Maybe Hiring

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Maybe Hiring Page 5

by Aurelia Knight

  I sat down at one of the tables and started filling out the paperwork. The joy and elation inflated my self-esteem beyond my wildest dreams. I was a librarian. The pay didn't amaze me, but it could be much worse. I could live on it if I could be careful. I wanted to prove I could do it. At least for the moment I did not doubt my ability to do so. I could do or have anything I wanted.

  An hour later I still worked through the copious information Gavin gave me. I remembered Mason and our date this evening. I looked at the pile of paperwork that I nearly completed, and all the other information beyond it. If I had any hope of taking all this in I couldn't be distracted. My heart sunk as I realized I couldn't have everything I wanted. At least not when I wanted.

  I finished up and went to the front desk, I handed Gavin the paperwork. The extreme high of my good fortune wore off. Fear and doubt replaced it. I carried everything else home with me. It was still dark and wet outside. The water hit the pages and I hoped the ink wouldn't run. My hair soaked through and stuck to me by the time I made it home.

  I opened my door clumsily. The pile of papers nearly slipped from my hands as I tripped through the entrance. I righted myself at the last moment saving myself a giant mess. I put everything down in my living room panting from the exertion. It was about noon, I assumed he would be on lunch. Assuming he got a lunch break at whatever he did. I pulled my shirt off, wrapped a wayward towel around my hair, and flopped on my couch. I pulled out my phone and started typing.

  I have good news, bad news, and am willing to send nudes.

  I sent him a long text explaining the amazing circumstances of my new employment. I told him I was so sorry, but I had too much preparing to do for the position. If I didn't cram I wouldn't hack it. I hoped he would want to reschedule. It took him about twenty minutes to text me back. I tried to remind myself that people don't exist for the purpose of my needs and forced myself to be calm.

  Congratulations, that's wonderful. Don't apologize. Let's reschedule but make it soon though. Text me tomorrow if you have time for dinner. In the mean time I would happily accept the offer of nudes.

  I felt like flying. I stripped down naked, laid out on my clean white cotton sheets and took a picture of my full body. I took the picture careful to keep my face out of it, like the others. My breasts were full but not too big, my waist curved too my hips. You could see a bit of what nestled between my thighs. I looked it over deciding I was alluring. My self-esteem improved immensely.

  I sent him the picture hoping he would love it. I put all my clothes back on, set myself up with my work, and prepared to cram hard. I didn't know how I would do this, but I had no other choice at this point. At that moment I believed I could. I rode that high for the rest of the day. For a little while I convinced myself I could do anything.


  My first day as a librarian reminded me of the first day of high school. I didn't sleep much that night from nerves. I woke up extra early to do something special for my hair and makeup. I primped myself. I drilled myself on things that I read.

  Gavin gave me a synopsis of my duties and responsibilities on both a daily and monthly basis. I hoped the list was true to the actual needs of the library. The previous librarian had been there a long time. The records may not be very recent.

  From what I gathered there were six paid employees including myself. Their roster of volunteers was somewhat rotating. Some of those came once a month, some of them came a few times a week. Included in my pile of information had been the last few weeks schedule. I had a chance to look them over. Each one was different enough to alarm me.

  I put on my lipstick ignoring the pit forming in my stomach. I tried to remember I was capable, but all I could focus on was how unprepared. What made me think I was able to do this? I didn't have the option of indulging those thoughts. I needed to be ready, and I had to go. I walked there even though I wanted to lock myself inside. I held my head high. I wouldn't be someone who ran from challenges.

  The day moved much quicker than I expected. When I first arrived, Gavin gave me an extensive tour of the place. This included my office. That was a pleasant surprise. He showed me some of the storage rooms and the basics of the computer system.

  He gave me some more lists he dug up since yesterday and handed me a laminated floor plan. He made a list of things for me to do today assuming that I would be a little lost thrust into this new position. I appreciated him thinking of me. I found him a little odd, but I thought I liked Gavin Wolfe.

  As I suspected Mrs. Shields held the post for many years. Gavin worried that his list wouldn't be accurate enough. He made his intentions to be a hands-off manager clear. My heart raced at the thought of how much I might miss. I had nothing else. So, they would need to be enough.

  I started off by calling all the paid employees and volunteers. I needed to check that their available times were correct. If I made the next set of schedules and none of them showed up, that would be perfect. I also needed to introduce myself. That turned out to be an obnoxious series of the same conversation. None of them seemed happy to have me calling them. Hey, I rarely enjoyed being me either.

  They didn't appreciate that I replaced their beloved librarian. Mrs. Heights had devoted employees. I hoped this working environment would at least be better than the last. There were only two volunteers there. I tried to remember their names, but too many things pulled my focus. It helped that they did their work and ignored my attempts at politeness. I tried to hold out hope that things would improve with time.

  I didn't drown in my duties. I amazed myself, I might be able to handle this. The entire day went without pause, and I struggled at times. Despite that, I took to this new post with moderate efficiency. I worried that, that must mean things were going awry. Around noon I texted Mason to tell him my day went well. I would be able to meet him for dinner that night. He sent me the name of an expensive French restaurant down town with the number seven. The day blurred with color and emotion. I couldn't to pin point exact moments in the correct order.

  I left work at about five thirty. I walked home, flying. When I got there, I changed into a tight, hot red dress. I put on some crushed velvet pumps that matched. I put my things in a little gold clutch. The red and gold set off my tan skin. I ran out of my apartment to catch the bus that would insure I made our date on time. The bus driver looked at me when I got on. That should tell you something. I smiled and hoped that Mason would find me as interesting.

  The bus stop closest to the restaurant sat a few blocks away. I enjoyed the walk, and I did well on time. The weather was temperate. It comforted me as I walked the rest of the way there. He stood outside waiting for me. I saw him the moment I turned around the block. He didn't see me yet.

  He stood on the tall side, probably six feet. He had a strong build with lean, agile looking muscle. His face made my heart stop. His soft green eyes hid in the shadows, but I imagined them. His features looked smoky and mysterious. They were lit by the setting sun and the lamps outside the restaurant.

  When I was about thirty feet away I caught his eye. He looked first confused and then impressed. His eyes roved over me from head to toe. His green eyes were lit up full of mischief. I hoped there were salacious thoughts behind them. His face settled into a polite expression. "Claire" He said as we reached each other. He grabbed my hand. "You look amazing." He kissed the backs of my fingers, leaving a mild buzzing where his lips touched.

  "Thank you." I said leaning into him a little. I inhaled appreciating the smell of him. He looked tantalizing. I couldn't control myself I leaned right into his chest. I put my arms around him and acted as if I had been going for a hug, instead of losing my composure. He seemed accepting and hugged me back. I hoped the wild lust in my eyes went unnoticed as I moved toward him. He held me for a long moment.

  He held the door open for me revealing a warm, intimate room. Candlelight filled the space. The ones on the tables were real flames. I suspected the ones on the wall were electric. Soft music
played in the back ground. The hostess recognized him immediately. "Mr. Harris, right this way." She led us with efficiency to the back of the restaurant. They prepared a round booth. The leather looked cozy and the setting was very private. We sat down, and the hostess handed us menus clad in a similar leather.

  The menu featured classic French cuisine. The embossed paper boasted farm fresh, local ingredients. Before any words were exchanged a bottle of red wine came to the table with a pair of glasses. "Come here often?" I asked arching an eyebrow at him.

  "I do. I'm fond of the atmosphere." He smiled a little and ran his handsome fingers up and down the stem of his wine glass.

  I gestured toward the wine. "The atmosphere is rather romantic." I arched my brow at him. "I can see why you would come here often."

  "I don't come here often on dates, if that's what you mean." He spoke unconcerned.

  My lips bent upward in spite of me. "Who would you bring here if not women? The environment is so intimate." I couldn't help shifting in my seat as I looked into his soft green eyes and thought of intimacy.

  "No one." He told me, matter-of-fact.

  I took a minute to register that, and a further minute to decide I believed him. I liked that he would go out to eat alone. I liked that he would share this place with me. "You really come here and eat alone?" My voice came out more sensual than I meant. The air between us filled with electricity. I wanted to slide closer to him, to touch him.

  "In fact, I do."

  "Do you try to be so mysterious or does that just happen naturally?" I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. I reacted instinctually to the tension.

  He smiled back at me, his face too handsome. I couldn't control my breathing. "Probably a little of both." He gave me an enchanting smile. "Is that alright with you?"

  "I suppose I'll have to adjust, won't I?" I eyed him and took a long sip of my wine.

  He seemed to remember something that bothered him. "Do you own a car?"

  "No." I told him, putting my glass back down.

  He looked a little offended. "Why didn't you ask me to pick you up?"

  I didn't want to answer. The honest answer being I didn't want him to know where I lived. I mean I liked him but there was still plenty of room for unpleasant surprises. This date went a long way to convince me I didn't mind, before I wouldn't take that risk. I sidestepped the question, unwilling to hurt him. "Maybe I'll let you drive me home, then." I gave him a suggestive smile. That left me some wiggle room.

  He decided whether to argue. "Look at the menu." He waved his hand. I stopped myself from laughing out loud. His imperious nature amused me. I picked up the menu and started reading, unable to help the grin on my face. He studied that expression but ignored him. He wanted me to focus on food.

  Everything sounded lovely, but the menu had no prices. I was uncomfortable ordering food not knowing how much it cost. "Order whatever you would like." He told me absentmindedly, not even realizing he read my mind. The waiter came up to us then. The steak frites looked lovely. So, I ordered that medium rare.

  "Would you like an appetizer?" Mason asked me before the waiter said anything.

  "No thank you." I responded with fluttering eyelashes. He ordered after me with supreme efficiency. The waiter turned to leave. Before he had even gone I slid closer to Mason. He pulled me to him like the center of the earth. As I moved towards him he looked at me in a way that told me he understood my actions better than I did. My thigh touched his. His hand reached out to stroke my cheek. My head turned to the side, dying for the feel of his full lips against me.

  His eyes bore into me. That moment of anticipation before the actual kiss electric between us. I looked at his mouth, my lips slightly parted, waiting for him to connect them. Then the waiter came back with our salads. I jumped away from him. The movement exceeded necessity considering I didn't do anything wrong. He laughed a little. The waiter dropped the plates with unfazed professionalism. My face went a little pink. I muttered a thank you as he turned to walk away.

  Mason smiled like an imp. Being embarrassed is never that fun, but his face might have been worth it. "Where were we?" He asked me as soon as the waiter walked out of earshot. He patted the bench beside himself, inviting me to return.

  "I'll stay over here." I told him and took a sip of my wine. I really didn't need to; my judgement was compromised the moment I came into his presence. My pulse hammered through my body in agreement.

  My hands laid on the table between us. He traced his fingers along my hands, then up my wrists. The sensation spread beyond my arms to the rest of my body. "Why is that?"

  My skin reacted to his touch, breaking out in goose bumps. "I find myself lacking control when you're that close to me."

  He stroked his finger against his full lip. "Is that something that's important to you then? Being in control?" His finger stayed at his lips. I wondered if he knew how effectively he seduced me.

  "Usually" I responded coolly.

  "But not always?" I heard the mischief in his voice.

  "No." I agreed with a smile. "Not always." I took a sip of the wine. "Sometimes the moment can be deliciously out of my control."

  He took a sip of his wine and tilted the glass toward me. "Steak is an excellent choice for this."

  "I would hope so, Mr. Harris."

  "Mason will do for you." He held his wine and swirled the glass, took a sip, and gave me an enigmatic look. "How did your first day go?"

  He gave me a distraction from his mouth, what a relief. "I was busy and a little terrified. I think I did well though and it feels good to be adapting. I need to learn a lot more, but I like being there. I love being around the books."

  He smiled at me and returned to stroking my hand. "You're quite an unusual creature, aren't you?" His charm was too thick to tell his meaning.

  "So, I heard." I agreed. Our food arrived then. Everything looked delicious. I took a few bites of my steak and thought more about how much I wanted him.

  "What are you thinking about, Claire?" He interrupted my fantasizing.

  I smiled too large. "The truth?"

  "Always." His tone came out more serious than I expected.

  I took a breath. "I was thinking about your hands on my body, and your lips..." My voice trailed off unable to finish telling him all the ways I wanted him.

  "You're as red as an apple. Is wanting me that embarrassing?"

  "I'm only embarrassed because of how badly I want you, Mason." He smiled at me in a way that made me sure his pants were getting tighter. I took a little bite of my steak, playing with the fork against my lips. I was gorgeous and incredible with him watching.

  Our dinner exceeded my every expectation. We talked a lot about his hobbies and the school's he attended. We didn't talk about his family at all. I didn't mind. I didn't want to explain my own all that much. We also didn't talk about his work. I was odd but not concerning. If he afforded eating here he didn't need charity.

  I told him about my job at city hall and how much I loved working there, how at home I had been. I told him about my love of useless information. He laughed at me with what seemed like affection. He assured me he would not laugh at me. I assured him I did not believe him. I found myself caught up in the way he did thing the smallest things.

  He had a dry sense of humor, and an absurd side. The more I listened to him speak the more I wanted to hear. Not only that, but I wanted to talk to him too. I never wanted to do much of that ever. With him I talked at length not even thinking, just happy for him to know.

  We shared a molten chocolate cake for dessert. Sharing something hot and sweet was devilish. I played with my tongue in my spoon in a way that obviously suggested I wanted to do more with my mouth. He stared deep into my eyes. My insides went as molten as the middle of the cake.

  He paid the check shortly after. I stood up from my seat and he put his hand on the small of my back to guide me out. He leaned in my hair and whispered, "Would you like a ride home?" I paused at the sound o
f his sexy voice so close to my ear. The muscles in the pit of my stomach tightened. The sudden stop resulted in his pelvis bumping into my ass. I pressed myself back against him, grinding into him. A primal urge overtook me. "Let's go." The authority in his voice made me instantly wet.

  He led me to a sleek BMW and held the door for me. He walked to his side and climbed in. I gave him my address. He pulled away tuning his radio to a soft alternative rock station. I didn't live far from the restaurant if you owned a car. I didn't even try to open my door. He did, taking me by the hand and pulling me out.

  I stood on the sidewalk next to him for a moment looking him over. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck. I stared into his eyes for a moment my expression pleading. He made a sexy sound in his throat as he brought his full mouth down. His hands twisted in my hair, pulling hard. He pushed me back against his car and pinned me with his hips. His tongue opened and invaded my mouth.

  He stunned me, like lighting shooting through my body. I was so turned on. He calmed as he ravished my mouth. His kisses turned sweet and soft while still long and deep. His hands moved from my hair down my body. He traced his fingers up my waist and over the sensitive spot on my belly. I shivered with pleasure, loving his erection against me. His hands traveled to my chest skating the full shape and my round nipples. He slid his hands back and over my ass give each cheek a hard, demanding squeeze. I moaned "harder".

  He obliged me, squeezing my ass harder. "Please" I begged him. He moved his mouth to my neck and began to kiss and suck the sensitive skin there.

  "Please what?" He spoke into my skin. He pressed his hips into me.

  I needed him inside of me. "Fuck me." I whispered.

  "Not tonight, baby." His voice came out sexy and assertive. My face had to be something because he outright laughed at me. "Don't be upset, sexy girl. What can I say? You squirming and wanting me turns me on. I want you crazy wishing I fucked you." He continued moving his lips against my neck as he spoke. I sighed. He kissed me a few times.


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