Triple Major

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Triple Major Page 85

by Lana Hartley

Vincent nods in agreement.

  “But,” I continue, “She doesn’t want Isadora to rule, does she?”

  “She doesn’t think Isadora can,” Vincent says.

  “But we both know better,” I say. “Isadora won’t give up control. If Ileana thinks she will, she’s underestimating her.”

  “Indeed, she is,” Vincent agrees.

  “What you think she’ll do to her?” I know the answer, but I ask anyway.

  “She’ll kill her, probably have Richer make it look like a suicide,” Vincent says.

  Sometimes there’s something to be said for directness, I suppose.

  “We’re not going to let that happen.”

  “Of course not,” Vincent says.

  “We need to plan,” I say, “but first we need to tell Isadora everything.”

  “Tell Isadora?”

  I can tell from Vincent’s tone that he doesn’t like the idea. I can’t believe that for once I’m the one who wants to be direct; perhaps Vincent is influencing me as much as I’m influencing him.

  “You know as well as I do that protecting her will be a thousand times more difficult if she doesn’t know what’s happening,” I say.

  “I know, “he agrees, “but-”

  “I don’t want to hurt her either, but we have to tell her.”

  Vincent and I are so deeply engaged in our discussion that neither of us hear the lock click.

  “Tell me what?” Isadora asks, entering the room, her hair still damp from the shower. “Don’t tell me my husbands are keeping secrets from me already.”

  I look from Isadora to Vincent. I know he doesn’t want to lie to her any more than I do. It appears the decision has been made for us. We’re going to have to tell Isadora everything.


  I look at Vincent and Nathan’s faces and know immediately that whatever they’re thinking I won’t like me is serious, very serious. I’ll lecture them about not hiding things from me later, for now I just need to get them to talk to me. Neither of them looks like they want to speak. For a long moment they both just stare at me.

  “Isadora,” Nathan says finally, “you’d better sit down.”

  “It’s about your mother,” Vincent says

  “My mother?” I know now without a doubt whatever they have to tell me is going to be horrible.

  “Yes.” Vincent nods.

  “She's been planning something,” Nathan says.

  If they expect me to be shocked, they’re wrong. There hasn't been a single moment of my life where my mother wasn't hatching some plan or devising some scheme. Most of her plots are treacherous at best and deadly at worst. From the way Nathan and Vincent are behaving, from the way shadows of worry cloud both their handsome faces, I can tell whatever they’ve learned about my mother has come as a surprise to them. I know they want to protect me, but nothing they can say will be low to me. No one on this earth knows better than I do how dangerous my mother can be.

  “What about her?”

  “You'll remember I told you she missed our meeting,” Nathan says.

  “I remember.”

  “Well, that's because she was meeting a man,” Nathan continues. “A man named Alex Richter.”

  “The assassin,” I say.

  Nathan and Vincent exchange looks with each other before turning back to me. I suspect that they, like most people, assume that because I’ve spent most of my time in school surrounded by books that I don’t know the real inner workings of politics. I know more than most people think. Most took my silence for indifference or disinterest, but being quiet allowed me to learn more than I ever could by speaking. It’s amazing what people will reveal if they think you’re just pretty and shy and harmless. Besides, some of my mother’s staff aren’t as loyal as she thinks.

  “Yes,” Nathan says, “the assassin. I take your mother has used him before.”

  “They know each other,” I say carefully. I love both these men with all my heart, but until I know what my mother has planned, I don't want to say too much.

  “She wants him to kill Nathan,” Vincent says.

  I remain silent, my lips pressed together in a thin line... The rage I hold toward my mother is something I've held in my heart since I was a child. It’s threatening to unfurl, and I can’t let that happen, not yet. I marshal all of my self-control and push it down. Now is not the time to be blinded by anger. I have to know everything that my husbands do, and I know there’s more.

  “And?” I say calmly.

  “She plans to blame Vincent for my murder,” Nathan finishes.

  “Thus gaining control of all three kingdoms, no doubt doing away with me as soon as possible.” I can't hide the bitterness in my voice.

  “Don't worry, we won't let her hurt you.” Vincent says.

  I want to laugh. They have no idea how my mother has hurt me. They're twenty years too late to protect me from her.

  “What are we going to do?” I say, emphasizing the we. Whether they know it or not, they won't be able to handle my mother without me.

  “Isadora, your mother is dangerous.”

  “Maybe it would be best if we sent you a-”

  “No,” I say, cutting them both off. “I'm not going anywhere. Do you honestly think I don't know how dangerous my mother is?” I rise from my chair, pacing the room. This isn’t going to be easy for me to say. “I know how dangerous she is better than either one of you. Do you think my father really drowned in the pool?”

  They both stare at me, understanding dawning on their faces.

  “He was murdered?” Vincent asks.


  “Richter?” Nathan asks.

  “No, my mother.”

  “Are you sure?” Nathan asks the question I see in both their eyes.

  “Am I sure? I saw it happen. I can never forget it. It's burned in my mind's eyes forever.” I take a deep breath. “I'd woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. My nanny was asleep, but I didn't want her. I wanted my father. I knew he always took an evening swim before bed. So, I went to the pool to find him. Instead, I found my mother pushing him into the pool. Holding him under until there was no movement. I suspect she drugged him first to make it easier. She didn't see me. I ran back to my room and got into bed. The next morning I woke up to what I already knew—my father was dead.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Vincent says.

  “Do you think she know that you saw her?” Nathan asks.

  “If she thought that I wouldn't be standing here. Until this very moment I've never told another soul. My mother will kill anyone who stands between her and what she wants.”

  I feel suddenly lighter, finally being able to share my secret. Nathan and Vincent both wrap me in their arms. I feel safe and secure for the first time in my life. If my mother thinks I'll let her take this from me, if she thinks she can steal the only good thing she's ever given me—

  She’s mistaken. Nathan and Vincent both whisper words of comfort and reassurance to me.

  “Don't worry, Isadora, we'll stop her,” Nathan says.

  “No one else is going to die by your mother's hand.” Vincent promises, kissing my lips.

  No, they won't, I think to myself, kissing Vincent before turning to Nathan. I need them now more than ever. I want another moment with them like I had at the bedding ceremony because I know what I'm going to do. I kiss them both like it could be the last time I ever do, and if my plan fails it may well be our last kiss.


  Today is a special day, and I’m very nervous. I’m feeling very close to both Vincent and Nathan by now. The times we’ve shared. Nathan and how he opened up to me some in the conservatory room about his nightmares and how the sex is turning into lovemaking.

  And then there’s Vincent and his urge to woo me in the garden, the sex after jogging when our bodies were plastered with sex and wine. Such a thing would gross me out before, but now I find it exotic and exhilarating. I need it.

  So who will be the
winner lover tonight? It doesn’t honestly matter to me. It’s not a competition anymore. I’m not sure what it is. I need them both. Is there anything wrong with that? Is it possible to be in love with two men at once? And furthermore, is it possible for two men to both be in love with me?

  I can’t leave Nathan; I want to find out who that woman is in his nightmares and protect him from her. I know Vincent has his own secrets, even though he acts like he doesn’t. He acts like he’s made of glass; I can see through him, there’s nothing to hide. There is no dust. He is absolutely clean, perfect. But there has to be something. Or maybe there’s not. Maybe Vincent has lived an almost perfect life. It’s Nathan who is damaged. I can feel it in his kiss, he’s seeking something. He is seeking comfort.

  What is Vincent seeking? Maybe I’ll find out tonight.

  I go into the Royal Chambers room and look out at the columned viewing point. It overlooks the garden and a sweeping view of the valley. It’s breath-taking, but I promise you this much—it’s not as breath-taking as Nathan and Vincent. But it’s a very charming night, and I can’t believe that this is my life and that I live here. I do not take it for granted. That is part of being a princess. I truly value everything I have, every day I have it.

  I shut my eyes and let the breeze blow over me, and it carries with it the sweet scents from the garden.

  They’re both here, too and dressed in immaculate suits. They couldn’t look more handsome. They eye me and the gorgeous train of my dress. A sweet wind blows in from the terrace. It’s almost 6 pm, the day is winding down, but the night and all its luscious smells are yet to come.

  Nathan comes right over and acts as if Vincent isn’t in the room. He hugs me. The embrace is quite strong, his arms wrapping around me and squeezing me tight.

  I hug him back. “How are you?” I kiss his neck and breathe him in, my new favorite thing to do.

  “I’m good now.” He grins. His smile is all sorts of dirty. I haven’t forgotten about our night in the conservatory—how could I? It’s the brightest star in my memory sky.

  “Have you been sleeping okay?” I ask him. He knows what he means. And though he nods, his eyes seem to give me a different answer.

  Oh no.

  Vincent comes over and hugs and kisses me.

  “Princess Isadora,” he says. He wants me to know that it’s about me. With Nathan, it may be about him. His issue with these nightmares.

  Vincent takes me by the hand and pulls me out to the terrace. He holds my hands in his and kisses them.

  “How was your day?”

  “It was fine, Vincent, how was yours?

  “It was great, I spent it thinking about you.”

  I smile. “That’s sweet.”

  “It was very nice,” he says. “And now you’re here in front of me. And so is Nathan,” he says darkly.

  “I’m glad we’re all here together,” I say. “I think it’s going to be an unforgettable night.”

  “You deserve to be happy.”

  Nathan appears, along with his strange energy. I want to be alone with him. He had another nightmare, I can tell.

  Vincent rushes inside to get some wine and food that has been left for us. I am kind of hungry, but right now my eyes are on Nathan.

  “It happened again,” I say to him, “didn’t it?”

  He nods. “This time she got in the house.”

  I don’t know what that means, other than it’s bad, and Nathan looks very scared. It makes me want to do whatever I can to get his mind off of it.

  Vincent arrives before I can say anything else, interrupting our private conversation. He even pours Nathan a glass of wine, which I find very sweet.

  “Don’t tell him,” Nathan whispers to me. Nathan doesn’t want to seem vulnerable in front of Vincent. He doesn’t want to seem weak.

  “Of course,” I say, and we take our wine, and I wonder what we toast to.

  “To tonight,” Vincent says. “Because it will never happen again.”

  What does that mean? I’m bewildered. We raise our glasses, however, and they clank. We toast and look at each other expectedly.

  “I want to be first.” Nathan’s frankness actually makes me laugh so hard that wine almost shoots out of my mouth.

  “Maybe try to be a little less of a jerk,” Vincent says.

  “Hey,” I say. “He’s not a jerk—he’s just…”

  “I want what I want when I want it,” Nathan says. “And I say what others are thinking. For example, you know you were thinking the same thing—you want her first, you want to be the one who gets her open first, tastes her, tastes the day on her and suck it away and get her ready for night. That’s what I want to do, too—so I just said it—and that’s the difference between me and you,” Nathan says before picking up his wine glass and holding it up. “I say we toast to being honest tonight and saying what is really on our minds.”

  “Me too,” I say, dumbly, and now Vincent’s eyes are on me like headlights down a dark, dreary street.

  “Tell us what is on your mind then,” Vincent says.

  I pause and sip my wine, waiting for the second it hits me and relaxes me.

  “Um, well.” I look at Nathan. “I’ve been worried about you two.”

  “We’re fine,” Nathan says, “As you can see.” Ugh. He’s got his guard up. Mr Cool Just Wanna Have Sex. That’s who he is tonight.


  “Princess Isadora,” Vincent says. “My I take you out to the garden for a minute?”


  I can feel Nathan not liking this idea.

  “Tonight she stays in the Royal Chambers,” Nathan stresses. “We all do.”

  What is with Vincent? His eyes look moistened with tears.

  “Is that okay?” I ask him.

  “Yes,” Nathan answers for him. Nathan is annoying me a little. He walks back into the room. He looks so handsome it’s almost too much to look at him; it’s almost too much to handle.

  I sip my wine and look at Vincent very attentively. He needs attention. He needs to tell me something.

  “Isadora, are you in love with Nathan? More than you’re in love with me? The way you look at him, it’s like a little girl looking at a puppy.”

  “I care about him—I care about you both, but perhaps Nathan has shared with me some personal things and you… I don’t know, Vince.”

  “Perhaps I’m not as interesting as Nathan, I’m not haunted. It’s alike a haunted house… I’m just an empty new house.”

  “No, no, Vincent, you’re not empty.”

  “Isadora,”—his voice is dark, stern, drawing my attention to him directly—“you’re the most exciting thing that’s happened to me.” He sips his wine. “Maybe that’s it.” He looks out into the garden, his favorite place. Maybe because he’s waiting for things in him to grow too, to be bright and colorful just like that garden he’s so obsessed with. “Which can be great for me, but it’s probably so boring for you.”

  “It’s not, Vincent.” I feel like my words aren’t convincing enough. I place my hand over his wrist and tug, wanting him to come near for a kiss. The kiss will prove I do want him.

  He kisses back, and we get very handsy. I place my hand on his trousers, which fit him perfectly, and I slide my hand along the length of his cock.

  “Isadora…” he says my name with so much need and appreciation. It gets me so warm and wet. He will take me now—right in front of Nathan—to give him a run for his money.

  Vincent places me down on the bed, and Nathan goes back out on the balcony. Does he not want to watch? Is he riddled with jealousy?

  Vincent opens his trousers and grazes his cock along my thigh. He captures my mouth with his in a slow kiss, but I can’t keep my eyes off Nathan, sitting alone on the balcony. He doesn’t appear interested that Vincent is having his way with me.

  Vincent doesn’t seem to notice that my attention is elsewhere as he plants his face is in my breasts, licking and sucking on my nipples.
The friction of his touch causes my back to bow, pushing myself toward him. To feel of his teeth there excites me, and I feel a dampness between my legs. His fingers move between the lips of my pussy and he draws them back and amuses over the glistening juices coating his hand.

  He pushes two fingers inside me as he continues to suck my nipple. He works me over so thoroughly that when he finally thrusts himself up into me, his back muscles popping out when he does so, that I’m on the verge of climax almost immediately.

  “AHHH!” I let out a great big sigh and look over and find Nathan has turned the chair around in the opposite direction so he can watch. Vincent grinds into me with perfect strides, his precision calculated and his rhythm paced. Nathan’s eyes never leave mine as Vincent fucks me, the night wind sweeping his hair across his beautifully tanned face.


  “Mmm,” Vincent moans, pleased with the way I’m receiving him.

  I’m very wet and tight around his cock as it pushes its way in and out.

  Nathan stands from his chair, his beautiful feet touching down on the cobblestones of the balcony as he strides into the Royal Chambers. He places his hand on my face, running his knuckles down to my chin.

  “She’s beautiful,” Nathan says, watching my facial expressions as I start to glow from another orgasm that courses through my core.

  When Vincent finishes, delivering another powerful thrust before coming, he leaves me on the bed and lets Nathan take over.

  I want to ask him about how he’s been sleeping, about the nightmares, but I also get that this isn’t the appropriate time. He places his arms under my knees and spreads me wide apart and looks up at my pussy. My nipples are very erect, my tits juggling as he gets me in a nice position. He flicks his tongue along my sore pussy where Vincent has just hammered me into having two big orgasms, but Nathan seems to think there’s more to be given, and he’s going to get those orgasms to come with his tongue. He also uses his thumb, which is nice and thick, and slides up inside of me. It seems to trigger all the right spots so my body bows off the mattress and contorts in pleasure.

  “Still, Isadora,” he demands. But it’s hard when he absolutely knows how to touch me, and my pussy seems to be in some constant orgasmic state so that anything that contacts it sends me spiralling like an uncurled ribbon.


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