Psychic Prison

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Psychic Prison Page 4

by Veronica Agnus

  "Go get Prisoner 2222 something to eat from the cafeteria. You got a glance at it during your tour," he ordered.

  "Yes, Sir!" She rushed out with a blink, and I actually was impressed.

  Hmm. She could be useful.

  "Which reminds me. A few of you will need a tour once you're done eating. I will wait for all those who need a tour of the place here. Don't ask me stupid questions while we're on the tour or I'll kick you into unconsciousness. Understood?!"

  "Yes!" a number of prisoners replied. He turned to look my way, and I gave him a slight nod of approval. That seemed to give him relief as he shuffled away.

  I rested back against the seat and mentally sighed.

  Psychic Prison for Supernaturals. Looks like it's going to an intriguing experience, but how crazy would things get?

  Only time would tell.

  Imprisoned Monarch Of Amnesia

  If I don't get an ounce of sleep soon, the world will end.

  "Those tests didn't consider our exhaustion in the slightest."

  Saphire's voice sounded as drained as I felt. My body ached from the places we'd been poked, as well as the long drive over here finally settling into my muscles.

  It was a good thing that the Prisoner 4551 had rushed to get me food, or I'd surely have fainted from all the blood tests we'd just endured. The prisoner had brought a small bowl of custard pudding, and though it wasn't necessarily my favorite thing in the world, the sweetness helped give me a boost of energy.

  Until it was sucked out of me. Stupid tests.

  She was short, around 5'1", with white hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. I wondered what could have landed her in here. Considering my predicament, anything was possible. But my goal wasn't to make friends.

  The prisoner called herself Kitty, and I could only assume she was a cat shifter. This wisdom within the darker parts of myself indicated that Kitty had to be a cat supernatural of some sort. She had a submissive nature, which I found to be incredibly helpful.

  She'd been the one to escort me to the labs, not like I needed any help with the signs and orders of the guards standing wearily against the walls - attempting to look as small as possible when I approached.

  This monarchy thing had to be a big deal in the supernatural realms because the respect was unreal for a prison. There were a few rotten apples, both prisoners and guards, that attempted to act tough and insult me behind my back, but I wasn't in the mood to fight today.

  Even glaring was a difficult task at this point. All I craved now was a bed to lay upon. Honestly, I'd lay on the floor if it meant a few minutes of uninterrupted sleep.

  My growing tiredness was only adding to my misery. The walls of my psychic abilities had lowered tremendously, leaving holes for other people’s thoughts to hit me every other second.

  The constant ridicule, confusion, disbelief, and joy at my arrival was getting on my nerves and was another reason to go to the chambers of my cell to take a much-needed break from it all.

  This prison was indeed huge, big enough to easily get lost if you weren't careful. I was now the only one left as I waited for my guard to escort me to whatever level I qualified for, and the long wait was beginning to make me impatient.

  Leaning against the wall, I crossed my arms over my chest and mentally prayed this wouldn't take much longer.

  I learned from the medical lab assistant who was assigned to take my blood that I'd be assigned to a doctor named Doc.

  Real original.

  Apparently, he wasn't in today, but I'd see him sometime this week for a detailed analysis of my blood work. Maybe he'd enlighten me about what kind of supernatural I was.

  They had enough info to pick my floor, and I could only imagine myself in the given uniforms of Level One or Level Two. Orange would look odd against my skin, but that was prison life for you.

  The constant reminders were annoying, but I needed them. My mind didn't want to acknowledge this new reality, and I honestly didn't blame it. What had I done before that fateful day?

  Did I wake up in my own bed, ready to start the day productively as enthusiasm flooded me? Did I work a job of sorts, or have hobbies I wholeheartedly enjoyed?

  There were so many pieces missing from my own identity that I was forced to shape myself into a new person within these walls. What hurt the most was the gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me I was innocent of all of this.

  My circumstance was not due to my own stupid flaws or mistakes but a way to cover up someone else's problems. If I was a monarch, surely I carried the knowledge and experience necessary to not make naive mistakes.

  I pushed the thoughts away, feeling the bits of regret and sadness that tried to overcome me because of my current dissatisfaction with my circumstances. If I'd ever been an emotional person, I was now sorely lacking in that department.

  This wasn't the time or place to reflect weakness with vulnerable feelings that triggered tears and immense depression. This was my beginning, and I had to morph everything into a positive outlook or I'd fuck shit up.

  I'd destroy this new persona I was attempting to mold together.

  The nagging pounding at my left temple was really beginning to annoy me, and I ended up pressing two fingers against it, hoping the added pressure would aid in relieving it.

  * * *

  "Hey, Ali. Would you move that ass of yours? We’ve got a sunset to see! No one is going to see your fucking mascara!"

  "Oh shut up, At-s! You better respect me and my mascara or there’ll be no sunsets!"

  "Why are you using the plural form of sunsets?!"

  "Because you'll never get to see a damn sunset with me again if you don't show some manners!"

  "Hmm. You're hot when you're all mad and shit."

  "You're turned on by the stupidest shit."

  "Just like how you throw yourself at anyone that gives you a shiny rock."

  "That...fucker! That's not true!"

  "Says the girl getting all- fuck! Don't start setting things on fire here! Alisha, dammit!"

  "I'll burn the fucking place down and blame you."

  "God, your temper is going to be the death of you."

  "Good! I won't need to deal with your foolishness."

  "Don't go hurting my feelings now. You are one of the few that get to see this side of me."

  "I'm taking all the advantage of such a privilege."

  "Then make sure I never lose you."

  "That's a hard bargain in a world that wants me dead."

  "Alisha Butterfly. My sweet hybrid. I'm being serious."

  "They can't kill me. I'll rise from my ashes and be born again."

  "That doesn't mean you're immortal, sweets."

  "In my language it does. Besides, what would happen if I perished? You'd probably be happy."

  "The world would end and so would my promise to remain peaceful."

  "You'd break the rules."

  "I'd break anyone who dared take you from me."

  "You're too...Atti...stop getting...attached."

  "You...mine. My queen. My future wife. My everything."

  * * *

  My eyes snapped open, the memory lingering in the root of my mind and leaving me a little winded.

  What...was that?

  The vision began to cut out at the end, the name of the dominant male I was discussing with cutting off whenever mentioned. The deep grit of that man's voice made my whole body hot, tingles of longing, desire, and a hint of mourning settling in the depths of my core.

  With a huff, I was ready to bolt from this wall and find my cell myself when a guard came from down the hall, his eyes landing on me.

  "Prisoner 2222. Your cell is ready. This way."

  He barely paid me any attention before he was turning right around and heading back the way he came. Surely he expected me to follow him, and if it wasn't for my intense desire for a moment's peace, I would have stubbornly waited for his return and respect, but I brushed it aside.

proceeded to walk the remainder of the wall and turned right. A guard was there waiting beside an elevator. It opened in a second, and he walked right in. I sped up to catch the elevator as the doors were already beginning to close, and my irritated eyes looked up to his in question.

  "This commanding bitch thinks I'm afraid of her? Where she's going, she'll be lucky to last the night with that attitude."

  My eyes left him for only a moment, scanning the buttons until I reached out and pressed the emergency stop button.

  "What the fuck do-"

  "I don't give a fuck which floor I'm on," I emphasized. "If you're ever assigned to me again, think wisely. You should be afraid of me, and I'm only disappointed at the fact I can't add to my kill count by getting rid of you."

  "You can't threat-"

  I took one step, and that's all I needed for him to suck in his breath and still in complete fear.

  The pounding in my head had only magnified, and that annoying anger was what I was thriving on in the metal cube we stood in. He could feel the magnitude of my impatience, and I dared him to say another word with my eyes that narrowed questioningly.

  He didn't know who I was. No one in this place knew my potential. With my amnesia, I couldn't fathom what individual I could have been weeks prior, but whether it was the past or present moment, I didn't tolerate disrespecting shit from any one.


  The depth of my voice wasn't mine. The man's eyes widened, and it took a minute for it to click in.


  "I-I-I'm sorry for my disrespect, Your Majesty!" The guard looked as though he was going to piss his pants and die from a heart attack right after.

  Either way would please me, but that would force me to wait for another guard and more questioning before getting to my cell.

  The heavy breath that left me was provoked by Saphire, and I was sure she was in control of me in some way. I wasn’t bothered by her intrusion – it was almost like a boost in all my senses with the wave of authority that came with her takeover - but the switch was already having harsh effects on me.

  Our vision was darkening, the shades of the silver metal box altering entirely; the silver was now a metallic red and the one bright light had now dimmed to a golden glow.

  My eyes only narrowed further, and we fought not to show our fear of passing out.

  "Let this never happen again, or you're dead."

  Slamming the button off, I turned away and stared at the doors. Saphire pulled right back and gave me my full control again. If I felt worn out before, it only escalated as my head felt like a heavy ball on my neck and the thrumming of that headache moved up in the scale from annoying to nuisance.

  If only I could run to the washroom and vomit. The idea only made me stand taller as the elevator stopped on the destined floor.

  My eyes looked up to see the double vision number, but I rapidly blinked until it returned to a solid red digit.

  Three. I'm officially a Level Three prisoner.

  Should I feel overjoyed? Proud? Thrilled for what was to come?

  As of now, with how sick I felt, I'd leave those feelings off to the other side for another day when I'd rested for hours.

  I walked out first, the guard shuffling quickly out of the elevator and gesturing for me to follow him as we made our way down the hall.

  The initial outlook of the walls was making the hairs on my arms creep up because the cleanliness down here was no different from the first floor. Now I was dreading going to my cell all over again, but it still wasn't enough to outweigh my burning need to rest.

  Even on the moldy, disgusting floors.

  We reached the end of the dark hall. The single light that came from a hanging lightbulb gave just enough illumination to see the rusty gate of the cubed cell.

  The guard reached for his keys, fumbling with the ring of fifty different unlocking metals, each unlocking something in this massive place. He found the right one and slipped it into the keyhole to unlock it.

  The loud sound almost echoed down the hall, and the creek that followed made me arch an eyebrow at the space.

  If they truly believe this rusted metal and cement box is going to keep me from escaping, this prison is seriously a joke at holding supernaturals.

  Even with the multiple questions regarding my safety within the barricaded cube walls, I walked towards it and inspected the inside.

  The interior was even worse than the exterior. The mold-infested corners and ceiling could probably lead to my early death if I inhaled it enough. The only thing that was worthy of being touched was the small silver bench that had to have been new because it didn't fit anything else in the room.

  The place to do your relief business wasn't even a toilet. It was a hole in the floor. And the sink that was right next to it was missing its knobs.

  "We'll die from an infection in this infested safety hazard," Saphire grumbled. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, my eyes picking up the streams of smoke leaving my nostrils.


  "Figure that out later. Let's crash."

  I finally gave in and walked into the cell, my legs moving right to the bench. With a final inspection of the silver metal surface, I turned around and sat down.

  Hard as hell surface, but with how spent I was, it didn't matter to me anymore. At this rate, I'd surely been up for more than twenty-four hours and that had to be against the doctor's orders.

  "This is your temporary cell for now," the guard announced.

  "Temporary?" I inquired, my emotionless voice cloaking the weakness that fought to give me away.

  "We're currently waiting for your master. Originally, they were supposed to meet you here, but due to some complicated circumstances, they aren't here yet. They'll be here in a couple of hours."

  "What about relieving myself?" I pointed to the hole. "That's what I get?"

  He paused his answer, my narrowing eyes the cause of his quick re-calculation of words.

  "I'll let the management know. We're switching guards for lunch duty."

  "When do I get lunch?"

  "Later." He turned away. "I'm switching. The next guard will bring your meals and get you a bucket to pee in or something."

  I gave up asking him questions, his thoughts already drifting to me.

  "Fucking psycho. Thank God my shift is done. Still won't stop me from getting payback. Her warm welcome will give her a wakeup call she wouldn't wish on her own enemy. By the time her master wins the bid, she'll either be dead or that ass of hers will be ripped open by my cock. Bitch thinks she's worth royalty. We'll give her the royal treatment. Just you wait, cocky butterfly."

  My face showed no signs of what I'd heard, but my hands clenched into fists as they remained in my lap. The unspoken warning of what was to come had me on full alert. There was no allotted time for how long it would take my master to arrive, and even if there was, it didn't get rid of this man's plans to teach me a lesson.

  This place may not be soundproof, but no one would come down here if I screamed for help. I hadn't even been in my cell for five minutes and I was about to deal with getting raped?

  I think not.

  "I dare him to touch you. We'll bring this entire place down."

  Good to know.

  It was a little relieving to know Saphire had my back, but there was no way I'd sleep now.

  The guard locked the gate, our eyes meeting once more. There was that sinister joy that sparked in the black hollows. He had a game plan running through his timid mind. Little did he know that I, too, had a plan developing within my hammering brain. The clock began to tick until he came back to initiate his plan. We’ll see how it held up against my own.

  The common individual would have felt frightened, but I remained calm, even when his lips curled upward an inch as he turned away and headed down the hall.

  It wasn't until his footsteps faded and the ding of the elevator we'd used echoed down the hollow walls that I let my guard lower.

  We need a plan.

  "I have three."

  You work quickly.

  "When it comes to despicable men that attempt to belittle my worth with their insecurities and anger, I like to be efficient with my formulation of combat."

  We're not strong enough to take them on if he brings an army down here.

  Her sudden laugh bewildered me.


  "Alisha, child," she began. "Your fear is talking."

  Or exhaustion. And I'm not a child, you know.

  "In the world of supernaturals, you're a babe, my dear."

  That makes me feel as though you'd been here many years before my birth.

  "If I could remember, that may be so, but I'm still working on that minor detail."

  Amnesia being a minor issue is underrating things, but you're cheering me up at least.

  "You're welcome."

  You don't get sarcasm well.

  "Besides the primary point. I need you to cross your legs for me."


  "We're going to meditate."

  Before getting raped or-

  "Just cross your legs and listen!" Her irritation was due to our lack of sleep, which again, I didn't blame her for. Now that our original plans of sleeping all the sleep had detoured, I was hoping whatever meditation session we were about to have would somehow give us wings to fly out of this place.

  Lifting my legs up, I crossed them in a yoga position and stretched my back. Resting my hands, I slowly inhaled deeply and let the air out. The action felt so natural, a daily occurrence in my routine I couldn't recall.

  I did it again and again until my entire body was calm and any bits of doubt and fear had faded away. The pain was noticeable in the beginning, the dull aches and hammering headache still pounding its way through my skull, but the longer I remained in my meditative state, the more they began to drift further away.

  There was no way of keeping track of time, but it didn't matter now. I was experiencing a level of peace within myself that I hadn’t enjoyed since waking up in the hospital.

  The darkness that plagued my surroundings worked its way in, crafting a world. My imagination had to be at work, as vivid, colorful skies came into view with a beautiful sunset on the horizon.


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