Demon's Touch: A Reverse Harem Tale (Mountain Magic Book 2)

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Demon's Touch: A Reverse Harem Tale (Mountain Magic Book 2) Page 9

by Dakota Brown

  "What's wrong, Nikolai?"

  "Eh, it is nothing." He brought his attention to me, a bit of his blue magic shining in his otherwise dark eyes.

  "It's not nothing. You're afraid. I can sense it."

  "You can?"


  "Can you sense the others' emotions?"

  "Only when the magic was actively connecting us all."

  "Interesting." He stared at his hands.

  "What's wrong?" I asked again.

  He glanced at me, smiling sadly. "It all happened so very long ago, yet it is so very fresh to me."

  "It must be hard."

  Nikolai nodded, staring off into the distance. "Yes, but also, nothing stays the same, and it is just another form of change. A big one, but not without benefits." He smiled, glancing at me for a moment.

  I grinned, his expression sending tingles through me and tightening my stomach. Maybe I was attracted to him beyond our magic.

  "Besides, it seems like I missed some bad times that otherwise I would have experienced. I do miss those I considered friends." His face turned thoughtful for a moment. "It is possible Peter still lives."

  I took his hand, and he tensed before taking a deep breath and obviously forcing himself to relax.

  "I'm not that scary," I insisted. "Doc is way more terrifying than me." I winked when Nikolai glanced at me in shock.

  "So far, I have not been stabbed in the back by a vampire. Female mages, on the other hand…" He smiled. "It's not fair to you. I am sorry." He touched his bruised neck.

  "Nikolai, we need to figure this out."

  His sad smile faded. "This?"

  I clenched my free hand, uncomfortable. "Us."

  "I am not trying to steal you away from your men."

  "I know. You're just trying to steal my vampire away from me."

  He sputtered, and I winked.

  I took his hand and turned his wrist to expose the magical tattoo. He shivered when I ran my hand lightly over the top. "I seem to have claimed you."

  "It seems so."

  "I don't want to lose them." I stared at his wrist.


  "I need them," I insisted.

  "Yes, you do." He tried to take his hand back, and I held on.

  "I need you, too, Nikolai."

  "You need me to teach you magic."

  "Yes, but I also need you. Maybe it's because of our magic, but we've already tied ourselves together. Even if you chose not to show me how to use my powers, I still need you."

  He didn't reply.

  Concerned, I released his wrist and looked at him. He didn't take his arm back from me, but his lips were tight, as if he were annoyed or thinking.

  I wanted to make a joke to break the tension, but I knew it wasn't a good time, so I stayed quiet, waiting on Nikolai.

  Finally, he sighed and leaned back against the aspen. "I do not think myself so strong as to not try to get involved with you, should we continue as we are," he said. "I can stay long enough to see you safe from the Andersons, but then I should go."

  "We talked. You're part of our pack. If you want me, you get me." That came out a little callous, but I wasn't sure how else to say it.

  He frowned and glanced at me. "I would not expect them to share you."

  "They would all rather lose me to you, than to the Andersons. They'd rather not lose me at all. The guys don't have too many boundaries with each other, but if you do, we can figure them out. They'll share if you will."

  "And how do you feel about that idea?"


  My hesitation hurt him. He turned away, lips tightening again.

  "I'm still getting used to dating three guys. I like it. I like you. They're okay with it, and I'm willing to give it a try, if you are."

  "And what if I don't want to share?"

  The way he asked the question made me think he was simply curious, as opposed to objecting, but the thought of having to give up part of my pack for my safety made my breath catch.

  "Then we'll work through that, too," I finally replied.

  "They must truly love you, if they're valuing your safety so highly, that they'd give you up." He looked at me again, expression closed.

  "Please don't make them."

  He nodded. "I would not wish that, either. I suppose we shall have to see how it works out then."


  Nikolai sighed. "Sofia, I want you safe. I can teach you, and I should. The entire situation is difficult to take in, not just with you, but with everything." He gestured out toward the valley. "I am sitting in a country I had never even heard of a few days ago."

  "I'm sorry."

  "I am grateful to be out of the dimensional prison. Trust me."

  "I do."

  His eyes widened, and he looked about ready to bolt again before he nodded. "We shall have to trust each other."

  "So, is that a yes?"

  He nodded. "I have several spells I must show you. Like when we shared languages," he said, changing the subject.


  "Do you have a safe place for us to work magic?"

  "Yes." I stood and tugged on his hand until he was also on his feet, and then took him to my grove.

  "This is quite impressive," he admitted once I had sealed us inside.

  "I did it when Doc helped me access my magic on purpose the first time."

  He touched the pines lightly, walking around the circle. I shivered. It was as if he touched me.

  "You did well. See, you don't need me." He turned to face me.

  "I think I do. Maybe if the Andersons weren't trying to capture me, but they are." I stepped forward and put my hands on his chest.

  He set his hands over mine and sighed. "You're quite certain?"

  "As certain as I can be."

  "And the others are quite certain?"

  I smiled. "Same answer. How about you?"

  He cupped my face with one of his calloused hands and brushed his thumb across my temple. "I suppose we shall see what we can accomplish then."

  Nikolai pulled at me with his magic.

  I gasped as my body reacted as it had earlier, the desire so strong, it made me ache, and would have had me reaching for him…if we weren't now standing in the same ornate room as when we first met.

  Chapter 14


  Nikolai watched as Sofia looked around the room in wonder. Though she was far from naïve, there was an innocence about her that appealed to Nikolai. Maybe it was simply that she hadn't grown up fighting for her life like most everyone he had known up to this point had. Maybe it was just her. He was still trying to resist his attraction, though he wasn't sure why anymore. Perhaps he felt it was too fast. Maybe he simply hadn't recovered from Roza's betrayal. He had never been good at self-reflection. Though, he'd also never had much time for the luxury. Life was a nearly constant battle, fighting off the Tartars or battling the very elements as the Russian winters attempted to claim the lives battle had spared.

  "You haven't gotten around to explaining this place," she said, switching back to English once she turned fully about and stood facing him again.

  "We have only known each other a few days," Nikolai replied in the same language, though it mattered less here.


  "It is, eh, a mental space for communicating with other mages. We may or may not speak same language. We may need to share spells. We are safe with your other men and the grove protecting us, so it is good spot for us to discuss magic."

  "Other men?" That mischievous grin of hers was going to do him in.

  "Eh, well." He held up his wrist and showed her the five pawprints on his arm. "As you said, you have claimed me."

  Her expression fell. "Sorry."

  Nikolai couldn't stand her feeling bad about it. He wasn't upset. Not really. He closed the distance between them and pulled her into a hug. "I am not angry."

  "But you're not happy."

  "I am happier than you think.
I am simply not sure where I stand with anything or anyone. It makes me hesitant." That was probably the closest he could come to telling her how he felt when he still didn't understand his own feelings.

  She leaned into his embrace, putting her arms around his back and holding him tightly. "We said it was okay."

  He very suddenly wanted them back in their own minds, wanted to caress her in his hands, not just this mental projection.

  Releasing her and stepping back, he cleared his throat. "So, the spells you need."

  She focused on him intently. "Don't I need to know how to cast spells before you teach anything else to me?"

  "You already know how." He shrugged. "You just need practice. Some focusing exercises. There is lots to learn, and these won't be hard for you. Simple spells. The first couple are probably some of the reasons mages got in trouble with the church." He grinned.


  "Yes, I never got the impression that the church liked independent women. Being in charge of your own body is very important. You have three boyfriends. I'm quite certain you don't want babies, too. There is a spell for that."

  She raised her eyebrows. "I actually have a medical device for that, but I want to learn the spell."

  Nikolai nodded, but before he could continue, she grabbed his wrist and traced the pawprints magically tattooed there.

  Her touch sent shivers through him, and he sucked in a breath. "Sofia…"

  "Stop excluding yourself." She glared at him.

  "I did not wish to presume."

  She ran her hand up his arm, stepped into him, and cupped her hand around his neck, tugging him down to her.

  He didn't resist kissing her, and pulled her close. They explored each other's mouths for a time, and he let his hands wander over her body, caressing her sides, cupping her ass. She pressed into him, testing his resolve nearly to the breaking point.

  Finally, Sofia released him. "Spells?" Her eyes sparkled with amusement.

  "Ah, yes. There is also a spell to prevent disease. It is useful in outbreaks and for random trysts. Not that I feel you will have much time for random encounters with…" He hesitated, then gave in. "Four of us to keep you happy."

  The smile that lit up her face was worth giving in. He brushed his fingers across her temple, pushing a strand of hair behind her ears.

  "And the last for now is healing from a vampire bite. Most useful when your boyfriend is at least partially a vampire."

  Sofia's face lit up. "You like vampires, don't you?"

  "Eh, guilty. Peter and I were close." He shrugged. "We traveled together for many years, and it is not always easy to feed a vampire in a military camp. If the troops know the vampire is already fed, they aren't nervous about having one or two around. The mages kept the vampires fed, and the transference was useful also."


  "Vampires can temporarily borrow powers if they feed from mages, shifters, and other supernatural beings. Doc can do this, yes?"

  Sofia nodded. "That's no longer common knowledge, by the way."

  "I won't spread it around."

  "Yeah, from what I understand, vampires got pretty reclusive and are lethally protective about their secrets."

  "Understandably. They are quite powerful, but also exploitable. I will pretend I know nothing, should anyone ask." Nikolai touched his neck again. "So, the spells. I will show you." He shaped the first spell in his mind and then drew Sofia in so she could see it as well. There were lots of ways to teach spells. This was a useful way for shorter, quick to memorize spells that wouldn't require much practice to cast.

  It didn't take long before she had the shape of all three and was able to replicate them in her own mind.

  Satisfied, Nikolai drew them back into their bodies.

  He blinked off the slight disorientation that always came with changing his mental perceptions and glanced around. The small grove she had created was quite remarkable.

  Sofia met his gaze, holding him still without even touching him. He knew what she wanted. He still couldn't believe the others were okay with this.

  Hoping his hands weren't shaking, he reached for her, pulling her to him, meeting her lips with his. Their magic mingled, arousing him further. He wasn't sure he'd ever experienced resonance this strong before. When she pressed against him, it drove everything else out of his mind.

  Lips still pressed to his, she ran her hands up his chest.

  Nikolai groaned, gripping her hips, pulling her against him. Modern pants were far tighter than he was used to, and it was getting very uncomfortable.

  Sofia undid the top button of his flannel shirt. Doc had provided his clothing, and the vampire seemed fond of flannel. Of course, the way it felt against his skin as Sofia rubbed her hands over his chest before undoing the next button was endearing the fabric to him rapidly.

  Her shirt didn't have buttons. He considered leaving it on, because it would interrupt her process on his clothing, but he wanted her skin against his.

  Nikolai slid his hands up her hips. She groaned against his mouth, nibbling his lip and then kissing along his jaw. He hooked his fingers under her shirt and tugged.

  Sofia took the hint and helped him pull her shirt off before going back to work on his.

  He stared for a moment, taking in the view of the light purple clothing that covered her breasts. "I believe I like modern women's clothing," he declared. "Fewer laces."

  She laughed, twisted her arms around behind her, and did something to make the garment fall away. She slid it off her arms.

  Nikolai had seen plenty of naked women, and never failed to appreciate their individual beauty. He studied Sofia for a moment before running his fingers up her ribs, then circling around her breasts.

  She groaned, pressing into his touch. After a minute to appreciate his attention, she went back to work on his shirt. She had the buttons undone now, and he had to release her so she could push it off his shoulders. That pressed them together, and he put his arms around her, pulling her close as he kissed her deeply.

  Sofia traced a couple of the scars on his shoulders. They were from the same battle that had nearly taken his life. She dug her fingers into his back, and he rumbled in pleasure.

  She kissed along his neck, nibbling at his throat.

  "I think Doc has us all conditioned to like getting bit," she murmured. "How about you?"

  "Yes," he managed to reply.

  She found a spot that wasn't bruised and bit down.

  He clutched at her back. "Sofia," he gasped.

  "You're not going to tell me you want to stop for breakfast, too, are you?" she groaned breathlessly.

  Not liking that idea at all, Nikolai tugged at her, pulling her to the soft moss-covered ground. "No. I will not abandon you for food." He smirked to let her know he was teasing.


  Chapter 15


  Nikolai's lips sent a burning shudder through my center, lighting me up from the inside. His pause at my collarbone only stoked the flames.

  He hovered over me, still pinning me down with his hands on my arms. His strength was that of a warrior, as opposed to the supernatural strength of the others. He still had me beat, and I wouldn't have been able to budge him if I tried, without resorting to actually fighting him.

  I moaned as he sucked on one of my breasts, his tongue working at my nipple. He dragged his hands down my arms and continued to kiss down my body. I wanted to touch him, but he held my wrists pressed into the soft moss, and my legs were pinned under him.

  His teeth grazed my stomach lightly, and I arched my back, moaning. Nikolai release my wrists and caressed my waist, hands running lightly across my hips until they came to my pants. He popped open the button and slid the zipper down before hooking his fingers in the waistband and tugging my pants off.

  I lifted my butt to help him, and he pulled them off. It took me a moment to realize he had snagged my underwear at the same time. I'd only been completely naked in front
of one other guy, and while it hadn't been a horrible experience, it hadn't been amazing, either.

  Nikolai stared at me, a smile curling his lips. I panted, desire waring with uncharacteristic shyness.

  "You are lovely, Sofia."

  I smiled back, letting his words caress me as his hands worked their way up my legs.

  He leaned forward, his hair falling forward into his face and tickling my skin as he resumed his trek up my body with his mouth. He reached my mound. I put my hand on Nikolai's head, tangling my fingers in his dark brown hair, though I wasn't sure if I was trying to stop him or encourage him. This was all new for me.

  Nikolai took one of his hands and gripped my wrist, pulling my hand away and pinning it to the ground again.

  I squirmed slightly, testing his grip, teasing him a little. He looked up and met my eyes, looking a little concerned. Blue magic swirled through his eyes, enhancing the tender desire I saw there. I smiled, though I was nervous. Apparently, that was what he was looking for. He nibbled at my thigh, and I gasped, opening my legs in response. He used his free hand to slide my leg over his shoulder before clutching my hip and squeezing gently.

  Nikolai licked me, his tongue parting my folds.

  Gasping, I clutched at the ground as Nikolai's tongue skillfully worked at me. Pleasure built from my breasts to my core, the sensation overwhelming. Thrusting against him, I cried out again as he pushed a finger inside me, moving in sync with his tongue as my pleasure built. I trembled, so close it almost hurt.


  My release left me breathless as it shuddered through me.

  I lay there trembling as Nikolai kissed his way back up my body, then lay next to me and held me while I shook.

  "You are good?"

  I nodded, as I couldn't quite form words. He held me, his skin warming mine, his hand igniting sparks along my back as he trailed his fingers across my skin.

  Sated, but not quite satisfied, I trailed my fingers down Nikolai's defined stomach. His breath hitched as I worked my way lower. I reached the scar that crossed his body and ran my fingers lightly along it until it disappeared under the hem of his jeans.


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