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Psychic Prison

Page 22

by Veronica Agnus

  "But the string...that goes from the douche to Alisha was never cut," Kai slowly realized. "Now it makes sense! Alisha severed her ties with the douche, so she isn't his mate and her new mate will reveal himself in a few weeks, but the douche's tie hasn't been destroyed so when you view it in a spiritual connection, he technically still has a mate! He probably waited the last ten years, thinking he'd get his new mate like Alisha's about to, but because his attachment to her is still valid...oh fuck."

  "Ten years wasted," Titus coldly announced. "I have a strong suspicion he had to be the reason Alisha got set up."

  "That's what we believe," Lyla agreed.

  "It would make the most sense. Timing is pretty perfect. If Alisha's stuck in prison, her mate can't necessarily find her. Also, if he starts searching for her, this douche will figure out his reasoning for locating her and kill him before he has a chance," Atticus explained.

  "No wonder why he's been a stubborn pain in the ass with his sore loser attitude," Kai huffed. "Why didn't you tell us this in the beginning?"

  "I couldn't trust you guys yet. With the agreement in place and everyone sworn in magically, I didn't worry as much, but I like to observe people's behavior before making drastic decisions, especially when it involves my marked butterfly."

  "Possessive," Kai, Blaze, and Titus concluded.

  "If you know exactly who’s behind this, why aren't you arresting him?" Omarion inquired. "The evidence is rather obvious."

  An eerie chuckle made the room silent.

  "Omarion. You're an investigator. It doesn't take a genius to see the multiple reasons why this man is walking free. No matter his crime against someone as powerful as a monarch, money rules this world and favors are even more desirable. If this man is desperate to either claim Alisha as his own or kill her, all he has to do is throw his money to the highest bidder. Whoever bids to get the job done will get the big, fat cheque for money or exchange of actual elemental power. If this man had connections to a fae that can use glamor to that extent of trickery, I can only imagine their status or the organization they work for."

  "Organization," Blaze repeated the word. "You believe this douche or maybe the fae that helped him works for someone else?"

  "As a doctor specializing in rare supernaturals, I can assure you that no fae with the ability to use dark glamor to change a shifter’s entire genetic makeup wouldn't already be paid heavily to work in the silent chambers of a massive organization. In our case, it has to be a powerful group that wants to get rid of any supernaturals that pose the threat of overpowering them. " He paused. "Would make intriguing sense to quietly sentence a monarch to life in imprisonment, only for her to be claimed by a master from her past and taken to a place where no one will be able to find her again. Pretty solid plan until her mate and three random supernaturals decided to join forces, something supernaturals don't do often, and screwed up their entire plan. Now all they can do is work from the inside to get rid of your princess, but even with Psychic Prison's lack of protection within our walls, they don't play around with the outside."

  "What do you mean?" Titus questioned. "The security here is trash."

  "Interior, yes. Exterior? Good fucking luck. The only exit that's not securely bonded is on Level Four. Exiting through that route is the only way you'd get out of the place, but there's no way of getting back in unless you're a returning prisoner. What does that mean? All the scary, rich assholes that want to get in, can't."

  "What if they act like a master? We were able to get in just fine," Blaze pointed out.

  "There's a rule with masters," Omarion spoke up. "You recall going through a scanner before you signed the copies of your documentation, correct?"

  "Yes," Blaze answered.

  "If your intention is to remove a prisoner from captivity, it'll show. It doesn't matter how your body reacts or uses magic to try and fake it. You three applied for the role of masters for personal reasons but none that would encourage the immediate removal of Alisha Butterfly from her circumstances."

  "Then what about Atticus?" Kai questioned. "Wasn't your reason for bidding to get her out?"

  "No," Atticus calmly replied. "Getting her out is indeed a goal, but not with the current risk of her being hunted. We'd just finished taking down one of the top criminals of this generation. Intriguing timing for Alisha to be targeted by a mass group, retrieved from the ocean, revived, and awakened in a tightly secured hospital that wouldn't allow even royalty entrance. The underground bidding was my only shot to keep her in a place that's secure on the outside. To her enemies, she's trapped in this place. To us, it's a decoy while we try and gather enough information and money to fight back."

  "Then what's holding you back from pressing charges?" Omarion concluded.

  "Money for one, and enough supernatural force to counter," Lyla answered. "None of us expected the bid to be this high. Atticus has been keeping the extent of how serious this was from Alisha's family because they have close ties with the dragon clan's leader and the fae queen. If everything is revealed to quickly, we may trigger a supernatural war, and that's something we're trying to avoid. The money used to save Alisha in the bidding was Atticus's savings. We still have a bit, but not near enough to defend ourselves if things get ugly. This world runs by the dollar bills in your account, and so far, the douche beats us with his family's fortune."

  "That's why you need to join forces." Omarion sounded deep in thought. "Shouldn't be a problem."

  "What do you mean?" Atticus questioned. "You make it seem like you're suddenly joining us."

  "Well, I'm here aren't I?" Omarion reasoned.

  "Why are you here, anyway?" Kai questioned. "No one invited you."

  "You're now realizing my existence as though I wasn't apart of this conversation." Omarion sounded ticked off. "Back to what I was saying. Yes, I may be intrigued enough to join forces. However, that depends on how my current case goes. It's about time the organizations that want to overpower the 'bad' within the realms of supernaturals join forces, but we'd need more royals."

  "More royals, as in monarchs?" Kai clarified.

  "I doubt we'd find another monarch like Alisha. However, if we can locate one or two more royal supernaturals and have their family's support, we could stand a chance. That also means we'll be able to have more wiggle room in fighting against these charges. When we finally reveal our plans, we will hit them with enough evidence to get Alisha out, as well as anyone else who’s been falsely accused or kidnapped."

  "If only it was that easy as you make it sound," Lyla noted.

  "May not be easy, but it's doable with time and patience," Omarion countered.

  "How can we trust you?" Atticus questioned. "You're a double agent."

  "I work as a double agent for the sake of saving the good of humanity. May I also remind you that I'm a god and I'm pretty positive I knew which dragon clan the three are you from."

  "Is three including Titus?" Kai whispered.

  "Probably," Blaze noted.

  "Which?" Atticus prompt.


  "Hmph." That's all Atticus said while Titus muttered, "That was obvious when they're the head clan of what? Thousands of little clans? If you're trying to act cool, you're not."

  "We may have located the lost princess of Cyldrirth," he announced.

  Even in my half-conscious state, I couldn’t miss the sudden heaviness in the room.

  "She's here?" Lyla questioned.

  "No," Omarion answered. "Different prison. One far fancier than this dump."

  "Dubai." Titus sounded upset. "That place is full of a bunch of royal criminals. I'm not going there."

  "You don't have to," Omarion noted. "I'll figure out how we can get access and see if we can locate her, but she could be one of the royals that help us."

  "You're missing one key piece," Lyla noted.

  "Which is?"

  "There are two princesses," Lyla acknowledged. "Where's the other?"

  "We're unsure," Om
arion replied.

  "Then good luck." Lyla brushed off the idea. "You're going to need both."

  "Why?" Kai asked. "Are they twins or something?"

  "Hit the nail on the head," Lyla replied. "Which remains here. That's information only those close to the royal families know about."

  "This is giving me a headache." Kai sighed. "Now that we kinda have an idea what our apparent enemy has planned for us, are we going to take the time to formulate a plan or what? Alisha's powerful and can handle things herself as she clearly demonstrated after surviving the collapse of that part of the mines and somehow escaping Level Four with every limb intact. She won't be down for us 'guarding' her. Well, maybe Titus, since you can't see him the majority of the time."

  "You sound disappointed," Titus said in amusement.

  "Every boy has once wished to have invisibility powers, okay?" Kai whined.

  "We need a game plan." Blaze returned to the point. "I think with everything you explained, Alisha's safer down here. Obviously, it's not comfortable in comparison to the outside world, but with her current state and amnesia, it's the safest route."

  "Hey, Doc," Lyla began. "You think there's a way to remove the block on Alisha?"

  "That is the purpose of these meds," he replied. "As well as making sure she doesn't bring the walls down again. I like my pay and don't want any budget cuts happening in my department over her display of power."

  "You're not getting a budget cut," Lyla groaned. "And Alisha hates pills."

  "Well, she has no choice but to take these. It's a mandatory order," Doc noted. "However, I'm making sure Omarion is getting them from the pharmacy."

  "You don't trust they'll give the right meds," Titus stated.

  "Of course not. This is prison where anyone can be your enemy." Doc laughed.

  "And we're supposed to trust you because?" Kai questioned.

  "I don't have time for backstabbing and the dirty stuff. As long as I get to do my research, my life is peaceful."

  "So what's the plan?" Titus spoke up. "Alisha's birthday is soon. Meaning there will be more attacks down the line if this guy gets desperate."

  "We'll have to distract him from the outside while keeping Alisha safe on the inside," Atticus emphasized.

  "Let her start taking her meds first. As of now, with the new set of prisoners, it'll be risky for this man to order another inside attack," Omarion suggested. "Now that we have a better idea of what's happening, we can start formulating a plan that can implement a domino effect."

  "Still haven’t even introduced yourself," Kai muttered. "You know, in my culture introductions are rather vital before making an alliance."

  "Omarion Davis," he introduced. "There. I can sign a magical agreement with my blood if you need my sworn secrecy."

  "Cool," Blaze replied. "We should move the signing and blood to another room."

  "When do you think Alisha will be awake, Doc?"

  "Few more hours. Her recovery is based on her mental healing process. The liquid medicine I've injected during the course of her unconsciousness should aid in that."

  "Well, let's get moving," Kai encouraged.

  "She'll be okay to stay here?" Atticus clarified.

  "No need. I can stay behind," Titus volunteered.

  "Would be appreciated," Atticus noted.

  "Then I'll accompany Omarion to get the meds," Doc concluded.

  "When Alisha wakes up, explain to her that she needs to keep a low profile," Omarion suggested.

  There was a soft giggle. "I feel you're asking the impossible for a monarch. Remember, this incident happened with Alisha minding her own business after she felt unwell, and look how that turned out?" Lyla explained.

  "We'll figure it out," Blaze concluded. "Let's get moving so we can get the ball rolling."

  "On this quest for payback! Man, ex-boyfriends are sure something."

  "They never dated," Atticus growled.

  "Hey, hey. Don't go blowing steam at me. I'm just trying to lighten the mood!"

  The shuffling in the room faded as the sound of the door closing left a quietness in the room.

  A soft touch to my cheek told me Titus had remained.

  "A man desperate for this woman he let get away. Tsk. He doesn't know what he's started."

  That was all I heard, before the cool touch faded away like his soft presence. The silence that followed triggered the clawing darkness, but I was grateful for its arrival because my mind was flooded with far too many questions and no answers to guide me.

  We know what the enemy desires of me, but how will this all play out when we're missing the right chess pieces?

  Past Circumstances And Sheltered Shell

  "Why are you here exactly?" I mumbled in boredom as I stared in the mirror of my vanity. "I thought we all made it clear that I'm not someone who needs to be babysat."

  "Oh, I know you're not," Kai declared. "I just like bending the rules once and a while so you don't get too comfortable."

  The wink of his orange eye annoyed me, and I rolled my eyes as I returned to staring at my reflection. Today was one of those 'participation' days, and I'd decided to head to the underground cafeteria.

  The weeks were going by in the same old routine, and I was starting to get utterly irritated by it. Captivity wasn't for the faint of heart. But there some good to my current predicament.

  A new prisoner had recently arrived, a Level One human girl.

  The human part made me laugh because there was no way a human would be thrown into a place like this, but our introduction had been quite a rare occurrence.

  * * *


  The common declaration of a fight didn't bother me, and I continued to focus on my tray of food I hadn't touched yet.

  “I don't want to fight! Why the fuck are you swinging at me like a damn log?” a woman shouted, her voice piquing my interest, but I carried on with the task of eating.

  The silence that followed made me wonder if the fight was already over with a single punch, but the crawling sense that someone was staring in my direction had my senses tingling while my psychic abilities awakened to catch onto the simple thought

  "Who is she?"

  The tone of the voice matched that of the woman who'd questioned the whole purpose of fighting, but I never had the chance to question it.

  "DON'T IGNORE ME!" The mangled declaration was followed with a roar, the glass on my table shaking from the vibrations of the loud sound.

  I gave up on trying to show my lack of interest. All my sense were on fire and my instincts forced me to turn my head in time to see a woman go flying through the air after being punched in the ribs.

  She had long brown locks and slightly pale skin. She was wearing the Level One uniform. She didn't give off supernatural vibes at first glance. I was immediately reminded of the talk of a human prisoner that had been quite a nuisance since her arrival.

  Either way, I knew if no one interfered, she'd be dead the moment she hit the concrete of the wall behind me.

  She wouldn't just hit the wall. She'd go through a few walls at that speed.

  It also meant she was on a direct course in hitting my table and taking me along for the ride.

  We weren't going to have that type of fun today.

  With a graceful movement, I was out of my seat and putting all my concentration on catching the woman who was heading towards my table. The rush of magic worked swiftly, halting the woman's approaching doom.

  "Fuck. Ow..." Her response was expected, considering the bit of whiplash she'd endured from my rushed psychic catch.

  I noticed how the guards were calling for reinforcements while the vast number of prisoners who were watching the unfolding events were pressed against the walls in fear.

  My gaze rose up and to the side just slightly, just as the woman looked down to meet my gaze. I kept my cold persona, my magic now coursing through me with purpose and giving me the empowerment I needed to play my royal role to perfe

  My pressed lips were glossy from the lip gloss Lyla suggested I wear on the regular to keep my lips nice and smooth. It did a good job of emphasizing my dissatisfaction when I lacked any emotion on my expression.

  The woman's wide blue eyes were staring down at me, fear flickering through them while her thoughts hit me.

  “She soooo doesn't like me. I am fucked.”

  I found it a little amusing, but I kept that hidden behind my mask.


  The roar of the prisoner responsible for all this commotion drew my attention to the gorilla woman stampeding our way.

  I mentally tugged my magic back into my possession, knowing the purple and white light that surrounded the woman I'd saved would vanish. I heard her body crash to the floor, but now my focus was on the approaching enemy.

  I couldn't believe this prisoner was so blinded by rage that she’d pick a fight with me - of all the prisoners in this place. How could she not sense the level difference in power between us?

  A thought crossed my mind, leaving me to wonder if this woman was an inside job, similar to when I was about to be jumped without Freya's interference weeks ago.

  What suddenly surprised me was my vision being blocked by brown locks of hair that began to levitate with rushing magic. Everything slowed, my magic suddenly heightening everything I was witnessing.

  My shock was only the icing on the cake as the woman's last thoughts hit me like a plague.

  “Forgive me. I at least died with honor.”

  As if I'd let her die. However, that thought triggered a force far more powerful than mine in that second. Crushing heat bloomed from her skin, and I watched in amazement as her brown locks shifted to a dazzling turquoise, with bits of gold and orange tinsel highlights.

  Her arm that rose up in defense began to glow, a tattoo of the same turquoise shade burning brightly as if it was the sudden key to her shot of power.


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