Danny’s Secret Desire

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Danny’s Secret Desire Page 16

by Carter, Polly

  But she wasn’t alone. He wriggled slightly under her, and Danny knew it was to relieve some of the pressure on his erection, which had swollen and hardened still further at the sight of her bottom waiting defencelessly to be chastised by him.

  “Lift your bottom up for me,” he reminded her again. She sighed long and hard as she obeyed his instruction, steeling herself but not knowing quite what to expect.

  He ran his hand over her cheeks, so close to the core of her need for him. Silently she begged him to slip his hand between her legs, and into the slippery wetness that was aching for him to fill it.

  Instead, he raised his hand and brought it down with a crack on her bare flesh.

  “Oh,” she cried in shock and dismay. That was hard! She had to keep still, she reminded herself, taking a deep breath and focusing on not moving. She had to keep still, but oh, ow, oh…

  His hard hand was rising and falling, still rhythmically, first one side, then the other, but with a quicker tempo, and instead of waves of pleasure, this spanking was causing waves of pain. Oh, her bottom was stinging. How could she leave it there? Keep it still when each crack of his hand hurt worse than the last?

  No, she couldn’t do it. She had to get away from the punishing spanks he was raining down on her fast-reddening bottom. She wriggled, getting one hand out from beneath herself.

  “Don’t.” The command was swift and brutal, but he paused briefly and rubbed her swelling, rosy flesh. “Move your hand. You know you deserve this spanking. You need to learn to obey me and trust me. Don’t you? Do you think having a hot, sore bottom will help you get the message? Help you learn the lesson?”

  With a whimper and a whispered, “Yes, Jones,” she put her hand back under her head.

  “Right. Well, keep it there,” he commanded, then tucked his arm more firmly about her waist, pulling her against him as his hand came down hard on the soft flesh between her bottom and thigh. “I warned you about interfering with your spanking. Would you like to start over?”

  “No,” she cried. “Oh no, please. I’m sorry. Please. I won’t do it again. I’ve learned my lesson. Ow. Ow. Ow.”

  She cried out, kicking her legs up and down like an Olympic swimmer. How could she endure any more? But if she didn’t, she would just have to submit to it all over again. Hot tears of misery, frustration and despair welled in her eyes as she fought to withstand the relentless rise and fall of his hand, and the agony he was inflicting on her.

  “No. No. No,” she moaned, her head rolling from side to side. She couldn’t take any more, was at her breaking point. Again she reached back to try and block the punishment, but he grabbed hold of her hand and held it behind her back while his other hand continued its work.

  Her legs beat up and down and she tried to roll her bottom out of the way, but he held her firm as she cried out begging him to stop.

  Mercifully, he did stop.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said gently, tenderly massaging her cheeks which had now taken on a very cherry-red hue. “Are you learning your lesson? Are you going to behave properly in future?”

  Caught up entirely in the stinging of her bottom, Danny had been aware of nothing but the rise and fall of his hand. Now she heard his voice and clung to his words as if she were drowning and he had thrown her a lifeline.

  “Yes. I promise. Please,” she begged. “No more.”

  “Hush, we’ve nearly finished. You just have to keep still a bit longer and then it will all be over.”

  “No, please,” she cried, tightening her bottom as hard as she could in a useless attempt at defence.

  “Relax.” He stroked her poor, red bottom. “Breathe, Daniella, and relax your bottom. I won’t spank it while it’s clenched, but I will spank it longer and harder later.”

  She obeyed, releasing the tension as she let go of the breath she’d been holding without realising.

  “Good girl,” he praised her encouragingly. “It’s nearly over. This last bit will be hard, but not long. Can you keep still for me?”

  Danny cried out, but he held her firm.

  “Shh,” he whispered. “Take a deep breath and be good. Will you keep still and think about how you are being punished for being a naughty, disobedient, mistrusting, bad-tempered girl?”

  “Yes, Jones,” she whispered. She must. She had no choice. She had to do this for him.

  “Very well.” His hand ran gently over her bottom again, then rose ready to continue its work. “Keep still and remember this is what will happen whenever you misbehave.”

  While he was speaking, he’d shifted his right leg out from under her and wrapped it over her legs so they were caught between his and held tight. His left arm still gripped her waist, so she was trapped and at his mercy.

  He started spanking her again. A hard, fast flurry. Within seconds she was writhing under him, but he held her tight. She couldn’t move. She cried out, begging him to stop. Her feet moved furiously up and down. She cried out again. She couldn’t take it. She couldn’t take any more. She was going to explode.

  And then she burst into wailing tears, and the spanking stopped. He pulled her up until she was sitting on his knee, his arms around her, her face buried in his shoulder.

  “Beautiful girl,” he crooned. “Don’t cry. It’s over now. It’s all over.” And tilting her face up to his, he kissed away her tears, ran tiny kisses all over her face, until she turned to meet his lips, hers loose and open as he fused their mouths together. She was drowning in him, barely noticing that he’d pulled her knickers over her feet and dropped them on the floor, picked her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

  Chapter 11

  Having already way exceeded any boundaries she may have had with regard to her intimate behaviour with a man, Danny ignored the fact that she was laid out on the bed like a feast for a king. Her legs were splayed with her skirt rucked up to the top of her thighs. Peeping beneath the hem were the ginger curls hiding her sweetest treasure. Standing over her, ripping his shirt over his head to reveal his hard, sinewy chest, his eyes darted back and forth from her face to the prize beneath her skirt.

  His flickering tongue and bulging jeans mirrored the sexual arousal evidenced by Danny’s abandoned sprawl and heavy-lidded gaze. Whatever he wanted to do with her body, he could. He had spanked all the will out of her, and she was his to command.

  He was so beautiful, undressing in the romantic half-light coming in from the lounge room through the open door behind him, and the fading light of evening peeping in through gaps in the curtains in front. She marvelled at the contours of his strong, wide chest and the ripples across his hard abdomen. She couldn’t believe this Adonis, this God, was here with her, desired her, wanted her for his own.

  Smiling adoringly up at him, like the woman in love she was, she held out her arms, hating the lonely space that kept them apart. With a groan of desire, he wrenched himself out of his jeans and shorts. Danny had only a few seconds to thrill at the sight of his flat belly and proud, protruding erection, before he threw himself down beside her, catching her in his arms and ravaging her mouth with his own.

  “I can’t wait, my love, my beautiful love,” he muttered, sliding himself down her body and between her thighs. His eyes held hers as his fingers gently touched the hot, moist folds, dipping gently into the dark, mysterious entrance, and then retreating testing and teasing.

  He looked down, then back at her face. “My God, Danny. You are so beautiful.”

  He looked down again, the deliciously steamy swollen wetness telling him how ready she was and how easily he would be able to guide her to orgasm.

  Gently he parted her labia and ran his tongue up to her swollen clitoris feeling her jolt with a shock of pleasure at the touch. Tenderly and rhythmically, he licked, sucked and probed with his tongue, increasing the pace and intensity to match her breathing, while her head tossed from side to side as her hands flew to rest on his hair, begging for relief as he drove and guided her inexorably to the cre
st of her ecstasy, and then tipped her over the edge.

  Immediately he felt her shuddering and squirming away from him as her bud became overly sensitive in its orgasm, he moved up over her, parting her thighs wider for him to fit between. He looked into her eyes as he positioned himself against her entrance, and she moaned deep in her throat, drawing her knees up, and rising up to meet him as he gently but firmly pressed his way in, catching the last of the blissful contractions he’d gifted her.

  As he filled her, Danny’s eyes fluttered shut and then opened again to gaze at him in loving wonder, his face turned up, his eyes closed in joyous exaltation of his possession of her. She moved her hips up to draw him further in, squeezing herself to send bolts of delight shooting through his body. Feeling her pleasuring him, he looked down in surprised rapture and bent to lock his mouth onto hers, as his body began its rhythmic journey home.

  Danny knew he was as aflame with desire as she had been, and as he had granted her quick release, so she wanted to do the same for him. Wrapping her legs around him, she moved her hips up to him faster and harder.

  “No, my love,” he gasped, pulling back, trying to slow her down. “I shan’t be able to hold on.”

  “I know,” she whispered back. “It’s okay.”

  He understood her kindness. He was aching with pent-up desire, and she had given him permission to release it. They had the rest of the night to take things slowly.

  Nipping her gently on the shoulder, he rode her harder, not holding himself back. Danny urged him on and was enchanted to discover that, so soon, she was also spiralling up, up, up. When his blessed release came with a long howl of rapture and series of mighty shudders, Danny mirrored his bliss with her own pulsating ecstasy.

  Momentarily spent, he collapsed onto her, gulping for oxygen. Tenderly she stroked his hair, smiling deeply, happily, waiting for him to return. After a moment or two, he raised his head and smiled into her eyes, causing her heart to flip, then bent and kissed her slowly, deeply, leisurely.

  “Was that too rushed?” he asked, raising his face to look into her eyes.

  “No, my love,” she whispered. “It was heaven. I feel blissful.”

  He chuckled. “Not too blissful yet, I hope. I plan to make good use of this night, and not a lot of it for sleeping. To start with, I am going to unwrap you. I want to see you naked.” He kissed her gently to lessen the pain of his withdrawal, then knelt up and began undoing the buttons on her shirt.

  * * *

  As Danny’s eyelids fluttered partially open many passionate and tumultuous hours later, she was momentarily surprised to find she couldn’t move her arms. She tugged, but her hands were stuck, and her eyes popped open as she was gripped by momentary panic. She turned her head. Brandon was sleeping beside her, and her heart immediately filled with love and happiness.

  And then it all flooded back. She looked above her head to where her hands were handcuffed to the bed head, and a delicious satisfied warmth spread across her breasts and belly and between her thighs.

  She was in Brandon Carlisle’s house in the country, and she had just spent the most wonderful and erotic night of her life making love with the man she loved with all her heart and soul. She smiled as she felt the cuffs around her wrist. She was chained to his bed, his willing prisoner with no desire to escape.

  Wearing handcuffs was an utterly new experience, as was being held captive, even playfully and symbolically as she was now, but she’d had no qualms when he had produced them and told her to hold out her hands.

  He had already explored her body, his hands and mouth working their magic wherever they roamed. She had joyfully returned his loving attention, savouring the salty flavour of him, as she kissed and licked his chest, teasing his nipples and smiling to herself as he shivered in response.

  Moving down over the hardness of his belly, she marvelled at how his penis could be so soft and sleepy one moment, and then grow and harden under her hand and mouth as she teased it back to life. She’d sat astride and slid down onto him, revelling in the pleasure reflected in his eyes. His hands had massaged her overflowing breasts, then slipped around behind her to hold her bottom, helping her rise and then squeezing her lower on to him as he thrust to the core of her being.

  It was approaching dawn when he’d left her with a kiss and returned with the handcuffs.

  “Lay on your back and put your hands over your head,” he’d ordered her. “I want you to wear these.”

  Silently, she’d held out her hands and he’d guided them so she had one hand either side of one of the bars on the bed head, and then he’d put the handcuffs on so she couldn’t release her hands.

  He sat up and looked down at her with deep satisfaction.

  “Are you mine?” he asked.

  “Yes, Jones.”

  “Can I have you whenever I want? Do with you as I will?”

  “Yes, Jones.”

  And he had, one last, rapturous time, until at last they had fallen into an exhausted, deliciously satisfied and happy sleep.

  Danny tugged gently against the cuffs again. She didn’t want to escape, but the pleasure she got from feeling the restraints was, she guessed, how other women must feel when they turn a newly acquired wedding band. It was a symbol of being wanted, and of belonging to the man she wanted to spend every day of the rest of her life with.

  She felt her eyelids closing contentedly as sleep once more stole over her.

  She was awakened sometime later by the sound of Brandon’s phone. He leapt out of bed and answered.

  “Yes, yes, okay,” she heard him say. “Okay, I’m in Wiltshire, but I should be able to make it by one. Right. Let them know. Fine. Bye.”

  He replaced the phone and came back to the bed.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said, picking up the key, unlocking her cuffs and dropping a small kiss on her mouth. “I’m sorry, my sweet, but that was work. There’s been some stuff-up and they need me back on location for some reshoots, I’m afraid; we’re going to have to get going straight away. I’m booked on a flight at two. I’ll use the other bathroom. You use this one.”

  * * *

  An uneasiness settled over Danny on the drive back to London. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. It wasn’t that Brandon was inattentive. He listened and responded when she spoke to him, but she didn’t feel his heart was really in it. He was clearly distracted, and when she lapsed into silence, he put some music on which made conversation virtually impossible.

  When they pulled up outside her flat, he glanced at his watch and looked up at her ruefully. It was a gorgeous expression, and her heart melted. But she couldn’t help asking herself, was he aware of how irresistible he was? Was it a look he’d practised? She cast the unworthy thought from her mind. She was just so disappointed their weekend together was over already when she’d been looking forward to spending the whole day with him.

  “I can’t come in, I’m afraid, sweetheart. Forgive me?” he asked getting out and coming around to open the back door.

  “Of course,” Danny assured him, swallowing her disappointment and a ridiculous feeling of abandonment.

  Handing her the bag from the back of the car, he took her in his arms and kissed her long and slow.

  “I’m not sure how long this work will take. It’s a pretty isolated location right up in Scotland, and if the weather is bad, which it usually is there, we can’t shoot. So, I might be gone a day; I might be gone a week.” He kissed her again. “But thanks for last night. I had a great time. And I’ll get a message to you as soon as I can. Okay?”

  * * *

  Unpacking her bag, Danny tried to quell the anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach. The night had been such an intoxicating experience for her. Her previously limited experience with men had been almost perfunctory, and she’d been careful to hold herself back. It hadn’t led to any meaningful relationship and definitely no exciting sex.

  With Brandon, however, it had been quite the opposite. She’d
opened herself up to him, mind, body and soul, allowed him into her deepest recesses, past all her usual boundaries. And then he’d just hurried her home, bundled her out of the car, thanked her for the sex and driven off with the promise that he’d send her a message. She felt alone and apprehensive. What if he never came back?

  But he had told her what a great night he’d had. He had apologised for having to rush off. He did have to work. So why did she feel so vulnerable? So insecure?

  Telling herself she was being completely silly, she unpacked and then went in search of Sara. A little voice told her not to tell her friend too much, so she was happy to find that Sara had been so busy with George, who she was still seeing from the weekend at Farthingale Cottage and who had just popped out to fetch some lunch for them, she hadn’t even noticed Danny had been away.

  She didn’t mention Brandon Carlisle or where she’d been the previous night but was happy to listen to Sara tell her in minute detail about her relationship with George, which, by all accounts, was blossoming. While they were chatting, George returned with takeaway curry, which she shared with them, and by the time she went back down to her own flat, she’d managed to quell her doubts and was able to work for a few hours, then go to bed early and sleep soundly all night.

  * * *

  Danny’s heart leaped at the sound of knocking the next afternoon. Sure it must be Brandon back, she rushed to the door and threw it open, stopping abruptly in open-mouthed shock.

  “Good afternoon, Danny,” Vivienne said coolly, taking off her Anna-Karin Karlsson sunglasses, opening the Prada handbag hanging over her arm and slipping the sunglasses in. She snapped her bag shut and squinted at Danny.


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