Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.)

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Love, Desire & Intrigue. (Part one: First Lesson.) Page 4

by Tabatha Wild

  “Who said you can’t talk to clients?” Why was everybody being so secretive, I wondered?

  “I signed a confidentiality agreement before I started, Miss.” The mention of a confidentiality agreement made me wonder just what I had signed and I began to regret not reading all the fine print.

  Company policy hey! What else was company policy I wondered?

  Once my stockings were in place Chantel selected a very modern dusky pink water shine day dress, in a soft jersey material, which was gathered in layers.

  I stepped into the frock and slipped my arms through the two inch wide shoulder straps. As Chantel zipped the back, I could see the dress mould itself into my slimmer figure. Both the dress and I looked amazing, I decided.

  The door opened and Miss Francesca entered, holding a cup of Coffee in one hand and a large case in the other.

  “Mr Witham has called,” she said. “He was wondering how you were doing and said he would pop by at 11.30 to pick you up for lunch.” For some reason, I got the impression that someone had put her nose out of joint. She seemed annoyed about something. Was she jealous of me going to lunch with Mr Witham? I wondered.

  “I told him you would be finished by then, so we had better get a move on. Let’s get these clothes off you and try your leather items for size. We’ll leave this outfit out so you can wear it to lunch.

  I was in a daze as they started to undress me. Mr Witham. Goodness! He wants to take me to lunch. I couldn’t believe that I was getting another chance to be with him, before we left for Scotland.

  Miss Francesca went to the drawer again and returned with a supple beige leather corset. I felt the thin hide and was sure that I had never seen such a thing.

  It must cost a fortune, I thought. A while back, I had looked at a few web stores selling leather clothing on the internet, but I had never seen anything like the garment they were preparing to dress me in.

  After Chantel removed the satin corset, she began to wrap the heavily boned leather one round my body, I suddenly realized that it only had half cups! Goodness, I thought, surely they don’t expect me to wear this basque at the weekend.

  My boobs were lifted by the shape of the cups, which encouraged my nipples to rise and stiffen. It was sexy, but surely I thought, I could only wear this in the bedroom.

  . “Er… Miss Francesca is this for wearing this weekend?” I asked.

  “Yes!” came the immediate reply. “This is an important part of the required weekend outfit for all EPA’s.” She handed a skirt to Chantel, who held it low for me to step into.

  Chantel eased it up over my hips and as she was doing the side zip up, Francesca was holding a jacket for me to put my arms into. She lifted it onto my shoulders and buttoned it up.

  My first impression was, that it couldn’t be leather, as the suit was so light, but the aroma of leather was all around me and made me feel light headed and sexy. My earlier doubt about the half cups, frittered away.

  The jacket was finely tailored and I noticed that the cut of the long collar showed my cleavage to great effect and easily covered my areolas. The short skirt had a pleat above each of my thighs and the hem finished 4 inches above my knee.

  “Very impressive Kylie. You’re a natural size 8,” commented Francesca.

  I stared at my image in the mirror and couldn’t quite believe it was me standing there looking a million dollars. The phone rang and Miss Francesca lifted the receiver. “I see... OK... Yes Sir.” She put the phone down and looked in my direction.

  “Kylie that was Mr Witham. He has come early, and is waiting in the office I’m happy everything fits you, so your outfits can be packed whilst you are at lunch. When you get back, you can change back into the day dress and we can quickly put your leather set into your suitcase.

  I felt dizzy and began to get flustered. For some reason, I didn’t want him to see me in the stunning leather outfit.

  “Oh, can’t he wait whilst I change back?” I ventured.

  “Kylie, we do not keep Mr Witham waiting!” She spoke, as if a prince was waiting for me. My imagination began to run wild!

  They quickly combed my hair, whilst I examined my face in the mirror. My skin was flushed. so I didn’t need any blusher, but I applied a little lip gloss and rose from the chair.

  Why on earth was everybody in such a hurry? I wondered, as I followed Miss Francesca out into the hallway.

  “We will meet Mr Witham in the office.” She said over her shoulder.

  As we walked down the corridor, I began to appreciate how firmly the corset was gripping my body. My nipples had burst into life as the jacket teased the tips of my sensitive nubs and my buttocks thrilled, as the tulle panties shimmied over my bruised skin.

  Francesca led me through a huge warehouse filled with rows and rows of clothing. It appeared that they didn’t have a showroom for customers to browse, instead they dressed their clients in the rooms, with clothes that they selected for them from the stockroom.

  We arrived at the office to find Mr Witham behind one of the desks. He was seated in a swivel chair, with his back to us and was deep in a conversation on his mobile phone. When he heard us enter the room, he ended the call and turned towards me.

  His eyes sprung wide, whilst he looked me up and down. His surprised expression changed to delight and a flush of confidence surged through me. I could tell that he really liked what he saw and it delighted me.

  He jumped to his feet. “Kylie, you look....Amazing!”

  I stood there, stunned by his reaction.

  “Thank you sir.” I muttered.

  Francesca stepped forward.

  “I’m afraid sir, we didn’t have time to change back to a day dress, but I’m sure Kylie will be careful with this suit.”

  He waved her away.

  “Don’t worry Francesca. I’ll have her back by 12.30.” He jumped up and walked towards me. “Let’s get going Kylie.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me out of the office.

  Something very strange was happening to me, which I could only describe as an out of body experience. The young executive led me through the stock room, down the corridor and into the waiting lift, during which time, I’m sure that my feet hardly touched the floor!


  Dinner and a kiss.

  The doors to the lift slid smoothly closed and the stainless steel walls felt as though they were closing in on me.

  “Wow Kylie, you look fantastic in leather!”

  “That sounds a bit naughty.” The retort just slipped out and I blushed furiously.

  He laughed softly and his cologne began to invade my senses in the close confines of the lift, causing my heart to beat faster and my breath to quicken. I had to get a grip, and find out more about this job they were offering me, I reminded myself.

  When we reached the street and the door had closed behind us, Mr Witham turned towards me.

  “I thought we would go to my club for lunch Kylie. It’s just a five minute walk.”

  “That sounds good.” I said. The fresh air was having a calming effect on me and my face begun to cool down. However the leather jacket continued to tease me mercilessly.

  We strolled side by side, in the warm afternoon sunshine. Every now and then, his hand would guide me through the crowd, giving me goose bumps up and down my arm and I began to wish, that this gorgeous man, would one day be attracted to me.

  Chelsea is an exciting place to stroll, but I didn’t notice, because I was with Mr Witham and we were going to lunch together! I couldn’t believe it was happening.

  Conflicting emotions and thoughts kept surging through me. One moment I was dreaming of being his girlfriend, then suddenly a reality check kicked in and I began to think that his world was so far removed from my own, that he would never be interested in a girl like me.

  The Marlborough Club is situated at the back of the Marlborough hotel and we had to pass through the main lobby, to where the club entrance was framed by Corinthian style colum
ns. A man in a red jacket ushered us in. “Good morning Mr Witham, Madam.” Goodness, I thought, this is a bit posh!

  The dining room was sumptuously decorated in red carpeting and dark oak furniture. I half expected waitresses in satin outfits, but we were shown to our table by a young waiter who was very smartly dressed in a dark suit. I glanced down the menu and lost my appetite when I read the horrendous prices.

  “This is too much. Can I just have an omelette?” I asked

  “Don’t worry about the cost Kylie. This will all go on the company account.” I thought about it. In for a penny....!

  “OK, I’ll have the Salmon.” I decided.

  He ordered the food and wine confidently and I immediately started to compare Charles with James. This restaurant for a start, would never let James and myself in, with me dressed in one of his dress selections.

  I had to make do with steak houses, pizza parlours or night clubs. Mr Witham was in a different league and I’m sure, life with him would be like living on another planet.

  “Now Kylie,” He flashed one of his killer smiles. “Whilst we are alone together, you can call me Charles.” We were sitting opposite each other at a small table for two and it was a good job I hadn’t been eating, as I would have choked on my food. I tried to smile back at him, whilst gazing into his topaz eyes.

  “Charles.” I softly repeated the word, as if I had never heard it before. The dining room was almost empty, giving it a romantic atmosphere and I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. “Thank you Charles, what a lovely name.” I mumbled as I searched for a suitable response.

  “Not really Kylie.” He seemed to be studying my reaction very carefully and I felt compelled to ask him a question.

  “Do you eat here often?” I asked lamely. Again his amused smile lit up his tanned face.

  “I do actually, as it’s very convenient. Tell me Kylie, how are you feeling about the job offer?” I was disappointed that he was changing the subject from personal stuff to work matters, but I was kidding myself, if I thought he was interested in me. Still, I wanted to know if he was married, or how old he was or if he had any kids.

  I fidgeted in my seat, as the skirt was very short and tight, and the leather wouldn’t fold between my thighs. In fact it was so short, I was having difficulty hiding the rim of my hold-ups. I tried to work the skirt down, but it wouldn’t budge.

  There was a real danger, I thought, that Charles would get a flash of my panties. Then I thought, maybe it wouldn’t harm my chances of him being attracted to me, if I did show a little willingness to promote my assets. After all it was something I had gotten used to doing whilst living with James!

  “I would like to know more about the job,” I ventured, “and these clothes are amazing, do I really need such a large wardrobe?”

  “If you get the job, you will need all of them and more.” The waiter poured the wine and Charles sampled it. Once my glass was full, I greedily swallowed a couple of mouthfuls to steady my nerves.

  “Tell me Charles,” I paused, a little embarrassed at using his name. “What exactly does an EPA do?”

  “Well Kylie, our clients require our services, so that they can have constant connection with the media. As part of our service we stipulate that they use one of our EPA’s whilst contracts are negotiated and signed. Each EPA spends about two weeks with a client, usually shadowing one of the director’s PAs. Information flows both ways and helps to secure the deal for the company.”

  “How do we do that?” I asked.

  “We will require your feedback on the client’s character. The way they do business and basically try and find out the strengths and weaknesses of their operation.

  My eyes widened. “Do you mean I would work as a spy?”

  “No absolutely not.” He answered hastily. We’re not looking for secrets. You would work alongside their staff and get to know how their company operates from the inside. On some occasions our clients have requested two EPA’s, because they are so desperate to do business with us.

  “Does that mean I could be working anywhere?” I asked.

  “A lot of the companies are based right here in the City of London. But with your language skills, you could be sent anywhere in Europe or America.” I was fluent in 5 languages, which had helped me get the job with Witham and Morris in the first place.

  “After an initial probationary period, we’ll set you up in a company flat and you will choose what you do in your own time. Each assignment is for two weeks and then you have two weeks off. Most of the girls jet off to some exotic location to recharge their batteries.”

  Well that last bit sounds good, I thought, but spending two weeks getting to know a strange client wasn’t quite so appealing. Unless of course they were like Charles, which of course was improbable.

  Would it enable me to break free from James and did I want to live on my own, were the other questions I kept asking myself?

  The food arrived and we ate in silence. I studied Charles, whilst he consumed his salmon. Apart from his attractiveness, he struck me as a warm, friendly, honest man and I felt that I could trust him.

  His eyes twinkled most of the time and when his mouth smiled, his lips really needed kissing. When we had finished eating and the plates had been taken away I plucked up courage to ask a few questions.

  “How many EPA’s do you employ in the company?” I asked.

  “We have five at the moment, Kylie. I hope you will be the sixth if Mr Morris offers you the job.” His topaz eyes sparkled mischievously.

  “Charles, will I meet some EPA’s at the weekend?”

  “Yes, some of them will be there. You’ll be able to meet and chat with them and see for yourself how successful they are. Do you remember Allison Carson from accounts?”

  “Yes of course. She suddenly left about a year ago.”

  “Well Allison moved over to the EPA program and has been very successful in her first year.”

  I knew Allison quite well in the workplace, but outside of work we had only met a couple of times for a drink, with a few other girls from the office. She had always struck me as being an intelligent and sensible person and not the type who would take any risks. Knowing her character, made me think that I could also succeed in becoming an EPA.

  I was disappointed when Charles rose, to signal we were leaving. He stood to one side and looked down at me, as I inelegantly swung my right knee sideways, a little earlier than my left, giving him the briefest flash of my panties.

  My left leg quickly joined the right and I was able to stand and smooth my skirt out to ready myself to leave. My face reddened and he gave me that killer smile.

  “The highlight of my day!” he whispered in my ear. Goodness! I didn’t expect him to comment on my little misdemeanour! I began to wonder if my indiscretion was just a little bit too forthright. We walked through the lobby and stopped to chat on the path outside the hotel.

  “I have enjoyed our lunch together Kylie. Don’t forget 3.00 Kings Cross Station. See you there.” He leant forward and kissed me on the cheek and I got another whiff of his heady cologne.

  I stood there stunned by his forthright behaviour and once again allowed silly romantic ideas to invade my thoughts. The gentle touch of his lips had ignited a tiny flame of passion within my breast, which if I wasn’t careful, would become a blazing inferno!

  My arm gave him a little wave but my mind was racing ahead into the wonderful world of romantic fiction. I began breathing again and returned to the real world.

  Charles was going back to our offices, whilst I headed in the opposite direction toward the boutique to change my clothes. It was a spur of the moment impulse to flash my panties, but I was sure he enjoyed my little indiscretion and didn’t miss the implication that he could be inside them if he wanted.

  Was it a stupid thing to do? I wondered, as I followed the cobbled street up the hill. Did I show him too much and was it too bold a move, so early in our relationship? We will see, I thought.

>   I had plenty to think about and I began to blame James for my bad behaviour. He was the one who had bought me the slutty clothes and without realizing it, my behaviour had changed. Well, I thought, if I get the new job, I’ll be able to return to my old character and put my relationship with James behind me.

  When I arrived back at Dangerus, Francesca changed me quickly into a pink boned waspie, matching bra, and pink water shine day dress. I was starting to get used to being dressed, but for some reason Francesca seemed a little distant.

  I normally wear my hair wild, but I allowed Francesca to comb it out and curl the ends a little, whilst Chantel did my make-up. I chose a lightweight linen Jacket and sling backs with 2” heals to wear on the trip.

  Having the choice of so many clothes, made me feel like a kid in a sweet shop and I found it hard to believe that everything in the changing room could one day be all mine.

  They gave me a small lightweight suitcase to put all my own things in, to take home, whilst the rest of my luggage was going to be taken to the station by taxi.

  When I was finally on my way home in a black cab, I slowly began to come down to earth. Nice things were finally starting to happen in my life and I was prepared to push and work a little harder to grab the opportunity with both hands.

  It was during the walk back to Dangerus from the restaurant, I realized, that I finally made up my mind to break up with James. I carefully worked the engagement ring off my finger and slipped it into my purse resolving to never wear it again.


  The Deal.

  I left Dangerus at 1.30 and arrived back at my flat to grab a few personal items for the trip. The day seemed to have flow by and I couldn’t wait to get to the railway station to be with Charles Witham again.

  When I opened the small suitcase Francesca had given me and removed my old clothes, I found a wonderful Suzy Wing cosmetic set, which contained everything a girl could possibly need for a weekend away. I felt as if my Christmas had come early! I packed a few bits and bobs in the small suitcase and called a taxi.


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