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Psychic Prison

Page 5

by Veronica Agnus

  The sunset was a gorgeous mixture of pastel pinks, purples, oranges, and reds, and the fluffy clouds moved at a stagnant pace, their soft beauty easily taking your breath away. This was my happy place. The warmth of the descending sun, the soft breeze that taunted my flesh, and the wondrous joys of being surrounded by the greatest aspects of nature.

  The sky was the scenery above me. My sight now shifted to the dazzling waters below. Clear blue waters, so pure of debris and clutter that you could see the bottom of the intact surface.

  My heightened senses didn't stop me from seeing the wildlife that swam through the waters, the various sizes and species making me smile in elation.

  This was mother nature at its finest, not tainted by the world's sins and corruption that grew stronger by the day. My mind was completely at peace, and the strong voice that held a level of familiarity whispered to me.

  "That's it, my Alisha. Let yourself be carried away into the heightened world of peace. Leave behind you doubts and fears and replace them with your need to return to this view of hope. Let yourself fall back, and submit yourself to the power deep within."


  That was what I was missing. Power wasn't solely based on years of gathered strength and training. There was that aspect where you had to submit yourself completely into the void of energies raging within, and that was one of the many lessons I'd forgotten.

  The lessons given to me by a man of high importance. A man that loved me.

  "It's time, child."

  Saphire's voice cut through to me, but her interruption didn't distract me. I already knew what needed to be done as the sounds of footsteps and quiet chuckles reached my ears.

  No need to worry unnecessarily. Power that was bestowed upon me has never left. Lack of knowledge about who I was will not hinder who I'm destined to be. I am Alisha Butterfly. I am a supernatural. a marked monarch.

  The positive affirmation flicked a switch in my brain, and the world I'd come to discover pulled away as I allowed myself the power of absolute submission.


  * * *

  When my eyes opened, a sinister grin graced my lips. I'd longed for this moment of control, taking advantage of the many times I'd roamed free in the many lives I'd lived.

  Our memory loss may be mutual with Alisha, but it didn't stop me from remembering my role in this world with the previous lives I'd been designated to.

  Many knew nothing about the heart of a supernatural. How each individual came in to the world with a human counterpart and a supernatural soul.

  If the individual was able to unlock their supernatural ability at birth, they were trained amongst their family and peers to grow with confidence in who they were and what their paved destiny was.

  Others didn't get the privilege of initially discovering their shifter selves. They either found out in time because of circumstance or a shocking event that triggered it. Those possibilities were fewer but were some of the reasons why supernaturals that awakened caused a natural disaster or event that injured many.

  Finally, there were monarchs.

  Royal children of not one supernatural soul, but two.

  The combination of two polar opposite souls, one of a past generation necessary to bring forth the wisdom to guide the child through her journey of earthly existence and another of new flesh that carried extraordinary gifts and talents.

  Many times, these royal children were deemed as twins; one child with the supernatural trait of wisdom and the other with sheer magical power in the shape of rare traits.

  On rare occasions one child carried both souls. This conjunction automatically gave the child the born status of marked monarchy. In order to protect these children from being used, kidnapped, or killed prematurely, the word 'marked' was removed and only initiated when the selected child connected with her mate.

  Due to the common duality of having two intertwined souls, the possibility of having two mates was likely, but the marked status gave the individual the freedom to display their power to the world.

  That immunity meant you had to choose a side, and if that side wasn't one of the opposite's likings, it led to hate and, in some instances, war.

  Now that I'd taken the primary role in Alisha's body, the waves of wisdom were swarming my mind and reminding me of our potential. It would take some time for Alisha to understand her worth, but from what I'd discovered quietly watching her I knew she'd find her inner self soon enough.

  From the recent flashback, it was obvious that we had a mate somewhere out there. That was a good sign.

  Marked monarchs, especially when mated, had the ability to track each other. Alisha may not know how to do that, but her partner surely could, and I was rather confident that he would find exactly where we were.

  The only problem I currently had with our predicament was in regard to who fucking put us here.

  That question tugged at me, inciting my raging anger. Even with my pages of knowledge, I didn’t know what kind of supernatural I was, and I was desperate to figure it out. Many assumed a supernatural monarch was a powerful butterfly that could trigger peace or war depending on the season it shifted in. Compared to other supernaturals, they couldn't shift unless triggered.

  I knew this wasn't the case for us. I felt the embedded heat within me, and it was only a matter of time before Alisha felt it as well. Her weakened body was only due to her lack of energy, but once she was up to full health and stamina she would begin to experience the burning heat tucked within her.

  When that happened, we'd have to find someone to aid us in controlling it.

  Or I pray for all these prisoners and their lives.

  Now that I was in control, my senses were picking up on everything. Alisha, even in her weakened state, could pick up on the weakened state of this supernatural prison, but it was far worse than I'd expected.

  This gate would fall back by a mere touch of my hand, not to mention the magical barriers that were supposedly there to stop us from using our gifts. I'm sure a naive individual wouldn't think twice of busting out of here, but I was smarter.

  I always saw through the cracks.

  It was obvious that many of these supernaturals, especially those that didn’t deserve so much as a mere glimpse of my time, were here on their own accord. Some were running away from true crimes that were hidden beneath the fake offenses, while others were here to hide from the enemies desperate to slit their throats.

  That led me to wonder why we were here.

  To easily send us into a prison with a fake trial means we were set up, and the bout of amnesia didn't sit well with me. It wasn't due to natural causes, that was for sure, but what benefit would it have? Why keep a monarch in captivity?

  Unless someone needs me down here...

  The vision of the four girls flickered in my mind, all of them looking as though they were prisoners in some sort of captivity. I knew that expecting them to join us here was a strong assumption to make, but if there was a slight chance my guess was correct, we were in for a bigger surprise when our paths all aligned.

  They all held a sort of royal aspect to them, leadership bleeding off of their powerful auras and dominant stances. The girls on the far left and right intrigued me the most, their similar complexions and outlooks leaving me to wonder if they were twin monarchs.

  It was very possible, but if so, the others in the middle would also have to be at the same level of monarchy.

  The idea of it all began to trigger a frenzy of wonder within my curious mind, but I decided to leave it there and bring my focus back to the present.

  With how weak Alisha's body was after the strain of the last two weeks, it would be wise to not spend too much time in full control.

  To have Alisha completely submit herself to my power was a blessing, especially with our lack of memories and brief introduction, but it was proof that our previous connection was still vibrant. I felt the need to rekindle the bright flames of that healing bond that would
only occur through the challenges we faced and our progress within these imprisoned walls.

  It was time to give her a bit of relief. For starters, we would have a little fun with these foolish beings.

  The footsteps grew louder until the guard from before came into view. The single light that illuminated the disgusting cell suddenly went off, the pitch darkness only making my grin widen.

  What a time to be alive with beautiful night vision like mine. My eyes had to be illuminated with a vivid glimmer. The shock coming from the man's wide eyes and gaping mouth left me no choice but to giggle.

  "Do you believe that working in the dark should frighten me?"

  I held back my monarch traits, including the commanding ability to leave someone quivering in their spot. It was a purposeful act, one to give off the illusion that I was still Alisha and not the hidden masterpiece of knowledge and strength.

  "You love to talk big, don't you?" The man laughed, trying to hide the obvious tremble in the sound. The comment must have been the cue for the remaining nine individuals to come into view, and I raised an eyebrow in question as they crowded around the main security guy.

  He lifted his arms to cross over his chest with pride, his black orbs oozing with lust as he looked at my sitting figure.

  "About time we put you in your place. At Psychic Prison, we take disciplinary actions against disrespectful prisoners seriously."

  Now THAT was hilarious, enough to send me into laughing fit. The sound of pleasantry was already making some of the men standing there quiver as bits of my monarch traits slipped through the protective hold.

  If only I could tell Alisha this. The idea of sharing the joy of this situation made me realize how much better it was to communicate with her versus counting cacti and rocks.

  Shiny rock!

  I easily slipped it out of the pocket we'd concealed it in, feeling its rough edges that reminded me of pyrite. The stone of riches and abundance. Little was known about the extra powers it possessed, like enhancing magical abilities that suck power from others who are unworthy, filled with greed, or have ill intentions for the innocent of this world.

  Only certain supernaturals knew about this. The information was funneled and quickly forgotten for the sake of protection. With a world filled with misdirection, it was the people of hierarchy that forced the knowledge to disappear for the sake of everyone’s wellbeing.

  Thankfully, we didn't have that problem.

  "I find it amusing that I'm being lectured by an imbecile that deems sexual assault as a disciplinary action for disrespect." I stared at the stone in my hand, watching the gold that began to seep through to the surface expand quickly while I slowly channeled my desire to use its hidden properties.

  "I should be the one to discipline you for even considering those filthy hands of yours touching this pure body of mine." My eyes lifted to see the rage that flooded his exterior, but it only motivated me to tease him even more.

  To push all those fucking buttons and remind me of the difference in status, if not superiority.

  "Not to mention your dismissive behavior of royalty. The disrespect you give with every glance in my direction. And don't get me started on that dirty, lust-filled mind of yours. Why not take your frustrations about your lack of sexual release out on someone else who would be delighted with a group orgy? I for one am tired and have better things to do with my locked-up time."

  From his darkened eyes and clenched fists, I'd hit the heart of his insecurities and boy, would I suffer the consequences if I wasn't as confident in my own abilities of protection.

  "You fucking cunt. I'll silence that mouth of yours with my very cock."

  "You sure?" I tilted my head and gave a condescending look. "With your lack of backbone and the almost nonexistent bulge in those tight pants of yours, I'd assume you were diagnosed with a micro-penis syndrome. What a pity."

  To his dismay, a few of his comrades chuckled. My obvious grin of satisfaction only added fuel to the fire.

  The intensity in the room escalated, but it didn't faze me in the slightest. Instead, I returned to looking at the precious jewel in my hand, its power now at its peak and waiting for my silent command.

  "I'll silence you into submission!" he hissed, giving away what he was as his long tongue darted from his mouth and wrapped around the single bar of the gated door that separated me from the lot of them.

  He tugged on the door, lifting from its spot and causing it to hover off the ground with just the strength of his long tongue. I debated whether to be impressed with his tongue's strength or absolutely disgusted at the idea of that rusted pole of infected bacteria now running through his saliva.

  Before any of them could make a move, I tossed the stone upward.

  "Why don't we change the mood?" I offered while my eyes tracked the height of the stone that glistened even in the pitch darkness.

  I could feel the men's gaze land on my new prized possession, and their realization was priceless. Some of their eyes grew wide while others were filled with misunderstanding.

  Too late now.

  "Stone of judgment. Glittering gold of abundance. Get rid of any that threaten my harmony. Judge thy heart, and deliver the consequences they so heartedly deserve. Evera ra ve lo flamara."

  The seal of my magic spell triggered a shot of heat through me, the intensity making my world spin, but I endured.

  A wave of utter silence followed, everyone waiting for my phenomenal magic spell to finally activate. When it didn't, one of the men began to laugh, followed by another, until they were all cracking up in mockery.

  "In all my years as a guard, this is by far the funniest shit I've seen," one of them declared in a holler.

  "Did she really think some rock was about to get rid of us? Trained, professional guards that have to deal with supernaturals of various ranks. We could easily take on the shifters on Level Four, but this lunatic thought a rock was about to bring justice and rid the world of our existence?! Bah!" another individual commented.

  "Yup, she's a true psycho with a hot body." A different man's voice.

  "Now it's our turn to teach her a lesson," the security guard said with malicious eyes, his legs moving forward three solid steps.

  I was still remaining where I was, my legs crossed and my hand still waiting for the rock to lower. When it didn't, the security guard glanced at the glittering jewel again, his mouth open halfway and ready to share his opinion, when there was a loud thump.

  We turned our gazes to the corner, and I didn't need to squint my eyes to see the lifeless body that remained in place.

  No one spoke a word until another thump came from the other side.

  "What the-" one of the guards tried to speak, the registration of what was happening finally sinking in. He suddenly clenched his chest in agony, his body dropping to the floor the next second.

  The remaining six guards didn't stand a chance, their eyes dulling of life as they fell to their knees and every bit of energy left their bodies.

  My dazzling smile only emphasized my mocking jewels that now landed on the sole security guard, who stared at me with fearful eyes.

  He trembled in his spot, noticing how the stone that hovered in my hand now glowed vigorously with magic; the gathered life essence of his nine dead comrades coursed through its little frame.

  "What should I do with you?" I sang the question with power, but an idea popped into my mind that felt made me giggle maliciously.

  "Seeing as you've been nothing but a pain in my ass, I'll torture you a little bit.”

  Lowering my gaze to the bodies, I shrugged. "Get rid of these bodies. Place them near the elevator. Then I want you to return and begin cleaning every bit of my cell until the floor fucking sparkles. Once you've completed that, you'll remain here until my master arrives. Then you can happily inform him of your malicious plans for disciplining me. We'll see what his reaction is. Did I make myself clear?"

  The man's head bobbed quickly in submission and he
began to pick up the closest body to him, dragging it down the hall towards the elevator.

  When he was far enough away, I allowed myself to sigh. The drop in energy had only worsened after the stunt I pulled.

  Looks like Alisha has to return to control.

  As much as I enjoyed my shining moment, I'd be putting her at risk by staying longer. Glancing at the floating stone, I watched it lower back into my hand, its warmth giving me hope.

  Closing my fingers around its frame, I felt a little ting of magic flow into me. The sudden weight of weakness dimmed, waves of energetic bursts running through me. A short minute was all I needed to feel a fresh sense of rejuvenation, the action from the stone within my grasp left me in a grateful state.

  "Thank you for your protection and energy boost. You have my gratitude."

  A hint of a sparkle twinkled in response, and I knew it had understood my thankfulness.

  What a shame it was to know how little respect the world had for mother nature. If only their greedy minds could get out of their asses and see the true gems hidden all around them.

  Alisha hadn't quite understood my fascination with shiny rocks, but this was an example of their capabilities, and I'd make sure this experience lingered in her mind so she could keep it for future reference.

  A yawn escaped me. I noticed the guard was on the last body. It wouldn't be long before my master arrived. I could feel it.

  Whoever they were, I'd judge their worthiness. I wouldn't be told what to do from a weakling. Memories or no memories, I was still a marked monarch, and that alone deserved recognition.

  These prison walls wouldn't hold me if I didn't get what I wanted, and I knew whoever put me down here knew it.

  Patience is a virtue. I could clearly see why that saying was still popular even after the many centuries of its existence.

  We'd need all the patience we could get, but deep within, I had a feeling it would all be worth it.


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