Star Crusades

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Star Crusades Page 18

by Michael G. Thomas

  “Beautiful,” said Captain Regina, “Truly beautiful.”

  As their gunfire hammered into the alien vessels, a fresh announcement filled the interior of Nautilus. It was a voice few were familiar with, but something about it demanded their attention.

  “Captains, this is Admiral Ani Hurik of the Alliance dreadnought Triumph. The battle has begun, and we will not stop until this entire system is cleaned of the Ski’lig menace.”

  Her voice was stern, lacking any discernible emotion, and the language she used showed nothing but contempt for the enemy they had come to fight.

  “Who?” First Lieutenant Meredith asked, “I thought Rivers was in command of this operation. Isn’t he the most experienced commander in the Alliance now?”

  Captain Regina shrugged while looking at the details of the woman now speaking with them. There was surprisingly little in her public record, though what was there quite impressive.

  “General Rivers is a not a naval commander. It makes sense that we would put somebody more experienced in the strategy and tactics of ship on ship combat, now that we are here. His expertise is the science of ground warfare. And trust me, he is the master.”

  She was about to say more, but the Admiral continued speaking.

  “The Ski’lig fleet must be kept away from the Rift control station at all costs. Every ship, including my own is considered expendable until the Spacebridge to Epsilon Eridani is opened.”

  Captain Regina didn’t like the sound of that, and when she looked to her XO, she could see First Lieutenant Meredith felt the same.

  “None of us is expendable,” she said.

  “Agreed,” said the Captain, “But the Admiral is in charge, not us.”

  “Without reinforcements, we are left in a precarious position and against a sizable alien fleet. I am taking over command of this engagement as per standing naval orders. A General cannot command a fleet.”

  “There you have it,” said Captain Regina.

  “All captains check your orders. I have provided rally points and positions for our fleet. We will advance on the enemy in three assault columns, with our heavies at the fore to bear the brunt of the alien weaponry. Other ships of the line will provide fire support as we move closer.”

  She paused, and then licked her upper lip before saying more. It was only a short break, but Captain Regina knew that it was somehow going to affect her.

  “IAB forces will hold over Ekati Alpha and await the arrival of the infantry. I am transferring the fleet carrier Izumo to support your operations, and General Rivers is transferring his flag there at this very moment. He will command the ground phase of the battle.”

  “Fleet carrier Izumo?” Captain Regina said, “The Starcarrier?”

  First Lieutenant Meredith nodded.

  “She’s already changing her ident code as the command ship for amphibious operations.”

  Captain Regina grabbed the intercom immediately, even as more gunfire rippled back between the two fleets.

  “Admiral, this is Captain Regina of the Nautilus. Ekati Alpha is secure, and our forces are already on the surface. We’re ready to assist you in…”

  “I need you at the planet, Captain,” came back the stark reply, “Leave me and the fleet to deal with alien vessels. That is what I am here for, and why the dreadnoughts have left Alliance territory.”

  There was a short pause, and then she finished.

  “Your job is to ready that planet for the arrival of our ground forces. The IAB is an assault formation, not a battle fleet. I have promised General Rivers that there will be landing grounds ready for entire battalions of marines.”

  Captain Regina hesitated, and then nodded to herself.

  “Understood, Admiral. Standing down.”

  She looked across to her crew and tried to hide her disappointment. The enemy fleet was vast, and though a terrifying foe, she also wanted to see her crew and her ship show the others what they could do. They had trained for so long for this, and now they were being cast aside, to do little more than circle around a lifeless rock while others did the fighting. Then came a voice that sounded almost as disappointed as her.

  “General Gun,” she said quietly as his image appeared.

  “You heard the Admiral. IAB forces will assemble at the designated waypoint. Let us use our ordnance as best we can to support our people below.”

  The ship began to turn away, and as they did so, Captain Regina watched the massed Alliance forces heading into battle with the Ski’lig fleet. It was an impressive force, made more so with the two battlecruisers and pair of dreadnoughts. She could happily have watched the battle and done nothing else, but she knew she had work still to do.

  “Admiral Hurik?” First Lieutenant Meredith said, “I thought she’d only just been given command of a dreadnought.”

  “I suspect Command didn’t want the Navy outranked by General Rivers for this operation. She has worked her way to the top fast. Very fast.”

  She shook her head as the view of the planet shifted before her. The battle with the enemy fleet moved away, and now she was left with the diamond planet and its host of hidden enemy soldiers. The Starcarrier arced away from the battle fleet that was already heavily engaged and made its way towards the planet. At its flanks was a pair of Liberty Class destroyers, as well as a squadron of fighters that continued flying in a widely dispersed figure of eight around the small force.

  “Okay, then,” said the Captain, “What can we do to help?”


  The Trench, Ekati Alpha, The Ski’lig Territories

  Valentine moved slowly as they travelled through the last few narrow tunnels. It was only wide enough for four Novas to stand side by side, though much taller. Like the cavern, it was constructed of the same diamond rock and glistened from the light of their external lamps. There were openings at various heights, some nearly six metres above their position, and all but impossible to reach without a thruster pack.

  “This place…it’s incredible,” said Hawkins, “And this passage.”

  “Cut with mining lasers, I’d guess,” said Alexis, “And our scans show half of what’s left of this planet is filled with tunnels and underground structures. The Skils must have been mining this world for decades, maybe centuries.”

  “Contact!” Tsarkov shouted.

  Valentine lifted her arms, with her shield out in front, and her right arm resting in the slot cut into the side. Her machine pistol was at the ready just as the enemy came for them. A long shaft came past her and struck Hawkins so hard he was thrown onto his back. Kallias dropped down next to his friend and struggled to remove the weapon as more of them charged into battle.


  Valentine wanted to help Hawkins, but she could barely see who they were as the shapes charged through the darkness. Then came the gunfire, and as the light lit up the passage, she could make out their large size and dark features. They appeared humanoid, though lacked the wings of the Ski’ligs. They moved quickly, and the first volleys of fire from the Novas had only a modest effect on them. Two fell, but the last of them managed to reach within two metres of Alexis before it was cut down by sustained fire.

  “Cease fire!”

  The gunfire slowed and stopped, although smoke still wafted about through the interior. They continued forward and towards the brighter light in the distance. As they moved on by, Valentine slowed, bending down to examine one of the fallen. It had taken so many injuries in the attack, but somehow had managed to keep pushing forward.

  “Sarge. We need to report this back. Who are these people?”

  He hesitated, and then used his armoured foot to half roll one of them over. It was the size of a large man, perhaps hitting two metres in height, though much bulkier. It was covered in thick hair, almost like fur, and its face had a respirator device with straps running over and around its head to a mounting place at the rear.

  “It’s like a half-man, half-bear,” he said in surprise wh
ile stepping past the half a dozen bodies that littered the place.

  “And armed.” Hawkins tossed back a weapon.

  The Sergeant caught it and held it out in front of him.

  “More spears? What is this, the dark ages?”

  “No,” said Alexis, “Look.”

  She pointed to the hands of the creature, and to metal bracelets on each of its wrists. One showed signs of damage, and on the other the remains of a chain.

  “They were manacled,” said Sergeant Jablonsky, “These must be prisoners.”

  “Or slaves,” said Valentine, “And now they’re throwing them at us to slow us down.”

  “Let’s get down there. The sooner we have those landing fields under our control the better.”

  Valentine felt guilty as they passed the bloodied bodies. They were a species they had never seen before, and until a minute ago had been neither friends nor foes. She hesitated, and then picked up a spear, attaching it to one of the many mounting points on her armour. It rose half a metre above her head like a battle standard.

  “Nice,” said Kallias, “Taking that as a trophy, Val?”

  “No. It’s a reminder.”

  Kallias wasn’t quite sure what she meant. He stepped after her and looked back at the bodies one last time.

  “Uh…okay, Val.”

  Finally, they pushed out through a gap to steps cut into the diamond rock leading to the valley floor of the trench. Valentine had assumed they were much further up inside the trench, when in fact they were little more than a hundred metres from the surface.

  “That’s our target,” said Sergeant Jablonsky.

  Valentine scanned the area, but all of them could already make out the broken and wrecked shape of an Alliance Jackal, as well as part of a Lightning fighter that must have come down nearby. The place was clearly artificial and cut into the rock, with metal plates and landing platforms erected, as well as raised control towers and a multitude of walkways and bridges. It was little different to Alliance shipyards, just so much bigger. As they studied the area, Lieutenant Fletcher appeared, along with the rest of the Platoon. He passed them and stopped at Sergeant Jablonsky.

  “What’s the hold-up, Sergeant?”

  He lifted a hand, and then nodded ahead.

  “I thought I saw something.”

  “We don’t have the luxury of time, Sergeant. Get to the landing platforms, and fast.”

  Sergeant Jablonsky didn’t seem convinced, but the Lieutenant took a step forward and then looked back at him.

  “Those Skil savages are on the run. We get down there now and secure the ground, or we lose our chance. Novas are expected to take the hit…so do it.”


  He gave the signal, and as one the unit continued forward, moving out into the open. It was an uncomfortable descent to the surface and slow going, made much worse by the dangerous drop far below they did their best to avoid.

  “Sergeant. That looks like a spaceport to me,” said Alexis.

  “You’re not wrong. And there are core shafts running deep below it into their underground structures. We take the port, and then the marines join us for the main assault on their…hive.”

  “Hive, Sarge?”

  He took a step and slipped, nearly tumbling his way down the side of the trench wall. Luckily, Hawkins blocked his path and managed to stop him slipping further. They regained their footing while the others checked to see if they had been spotted.

  “I don’t like this,” said the Sergeant, “Watch for…”

  “Jump!” shouted the Lieutenant.

  And then to all their surprise he leapt from his position at the side of the trench and plummeted ten metres, crashing through a bridge structure and down to the level below. His legs buckled, and he rolled to the right from the momentum of the fall and the higher gravity.

  “You heard the Lieutenant. Get down there, now!”

  Valentine pulled herself back, checking the area first.

  Tex, talk to me.

  There is nothing good out there. I suggest you get this over with, and fast.

  Valentine shook her head and laughed as she ran and leapt from the ledge. Her legs kicked out below her as if she could walk in thin air. She fell five metres and then managed to strike the edge of a watch platform overlooking one of the landing platforms. It partially collapsed and buckled under her impact, but somehow remained upright. More shapes followed as the Novas leapt like lemmings to what appeared to be their doom. Thankfully, their heavy armour took the brunt of the impact, with just a few sustaining light damage.

  Valentine…I’m detecting heat sources…and they’re moving.

  Show me.

  Markers appeared before Valentine’s eyes, and she instantly readied for combat. Something moved off to the right, and then two lances from 2nd Platoon dropped down to the surface and came down quite close to her own position.

  “Sergeant,” she said calmly, “I’ve got movement markers directly ahead. It’s coming from…”

  “From where, Lance Corporal?”

  She sent the data to the entire unit, and no sooner had she done that, more and more shapes appeared. Valentine’s body tensed, and though it had not yet happened, she knew exactly what was coming. Another shape blinked red, and the Novas came under fire from enemy warriors hiding in nooks and crevices in the sides of the trench.

  “Move and secure the ground. Captain Olik wants us to blast our way inside and to force them back,” said the Lieutenant as five separate lances of Novas fanned out, “So if you find any of them, you know what to do. The further we push them back, the more space we bring for the regulars.”

  Two of the lances headed for the massive landing platforms, tracking back and forth as they looked for their foe. The platforms were substantial, each looking like a massive communications dish but laid out flat on its metal chassis, while others moved past the stacked storage bins and fuel tanks.

  “With me,” said Alexis, “We’re heading right there. The Lieutenant wants us to secure the tower structure and any attached passages.”

  The lances of Novas separated as they moved onto the landing platforms and metal platforms that joined them like bridges. A target marker appeared on a pair of large blast doors fitted into the side of the circular structure almost thirty metres wide. A tower rose upwards into a series of relay dishes, each pointing in a slightly different direction. Tubular shafts ran from the sides into the trench wall, though it was impossible to tell what they were for.

  “That must be the way inside,” said Alexis.

  She placed a hand on the side of the blast door and looked back to check on the others. In the distance she could see an entire IAB marine platoon coming their way, along with Vanguards rushing forward.


  Before they could respond, part of the platform split apart directly above them and came crashing down right next to the Lieutenant. Clouds of gas or moisture puffed out, masking the area as hundreds of the enslaved warriors swarmed out and jumped down to attack the confused Novas. The first of the marines were already nearby and fired into the maelstrom, their powerful rounds hitting friend and foe alike.

  “Light the fires!” Lieutenant Fletcher shouted as the two lances nearby moved in to surround him, “Leave none alive!”

  Valentine took aim with her cannon and fired a single high-power shot. It exploded on impact, scattering molten plasma like a small atomic blast and throwing down several enemy warriors.

  “Ski’ligs!” Kallias shouted.

  He aimed his four L48 rifles into the air as scores of the aerial hunters swarmed in to try and overrun their position. This time the Novas were well prepared, and even the newcomers to the lance instinctively looked to the skies. And they were not to be disappointed. The hunters came in fast, their rifles blasting away with great precision. The Novas’ interceptors proved highly effective this time, with more open ground and less chance of hitting friendlies. IAB marines passed them and found wha
tever cover they could before returning fire. Streaks of energy joined with the gunfire from the Novas as they cut the enemy down in droves.

  “That’s it!” Lieutenant Fletcher ordered, “End them!”

  Valentine tracked from left to right and then fired multiple bursts. Her arm-mounted machine pistol did its job, and she smiled as the bursts of fire hit two of the creatures. A third aimed at her, but as the shot came for her face, the interceptors shredded it, leaving the shattered shards to scatter around her body.

  New targets! Tex said.

  He tagged them, and Valentine turned her gaze towards them as they rushed out from cover to attack. It was a mixture of the large creatures, plus Ski’lig heavies. As they fired, the weight of shot broke through the interceptors, forcing her to take cover.

  “Corporal!” Valentine yelled.

  Alexis looked back and rolled to the side as the barrage of fire crashed around them. An IAB fireteam advanced towards them and unleashed short bursts of fire into them. It was effective, but the Ski’ligs returned fire, punching holes in their lighter armour and severing limbs with little effort. In seconds three were down and another crawled back to safety.

  “Help them!” Alexis shouted.

  Valentine stepped away from cover as yet more IAB marines continued to advance, with them taking more of the landing ground and buildings. They fired on the move, and even she found it hard to spot them as their armour melted into the colour of the structures around them. She bent down and grabbed the arm of the wounded marine.


  He turned his head and looked up to her. The visor was cracked but looked intact. It wasn’t easy to see inside, but she could see he was alive and in pain.


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