See Megan Run

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See Megan Run Page 8

by Melissa Blue


  "I didn’t know we’d opened a daycare center, where naps are mandatory," Shep said.

  Aiden kept his arms crossed and eyes closed. "Shouldn’t you be getting measured for your suit? I don’t think the old standby is going to pass inspection by either Nicole or Jane for this occasion." His lips pulled into a smile at Shep’s grumble, before he continued, "I mean, do they know the same suit you’ve worn to every funeral since 1998 is the only suit you own? It might be worth bringing to Jane’s attention. She might be able to help." He almost fell out of his chair when Shep knocked his feet off the desk.

  "And I’ll also remind her that you," Shep emphasized with a pointed finger, "don’t have a suit."

  This was a big enough occasion for Jane to care, and to beat him with a rolling pin if he showed up in his uniform—or worse, jeans and shirt. "Which one of your relatives is blowing into town first?" Aiden said to change the subject.

  "Your Uncle William."

  "You know he hates that name." Aiden placed his feet back on his desk and closed his eyes. "How has Uncle Bob been doing?"

  "You should know. He’s your uncle."

  Yeah, the same people who checked up on me once a year after my father died, Aiden thought sourly. Most times, for some members of his family, if you still had a pulse then you were okay. "Everyone else?"

  "The week of the wedding." Shep paused. "I was thinking of getting extra help."

  Aiden opened his eyes. "If you feel it’s necessary."

  Shep stuck his thumb in his belt buckle. "I wasn’t sure if you planned to stay sober the whole weekend. We can’t be drinking and protecting the peace at the same time."

  Aiden frowned. "What am I expected to do for this thing?"

  Shep grimaced. "William is the main one pushing for a bachelor party."

  "We have strippers in a twenty-mile radius of here?"

  "No. It’s going to be at Tessa’s."

  Aiden closed his eyes again. He was tired of hearing about the wedding. The wedding reminded him of Megan’s presence. And Megan seemed to be the only thing his mind strayed to without too much provocation.

  "Again, if you feel it’s necessary." He should have known better when the silence stretched.

  "Tessa told me Megan and you were hugged up about a week ago. I thought you’d have said something by now." Shep sighed. "I don’t have to tell you how much trouble this is."

  The conversation didn’t warrant opening his eyes. "I’ve heard about the birds and bees before, but thanks."

  "I’m talking about when she leaves again, because she will. This town was never big enough nor exciting enough for her."

  Aiden sighed and let his feet slide down to the floor. This was the same lecture he’d been giving himself for the past week. Now at least Aiden admitted to himself she wasn’t going to be out of his system, no matter what he did. "I know. She’s here for the house, and then she’ll leave. I know that."

  And, really, there was a sense of relief in knowing it. At least he’d know when, how, and why she was leaving this time. Had it not crossed his mind a million times, this would be the perfect time to start things with her? He’d be prepared.

  Yet his uncle wasn’t talking about how to get her alone at least one time. "It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ve got it under control."

  Shep shook his head, giving up. "Y’all both are hardheaded."

  From the comment, Aiden guessed Nicole and Shep had talked about their situation. "You should tell Nicole she can’t make her stay. Giving Megan her father’s house won’t perform that miracle."

  "Yeah, well, at least she’s fighting for what she wants." Shep turned his back to him.

  Again Shep had a point. Aiden took his coat and left the office.


  "Look what we have here." Lettie placed her hands on the sides of Megan’s face. For a moment Megan feared the woman would pinch her cheeks. Thankfully, Lettie took her wide palms with her to rearrange the bouquet in the vase. "I haven’t seen you since, well, hell, I think you still had B cups."

  Megan crossed her arms. Nicole cleared her throat. "Are those mine?"

  Lettie waved a hand at her. "Go ahead. What do you think?"

  The orange blush tulips surrounded pink roses in perfect bloom. Her mother’s taste was still impeccable. "Simple and elegant like I wanted. You’ve done a good job. Now, Megan’s bouquet shouldn’t be any less elegant. I’m thinking white and pink roses only."

  Megan zoned her mother out and moved toward the other displays of flowers. Lettie had filled the shop with ready-made arrangements. She wondered how cost effective that was and whether there was a floral shop near The Boutique where she herself could get the same type of arrangements. She wandered outside with every intention to stay there until her mother finished. She smiled at Lettie’s attempt to draw customers in. At least ten more flower arrangements sat out front under the window.

  A display of baby’s breath and crimson roses caught her eye. Megan barely stopped herself from burying her face in the flowers. She pulled out her cell phone and crooked it between her shoulder and ear.

  "Hi, Megan." Lynne’s voice was loud and clear.

  Megan’s hands paused on the crystal vase. "How did you know it was me?"

  "You didn’t call this morning, and actually I was expecting you on the doorstep."

  "I have an idea."

  "To stop obsessing."


  Lynne sighed. "One can always hope."

  "I am the owner, and you treat me like a redheaded stepchild."

  "It’s for your own good. You haven’t had a vacation in six years, yet you call me every day. The definition of vacation is to relax and not worry about the responsibilities you left behind. Calling me every day, getting a twenty-four-hour update, is not in that definition. Now that’s off my chest, what’s going on?"

  "I want you to call around and see who can deliver flowers to the business once a week. I’ll leave the arrangements up to you, but I think it would spruce up the place if we had some." She lifted the vase, turned and almost ran into Aiden’s solid chest.

  "Looks like you need some help." His fingertips brushed against her skin as he took the vase with the roses and baby’s breath from her hands. "I’ll take this inside so you can finish your call."

  "Is that him?"

  Megan laughed at the envy laced through Lynne’s tone. "That was him."

  She watched him through the window. The uniform stretched across his broad shoulders as he leaned on the counter. From her vantage point, it was clear the material stretched just as well over his rear. Also from her vantage point she could see Lettie’s lashes fluttering at the speed of light.

  "I may have to come down for the wedding."

  Lynne’s words got Megan’s attention.

  "What about—"

  "The horror of closing the business for a few hours. How dare I suggest such a thing?"

  Megan smiled. "I’m going to fire you one of these days."

  "Enjoy your vacation first. Anyway, I’ll call you to let you know the price range, once I get it."

  Megan hung up the phone and glanced inside. Nicole was now fluttering her lashes, too. What was it about Aiden that made women want to melt at his feet in adoration? Okay, Aiden had handsome stamped on his features. The pointed chin, the eyes as amber as perfectly aged whiskey, and the way his mouth quirked to one side could, if that was your thing, make your heart speed up, leave your palms damp, make you want things that you shouldn’t.

  Yes, she saw the appeal. Intellectually she knew it was best not to think of the kisses they’d shared, especially the last one. If Megan closed her eyes real tight, she could still feel the imprint of his lips on hers. Heat rushed into her cheeks as she remembered how her stomach had knotted from the want, the desire, the untouched passion he opened like Pandora’s box inside her.

  Megan didn’t need hindsight to know things would end badly. Definitely didn’t need her consc
ience reminding her that she’d just leave him like before. Yet, the inevitable was that Megan wanted him more than she’d ever wanted any man. Why hadn’t she wanted him like this when they were teens, when things were uncomplicated by time and circumstances? Her grip tightened on her phone. She could control this urge. Yeah, freaking right. Megan, chin up, back straight, walked back into the store.

  Her mother turned to her with a smile on her face. "You were outside for a while."

  "Got an idea, seeing all these flowers." Megan shrugged, trying not to squirm under Aiden’s gaze.

  "Figured The Boutique might benefit from having arrangements around the shop."

  "Glad my little shop gave you inspiration. It’s such a good thing that one of our own made good. Is that why you left?"

  "Subtle" probably wasn’t in Lettie’s vocabulary. Why not get the whole sordid story, since all parties were present, she must be figuring.

  Aiden straightened. "Either way, she made a success. I’m going to let you guys handle business."

  "No, don’t leave yet." Nicole reached for Aiden’s arm. "I want to talk to you about coordinating your uncle’s bachelor party. I think we’re too old for strippers, so we should have our parties together."

  Aiden’s smile widened. "Well, I don’t know. I was kind of looking forward to having a half-naked woman jumping out of a cake." He frowned. "Shep doesn’t have heart problems. I think it’ll be safe."

  Nicole laughed, but Megan’s eyes narrowed.

  "Dear, do you want me to take the flowers out of the vase?" Lettie asked.

  "No, and let me pay for it."

  "Aiden has already," Lettie pointed out.

  "Matter of fact, shouldn’t Megan and I be planning those parties?" Aiden’s smile turned into a smirk. "It’s the best man’s and the maiden of honor’s responsibility."

  Not that she was completely against the idea, but this meant being around him. Alone. "I don’t think Shep would go for the idea of having a joint party. He is a man, after all. What man wouldn’t like for a naked woman to jump out of a cake?"

  Aiden placed his hand over his heart. "Ouch. So if it has a penis..."

  Lettie’s eyes widened. Megan reached for her vase, splashing water on the counter. "Yes, okay, fine."

  "Good." Nicole said. "Speaking of Shep, I’m supposed to meet him for lunch." They followed Nicole out of the shop. "We have to get him a suit." She waved them goodbye and Megan stared after her mother in wonder.

  "Does no one know ‘subtle’ here?" Megan clutched the vase to her chest.

  "Most people find it tedious." He frowned at her. "Do you want me to hold that for you?"

  "I’m fine." Megan wasn’t going to touch him. She’d keep this impromptu meeting casual. She would not think about sex with him. He licked his lips and Megan watched his tongue peek out, wishing, wanting, his tongue to touch her in the same way. "Really, I’m fine."

  She turned to go to her car and then remembered her mother had brought her. Megan sighed, partially accepting her circumstances. Doomed. "I’m not sure how to plan a bachelorette party," she muttered, turning back to Aiden.

  "It’s easy. You think of what finger foods you want, and then make a five-mile-long list of alcoholic beverages."

  "So, get everyone liquored up by letting them eat just a little and drink on near-empty stomachs. Got it. Now, can you take me home?"

  "Home, now?"

  She knew he was asking about her word choice. "Yes, I’m trying to get used to how it will feel if my mother gives it to me."

  "She said she would."

  The same argument Nicole had stated, but call Megan cautious and not hopeful. She readjusted the vase. "We’ll see."

  He nodded. "Do you want to sleep with me?"

  Aiden had the vase before Megan could think to catch it. "Where did that come from?"

  "The drool on the side of your mouth when you watched me lick my lips." Aiden shrugged and kept the pace of their slow walk. Megan had no idea where they were going, but she was sure half the town would know when they left downtown. She rolled her shoulders at the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Though she couldn’t see anyone looking directly at them, Megan knew her hometown. At least five people could read lips a mile away, and after his comment those five people would tell five more people that they were headed to Aiden’s secret place for a rendezvous.

  "Aren’t you arrogant?"

  Aiden stopped and moved in front of her. He leaned in close to her ear and said, "You’re curious." He took her lobe into his mouth, doing things with tongue and teeth that proved him right. She was curious. He laid a kiss on her neck, then said, "Your curiosity is going to bite you in the ass one of these days."

  But could you bite me first? Megan coughed to clear her throat and reached for the vase, taking it from his hands. "And what are you getting from this?"

  He took another step toward her and reached out, touching the apex of her throat. Her heartbeat sped under his fingertips. "I want you to..."

  "You want me to what?"

  Chapter 10

  Aiden moved his fingers lower until they brushed the side of her breast. Megan’s eyes darkened when he circled the outline of her nipple straining against her T-shirt. To know what it feels like to want me, knowing you can never have me. He let his hand drop at the thought. "Never mind." He took the vase back. "Let me drive you home."

  "Wait." She shook her head. "You want me to what?"

  To regret leaving me, which wasn’t any better than his first impulsive answer. Was this the only attraction to her now? His gaze fell down to her shirt again, seeing her primal reaction to him. No, that didn’t account for all the attraction.

  "Megan, we’re going to end up in bed if we are left to our own devices. Not that we don’t have self- control. I have incredible self-control. I’m sure you do, too, since you can run your business without being there and it’s not going to hell in a handbasket. It’s not even that we can’t fight whatever it is that’s lingering between us."

  "Pretty strong linger, if you ask me."

  "Either way, it’s going to complicate everything, and, my dear, you are a complication I don’t want to deal with right now."

  "That’s insulting." She took the vase from his hands.

  "But the truth."

  Megan looked to be considering his words. "Still insulting."

  Aiden sighed and took the vase back. "Be flattered that I’m not being altruistic."

  "What do I have to lose that you can take from me?"

  Nothing, and that’s why he turned his back and headed for his truck with her vase in the crook of his elbow.

  "Wait," she said behind him.

  "I’m trying to be noble here."

  She grabbed his other arm, making him stop. "What if I don’t want you to be noble?" She placed a hand on the vase and moved closer to him.

  "Tempting." Her breasts rested against his chest. He placed his other hand on the vase, as well, to keep both where they needed to be. "Very tempting, but Jane would have my penis on a platter. Let’s listen to her as the voice of reason, since we can’t rely on each other."

  Megan sighed and let go of the vase. "You’re right. I can’t believe I thought it would be a good idea. Really, it’s a train wreck waiting to happen." She moved to the Green Demon. "Let’s start on planning that party."

  Aiden finally let go of the breath he’d been holding, because if she’d said any variation of "yes" they’d have been in his bed within minutes. "Let’s hit the liquor store first."



  Megan stopped Aiden from buying more liquor when they had enough to float a small boat. "Okay," she said, looking at the truck bed. "Now where do we put it? And where is the party going to be? And who’s going to make all those finger foods? I don’t think Jane will do it on such short notice. And—"

  Aiden reached in the back and handed her a bottle of whiskey. "Take a drink. You’re getting a panicked look."

Because she could feel the panic rising in the back of her throat, she took a long sip and almost choked to death. Aiden chuckled.

  "Easy there. We’re taking this to my house and putting it in my garage."

  She capped the bottle and jumped into the cab. When Aiden slowed in front of a house on Elm Street, Megan said, "One good thing about small towns is you can get anywhere in five minutes or less."

  "It takes the same amount of time for gossip to spread. Warning: Ms. Isabel lives next door on the right, and Mr. Samuel on the left of me."

  "They still haven’t come out about their affair?"

  "Everyone knows it."

  "Which means no one talks about it out loud anymore."

  Aiden nodded. "And I act like I don’t hear my back gates open and close every night at nine p.m. and again at six a.m."

  "You share a backyard with your neighbors?"

  "My suspicion is that when the house went empty, before I bought it, Samuel fixed it so I had gates on both sides. From his house to hers."

  "Have you ever sat at night and waited to see him?"

  "Never crossed my mind." He pushed the button on his garage opener.

  Megan grinned, opening the door. "Let me help you with those liquor bottles."

  Aiden followed her. "What are you thinking?"

  "Nothing." She unlatched the truck bed.

  He handed her a box full of bottles. "Don’t start stirring up trouble."

  "It’s harmless, and it’ll keep our noses clean."

  Aiden grabbed three boxes. "What?"

  "Oh, a little stargazing in your back yard. Around eight o’clock, so we won’t miss anything."

  "Doesn’t sound like a good idea."

  Megan put down her one box. "I was never the one to talk you into trouble."

  "Yeah, well, things change."

  His tone made Megan pause. She’d never been conceited, but Megan had a feeling she had something to do with his change. "When was the last time you had fun?"


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