Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.)

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Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.) Page 2

by Tabatha Wild

  Mr Witham’s office was at the far end, on my right, so I turned in that direction and approached his secretary’s desk. An older woman in her 50s sat at her computer, in a crisp blue suit and white blouse, denoting her status up here on the 12 floor.

  She looked up from her computer and I watched her frosty grey eyes examine me with a disdainful look. I was somewhat disconcerted, as she spoke in a matter of fact manner.

  “Mr Witham is expecting you Miss Hart.”

  I became a little flustered by her manner, and the way she instantly returned her attention back to her computer. Turning away from her, I knocked once, pushed the brass handle down and entered the spacious office.

  I have always been a bit nervous of authoritarian figures, so I was feeling anxious as Mr Witham turned towards me.

  “Ah, Miss Hart, take a seat. Is that the Thompson file?”

  I nodded “Yes sir.” He was standing in front of a wall of smoky glass, which revealed a panoramic view of the City of London. His tall solid frame was silhouetted against the bright light and his grey suit seemed to shimmer around the edges.

  I noticed his neat dark hair was swept back away from his forehead and swallowed hard when his bronzed face smiled at me.

  God this man is handsome, I thought, as a slither of excitement ran down my spine. I walked towards the desk on weak knees, and when he signalled to a leather armchair, I quickly took a seat. My butt instantly cooled, at the touch of the cold leather surface.

  He walked over to where I was sitting, and picked the Thompson file up, before walking round the desk and sitting down opposite me. He placed the file on the desk and lifted his eyes to look at me.

  I stared back into his topaz brown eyes and felt my heart flutter. Goodness, I thought, when he spoke in a soft sexy purr. “May I call you Kylie?”

  “Yes, yes,” I eagerly acquiesced. “Of course Mr Witham.”

  “Well Kylie, thanks for bringing the file, but the main reason why I’ve called you up here, is to see if you are interested in a vacancy that has just become available on Mr Morris’s staff.” I was speechless for a moment, as it was the last thing I expected him to say to me.

  I had never met Mr Morris and I didn’t even know what he looked like. “Of course,” he added, “It will be a promotion and a big hike in your salary.”

  “Hike?” was all I could manage.

  “Yes. I understand you are on....” he looked down at a sheet of paper “23K. Well the new position will pay 37K with car and expenses.”

  Goodness! What would I have to do for that salary, I wondered. I suddenly found my voice. “What is the position sir?”

  “Mr Morris needs an External Personal Assistant, who can be mobile, travelling between our three offices in Birmingham, Glasgow and here. I see you have a clean licence and you come highly recommended. So what do you think?”

  “Well, yes, I am very interested.” I stared into his golden eyes, but his smooth face had suddenly taken on a serious expression. I wanted to ask him what the catch was, but I didn’t have the nerve.

  I wanted him to smile again, because he was gorgeous when his lips softened and the corners of his mouth turned up, ever so slightly.

  “Good!” Suddenly the smile was back, his cheeks rose to meet his high cheekbones and the sparkle returned to his eyes.

  “We are having a gathering at Mr Morris’s castle in Blaithmoor over the weekend. You will meet Mr Morris and his staff and they will be able to fill you in on the full details of your new responsibilities.”

  “The weekend? Do you mean this Saturday and Sunday?” I asked stunned by the sudden invitation. He nodded in affirmation.

  “I don’t think I can Sir, at such short notice.” James wouldn’t approve of me going away for the weekend, I thought, because he had planned to take me to Manchester to see a damn football match. Then the events of the previous night came flooding back to me.

  “Oh, have you already got something arranged Kylie?”

  “Er, no, not really, but James may have. I’m not really sure.” I sounded incoherent, as I was furiously wondering whether I could defy an angry boyfriend.

  I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do about his previous night’s behaviour. I didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity, but how, I wondered, would he take the news.

  “Look Kylie, this vacancy is a once in a lifetime chance to move up in the company,” His lovely eyes smiled at me and I began to melt. “So, I need to know now, if you can make the weekend. I’m sorry to put you on the spot Kylie, but we have to fill this vacancy now.” His expression had become serious.

  I thought for a second and decided that I would take the plunge, because I was beginning to realize that my career at Witham & Morris was more important than my relationship with James.

  “Yes!” I blurted out. “I’ll tell James I’m going.”

  “Good, then we’ll make all the arrangements.”

  The young executive removed some items from a drawer and placed them on his desk.

  “Kylie, this is your ticket for the Glasgow express. It leaves Kings Cross station tomorrow afternoon at 3.15. There are four of us going from the company and I want to meet up at 3.00 at the station.”

  I took the small document, which he held out to me across the desk and glanced at the ticket. Goodness! It was first class, and I had never travelled first class in my life. He handed me another item.

  “This is a company credit card. Sign the back and then you can use it for all of your purchases.”

  “Purchases? What do I need to purchase?” I asked, stunned at the rapidly developing situation.

  “Incidentals, meals etcetera.” He waved his hand, “Here, this is the boutique that you need to go to tomorrow morning. They provide all the outfits for our personal assistants, so everything will go on our account.” He handed me another card.

  “Oh, by the way, I’m giving you the day off tomorrow, so that you can get fitted out for the weekend. Just give this card to Miss Francesca,” He handed me his own business card, “And she will supply you with everything you need.”

  I felt a little bemused, as I found myself still thinking about the promotion. Goodness! I suddenly realized the company will be paying for some new outfits. “How will I know what to choose?” I asked lamely.

  His smile broadened and his eyes twinkled at me, causing my face to burn. I shuffled slightly in the leather chair, as I needed to cross my legs and squeeze the gooey feeling that had sparkled at the top of my thighs.

  “Don’t worry, the boutique will know which designs have been selected for the weekend and I believe the theme is leather. Mr Morris is very particular how his EPA’s are dressed and if you impress him, the job will be yours. In any case I’m sure you will enjoy the weekend,” he added, then stood up and came round the desk, holding his hand out in front of him.

  I quickly got to my feet and placed my small hand into his warm one, where he squeezed it tightly and gazed into my eyes.

  “Your eyes are b… er… most unusual” he murmured, softly.

  I began to melt and feel a little woozy. I placed my left hand on the polished wood surface of his desk to steady myself.

  The moment gradually dissolved away and he released my hand, before retreated back to his seat.

  “Er… Thank you sir…” I said, turning quickly to leave and hide the deep blush that I felt burning across my face.

  An inner voice was telling me that he was attracted to me, but my instincts urged me to be cautious. I floated all the way back to my workstation.


  The Proposal.

  This was a lot of information to receive in one go, I thought, as I retraced my steps back to my desk. I looked at his business card and I noticed the initials C. T. In front of Witham and wondered what the T stands for.

  It was general knowledge that his first name was Charles and now I had met him, I thought it suited him.

  I flipped the card over and my name was written
on the back. Funny, I thought, it must have been on the card before he removed it from the drawer, because he hadn’t written anything down whilst I was sitting with him.

  I couldn’t get the image of his smooth handsome face out of my mind. The sparkle in those topaz eyes had seemed to reach into my thoughts and distract me from thinking rationally.

  I sat down at my desk and examined the card from the boutique. It read ‘DANGERUS’ and underneath the title was the legend, ‘Exquisite clothing for astute clients’. That’s interesting, I thought, it sounds a bit posh.

  The thought of getting some nice outfits to wear, definitely appealed to me, because my wardrobe was sparse. In fact the only outfits I bought recently were the slutty ones that James had chosen for me.

  His idea of fashion was the white spandex dress over the tiniest thong, which I now resolved to never wear again. Let’s hope, I thought, that the company had better taste than James!

  The address of ‘DANGERUS’ I noted, was in Montague Street, Chelsea. It’s a very exclusive part of London, near the West End shopping centre, which I know quite well. About a month ago, James had taken me shopping one Saturday, and we had walked along Montague Street for a while, looking at all the expensive, flashy dresses, in a plethora of exclusive clothes shops.

  As I thought back to our walk along the high-class shopping street, I couldn’t recall seeing a shop with the name DANGERUS. But that wasn’t surprising, I thought, because it was a long street and I was mainly looking at the frocks in the windows, not the names above the stores.

  As I settled back into my chair, it began to dawn on me that I was being given an opportunity to better myself and make a clean break from James. If Mr Morris approves my appointment at the weekend, I will be able to afford my own flat on the salary they were offering.

  I had spent a year living with Zoe, sharing a flat, before eventually moving in with James. I didn’t like the thought of living alone, but I could always look around for a new flatmate, I reasoned.

  I started to tidy up my desk, so that I didn’t leave any loose ends for someone else to pick up, after the weekend. I looked up and noticed Zoe was approaching. She sidled up and leant on the low wall that divided the work stations.

  “You OK for a drink on the way home? She enquired.

  I had known Zoe since high school. She had been my best friend and after college, we had both applied for jobs at Witham & Morris and got them.

  We started in the mail room, 2 years ago and Zoe was still working there. I, on the other hand, had worked my way up to 8 floor, and had recently become the PA for Steve Randall, the manager of the international media section of the company,.

  “I can’t tonight Zo, cos I got into trouble last night. You know how James can be!” I wasn’t in the mood for stopping for a drink. It was a nice day, so I had planned to catch the tube to Chelsea and walk across Battersea Bridge to the flat.

  I wanted James in a good mood tonight, so that he would accept the news of my trip to Scotland without too much fuss. I had decided that I was going to leave him when I could find a place to live, but I didn’t want to say anything yet.

  “He’s not hit you again, has he?” Zoe asked, leaning over the partition and lowering her voice.

  “Well…” I lowered my eyes for a second and gave the game away.

  “Kylie! I warned you it would happen again. A leopard never changes its spots!” She moved along the screen and came round to stand beside me.

  “I don’t want to talk about it now,” I said, trying to sound casual.

  “Babe, you can come and stay with us. Pete won’t mind, in fact, he’ll welcome you with open arms.” She had put her hands on the desk and was leaning forwards, staring at me intently.

  “You’re both very kind, but I’ve got to sort it out with James tonight,” I paused wondering if I should tell Zoe my news. “The company has invited me to Blaithmoor for the weekend.” I blurted out.

  Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “The Castle!?” she exclaimed in surprise. “Who invited you?” she demanded, desperate for the information.

  Zoe had shoulder length brown hair and lovely large brown smiling eyes, which gave her ‘plain Jane’ appearance a nice focal point. Her eyes demanded an answer from me.

  She was a lot taller than me at 5’9”, so whenever we were out together, she was the one who always took charge and acted like a big sister protecting me in a number of awkward situations in night clubs. Her nature was aggressive, whilst mine was passive and I thought that that was why we got on so well together.

  “Charles Witham,” I whispered, surreptitiously. She gasped.

  “Kylie, you lucky devil. Tell me more.”

  I quickly explained what had happened and that she should keep it confidential, which I could trust her to do. I accepted her invitation to stay with them Monday night, to keep her happy and I promised her that we would have a long natter, so that I would bring her up to date with everything.

  The tube train was packed on the way to Chelsea, so I was relieved to go above ground and walk the rest of the way to our flat in Battersea. I stopped on Battersea Bridge and watched the traffic on the Thames, whilst I mulled over my options again, with regard to James.

  Should I leave him, or should I stay? Should I give him another chance? Zoe was probably right about his character, but could I change him? Did I want to change him?

  * * *

  I didn’t have far to go and when I arrived home, James was sitting watching the TV. I poked my head into the room to catch his eye.

  “Hi James. I’ll grab a coffee, then I’ll join you.” I shouted over the sound of the television. He gave me a smile and I shot off down to the kitchen.

  There waiting for me on the work surface was a huge bouquet of red roses and a small box wrapped in some bright pink glossy paper. I froze on the spot and before I could decide what to do, he was right behind me.

  His hands were on my shoulders. He turned me round and gazed down at me with his big hazel-green eyes.

  “James I…” I started to speak, but he pulled me up against his body and cut my words off, by pushing his lips onto mine and giving me one of the most passionate kisses I have ever received.

  Ditching my earlier plan, I returned his kiss with fervent passion and allowed him to push me backwards, whilst encircling his neck with my arms.

  I can’t explain why I capitulated so easily to his demanding mouth, but he was such a sensual kisser that my resolve just fritted away.

  I butted up against the kitchen unit, where his searching fingers began to try and gather my skirt up. I couldn’t stop myself from assisting him in his goal, by hoisting it up myself and then pushing my panties off my hips.

  James lifted me up, so that my bare butt was perched on the edge of the work surface and then grabbing the white cotton garment, pulled it further forwards onto my knees. I took over and pushed it further down my legs and let it drop to the floor.

  Now my legs were free of hindrance, he moved his body forwards to stand between my thighs and began to rummage around with his own clothing. I broke away from him and gasped for breath.

  “I’m so, so sorry,” he whispered and then kissing me again, moved forwards to ease his erection into me.

  “Oh James…” I gasped as he slowly filled me with one long thrust of his hips. Our tongues began to explore each other’s mouths, as our bodies became locked together in a wild passionate embrace.

  I wrapped my legs round his body and in one swift movement, he clutched my bottom, lifted me off the work surface, turned and headed towards the hallway.

  My muscles gripped his erection, whilst he walked us into the bedroom and carefully lowered me onto the bed, where he immediately began to rock back and forth.

  “Sweetheart,” he moaned, I will always love you.” I pushed my fingers through his unruly mop of hair and kissed him again, revelling in the exquisite sensations vibrating through my body.

  “Oh darling…” I si
ghed, unable to think coherently, but luxuriating in the moment, the moment I began to feel my climax approaching. Suddenly his smooth motions become urgent and together we tipped over the edge, whereupon I immediately started to dissolve into a wonderful orgasm.

  * * *

  James fetched my present and watched my nervous fingers unwrap it. The events of the past 24 hours were a distant memory as I opened the box, to reveal a diamond engagement ring.

  “My god!” I exclaimed. “This must have cost a fortune!” I stared down at the ring, which was set with a single diamond, which was cut in such a way that gave it a brilliant clear sparkle. It simply took my breath away! I was afraid to touch it and lift it from its container.

  “I’ve been so stupid,” he said. “Let me show you how much I love you Kie, I want to take care of you forever.” I gazed into his handsome face and saw the man I fell in love with.

  “Is this a proposal?” I asked with a big grin on my face.

  “Yes it is sweetheart, a clumsy one I know, but you know me…” he started to tickle me, but I managed to roll away from him, so that I could sit on the side of the bed.

  “First,” I said. “I’ve got some news. I paused and took a deep breath. I can’t come with you this weekend babe.” I stood up and pushed my skirt back into place.

  “Why? What’s the problem?” James sat up suddenly forgetting about the ring and his proposal.

  “The company have asked me to attend a seminar at the weekend, up in Glasgow.” I could see his happy expression begin to cloud over. “I’m travelling up tomorrow afternoon by train and should be back late Sunday night.”

  “How long have you known about this?” He demanded, clearly shocked by the suddenness of my announcement.

  “I found out today. One of the directors called me upstairs and mentioned the possibility of a promotion. I have to go to this seminar babe.”

  “Who are you going with?” I knew the reason behind the question and smiled at him to reassure him.


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