Tempting His Heart

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Tempting His Heart Page 9

by Dawn Sullivan

  Shutting his office door behind his family, Creed leaned against it and tugged Sloane into his arms. Holding her close, he rested his chin on the top of her head. With a sigh, she settled against him, snuggling as close as she could get. “I’m so happy for you, Creed,” she sighed. “Everything is going so well for you.”

  “Yes,” Creed agreed as he leaned back and gently tilted her head up so he was looking into her eyes. “Everything is perfect,” he murmured as he lowered his lips to hers in a soft caress. Pulling back, he placed a soft kiss on her nose before saying, “I need to talk to Jace. Was there anything you needed from your apartment for tonight?”

  “I would love to grab an outfit and my boots, please,” Sloane said as she tugged his lips back down to hers for another kiss.

  Creed gently separated himself from Sloane a few minutes later. “We need to go, Sweetheart,” he told her as he tugged on her ponytail. “I refuse to allow this to go any further with my deputies right outside the door.” He chuckled at her gasp of surprise. As her cheeks darkened in a becoming blush, Creed gave her one last kiss and opened the door.

  “There you are,” Katy hollered from across the room. “Come here, Sloane. I want to show you something while Creed talks to Jace.”

  Reluctantly, Creed let go of Sloane and watched as she made her way over to Katy, her hips moving seductively the whole way. Tearing his gaze away from Sloane’s ass, Creed found Jace in his office on the phone. Waiting impatiently for him to finish his call, Creed’s mind wandered back to Sloane’s nice, round, firm ass. With any luck, he would be holding onto it very soon.

  “What’s up?” Jace asked as he hung up his phone. “I saw you having a family powwow when I got back from patrol.”

  “Justice is alive,” Creed said shortly, his mind still on Sloane. “The family is going to Austin tonight to watch Linc ride, then he and my parents are going to go to get Justice. You’re in charge while I’m gone.”

  “You got it, man,” Jace said with a grin. “That’s awesome! We knew that son of a bitch wasn’t dead!”

  “Who isn’t dead?” a voice asked from behind Creed. Turning he saw Lacey, her long dark hair pulled up in a bun on her head. Her royal blue dress hugged the curves of her body and her green eyes lit with playfulness. She was smiling at them, a hand resting on a cocked hip. Raising an eyebrow she asked, “So? Who isn’t dead? I see dead people all the time. I like to hear about the live ones.”

  “Jesus, Lace,” Jace said as he shook his head in disgust.

  Smirking, Lacey asked, “Poor joke? Sorry. If you worked in my field it would have been funny.”

  “I doubt it,” Jace said sardonically as he leaned back in his chair and put his feet on the desk. Crossing his arms over his chest, Jace told her, “Creed just found out his brother, Justice, is alive.”

  All of the blood seemed to drain from Lacey’s tan complexion. Creed moved forward quickly, just in time to catch her as her eyes rolled back and she collapsed.

  “Holy shit!” Jace exclaimed as he removed his feet from the top of his desk and jumped out of his chair.

  Hearing footsteps, Creed turned to face Sloane and Katy, Lacey in his arms. “What the hell just happened?” Katy demanded as she checked Lacey’s pulse.

  “Jace told her Justice is alive,” Creed told her quietly as he stepped around his sister and moved quickly to the break room. Katy and Sloane followed him, Katy shutting the door behind them as Creed gently placed Lacey on the couch.

  “Creed,” Katy whispered from behind him as he stood and gazed down at his friend. “You don’t think…”

  “I don’t know,” Creed said, shaking his head in denial. “It was probably something else. Maybe she hasn’t eaten today or something? You know what it does to her if she doesn’t eat.”

  “What’s going on?” Sloane asked from where she stood at the end of the couch. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah,” Creed said as he moved to the window staring out. Running a hand tiredly through his hair, he sighed. “Lacey has a son. A son with dark hair and dark brown eyes. She’s never told anyone who the father is. Hell, I didn’t even know she knew who Justice was. She and Ethan just moved here a little over a year ago. I don’t know where she would have met him.” Turning around, he looked at Katy. “It can’t be, Katy. There’s no way.”

  Creed looked at Lacey as she moaned softly. Slowly, her eyes opened and she looked around the room in confusion. Her eyes landing on Creed, she asked softly, “What happened?”

  Watching her carefully, Creed said, “Jace told you that we found out my brother, Justice, is alive. You lost consciousness.”

  Sitting up quickly, Lacey cried out and lowered her head into her hands. Rushing forward, Sloane knelt beside her and placed a hand on her arm. “Are you alright, Lacey?”

  Tears filled Lacey’s eyes as she whispered, “My head hurts. Please, I need to go home and rest before I have to pick up Ethan.”

  Katy stepped forward. “You’re in no condition to drive, Lacey. I’ll take you home. I was just heading out anyway.”

  “If you don’t mind,” Lacey murmured as she rose unsteadily to her feet. Slipping an arm around her waist, Sloane helped hold her steady while she gained her balance. Looking at Sloane gratefully, Lace said, “Thank you. You must be Sloane?”

  It was a question, but one obviously intended to distract from the current situation. Creed was proud of how well Sloane went with it. “Yes, Sloane Murphy,” she responded with a soft smile. “I just moved here a few weeks ago. I bought the bookstore here in town.”

  Nodding, Lacey winced and rubbed her temples. “I know,” she said so quietly Creed almost didn’t hear her. “I can’t wait to see what you do with the place.” Looking at Katy, she whispered, “I need to go. I’m sorry.”

  Sloane released Lacey as she stepped forward and preceded Katy out the door. Deciding he had too many other things to worry about, Creed pushed the idea of Justice and Lacey out of his mind and motioned to the door. “We better get to your apartment and pick up what you need for tonight. I have a couple of other things I need to check on before we pick up Cassie.”

  Creed watched as a closed expression came over Sloane’s face, but she didn’t say anything as they left the police station and walked to the bookstore that wasn’t far from the station.

  After Sloane unlocked the front of the store, Creed put a light hand on her shoulder. Silently moving her behind him, he went through the door first. Even with all of the excitement that day, he hadn’t forgotten there was someone out there watching Sloane.

  When everything in the big open area looked clear, he motioned for Sloane to follow him in, then locked the door again. “This is ridiculous, Creed,” Sloane protested. “No one has bothered me in weeks. No notes, no other type of contact, nothing. I’m sure everything is fine.”

  “Dammit, Sloane,” he said as he swung around. “You agreed to let me protect you, so please...let me.”

  His gaze traveling over her delicate features, he waited for her response. After a moment, she whispered raggedly, “After Jake, I told myself I would be strong. I would learn to protect myself and never let anyone have control over me again.”

  “I don’t want to control you, baby,” Creed promised as he pulled her to him. “I just want to look out for you. I need to keep you safe.” Running a finger down her soft cheek, he admitted, “It would kill me if anything happened to you.”

  “Oh Creed,” she whispered as she slid her arms around his neck. “Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  Creed held her close for several minutes before finally pulling away. “We need to get going,” he said reluctantly. Slipping his fingers in hers, he made his way to the back of the store, scanning the room as he went. Nothing seemed out of place as far as he could tell. “Let me know if anything isn’t where you left it, Sloane,” he said.

  “Everything’s fine,” Sloane told him as she handed him the key for the back door. Opening it, they slipped through and Creed loc
ked it behind them. Making his way up the stairs to the apartments, Sloane following closely, Creed scanned the area quickly. No presents left in front of the door this time.

  After Sloane showed him the correct key to get into the apartment, he had her wait by the door while he quickly checked out the apartment. When he was sure it was safe, Creed let Sloane in so she could get what she needed. After she grabbed her cowboy boots, a pair of jeans that looked new, and a shirt, she stopped in front of him. He knew by the look on her face he wasn’t going to like whatever she was about to say.

  “I’m taking my car, Creed,” she stated emphatically. “I have a fear of being stranded alone without transportation. I’m sorry, but I need it.”

  “My family lives less than a mile from us, Sloane. You aren’t going to be stranded anywhere.” Even as he argued with her, he knew it was useless. Sloane wasn’t giving in on this one thing. Finally, he took the bag she had slung over her shoulder and left the apartment, waiting for her at the top of the stairs. Not saying a word, he made his way to the bottom of the stairs and left out the back door. After Sloane unlocked the car, he put her bag in the back seat and stepped away from the vehicle. When she got in the car, he waited for her to shut the door and lock it. Once the engine was running, he turned and walked away ignoring the desolate look on her face. He needed time to get his emotions under control, otherwise he was going to say something he knew he would regret. She was going straight to his house, so he was sure she would be safe.

  He watched the man and woman from where he hid behind a half closed curtain in an apartment across the alley. The male was the sheriff of Serenity Springs. The sheriff was the reason he was in the position he was at the moment. Hiding in a vacant apartment watching for the woman he loved to make an appearance. Just who the hell did the sheriff think he was trying to steal his woman? No one touched what belonged to him. His hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides. Allowing his anger to consume him, he slammed his fist into the wall. He would show him. He would show them all.

  Chapter 14

  After putting her car in park in front of Creed’s house, Sloane rested her forehead on the steering wheel. She was so lost and confused. She didn’t want to upset Creed, but she didn’t want to give up her freedom either. She knew what it was like to be controlled by someone, and she would never allow that to happen again.

  Feeling defeated, Sloane let a tear slip free and slide down her cheek. What was she going to do? She didn’t want to lose Creed, but she was so scared that if she allowed him to take control over everything right now, she would not be able to take back that control later.

  Slowly Sloane lifted her head as her phone started ringing from inside her purse. Fishing it out, she felt her heart squeeze when the caller id showed her mother, Carole’s, number. Leaning her head back against the seat, she pressed talk and whispered, “Hi, Mama.”

  There was silence and then her mom responded softly, “Talk to me, honey. What’s wrong?” Letting out a soft sob she couldn’t hold back, Sloane didn’t answer right away. “I’m right here, Sloane. I will always be here for you,” her Mom promised. “Just talk to me.”

  Rubbing the tears from her face, Sloane whispered, “I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Tell me what’s going on. Do I need to come there?” her mother asked. “I can be on my way within the hour.”

  Laughing softly, Sloane said, “No, Mama. It’s okay. There’s not really anything you can do. I need to figure this out for myself.”

  “Try me,” her mother said. “Trust me, Sloane. Talk to me.”

  As her eyes filled with tears again, Sloane glanced out the window at the lonely looking house in front of her. The house she wanted so badly to make into a home. There were so many things she could do to make it come alive. “I’m in love,” she whispered. “I’m so far gone it’s crazy. But I’m afraid.”

  After a moment, her mom asked, “What are you afraid of, honey? Does he hurt you?”

  “Oh, no!” Sloane told her. “Creed would never hurt me. I’m not afraid of him.” Trying to decide how to explain herself, Sloane thought for a minute before saying, “I know he would never hurt me physically. He’s Katy’s brother and she told me so much about him before we even met. He’s the Sheriff of Serenity Springs. He’s the oldest brother of six and he has the sweetest little girl.”

  “I don’t understand,” Carole said when Sloane stopped. “The man sounds wonderful. Does he love you too?”

  “I don’t know,” Sloane said as she opened the door to her car. Slipping her purse over her shoulder, she stepped out and shut the car door behind her. Opening the back door, she pulled out her bag. Pausing, she scanned the area around her before shutting the car door. “I haven’t told him how I feel. It’s too soon. I’ve only known him a few weeks.”

  “Since when does that matter?” her mother wanted to know. “I knew immediately after meeting your father that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. We were married just four months after we met. Thirty-two years and three children later, and we are still going strong.”

  “He’s been through a lot with Cassie’s mom,” Sloane protested. “She broke his heart and I don’t know if he would be willing to try again.”

  “You’ve been through a lot too, Sloane,” Carole said softly. “More than anyone should have to go through. You shouldn’t let the past get in the way of a future together. You could miss out on more than you realize.”

  Walking up the front steps, Sloane noticed the front door was slightly ajar. She must not have shut it all the way when she left earlier that day. Going through the front door, she made her way to the bedroom Creed had given her the night before. She frowned when she saw the door closed. She knew she hadn’t closed it that morning, but maybe Creed did. “Look, Mom,” she said, “it’s more than just that. I have this huge issue with giving up control to anyone. Creed likes to be in charge. Well, he just wants to protect me, but I need to know that I can protect myself.”

  “It never hurts to be able to rely on someone else to keep you safe, Sloane,” her mother murmured. “You can still be in control of your life while Creed is keeping you safe. You need to understand that not only is he a Sheriff, but you said he is the oldest of six children. He is used to taking care of people. If you love someone, you don’t try and change them. It won’t work if you do.”

  “But he wants to control me,” Sloane protested. “Isn’t that trying to change me?”

  “Sloane Murphy, that man is not trying to control you. Does he tell you who you can talk to? Who you can hang out with? Where you can go?” When Sloane didn’t answer, Carole continued. “He isn’t controlling you. He is protecting you. There is a huge difference.”

  As what her mother said sank in, so did the fact that Creed could not have closed her bedroom door, because he hadn’t come back to the house that day. Neither had anyone else to her knowledge. Chiding herself for allowing paranoia and fear to overcome her, Sloane gritted her teeth and opened the bedroom door. With a gasp, she looked around in horror at what had once been a beautiful bedroom. Someone had spray painted the word ‘Unfaithful’ on one wall in black and the word ‘Bitch’ on the wall next to it in red. The curtains were shredded into several pieces, as was the bedspread. “Oh, God,” she whispered as she slowly backed out of the room.

  Letting her bag drop to the floor, Sloane turned and ran to the front door. Opening it, she ran through, not even taking the time to close it behind her. Getting in her car, she quickly started it and turned the vehicle around, driving as fast as she could to the ranch. She heard her mother’s voice on the other end of the line, but she couldn’t respond. Fear had her in its grasp.

  As she skidded her vehicle to a stop in front of the ranch house, Ryder ran toward her from the barn. “Sloane, what’s wrong?” he asked as he opened her door.

  “I need Creed,” she rasped. “Please, I need Creed.” Hearing her mother screaming through the phone, Sloane stared
down at it still clutched tightly in her hand.

  Ryder slowly peeled her fingers away from it and lifted it to his ear. “Ma’am, it’s okay. Sloane’s here with me now.”

  Sloane could hear the terror in her mother’s voice as she asked, “Is this Creed?”

  “No, this is his brother,” Ryder said as he gently helped Sloane from the car. “Let me call you back, please. I need to call Creed. I promise you, Sloane is safe and I will call you back as soon as possible.”

  After disconnecting the call, Ryder guided Sloane to the house. She stared blankly at his mother when she opened the front door. A few minutes later she glanced around the kitchen in surprise, not completely understanding how she’d gotten there. “Sloane, please tell us what’s wrong,” Cara said as she sat in a chair beside her. “Creed called earlier to say you were driving home separately to get ready for tonight. He should be home shortly with Cassie to pack so we can leave.”


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