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by Michael Haag

Caithness, William, Earl of 323

  Calvary (Golgotha) 68, 288

  candelabra 255, 264

  castles and fortresses 106, 127–8, 132–6, 181, 187

  fall to the Mamelukes 195, 198–200

  historical sources 349

  see also individual castles:

  Almourol; Athlit; Baghras;

  Beaufort; Chastel Blanc; Kolossi;

  Krak des Chevaliers; La Feve;

  Margat; Saphet

  Catharism 146–8, 219, 351

  Celestine II, Pope 104

  Charlemagne 96

  Charles of Anjou, King of Sicily 119, 197–8

  Charles Martel 63

  Chastel Blanc (Safita) castle 134, 135 illus, 195, 200, 302–3, 303 illus

  Chastel Pelerin 138

  Chastellet 134, 166

  Château de la Mer, Sidon 202 illus, 203

  ‘Chaykin, Tess’ (The Last Templar) 338

  Chinon Parchment 227–8, 229–33, 231 illus, 252, 356

  chivalry 167–8

  Chrétien des Troyes 253–5, 329

  Christian Church 41–2

  Christian heresy 59–62, 146–9

  Christian sects 150

  Chronicle of Ernoul (12th c.) 171, 176–7

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre 43, 68, 69 illus, 70, 288–90, 289 illus

  Church of the Nativity 43

  Clairvaux monastery 100

  Clement V, Pope

  in fiction 335, 336

  and Hospitallers 244

  inquiries into the Templars 224–33, 234–6, 251–2

  and Philip IV 213–14, 215 illus, 224–6, 226–7, 231, 235

  Columbus, Christopher 248

  Compostela 117, 313

  Conrad III, King of Germany 116, 120–24

  Conrad of Montferrat, King of Jerusalem 152

  conspiracy theories 252, 265–82

  Constance (1982) 330

  Constantine, Emperor (the Great) 41, 43, 45–7, 288

  Constantinople 45–6, 238

  Convent do Cristo 315–16

  Cooper, Robert 269, 352

  Copts 59–60, 66

  ‘Cotton’ (The Templar Legacy) 338

  Council of Chalcedon 59

  Council of Clermont 73–7

  Council of Lyons 197, 209

  Council of Nicaea 47

  Council of Troyes 101–3

  Council of Vienne 234–5

  Cressing Temple, Essex 322–3, 322 illus

  Cromwell, Oliver 266


  as symbol for Crusaders 77, 81, 104

  see also True Cross

  Crusader states see Outremer


  First Crusade 74–6, 77–8, 81–6

  Second Crusade 114–16, 119–24, 120 illus

  Third Crusade 181–4

  Fourth Crusade 184–5

  Fifth Crusade 185

  Sixth Crusade 186–8

  Seventh Crusade 192–3, 193 illus

  Albigensian Crusade 148, 185

  cross as symbol 77, 81, 104

  early Christian 63–5

  Easter 1019 massacre 95, 96

  hazards 94–6

  historical sources 349

  origin of term 80–81

  People’s Crusade 78–80

  The Crusades Trilogy (1998–2000) 335


  history 183, 203–4

  and Templars 183, 203–4, 208, 250

  The Da Vinci Code (2003) 270, 325–6, 331, 336

  daily routine of the Templars 102

  Damascus 58, 65, 121–3, 187, 189–90

  Damietta 185

  Dante 59–60, 221, 252

  David, King of Israel 25–8, 290, 293

  ‘de Bois-Gilbert, Brian, Sir’ (Ivanhoe) 330, 333, 340

  De Expugatione Terrae Sanctae per Saladinum (12th c.) 172–3, 174, 177

  De Laude Novae Militae (Bernard of Clairvaux) 103–4

  De Occulta Philosophia (1531) 257

  Dead Sea scrolls 36

  al-Din Al-Hanbali, Mujir 54

  Diniz, King of Portugal 246, 315

  Dome of the Rock

  capture by Saladin 179–80

  site of 27

  structure and decoration 54 illus, 57, 57

  illus, 291–4

  Temple of the Lord 91, 155, 157, 293

  underground cavern 159–61, 160 illus, 293–4, 294 illus

  Draper 129, 157

  Druids 267

  Druon, Maurice 330, 333, 344

  Durrell, Lawrence 330

  Eco, Umberto 252, 282, 330–31, 335

  Edessa 92, 112, 113–14, 115, 168

  Edge of Darkness (TV) 344

  Edict of Toleration 41, 43

  Edward, Prince (Edward I of England) 195

  Edward I, King of England 142, 210, 214

  Edward II, King of England 244–5, 320


  agreement with Frederick II 187–8

  Amalric’s invasion 161–4

  Coptic Church 59–60, 66

  and Crusades 185, 192–3

  success at La Forbie 191–2

  Eleanor of Aquitaine 253

  Enlightenment 260–61

  Ernoul 171, 177

  Eschiva, Countess of Tripoli 172

  Ethiopia 337

  Etienne of Suisy 229–30

  Eugenius III, Pope 104, 114, 116, 119

  Eulogian Club 280

  Everard des Barres, Master of the Temple in France 120, 121

  Ezekiel’s Temple 20

  The Falcon (galley) 203

  Fatimids 66, 67, 83, 86

  Ferdinand of Aragon 246


  modern Templar themes 329–40

  mythological literature 253–5, 329

  films, Templar themes 340–44

  finances of the Templars 101, 109, 130–32

  financial services 119, 140–42, 144

  fortresses see castles and fortresses

  Foucault’s Pendulum (1988) 252, 282, 330–31, 335

  founding members of the Templars 95–6, 98, 108–9

  Frale, Barbara 232, 238

  France 307, 308 see also Paris Temple

  Franklin, Benjamin 273, 275

  Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 185–8


  in Britain 262, 263 illus, 268

  in France 262–4

  in Germany 264

  information sources 351–2, 358

  initiation ritual 277

  link to the Templars 262–70

  origins 259, 261

  in Scotland 265, 268–70

  ‘traditional history’ 269

  and United States 273–6, 279, 280

  French monarchy

  financial association 141, 144

  support for Outremer 197

  French Revolution 265–7

  Fulcher of Chartres 75, 92

  Fulk, King of Jerusalem 112

  Fulk V, Count of Anjou 96, 99

  Fulk of Villaret, Grand Master 214–15

  Galilee 170–71

  Gama, Vasco da 246–7, 248

  gaming, Templar themes 346

  Gassicour, Charles de 265–6, 278

  Gaza 132, 178

  Geoffrey Bissot 108

  Geoffrey of Charney, Master of Normandy 230, 236–8, 310 illus

  Geoffrey of Gonneville, Master of Poitou and Aquitaine 230, 236–7

  Gerard of Ridefort, Grand Master

  acclaim upon death 182–3

  battle of Hattin 173, 176

  elected 169

  and Springs of Cresson disaster 171, 173, 177

  surrender of Gaza 178

  Glastonbury 117

  Gnosticism 148–9, 357–8

  Godfrey of Bouillon 78, 84 illus, 85, 88 illus, 91, 167

  Godfrey of Saint-Omer 95, 101

  Golgotha (Calvary) 68, 288

  Gondemar (knight) 109

  Grail see Holy Grail

  Grand Chapter 129

  Grand Master 104, 129, 152, 157

  Assassins’ view of 152

  Grave Digger (band) 346

  Gregory the Great, Pope 96

  Gregory VII, Pope 71–2

  Gregory IX, Pope 186–7

  Gualdim Pais, Grand Master of Portugal 314, 316

  Guibert de Nogent 75, 76–7, 78

  Guillou, Jan 335

  Gunther, bishop of Bamberg 70

  Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem 169–70, 171–5, 177, 204

  Hadrian, Emperor 294

  al-Hakim, Caliph 70, 96, 289

  HammerFall (band) 346

  al-Haram al-Sharif see Temple Mount

  Hattin, battle of 170–77, 175 illus

  al-Hawari 176

  Helena, Empress 43–4, 288

  Henry Ffykeis 235

  Henry the Navigator, Prince 246, 247 illus, 248, 315, 316

  Henry I, King of England 101

  Henry II, King of Cyprus 200–201

  Henry II, King of England 253, 319

  Henry VIII, King of England 243, 320

  Heraclius, Emperor 48

  Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem 169, 178, 319

  Hereford Cathedral 318


  charge against the Templars 218–38

  early Christian 59–62

  historical sources 351

  medieval 145–9, 209

  Herod the Great’s Temple 17, 19, 24 illus, 290, 294, 296

  Hiram, King of Tyre 20, 33–4, 258

  Hiram (Abiff) (widow’s son) 37–8, 258–9, 277, 278 illus

  The Hiram Key (1997) 270, 271, 352

  Historia Rerum in Partibus

  Transmarinis Gestarum (William of Tyre) 107, 108 illus

  historical sources

  alternative Templar history 352

  Bible 19–22

  crusades 349

  Freemasons 351–2

  heresies 351

  Holy Grail 351

  Israel 21, 25

  Jerusalem and Temple Mount 350

  Middle East 350

  pilgrimages 348

  Pope Urban II’s speech 75–7

  Templar activity 98–9, 106–110, 136, 249–50, 347–8, 350

  the Templars and Saladin 176–7

  see also Bible; Koran

  History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea (William of Tyre) 107, 108 illus

  History of Free Masonry (1859) 269–70

  History of the World (1614) 276

  The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982) 270, 329, 330, 343, 353

  Holy Grail 44, 254–5, 254 illus, 351, 357

  in fiction 253–4, 255, 329, 336

  in film 342

  Honorius II, Pope 100

  Honorius III, Pope 219

  horses 97, 98 illus, 102, 128, 131, 158–9

  see also Stables of Solomon

  Hospitallers see Knights Hospitallers of St John

  Hubert de Pérraud, Visitor 232

  Hugh, Count of Champagne 100–101

  Hugh of Pairaud, Visitor 223, 230, 236–7

  Hugh of Payns, Grand Master 95–6, 99–101, 289–90, 319

  Hulagu (Mongol leader) 210

  Hussein (Mohammed’s descendent) 67

  Iberian peninsula, and Templars 105–6

  Ibn al-Arabi 86

  Ibn al-Faqih 160, 293

  Ibn Jubayr 153

  Ibn Khaldun 190

  Ile des Javiaux, Paris 311

  Imad al-Din (Saladin’s secretary) 176, 177, 184

  In Praise of the New Knighthood (Bernard of Clairvaux) 103–4, 194

  Indiana Jones film trilogy 341–2

  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 331

  Raiders of the Lost Ark 36

  initiation ceremony

  Freemasons 277

  Knights Templar 218, 218 illus, 220, 228–9, 233

  Innocent II, Pope 104

  Innocent III, Pope 148

  Inquisition 219, 222, 222–3, 224, 226

  Isabella of Castile 246


  battle of Lepanto 242–3

  direction of prayer 52, 56

  divisions within 93, 149–50

  early Christian view of 61–2

  hegira/migration 48, 52

  historical sources 51, 53–6

  Islamic imperialism 58–9, 65–6

  jihad/holy war 53

  Shia 66–7, 150, 209

  and Solomon 30–31

  Sunni 66–7, 71, 150, 209

  Ismail, of Damascus 189–90

  Ismaili movement 150

  see also Assassins

  Israel 25, 286

  historical sources for 21, 25

  Israelites 23–4

  Itinerarium Regis Ricardi (c.1191) 171, 177, 182

  Ivanhoe (1819) 328, 330, 332, 345

  Jachin (pillar) 37, 38 illus, 258

  Jacobite Church 59–60

  Jacobus de Voragine 118

  Jaffa 84, 178, 182

  Jaime II, King of Aragon 245–6, 311

  James of Molay, Grand Master

  desire for new crusade 210, 215–16

  fictionalised 330, 331, 333, 339

  and French royal family 216

  inauguration 208 illus

  on initiation ceremonies 228

  myths after death 264, 265, 266 illus

  Papal absolution 229–33

  sentencing and death 236–8, 237 illus, 265, 310 illus, 311

  trial 216, 223–4, 226

  on unification with Hospitallers 215–16

  al-Jebel, Sheikh 151

  Jebusites 23

  Jecks, Michael 331

  Jefferson, Thomas, President 273

  Jeremiah 35, 36

  Jerusalem, city of

  capture by Saladin 178–80

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre 43

  city walls 287–8

  and Crusades 83–6, 90

  map, 288

  early history 22–30, 29 illus, 31–2, 39–40, 64 illus

  Fatimid control 83, 96

  and Frederick II 187–8

  historical sources 350

  and Islam 56–7

  Islamic conquests 49–50, 53–4, 190, 288

  Islamic Museum 297

  sacred origins 22–3

  see also Church of the Holy Sepulchre; Temple Mount

  Jerusalem, Kingdom of

  and Crusaders 91, 132

  extent of 92

  and Saladin 165–80

  Templar Commander 129

  Jewish Essenes 264

  Jews, in Europe 267

  John, King of England 141, 143, 319

  John the Baptist 68, 264

  John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem 185, 186

  John Comyn, Lord of Badenoch 245

  John of Damascus 60

  John Tzimiskes, Emperor 65

  John XXII, Pope 246

  Johnson, George Frederick 264–5

  Joscelyn II, Count of Edessa 114

  Joseph of Arimathea 68, 117

  Journal of Medieval History, Chinon Parchment 232

  Kamal al-Din 153

  al-Kamil, Sultan of Egypt 185, 187

  Kerry, John 281

  Khorezmians 190, 191, 290

  Khoury, Raymond 338

  Kingdom Of Heaven film 343–4

  Knight, Christopher 271, 339, 352

  Knights of the Cross album 346

  Knights Hospitallers of St John

  archives 250

  in England 320

  foundation 96

  and Malta 242–3

  nature of 130

  and Rhodes 215, 216, 242, 243 illus, 244

  in Spain 105

  tarnished reputation 243

  and the Templars 163, 214–16, 236, 323

  Knights Templars see Templars

  Kolossi castle 249 illus

  Koran 55–6

  Koran 4:171 55, 292

  Koran 17:1 30, 56, 291, 295

  Koran 22:39–40 30

  Koran 27:17 30

  Koran 38: 35–36 30

  Krak des Chevaliers castle 126 illus, 134, 181, 195, 200, 304–5, 305 illus

  Kurtz, Katherine 331

  La Feve castle 134–5, 170–71

  La Forbie 191–2

  Labyrinth (2005) 336–7

  Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart (12th c.) 253

  Landolfo Brancacci 229–30

  ‘Langdon, Robert’ (Angels and Demons) 276

  The Last Knight (TV) 345

  The Last Templar (2005) 331, 338

  The Last of the Templars (1972) 330, 334–5

  Latakia 200

  Latin Rule of the Templars 101–2

  Laurie, Alexander 269–70

  Le Tombeau de Jacques Molay (1796) 265

  Legenda Aurea (Jacobus de Voragine) 118–19

  Leigh, Richard 342, 352

  L’Enfant, Pierre Charles 275

  Leo X, Pope 332

  Leopold, Duke of Austria 185


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