Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2)

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Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2) Page 14

by Arabella Steedly

  "Alright… see you in a few. I should be back within the hour."

  Jake and Hobo had barely reached the lake before he got a text from Vanessa letting him know she was waiting for Georgia, and the meeting with Dr. McNeil went well. He dismounted and wound the reins around the hitching post next to the dock.

  When Jake stepped onto the boat's deck, he shook his head. It had been months since he enjoyed a peaceful sail on their lake. And he wondered how long it would be before he had another chance. Then he hurriedly pulled out his phone again and sent Vanessa a quick reply telling her to text him back while Georgia was there. He wanted to be close by in case Vanessa offered her the job.

  Hobo began pawing in the earth, fidgeting. Not wanting to take a chance the stallion might bolt and pull free from the hitching post, Jake got on. They started back toward the barn. Pleased that Hobo behaved well so far, he nudged him with the heels of his boots. While galloping around a bend in the path, Jake noticed something he overlooked earlier. Reining the horse in, they turned around and headed the other way. Off to one side, back in the woods, someone had trimmed a few limbs clearing a pathway that led toward the Alverez's property. He shrugged and they turned around moving on. This time a bit slower.

  A guest must have decided to blaze a trail... just for fun... like Vanessa, and I did a long time ago. Jake thought.

  Not long after, he realized Vanessa had not returned his text or called. All of a sudden, he felt that fist of anxiety gripping his gut. Digging his heels in again, Jake held on to his Stetson when the quarter horse opened up. As clods of dirt flew in the air behind them, they arrived back at the barn in record time.

  "Sebastian, have you seen Vanessa?" Jake handed him the reins.

  "No, Why?"

  "She didn't return my text or call back after she told me she would."

  Sebastian led Hobo inside the barn. "She's probably around somewhere." He turned to face Jake. "I'm putting Hobo in his stall. I found out we're running low on hay. Philip and I need to make a quick trip to the feed store to pick up a few extra bales."

  "Good enough. You can work with Hobo later this afternoon."

  Still feeling uneasy, Jake wondered if his PTSD was acting up? To put his mind at ease, he called Vanessa again — no answer.

  Maybe she is still in the middle of the interview. I’ll give her a few minutes…

  After taking a few moments to brush Tamara to help calm himself, he headed for the house and noticed there were no vehicles parked in front or at the clinic, except for Beth's.

  Jake walked to the clinic and poked his head around the door. "Beth, is Vanessa back from her meeting yet? I tried to call her, but she didn't answer."

  "No. Not yet. I saw the woman leave a while ago, so she must still be at the house."

  Jake didn't bother saying goodbye. Something was wrong! He could sense it, smell it, taste it — Vanessa was in trouble. Rushing toward the house, he found the front door was unlocked and ran inside. Instantly, the odor of propane wafted in his face. He grabbed a cushion off the couch. Holding it over his mouth and nose, Jake ran through the house searching for his wife.

  "God no..." Jake muttered when he found Vanessa passed out in the doorway of their bedroom.

  Cradling her in his arms, he ran trying to hold his breath. Jake was nauseous; although uncertain if it was due to panic or the gas fumes. Racing to the backyard, he laid Vanessa in the grass and checked her vital signs.

  She's still alive... but her lips are blue...

  Yanking his phone from his back pocket, Jake pressed 9-1-1. He barely heard the operator as she spoke. The roar in his ears was deafening. When he looked up, Sebastian and Philip were pulling up with a truck full of hay.

  "What happened? What happened?" Voices came from all around wanting to help.

  "I've called 911, and they're sending an ambulance.” Jake panted taking a breath working to resuscitate Vanessa. "Sebastian, go turn off the valve on the propane tank outside..." another breath... "Don't go in. Just cut it off."

  She's not coming around... Vanessa... please take a breath...

  Jake was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack which would leave him balled up on the ground beside her useless. From a distance, the sirens grew louder. Vanessa gasped, drawing in a deep breath.

  Relief flooded over him as EMS arrived and took over. After examining Vanessa, they placed her on a stretcher. Jake peered down at her pale face covered by a green oxygen mask while they slid the stretcher into the ambulance. When he lifted his foot to the step planning to ride along with his wife, the driver held up his hand.

  "I'm sorry. There's no room. Meet us at the emergency entrance at St. Vincent's!"

  "I can't ride with my wife? Jake protested.

  Is this a bad dream? We were at St. Vincent's this morning...

  "I'm sorry, dude. Follow right behind us. Okay?"

  Jake fumed, but Sebastian pulled him back.

  "Come on, Jake. I'll drive you. I got the gas shut off. Philip will open the doors first before going in to raise the windows. We've called the cops. The sheriff's office needs to investigate. They're on the way. Philip and Beth are here to answer their questions."

  They climbed into Sebastian's truck and quickly caught up with the ambulance. Jake sat with his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands fighting back tears. It seemed like forever before Sebastian pulled up to the emergency room and let him out.

  "Where is Vanessa Morrow? EMS brought her in”

  "Are you okay?" The nurse at the desk asked.

  Jake nodded, but he was not okay at all. If she didn't let him in to visit Vanessa soon — like yesterday — she would understand just how un-okay he really was.

  "I need you to fill out this paperwork for her. It will only take a minute."

  "I don't have time for fucking paperwork! My pregnant wife is unconscious, and I need to be wherever she is...right fucking now!"

  Jake caught sight of a security guard standing from behind a nearby desk. Swallowing hard, he willed himself to calm down. Otherwise, he risked being told to leave.

  "I'm sorry miss. I'm so worried about my wife."

  "Look, I understand you're worried, and I don't blame you. But they need to treat Mrs. Morrow before you can visit. You'll be waiting anyway. Why not go ahead and complete the paperwork? What do you say?"

  Jake seethed but cautioned himself to stay calm, and give them what they needed. He took the iPad she offered, noting the guard had returned to his desk. Squinting his eyes, Jake had trouble focusing on the questions. But he let out a sigh of relief when Sebastian joined him a few minutes later. Handing him his wallet and the iPad, he stood and tried to peer through the square windows in the double doors that separated him from Vanessa.

  When he returned to check on Sebastian's progress, the nurse said, "Oh, look here, we already have all your information." She glanced up puzzled then back down at her screen. "You were here earlier today?"

  "Yes, we came for the pre-admission tour... for the birthing. I didn't think about it either. Vanessa's information is already in your system."

  "Sign right here." She shoved a clipboard into Jake's hands and pointed to the line. He scrawled his signature and turned his attention back to the doubled doors terrified of what might be going on back there. Was she awake? Was she frightened? Or was it his worst nightmare. The thought made his stomach draw up in a knot, and his heart ached.

  Then suddenly, the double doors swung open. "Mr. Morrow?"

  Jake jumped up and practically ran toward the man standing in green scrubs. "I'm Jake Morrow. How's my wife?"

  "She's stable. She's going to be alright... close call though. We're still working to get her oxygen saturation level up a bit more."

  "And our baby?" Jake held his breath.

  "The baby's heartbeat was slow at first. Now the rhythm is almost back to normal. We’re conducting a few tests just to be sure, but the heartbeat is strong. That's good news."

  "Thank God
." Jake grabbed the doctor's hand and pumped it a few times. "Is Vanessa awake?"

  "Off and on. You should be able to visit her in a couple of hours after we move her into ICU."

  "Thank you so much. Is there a waiting room somewhere around here?’

  "Yes, ask the nurse at the desk to give you directions to the unit. There is a family waiting room right down the hall where you can hang out until visiting hours start."

  Jake nodded, his eyes brimming with tears. He felt dizzy and wondered if he were about to collapse. Then Sebastian's arm was around his shoulders, steadying him.

  "Come on, Jake. Let's find a vending machine. You need a Coke or something."

  "Sebastian, you can go back to the ranch. I'll be fine here by myself... I can call you later when I'm ready for a ride." Jake sank into a nearby chair.

  "I'm sure you will, but I'm not leaving quite yet. Let's get a drink and then we'll find the ICU waiting room."

  Jake nodded and followed Sebastian's lead. It seemed he knew his way around without asking directions. "Have you been here before?" Jake asked.

  "Yes, when my father got sick. He died here about five years ago."

  "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

  While seated in the waiting room sipping their cans of cola Jake began questioning Sebastian about what happened. It was all so fuzzy to him.

  "Did you notice anyone at the house earlier? I know you went to buy extra hay, but did you see anyone out of the ordinary before I came back from my ride?”

  "Nope. Vanessa was just leaving the clinic when we were heading out. I didn't see anyone else... only Vanessa," Sebastian told him.

  Jake considered the possibility that Vanessa had turned off the security alarm while waiting for Georgia. And when Vanessa didn't answer the door, she turned around and left. Surely, though, she smelled the gas? Now, he wondered if Georgia left before the gas leak, but that begged the question of how the leak happened in the first place.

  Was it possible Vanessa did something herself accidentally and no one else was involved? No way was his wife suicidal, but perhaps she turned on the burner and walked away not realizing it didn't light. His mind raced with possibilities that ranged from simple answers to ones far more diabolical.

  Chapter 21

  The taste in Vanessa's pasty mouth was bitter, and the inside of her nose burned. She raised her brows trying to hoist open her bleary eyelids. Far away, there were voices. One sounded like Jake's, but then he was gone.

  Is my baby still there? Panic aroused her awake.

  Under the stiff sheet, she brushed her hand over her belly and sighed. There was a rustling noise. Someone lifted her wrist. "How are you feeling Mrs. Morrow?" Hearing a strange person's voice, her eyelids fluttered open. A young dark skinned woman dressed in pink scrubs smiled down at her while checking the IV in her hand.

  "Can I have a drink?" Vanessa managed. The nurse nodded and held a straw to her lips. "Is my baby okay?"

  "Yes, everything is going to be fine.” She turned the baby's heart monitor around so Vanessa could see.

  "Is that what the belt is for around my waist?"

  "Uh-huh. Is it uncomfortable?"

  "Not really... Where is my husband? Jake Morrow. I thought I heard his voice earlier."

  "He stuck his head in to check on you, but you were still asleep. So he and his friend went to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. He should be back soon." The nurse smoothed her sheets before stepping away.

  Working to revive herself, Vanessa took another sip of water and adjusted the bed trying to sit up. For a second, a wave of nausea washed over her, and she grabbed the basin. Taking a few deep breaths, soon the sensation passed and she laid her head back against the pillows. While Vanessa stared out the window she tried to recall what happened, but all she remembered was the smell of gas.

  After a while, there was a sound of footfalls in the hall coming closer. “It’s Jake," she whispered. Then the curtain slid back, and his arms were around her.

  "How are you, sweetie? I've been worried to death.”

  "I've felt better. I'm extremely tired."

  "The doctor said both of you are going to be fine." He squeezed her hand.

  "We're both tough cookies." Vanessa sighed.

  "I didn’t expect anything different." Jake smiled and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

  "Do you remember what happened?"

  "Everything is still fuzzy." Vanessa shook her head.

  "I don't want you to worry. I'm sure it will come to you later when you get home. The doctor says you will be discharged in the morning, barring any complications. They want to do a few tests on you and the baby. That will give the investigators time to collect what they need and for the gas company to do a safety check."

  "What happened. Is the house okay?"

  "Sebastian cut the gas off at the main valve soon after I found you... no fires or explosions.... thank God... Philip started airing it out, but I'm told the fire department is at the house now."

  Vanessa tried to clear her throat, but it hurt, so she took another sip of water and told Jake, "Someone was in the house."


  "Yes, a man. He had on a gas mask. I remember now. The nanny came as planned, and we talked for a while in the baby's room. After probably twenty minutes, she left through the front door, and I watched as she drove away. But before heading back to the clinic, I decided to use the bathroom in our bedroom and freshen up. When I came out, he stood waiting with his arms crossed over his chest.”

  "What did he say?"

  "Nothing. I told him to get out of my house and tried to run. But he laughed and threw me on the bed. I slapped at him and scratched his arms. That's when I started feeling dizzy and smelled the gas. Then I saw him unbuckle his belt. I remember beating him over the head with something, and he ran away. I tried to follow... afraid he would blow up the house."

  Jake palmed his hair and began pacing back and forth beside her bed. Vanessa saw he was working to control his anger. "What did you hit him with?"

  "I don't know. I grabbed something close. Maybe it was the lamp, "Vanessa told him.

  Now, the dizziness swept over her again. Taking a deep breath, she rested her head against the pillow and dozed off. When Vanessa opened her eyes, Sebastian stood beside Jake.

  "Hey, what's the latest?" Vanessa asked their ranch hand, feeling better.

  "I talked to Philip. The cops are still at the house looking around."

  "Looking for what?" Jake scratched his head.

  "Evidence... Looks like whoever did this cut the lines to the stove from inside the house. They found a gas mask in the garage."

  "That makes sense. Vanessa's starting to remember and said a guy attacked her wearing a gas mask. She hit him on the head before she lost consciousness."

  Vanessa gasped. "I remember now... it was his voice. I only heard it a few times... low and sultry... but I'm almost positive it was Tiny."

  The curtain around Vanessa's bed whisked back, and the nurse stepped in scowling. "Gentleman, visiting hours are over. It's time for you to go."

  "We have a few more questions for her... they're important." Jake protested.

  "Not as important as her health... not to mention her baby's. We’re monitoring her blood pressure, and it has elevated in the last few minutes. You're upsetting her."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Jake kissed his wife on the forehead and Sebastian squeezed her arm. The nurse stood with her hand on her hip as they turned and walked away.

  "Jake be careful. I love you!"

  “I love you too.”

  The heels of the men’s boots clopped against the polished floor as they rushed away. Vanessa’s head fell back on the pillow, exhausted.

  Chapter 22

  Jake's mind whirled with myriad thoughts on the drive from the hospital back to Renegade Ridge. Why was Tiny Martin so hell-bent on harming them over some dead cattle from several years ago? The sheriff's deputy had mentioned his father p
aid his rent. Maybe, Frank's loss had directly affected him financially. Just like Jake had inherited the Arkansas ranch from his father, perhaps he expected the same. Then, driven by disappointment, Tiny focused his rage on Vanessa.

  There is no other answer… other than he’s just a pervert. Jake thought

  Sebastian ran a red light and sped toward the house. No sirens yet, and when they turned down the lane, Jake knew why. The area in front of the house was lit by the emergency beacons on the firetrucks and police vehicles.

  Inside, Philip stood from the couch and rushed over to Jake. "How is Vanessa doing?"

  "She'll be alright and so will the baby. Thanks for asking. Now, where are they at with the investigation?" Jake looked around the room. In the kitchen, Sheriff Downing himself was speaking with a member of his team who held an evidence bag.

  "I think we're about done here. Mr. Morrow. No one we've interviewed saw the perp." He pointed toward the laundry room. “Who ever it was cut the cords to your security system and the gas lines inside the house. I have the surveillance device. But it will take the lab at least a day to download it so we can see what happened… if anything. The perp was well prepared, so they may have known to avoid the cameras.”

  "Sounds like a well-planned scheme." Jake glanced down at the beg the tech was holding. "Where did that come from and what is inside."

  "Pieces of a statue of some kind with lots of blood evidence. I assume that's not your wife's blood. The hospital said she sustained no physical cuts or contusions that would cause this much hemorrhaging," Downing told him.

  The Ganesh... It saved her life...

  "Vanessa said she hit the guy over the head. And she recognized the voice. It was Tiny, Saul Martin. So, that narrows your suspect list pretty quick. We both know he did this Sheriff Downing."

  "Martin is at the top of my list. I will tell you this. We got a call from your neighbors down the road when they heard what happened. It was Carlos Alverez, the guy with the greenhouse."

  "And?" Jake crossed his arms over his chest.


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