Lady Amelia's Mess and a Half

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Lady Amelia's Mess and a Half Page 10

by Grace, Samantha

  She practically growled, showing her teeth. “’E struck ya.”

  His brother nuzzled her neck. “Yes, but he is my brother. He’s allowed a blow or two upon occasion.”

  Jake had made a huge mistake. This harridan wasn’t Amelia. She wasn’t even a lady, which was somewhat of a relief in itself since voices headed their direction. He would feel awful being a party to ruining anyone’s reputation.

  “Hide her,” Jake whispered before dashing through the foliage in order to head off the group. Waving his hands above his head, he approached the gentlemen heeding the call for help.

  “Everything is all right, gents. The thief has been subdued. Um, he is on his way to Bow Street as we speak.”

  “A thief in the gardens?” Lord Getty asked. “Is no place sacred?”

  Apparently not to Daniel. Jake tapped his toe as the men complained about the horrendous crime rate in Town, sharing the latest assaults by pickpockets and such. And men accused ladies of clucking like hens.

  He glanced over his shoulder several times, unable to see anything. Had Daniel gotten the lightskirt to safety? And where had he found the blasted woman anyway?

  At last, the group dispersed and returned to the house. Jake spun around and headed back to the spot where he had left his brother. Daniel appeared through the trees.

  “You have an annoying habit of interrupting my pleasure, Mummy’s boy.”

  Jake’s body heated now that he had time to consider his actions. It was unlike him to behave with such irrationality. “Perhaps a different locale would be advisable next time. And a different caliber of companionship.”

  “I don’t know. I like Ginny. She had no qualms about slipping through the back gate and waiting for me.” Daniel slapped Jake’s back. “If you don’t trust the lady, you should direct your affections elsewhere.”

  Daniel didn’t need to mention Amelia’s name for Jake to know to whom his brother referred. “Yes, well… I do trust her.”

  “Splendid.” Daniel didn’t sound as thrilled as his word choice suggested. In fact, there may have been an undercurrent of sarcasm in his tone. His brother gave him a shove toward the house. “She is searching for you. Hurry before she finds a different gent to replace you.”

  Jake raced up the dark path toward the house and up the veranda stairs. A blast of heat washed over him as he passed through the doors. He made a hurried sweep of the great hall, but couldn’t find Amelia. As he neared the foyer, a thin rail of a woman stepped into his path and planted her hand against his chest.

  “Mr. Hillary, there you are.”

  Jake squinted at the masked woman blocking his way. Her shimmery gown and white wings indicated she was an angel, but the malicious glint in her eye spoiled the effect.

  “It’s Lady Banner. I see you do not recognize me in costume.”

  True, but her nasty sneer would have given her away if she hadn’t provided her identity.

  “I have a message from Lady Audley,” she said.

  Jake bent forward to hear her better. “Indeed?”

  “She said to inform you she has left with my brother, and she wishes you well.”

  Jake drew back. “Norwick? Why would Lady Audley leave with Lord Norwick?”

  A sardonic smile stretched the baroness’s lips. “I would venture to say she fancies him. She could barely keep her hands off him from the looks of it.”

  Norwick? That was preposterous.

  Lady Banner lowered her voice to a stage whisper. “Jasper calls on Lady Audley often. Have you not heard?”

  He was woefully uninformed of Amelia’s activities. Jake dashed for the front door. It took forty-five minutes for his carriage to arrive at the Chickering town house entrance, which provided him with time to stew over the unfolding events of the evening.

  “To Verona House,” he said before barreling into the carriage.

  Jake wouldn’t take Lady Banner’s word that Amelia was with the earl. Daniel he could at least fathom, but not that bugger. He was finished listening to rumors involving Amelia.


  Lord Norwick supported Bibi’s weight, almost carrying her to the drawing room.

  “I will have a room readied for you,” Amelia said.

  Her evening shoes clicked against the marble tiles as she crossed the foyer. Each heel strike felt like a nail being driven into Bibi’s head.

  “I need to sit down,” she said.

  Lord Norwick helped her to the Grecian couch, lifting her legs and removing her slippers. “Where do you hurt, my dear?” His tender voice was soothing.

  She grasped her head in both palms. “Here.”

  “I see.” Lord Norwick nudged her leg, wishing to sit beside her. She scooted over as far as possible, leaving him to teeter on the edge of the furniture. It couldn’t be comfortable, but he didn’t complain. “I am told I have a gift for healing. Shall I try to assist you?”

  Bibi opened her eyes and scowled. “You are not the first gentleman to claim he has a magical touch, my lord.”

  He chuckled, his smile catching her by surprise. Norwick’s countenance was pleasing, if not classically handsome. “I cannot fault any man for resorting to such trickery to touch you, Lady Kennell, but I assure you my intentions are honorable. May I?”

  “Yes.” Bibi allowed her eyes to drift closed again. At this point, it wouldn’t hurt to try anything. If his methods failed, perhaps he would knock her over the head to render her unconscious.

  Norwick placed her feet in his lap. “I must remove your stockings.”

  “My stockings?” She knew it. He planned to seduce her while she wallowed in excruciating pain. All men were unforgivable scoundrels.

  He met her suspicious gaze, his expression innocuous. “There is a place between your toes. I cannot reach it with your stockings donned.”

  He pressed his thumb into the arch of her foot and massaged. Bibi’s tension eased, and she sank into the plush couch.

  “Very well,” she conceded. “You may proceed.”

  Norwick slid his hands under her skirts, grazing his fingers along her calf and thigh until he reached her garter. A small smile played upon his full mouth.

  “I believe you enjoy your ministrations too much, Lord Norwick.”

  A wicked twinkle lit his obsidian eyes. A lock of coal black hair stood up as if he had run his fingers through his curls in frustration, and she had an urge to smooth it. “I never claimed the act would bring me no pleasure, my lady.”

  Despite her pain, she laughed. She appreciated a man with a devilish streak.

  He released her stocking from the garter and rolled it down her leg. His warm fingers brushed the inside of her thigh and brought a shudder of anticipation to her core.

  Tugging her stocking over her toes, he studied her face. She wondered if he watched for signs of protest. Receiving none, he repeated the actions with her other stocking before grasping her foot in his hand and wedging his finger between her big toe and its neighbor.

  Bibi moaned.

  “Does that hurt?”

  “A little,” she admitted, but it also felt good.

  “Then I have found the right place, but I will be gentle.” He pressed against the area and held the pressure. “Close your eyes and lie back.”

  Bibi did as he instructed and forced herself to draw in even breaths. She received no relief at first, but with a longer period of applied pressure, the pounding in her head decreased. “I think it is working.”

  Lowering her foot, he gathered the other one to lavish the same attention to it. After several minutes, only a dull ache lingered behind her eye.

  “It’s a miracle. My headache is going away just as you promised. Are there any other spots?”

  He offered her a hand. “Sit up, my dear.”

  Once he had hauled her to a seated position, he angled her away from him. Sliding his fingers along her exposed back, he stopped halfway in between her shoulders and neck then pressed.

  She groaned again. “Oh, my
. Right there is good, too.”

  “You are tense, Lady Kennell.” His warm breath brushed her neck and fanned out across her upper back.

  She swallowed, aware of her budding desire. “You may call me Bianca, or Bibi, if you like.”

  His strong fingers massaged in circles, causing her to melt against him. “Bianca is a lovely name. It suits you.”

  Her headache had peaked and was receding. “May I call you Jasper?”

  “You may call me whatever you like.” His fingers plucked the hairpins from her coiffure. “This is likely the cause of your pain.”

  He released her hair and nestled his fingers into her curls, creating lovely tingles along her scalp.

  “How does that feel?” he asked.

  Bibi sighed and leaned into his chest. “Heavenly. You do have a magical touch, Jasper.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto his lap. “I promised I wouldn’t resort to trickery, but I find I cannot help myself.”

  Bibi wriggled around to look at him, placing her hands on each side of his face. She studied the slant of his slender nose, his rosy complexion, round cheeks. His skin heated under her touch, and he turned a darker shade of red.

  “I’m not much to look at, Bianca.” His long lashes rested against his skin as he closed his eyes. He had amazing lashes; any woman would be envious.

  “Perhaps you would allow me to judge for myself,” she said. “I find you pleasing to behold.”

  His eyes popped open, and she stared into their fathomless depths. Glorious eyes to match his lashes. “There is only one problem, sir.”

  “I know.” He sighed. “I’m too large.”

  “No.” Bibi shook her head. “I’m uncertain whether to keep looking at you or kiss you.”

  Jasper’s lips parted on a gasp before stretching into a broad smile. “You may gaze upon me at any time, Bianca. Let’s not miss this opportunity to indulge your curiosity.”

  His full lips covered hers, so warm and soft. He kissed her as a woman yearned to be kissed. The way Bibi had dreamed of being kissed, slowly. He didn’t rush her, allowing her to drink in his kisses, focused only on the feel of his lips against hers.

  Jasper Hainsworth, Earl of Norwick, was much more adept at kissing than she would have guessed.


  Before Jake’s carriage came to a complete stop in front of Amelia’s town house, he threw the door open and hopped to the ground.

  His jaw dropped to his toes.

  Lord Norwick’s coach was parked in front of Verona House, just as Lady Banner had said it would be. Jake shook off his suspicions. There could be a hundred explanations for Norwick’s presence. He only hoped for one that didn’t involve Amelia and the earl locked in a heated embrace.

  Jake prepared to dash up the front steps, but movement through the window drew his attention. He halted and moved closer to the house. Leaning over the iron fencing, he peered through the lace-draped window. What was that large bulk in Amelia’s drawing room?

  He squinted and tried to make sense of what he saw. Was it an animal? An elephant in the drawing room?

  He craned his neck. Broad shoulders and dark hair identified the bulk as Norwick. His back was to the window. Nevertheless, Jake was having a blasted hard time making sense of what was draped around the earl’s neck. He rested his hands on the fence and lifted to his toes to position himself for a better view.

  A loud clearing of a throat caused him to jump. Amelia’s butler stood on the front stoop and frowned down at him. “Mr. Hillary, what is it you are doing peeping into her ladyship’s window?”

  “Jake, you made it.” Amelia slipped around the servant and froze on the second step. “What are you doing?”

  Jake peeked through the window once more. Egads! Norwick was reclining on the sofa with Cleopatra in his arms. “Uh, I… I thought I spotted a thief… in your drawing room.”

  The butler sniffed. “Indeed, the only thief I see is the one stealing looks through the window.”

  “Bradford, you may go,” Amelia said.

  The servant’s face puckered, giving the appearance of trying to eat itself. “Yes, milady.” He spun on his heel and stalked back inside.

  Amelia’s hands landed on her hips. She had changed from her costume and into half-dress. “Were you spying on Lady Kennell?”

  To admit so seemed foolish in the extreme, but it was preferable to admitting to spying on Amelia. What was he about, skulking around engaging in intrigue?

  He released the fence and moved toward the stairs. “Forgive me. I didn’t know what I saw at first, though that is no excuse.”

  She held her hand out in invitation. “Think on it no more. Come inside.”

  His forehead creased as he climbed the stairs and placed his hand in hers. “Why are Lady Kennell and Lord Norwick here again?”

  Amelia drew him inside and closed the door. “Did you not get my message?”

  “I received it, but apparently some details were missing. You left the ball with Norwick?”

  “Yes, well, he was available and offered. We couldn’t decline without appearing rude.”

  We? “You and Lady Kennell?” The buffoon possessed more prowess than Jake had given him credit for.

  Amelia chuckled and shook her head as if he was dicked in the nob. “Of course Lady Kennell and me. Who else? I couldn’t abandon her in her time of need.”

  Jake glanced over Amelia’s shoulder at the butler glowering at him from his post outside the drawing room door. “But you are out here.”

  She turned a fetching shade of pink and lifted one shoulder. “The earl is assisting Lady Kennell’s headache. His methods are a bit unorthodox, and I thought it wise to leave them undisturbed.”

  The butler’s dark looks were trampling on Jake’s last nerve. “Either dismiss your man or let us retire to a different area.”

  “Come this way.” Amelia led him toward the back part of the house and paused in front of the breakfast room door. “Will this do?”

  The room was dark except for the moonlight falling through the arched windows.

  He took her upper arm and escorted her inside before closing the door with his foot.

  “Do you not wish for a candle?”

  He eased her around to face him, his eyes adjusting to the dark. “You didn’t leave the ball with Norwick to—how do I say this? You and he are not on intimate terms, are you?”

  Her already large eyes widened. “No! Good heavens, no! Whatever would leave you with that impression?”

  The tension drained from his body, and he hugged her to him with a sigh. Her soft hair brushed his chin as her head fit snugly against his chest. “I knew Lady Banner lied.”

  “Lady Banner?” Amelia wiggled against his hold, tunneling her arms up between their bodies and digging her elbows into his ribs in the process. “What did she say?”

  Jake grunted and loosened his embrace to allow her to pull back. “The baroness insinuated you and Norwick were involved. She said you left the party with him.”

  Her outraged squawk filled the room as she shoved away from him. “And you believed her?”

  Jake captured her around the waist and tipped her chin up with his free hand. “I wouldn’t have come if I had believed her lies.”

  Her body shook with violent tremors. “You did. You were looking through my window. You thought to catch us together.”

  “I did not. I swear upon my word as a gentleman, I knew she spoke a falsehood. I refused to make the same mistake I did last year and listen to rumors. I was simply caught unaware when I discovered Norwick’s carriage outside.”

  “If there is ever any doubt, you will always believe the worst of me.”

  His hands cradled her head, his fingers twined in her hair. “Then clear up any doubts, Amelia. Promise me there will be no other gentlemen. Tell me you will be mine.”


  “And blast it all, stop doing that with your mouth unless you pose an invitation
for me to make love to you right here.”

  She gasped.

  Damnation. He had gone too far. Dropping his hands from her, he moved back a step, preparing his apology.

  “Oh!” she said, catching him off guard. A tantalizing smile spread across her lips. “Oh, oh, oh!”

  Jake’s blood forged through his veins, hot and hungry. “You want me to make love to you.”

  Her eyes glittered like jet. “Yes.”

  He required no further coaxing. His muscles tensed a fraction of a second before he sprang forward and gathered her in his arms. Their mouths collided. Her sweetness roused his appetite.

  When she backed up a step, he advanced. She came up against the table and started. “Oh!”

  “Good God, Mia.” Every civilized part of him fled, and he lifted her to the table, pushing her skirts up on her thighs. Bare skin met his eager fingers and he drew back. She wore no drawers, stockings, or anything under her dress.

  “Was this for me?” he asked, his voice a near growl.

  A shiver raced through her. “I was expecting you. After the garden… Well, and then there was the dancing.”

  He raised her chin to look her in the eyes, his thumb caressing her bottom lip. “Do you agree there will be no others?”

  A wicked smile spread across her mouth. “I don’t want anyone else.” Her pink tongue licked the pad of his thumb and almost set him afire. When her searing mouth closed over his entire digit, he closed his eyes on a groan.

  “Brilliant answer, sweetheart. Neither do I.”

  While she lavished each finger with attention, her hands fisted in his robes and dragged the hem upwards. She was about to receive a surprise of her own. Perhaps those bloody Scots knew what they were about running around free as the day they were born.

  Her breath hitched before rushing out on a soft laugh. “Is this for me?” Delicate fingers walked down his skin and circled his shaft.

  A raging fire ignited in his groin and fanned out to engulf his entire body. “Hell yes.” With a low rumble in his throat, he crushed her against him and possessed her mouth.

  Her silky tendrils threaded around his fingers as he slid his hand to her nape. He placed a kiss on her chin before languorously trailing his lips down her neck. Amelia arched, providing him with better access to her tender skin. Supporting her weight, he leaned her back farther and flicked his tongue over the swell of her breast.


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