and see how happy I was. It was those times in my life that they had to see. I’ve moved on and am living well; it would put comfort in their hearts, knowing I’m no longer hurting. I held my mother’s and father’s collectibles on the walls and over the cottage to keep their memories fresh in my mind. The first thing I was doing was getting rid of any memory of Bobby I had and that included, buying me a new car.

  Chapter 22

  Today was D-Day. Everything that I ever worried about in Jake and my relationship was being discovered today at the hospital. Everything in my gut told me it was all going to be okay no matter the outcome. But, every other fiber in my being made my brain rattle and my body shake with fear of what our future held. Tracy was having her baby today and Jake had to be there. I was requested to and stayed home because I didn’t want to go through with the pain of waiting in the waiting room when I shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Even though it wasn’t the polite way of doing things, Jake had the divorce papers to hand over to her, no matter what happened. He wanted her to be far from having the title of his wife.

  My heart raced with fear as I paced the floor of the boutique, waiting patiently to hear from Jake. It’s been hours. Even though labor has been known to be a pretty drawn out thing, I was hoping it was quick and to the point. I busied myself with some manager projects and made up the schedule for next month. I had to hire someone soon as the store was getting busier and we needed the extra help. It was fairly close to Thanksgiving and I was prepared to plan my very first meal for Jake, my Aunt Jamie and Uncle John, who were coming to visit at our house. I told them if they came for Thanksgiving that I’d come up there for Christmas. We had to start planning our holidays out for the years to come. I wanted them in my life as I much as I wished my parents were around to be here, too.

  I got a text from Luke, which just made me smile.

  Luke: I’m thinking maybe we need to do a white nursery, she’s pretty keen on being clean and that’s like the cleanest color, right?

  Sadie: Luke, stop worrying. We will get it all together and the shower will be perfect.

  Luke: Ava is going to hate you, just so you know.

  Sadie: Nah, she’ll love us both.

  Luke: Ok, well, I’m ordering some stuff, think you’ll be able to pick it up?

  Sadie: Can’t tonight I’m buying a car. If Jake ever gets out of the maternity ward.

  Luke: Still no word?

  Sadie: Nothing, pin drops all day.

  Luke: Crossing my fingers.

  Sadie: My toes, arms and legs have been crossed.

  Luke: The shower is in two days, you sure we got this?

  Sadie: Stop worrying, its fine.

  Luke: Ok, talk to you soon. Don’t buy a Ford!

  I mentally laughed as he and Ford didn’t get along so great since he was born and bred on Chevy vehicles.

  Sadie: I’ll just buy a Prius, or a Toyota.

  Luke: If you dare by anything but Chevy, I’m disowning our friendship.

  Sadie: Got it.

  I yawned, trying to figure out how much more time I had left for the day and this whole waiting process was just insanity. It was driving me mad and leaving so much to travel around in my brain and make me paranoid. I knew he would never get back with Tracy, I didn’t have that to worry about. I was just so scared that it may be his and then our life would change forever. I’d be dating a man with a kid and possibly becoming a stepmother later in life. I wasn’t sure I was ready for any of this, but I was ready to be with Jake.

  The bells over the door jingled and I turned to see Jake rushing for me. He lifted me up in his arms and twirled me around. I indulged in his lovely scent and giggled like a little school girl.

  “So?” I asked ready to hear it.

  “I’m not the father!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, jumping for joy with me in his arms. We both laughed in unison and I kissed him, showing him how much I loved him.

  “Seriously? I’m really sorry, though. I know how much that must have hurt.”

  “Nope, I’m over the hurt, baby. You and I now. Nothing can come in-between us.”

  “Literally, nothing.” I laughed. “We’ve got the world in our hands.”

  “Oh and guess what?”

  “The house is sold.” His eyes lit up with excitement.

  “Where are you going to live?” I smiled at him, admiring his glow of a good day.

  “Well….you see…there’s this girl I’m kinda in love with….and she has a place of her own….and it has so much meaning for her to stay there that I thought…”

  “Yes, yes, absolutely yes! You’re totally moving in with me!” I jumped up and down in his arms, full of excitement and couldn’t wait till we were both under the same roof permanently!

  “Yeah? It’s okay? You sure you can handle this?” He pointed at himself, a little bit cocky. “Because these guns will keep you safe, baby.” He flexed his arms and wrapped them around me, holding me tight.

  This man, he was just too amazing for words. He made everything in my life better.

  “It’s more than okay. I can’t wait. The sooner than the better. So after Ava’s shower, have Luke help you move some stuff.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine; feeling his warm lips on mine made me feel at home. I kissed him back before a customer walked in the store. Although it was just Savannah.

  “Oh, you two are gross. Get a room.” She laughed, walking towards the desk.

  “We’re just happily in love. You should try it out someday.” I winked at her, picking fun.

  “You got any friends, Jake?”

  “Plenty of friends. I could totally hook you up.” He laughed. “Oh, and this man right here, served divorce papers and is not the father!”

  “Woo hoo, where is Maury when you need him to open that manila folder for you? Find out who that Daddy is.”

  “Nah, I don’t care to know, Savannah. Not my problem.”

  I laughed at her witty remarks all the time.

  “And he’s moving in with me.” I screeched with excitement.

  “Great! More baby making.”

  I rolled my eyes. I looked at the clock and noticed my shift was about over. Jake waited for me patiently and just in time to look at other cars tonight to decide which one I’d be buying.

  We headed over to the Chevy dealership in time, only because it seemed as though Jake had the same damn mindset as Luke. Neither of these men would let me buy anything else. I couldn’t say much, I loved their products too. The salesman immediately hounded us and Jake sent him away. He knew enough about the cars that he wanted to show me to try to pick one out. When he placed me in front of the Equinox, I was in love. I knew that was the one for me and Jake did too, when he saw my eyes light up. He then flashed over the salesman and told him I wanted this one, t
o get the process going.

  Once all the paperwork was filled out, my name was scribbled on all those papers, I got in my white SUV, adjusted everything and just smiled. It was my first vehicle and the first thing my name’s ever been on. It was a milestone for me. No more Bobby to remind me of that stupid truck I drove. This was mine, all mine and I’d make my own memories in it. Glancing in the rearview mirror at the backseat I smiled as a small family flashed through my mind. I could picture it all. I could picture Jake and I and now a family of our own. Although, I definitely had time for that. Jake and I had a ways before anything happened of the sort. We had to be happy together for a bit. But that was all I was, happy, just plain happy.

  There was so much that happened today that I had to take a moment and reflect on it. The fact that Jake was free just made me ecstatic. He got in his truck and followed me home. To the home that was now also his. It couldn’t get any better than that.

  Chapter 23

  The smell of the turkey baking in the oven was heavenly. I had all the fixings on the stove heating up and my aunt and uncle were on their way. Any minute now there will be knocking at the door and a flash flood of memories of all us here with my parents would flood through my brain. It had been a really long time since they were here. I was happy to host this holiday, even though I’ve never cooked a turkey before. Jake laughed at me over the books I was reading and the Google searches I was looking at on my phone to be sure I made it just perfect. He stopped over at Luke’s for a while to visit while I got ready and made sure it was all perfectly set up. The pilgrim table cloth was set, the napkins were placed neatly with silverware on top. The turkey shaped salt and pepper shakers were placed in the middle and pot holders set for the yummy food. Looking around the cottage, it was just right. All the decorations in place, now it just needed family to fill our hearts. I was getting a bit nervous for them to meet Jake, but I knew he’d charm them and make them feel at home.

  The front door and opened, and Jake stood there and took off his light jacket, hanging it on the wall hook. He looked so handsome dressed up in his nice dark jeans with a black undershirt and long sleeve orange button down. He loved being festive. He walked over to me and wrapped me up in his arms before I shoved a spoonful of stuffing in his mouth.

  “How does it taste?”

  “It’s hard to mess up stuffing, baby!” He laughed at me.

  “Stop, tell me the truth!” I poked at his chest while I waited for him to finish chewing.

  “It’s delicious. You’re a wonderful cook when you want to be.”

  “I’m never a cook, ever. So this was out of my comfort zone, but I know my parents would be proud of me.”

  He squeezed me tighter and placed feather like kisses from my cheek to my mouth. “They’ll always be proud of you.”

  For a second I felt shy. He always knew of ways of make me feel good. Some timers beeped and I ran to check the turkey. Still had a little bit of time.

  I heard some car doors slam outside and my eyes darted to Jake.

  “Behave!” I pointed my glare at him. Not that I didn’t think he would, but this was my only family that had to approve of him now.

  “Always!” He smirked, heading towards the door.

  I ran in front of Jake, swinging the door open wide to see my Aunt Jamie coming up the walk first. The smile that I had couldn’t even compare to the warmness I was feeling inside. This made my year.

  “So glad ya’ll made it!” I welcomed her with a huge hug while Jake stood behind me.

  His eyes were filled with passion while he hugged her after me.

  “Aunt Jamie, this is, Jake Dunn, my boyfriend.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Jake.” She hugged him back.

  My Uncle John approached, I introduced him again while Jake firmly shook his hand. We brought them in the house and showed them where to sit at the table since food would be ready any minute.

  “It smells wonderful in here, Sadie. You’ve got your Mother’s cooking talent.”

  Jake let out a small laugh, before winking at me. “Oh, not so much, Jake? Should we be worried?” She giggled, noticing Jake’s reaction to her comment.

  “No ma’am, she is a wonderful cook, but she doesn’t do it often.”

  “Well, then she’s definitely got a little bit of her father in her, too.” She smiled, while we settled around the table.

  Shortly after, the turkey came out of the oven and everything was all ready and placed on the table with Jake’s help. I poured everyone tea and sat down to smiling faces all around.

  “Shall I say grace?” Jamie asked.

  “I’d like that.” I looked at Jake and smiled before gripping his hand in mine under the table.

  “Let us be thankful for the wonderful food Sadie has prepared for us today on one day of the year to really be thankful. Thankful and blessed to have family come together. Amen.”

  “Amen.” I smiled while looking up and Jake’s eyes were glued to mine. I could see the beautiful twinkle in them that just warmed my heart.

  We all filled our plates with food and all you could hear for a few minutes was the clinking of silverware and plates while we stuffed our faces. Looking around I was shocked to see everyone seemed to be so pleased with the meal, and we didn’t have to order emergency take out! Jake’s hand drifted to my leg, rubbing up and down while we finished what we had.

  “So, tell us about yourself, Jake?” Uncle John spoke up.

  Jake looked at me before looking at them. They had the biggest smile on their face and I knew they were stepping in for my parents. I knew they had to be sure they approved of him.

  “Well, let’s see. I work the construction field. I’m a pretty handy man. I’ve helped Sadie here fix up the cottage a little bit. I’ll actually be moving in soon as I just sold my house. I’m not really sure how to talk about me, I’m a pretty closed off person.” He chuckled, wiping his face with a cloth napkin.

  “How did you and Sadie meet?” Aunt Jamie added.

  He looked at me and took a deep breath, knowing that was a hell of a story. “Actually, we met a few years ago at a party here in town. Needless to say we ran into each other again once Sadie moved out here and things just fell into place. We had an instant attraction to one another and couldn’t be apart.”

  Jamie held her hands together, pleased with the answer. She seemed very happy for us with the smile that never faded from her perfect aged face.

  “That’s nice, did you know her late boyfriend, Bobby?”

  I touched his leg, letting him know I had this question. As much as it hurt to think about him, they had to know about my discovery. The faster everyone knew about it, the faster I could move on and drop it like it I never knew him.

  “There’s something I have to tell you about that in fact.”

  “What’s that?” Uncle John shoved another spoonful of potatoes into his mouth.

  “Jake and I recently went on a trip and I ran into someone that I wasn’t expecting to.” My eyes trailed down at the table, as it was painful to mention and look them in the eyes. Jake’s hand rubbed my leg again, making me feel comfortable. “I ran into Bobby, who apparently, is not dead. He actually has a family; a wife and two kids and apparently thought it was best to fake his death and run away.” I bit my bottom lip, digging in hard while I watched their expressions fall. My aunt covered her mouth and my Uncle just stared at me.

  “You’re kidding?” John asked.

  “No, I’m not. I was just as shocked as you guys. I had an altercation with him and I’d like to move on from it and basically act like he never existed. I couldn’t believe he did that to me and his family. I don’t ever want to think about it and I want to erase him from my mind. I know that will take time, but I’m confident that whatever happy memory I had with Bobby is now smashed to shit knowing what he did to me.”

  My aunt stood up and came around to my end of the table. I stood up and she hugged me tight. “Oh, honey, that’s terri
ble. I can’t believe any human would do something like that. I can’t even imagine how you felt and how you’re dealing now.” She squeezed me tightly. I smiled and let go and we both sat back down.

  “I’m dealing now a lot better because I have Jake to remind me there are good people in the world who treat me right. I’m not going to let myself sink so low like I did with Bobby. To think I was that tore up over such a conniving liar? Never again.”

  “He’s dead in my eyes, honey.” My aunt grinned.

  “Jake, why don’t we go for a walk? I have some stuff I wanted to show you to get out of my car. We had a few more boxes to give Sadie from her parents.” My Uncle got up from the table, wiping his mouth. Jake followed him as they made their way outside. I could tell my Uncle was upset about the news, but he had different ways of dealing with it. My aunt and I started cleaning off the table, making way for coffee and dessert.

  Jake and John had been gone a little bit of time and we had pretty much all the dishes cleaned and food put away. I saved a little bag for them to take home since we had a lot left over. I figured John must have captivated Jake in one of many of his stories. He had good stories. It didn’t take Jake much to fall into a good conversation.

  Aunt Jamie and I brought the pumpkin and apple pie out to the living room and set it down on the table in front of the couch. I placed the coasters out and had the coffee pot sitting for anyone that wanted some. We sat down and got to talking about the boutique and Ava and her baby. I told her we were having a shower for her tomorrow and that I was super nervous, since Ava didn’t want a shower but she was getting one anyway. I told her about Luke and how grateful I was to have a friend like him and happy he only lived a door away in case I ever needed anything. Now that Jake was moving in, it wasn’t likely but I was glad we were all close. Jamie was so happy for me and said how much she really loved Jake. I was happy that they approved.


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