Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5)

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Hazel and the Alien Biker (Intergalactic Brides 5) Page 10

by Jessica Coulter Smith


  “Yeah, it’s me. I don’t know if word is out yet, but I have a woman and her three daughters living with me. We’re, um, getting married. Tomorrow. In Las Vegas.”

  “Congratulations. I wasn’t aware you’d been seeing anyone.”

  “It’s… we haven’t known each other long. The point is I need someone to watch the girls, and I thought since Avelyn and you wanted more children you might not mind having a little practice. I’m not really sure how old the girls are, but they’re all old enough to go to school.”

  Thrace was silent.

  “Are you still there?” Reyvor asked.

  “I’m here. Give me a minute to talk to Avelyn. Don’t hang up.”

  Reyvor waited patiently, listening to the murmur of their voices on the other end of the phone. If the squeal he heard was any indication, Avelyn was rather excited about watching the girls.

  “We’ll do it,” Thrace said. “When are you bringing them?”

  “I’m in the same hotel as you, just in a small suite. We can bring them up in the morning. Eight o’clock okay? I’d like to have the jet ready to leave by nine at the latest.”

  “Eight is fine. Lily is usually up by seven, so that will give us time to feed her and get her dressed.”

  “Thank you, Thrace. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He ended the call then quickly made arrangements to have the jet ready the next morning. Once he was finished, he set his phone down and went to bed, pulling Hazel into his arms before he closed his eyes.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning, the girls ate quickly then showered and dressed. If Hazel had thought they would be upset about being left behind, she’d have been wrong. They weren’t only excited about getting a new daddy, but they were going to get to play with a baby for the next two days. Well, maybe not exactly a baby. Reyvor had told them Lily was two, but she was still small enough the girls would have a good time playing with her.

  As they approached the hotel room of Reyvor’s friends, Hazel realized she was nervous. What if they didn’t like her? What if they thought she was a gold digger? What if…

  Reyvor knocked on the door and a moment later a pretty blonde answered. She smiled and threw her arms around Reyvor, making a spike of jealousy hit Hazel.

  “I’m so glad you’re here!” The blonde turned her mega-watt smile on Hazel. “And you must be the woman Reyvor is marrying. I’m Avelyn, Thrace’s mate.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Hazel shook the woman’s hand. “I’m Hazel. And these are my daughters, Nikki, Winnie, and Abby.”

  “Come in!” Avelyn stepped back, allowing them into the room.

  Hazel’s eyes widened when she saw how much larger the suite was compared to theirs. Although, if there were three bedroom suites, why hadn’t Reyvor asked for one when they came to the hotel? He had to have known two bedrooms would be cramped with five people. Unless…

  She whirled to face him, hands planted on her hips. “You did it on purpose!”

  “I did what on purpose?” he asked, looking somewhat taken aback.

  “Our suite. You knew there was no way I’d be able to share the bed with three girls. You asked for a two bedroom on purpose.”

  His cheeks flushed a darker purple. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Another purple alien, Thrace she assumed, was laughing with loud guffaws, his hand on his belly, and Hazel knew she was right. He’d planned the entire thing! But, if he’d planned it…

  “You wanted us to be a family before we came to this hotel, didn’t you?” she asked softly.

  “Yes, I did. Have you changed your mind about getting married?”

  “No. I still very much want to marry you. Maybe even more now than I did before.”

  Thrace seemed amused by Reyvor’s confusion. “Don’t even try to understand. Women are a complete mystery. Even if you’re mated the next twenty years, she’ll still surprise you every day.”

  A little red girl toddled over and grabbed Avelyn’s leg.

  Hazel knelt to the little girl’s level. “You must be Lily. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  Lily buried her face against Avelyn and Hazel stood up, not wanting to distress her. The girls came forward and Abby sat on the floor beside Lily. The little alien girl gazed at Abby in curiosity before sitting beside her.

  “Want to play?” Abby asked Lily.

  Lily nodded and toddled off toward one of the bedrooms.

  “She wants you to follow her,” Avelyn said. “That’s her room. As for you three, I thought you might like a campout in the living room until your parents come home. I’ve already asked for three cots to be sent up.”

  “Don’t worry about the girls,” Thrace said. “They’ll be well taken care of. I’m sure Avelyn will spoil them rotten, just like she does with Lily.”

  Avelyn elbowed him in the gut. “Hush before Hazel thinks badly of me.”

  Watching their easy banter set Hazel at ease. It was obvious they loved one another, and she could see Lily was well taken care of. And if Reyvor trusted them with the girls, then so should she. Hazel knew he would never do anything to put them in danger.

  They made their goodbyes, hugging and kissing the girls, and thanking Avelyn and Thrace one more time, then Reyvor rode them to the Terran station on his bike.

  The metal beast thrummed between Hazel’s thighs, and she loved the feel of the wind in her hair. She held tight to Reyvor, loving the feel of being pressed against him. His scent wrapped around and she rested her cheek on his back. The ride was over all too soon and he parked behind the Terran station. He pulled their small bag from the saddlebags on the bike then took her hand and led her inside.

  “I thought we were going to the airport.”

  “We are, but I have to make one stop first. Then I’ll get a limo to take us to the airport so I don’t have to worry about the Harley being parked there the next few days. I know it will be safe here because there’s twenty-four hour security that even watches the parking lot.”

  He led her through the corridors before stopping at a desk that reminded her of the hotel lobby desk.

  “Reyvor?” The alien behind the counter looked surprised to see him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need a photo ID. I looked up marriage requirements for Las Vegas this morning and it says I need a photo ID.”

  Hazel poked him in the side. “You mean to tell me you’ve been driving that bike all over the place with no license?”

  He grinned down at her. “They aren’t required for my kind.”

  She snorted, but waited while he dealt with getting a photo ID. Once he had one, he led her to an area where several limo drivers were reading magazines or sipping coffee. It only took him a moment to arrange transportation for them and then they were off to the airport.

  They didn’t have to go through the same security measures as everyone else since they had a private jet waiting. Or maybe it was because Reyvor was a Terran and they were too worried about pissing him off. Either way, they were quickly ushered through the airport and out to the waiting jet. Hazel had never been on a plane and she was surprised by the interior. The seats were a soft leather and there was a large screen mounted on the wall where a movie played.

  A human woman in a uniform smiled when she saw Reyvor and sashayed toward them. When she placed her manicured fingers on Reyvor’s arm, Hazel felt the sudden urge to rip them off and feed them to her. The glare she was shooting at the woman only seemed to amuse Reyvor.

  “Amy, if you wish to keep your hand, you may want to remove it before my mate tears it off.” He smiled while speaking, then winked down at Hazel.

  Amy jerked her hand away and flushed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’d taken a mate. I’d hoped…”

  She didn’t have to say anything further. Hazel knew exactly what this woman had hoped. Reyvor led Hazel over to a seat so plush and rich she thought she might not ever stand again. As she wat
ched the movie, she listened to Reyvor order drinks for them. She didn’t know how long it would take to reach Vegas, but if you had to travel by air, this was the way to do it.

  * * *

  Las Vegas was different from anything Hazel had seen before. She’d lived in a city her entire life, but she’d never been anywhere as crowded as this before. And the buildings… so many buildings! It hadn’t taken them long to get a marriage license, even though the clerk had gawked at Reyvor the entire time. They’d checked into the Mandarin Oriental, then Reyvor had insisted on them purchasing wedding clothes. He’d taken her to a nice boutique and told her to pick anything she liked.

  It had only taken one look around the shop to see the dress she wanted. It was long and a silvery white with a sequined floral pattern. Spaghetti straps held it up and the bodice dipped into a low V. They only had one in her size and it fit perfectly. Then she’d found a gorgeous pair of shoes that went with it perfectly. Reyvor had refused to let her see the total and he’d shooed her outside while he paid. Next, they’d purchased a suit and shoes for him.

  Their hotel room was gorgeous and had a wonderful view. It wasn’t one of their large suites, even though he’d offered to get one for them. To Hazel, it was still magical, if for no other reason than it was just the two of them. Once she was showered and dressed in what was to be her wedding gown, he informed her he’d made an appointment for her with the salon downstairs. She was giddy as she rode the elevator down. She’d had haircuts before, but never at a fancy salon.

  When she walked in, they greeted her warmly then ushered her to a seat.

  “Getting married?” the stylist asked.

  “Yes. My fiancé surprised me with this salon appointment. I was thinking maybe an updo? I know I have a lot of hair so …”

  The stylist tilted her head then pulled Hazel’s hair back away from her face. “You have great bone structure. Really delicate lines. How attached are you to having long hair?”

  “Wh-what did you have in mind?”

  “A chin length bob?”

  Hazel shook her head. “I don’t think I should make any drastic changes without talking to Reyvor first. I mean, I know it’s my hair, but I don’t know how attached he is to it. So far, the only Terran mates I’ve seen all have long hair.”

  The stylist’s jaw dropped. “You’re marrying a Terran?”

  Hazel nodded.

  “Lucky bitch.” She smiled. “All right. No cutting. I think I know just the style.”

  It took about a half hour, but Hazel’s hair was pulled back in a French twist with curling tendrils around her face. Then she was informed she was getting a mani/pedi as well. By the time she was finished, Reyvor was waiting for her in front of the salon. She felt like a pampered princess and couldn’t hide her smile.

  “Did you have fun?” he asked.

  “Definitely. I’ve never had a manicure or pedicure before, but it was awesome.”

  “Ready to get married?”

  She nodded eagerly. It felt like a million butterflies had taken flight in her stomach, but she clenched his hand and didn’t let go until they reached the wedding chapel he’d chosen. She hadn’t realized how many there were until they’d walked part of the strip. He’d arranged for her to have a bouquet and someone played the wedding march as she walked down the aisle.

  The wedding itself passed in something of a blur. She vaguely remembered saying “I do” and heard Reyvor say the same. But she must have been so nervous she spaced the entire thing because the next thing she knew Reyvor was sliding a ring onto her finger and kissing the back of her hand. She glanced at his hand and saw the gold band she’d put there without even realizing it. What the heck was her problem?

  “You may now kiss the bride,” the minister said.

  Reyvor smiled and pulled her close before claiming her lips in the sweetest kiss they’d ever shared. When he pulled away, there was a happiness in his eyes she’d never seen before.

  They had a few pictures taken to share with the girls then went back to their hotel room. The butterflies that had been flapping around in her belly since the salon were now rioting. And it was ridiculous! It wasn’t like she hadn’t already had sex with Reyvor, but deep down she knew this was different. This wasn’t just the two of them easing an ache, this was so much more. It was the start of a new life.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Just… maybe a little nervous.”

  He took her hand in his, rubbing it with his thumb. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I would never push you to do something.”

  “It’s not that. I mean, we’ve already had sex, but this… this isn’t just sex. We’re starting a new life together. Until we got married, I didn’t even know you had a last name.”

  He smiled. “I don’t. Not technically. All Terrans take the last name Verdruu when we need one. It means mysterious on my world.”

  “So you’re really just Reyvor, no last name?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you… there’s a large tub in the bathroom. I think it will fit two. Would you like to take a bath with me?”

  His gaze heated and he slowly removed his jacket, draping it over a chair, before loosening his tie. She watched, spellbound, until all of his clothing had been removed. Then, with infinite care, he helped her out of her dress and shoes. Once the tub was filled and he’d added something scented, he helped her into the water before joining her.

  Hazel only hesitated a moment before sitting down and stretching her legs out along his. Reyvor reached for her foot and began massaging the sole, digging deep into her arch. She tipped her head back against the rim of the tub and sighed in sheer pleasure. When he was finished with one foot, he grabbed the other and worked on it too.

  “If you ever need a job, I think you could be a masseur.”

  “Thank you for today,” he said. “I know you don’t love me, but I’m glad you allowed me to join your small family. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am right now.”

  “Reyvor… I think you were meant to be a part of our family. You were destined to find me that night outside your hotel. You’ve saved me and made a huge difference in the lives of my girls.”

  “Our girls,” he corrected. “As soon as we get home, I’m going to have the Terran law office find out what I need to do in order to claim the girls as my own. They helped Xonos claim Evie as his, so I’m sure they’ll know what to do.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. What had she ever done to deserve someone so wonderful?

  “Come here,” he said softly.

  She slid across the tub toward him and he grabbed her, pulling her onto his lap. She straddled him and couldn’t miss that he was more than just a little aroused. With a firm grip, she stroked his cock. His eyes lit with passion and she realized she was the woman lucky enough to see that every day for the rest of her life.

  “I want you to be in charge this time,” he said. “You go as fast or slow as you want.”

  His cock slid against her pussy and he stopped. “I don’t have any of those things you mentioned before.”

  “We’re married, Reyvor. If you’re sure you don’t mind more kids, we don’t need condoms.”

  His gaze softened.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I was just picturing your belly swollen with my child. I think I’d like that.”

  “Me too.”

  She leaned down to kiss him, then reached between their bodies to guide his cock inside of her. She sank onto his hard length and tossed her head back. It felt so incredibly good. As she rose and fell, the water sloshed around them. Hazel braced her hands on his shoulders as she rode him harder, faster.

  Reyvor placed a hand on her hip and teased her clit with the fingers of his other hand. His thumb stroked the bundle of nerves and Hazel nearly came. Her movements became frantic, his cock filling her again and again as her hips slapped against his. The water sloshed over the edge of the tub, but she d
idn’t care. Her nails bit into his skin as she reached for that feeling that was just out of reach.

  Her legs trembled and she couldn’t hold back her moans. She wished like hell they were on a bed so she could spread her legs farther, take him deeper. His thumb stroked her faster and it was just the push she needed. With a cry, she came, her pussy milking his cock until she collapsed against his chest.

  “I love you, Hazel. Don’t feel like you need to say it back. I don’t want you to, not until you’re truly ready. But I needed to tell you how I felt.”

  She kissed him softly and wished she could say the words. He deserved them.

  “Let’s get cleaned up and order room service. You have to be starving. Then we can decide what we’re going to do while we’re in Vegas.” He kissed her again. “Anything you want.”

  You. I want you.

  They dried off and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on him again. His cock was already semi-hard, despite the fact he’d just made her bones melt. Maybe food could wait just a little bit longer, if she could convince him to play a little more. Threading her fingers through his, she led him into the other room and didn’t stop until they’d reached the windows. They had an incredible view of the strip from their room.

  “What are you doing, Hazel?” he asked.

  “Am I still in control?”

  “I thought you wanted to eat and rest.”

  She smiled. “We can do that later. Right now, I’m not finished celebrating the fact we’re married. Now, stand right here and look out the window.”

  When she was satisfied he would listen to her, she sank to her knees in front of him. He glanced down at her, but she pointed to the window and refused to budge until he looked outside once more. With a satisfied smile on her face, she reached out and cupped his balls, gently rolling them in her hand. There was a rumble in his chest and she licked her lips as she prepared for phase two.

  His cock bobbed in front of her, now fully erect. Hazel pressed her face against his groin and breathed in his musky scent before licking the length of his shaft. It jerked in response and a bit of pre-cum dribbled out. She lapped it up before curling her tongue around him and tasting the length of him. His balls drew up in her hand as more pre-cum leaked out. Hazel fitted her lips around the head of his cock then swallowed him down. She relaxed her throat and felt him slide further back, and then she withdrew.


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