Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2)

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Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2) Page 16

by Arabella Steedly

  "Well, Ma. Looks like everyone had a good time this evening."

  "Really, Jake. You're not on the prairie," she teased.

  "Maybe you're right ma'am I don't see a tumbleweed in sight."

  Vanessa shook her head at his bad joke. Then she stood and walked over to the table still covered with food and surveyed all the dishes. "I think I'm hungry again. “Umm, that squash casserole looks scrumptious… Oh, and I need to sample a piece of the chocolate cake."

  Vanessa's getting her appetite back. It won't be long now... Jake smiled to himself.

  Chapter 25

  Vanessa stared at the red digits on the clock keeping track of her contractions. So far, she had managed not to disturb Jake who was softly snoring, laying by her side. Now, they were down to five minutes apart and came closer together.

  "Jake." She tapped him on the shoulder.

  "What... What's wrong?" He sat up and turned on the lamp.

  "I think it's time."

  "What do you mean?" Jake asked still sleepy-eyed.

  "The baby. I think I'm in labor."

  "Oh! Oh, God! Okay. Let's go. I'll find the suitcase." Suddenly wide awake, he pulled on his jeans and shirt that laid across a chair. "Where's the suitcase?"

  "Right there in the closet, Jake." Vanessa pointed it out.

  Chuckling to herself, she was amused by her husband's expressions. He had paid close attention during the birthing classes, and they rehearsed for this very moment numerous times. But now that the 'big moment' was here, Jake panicked. He tripped over his boots before sitting down to slip them on. When he glanced over at her, noticing she was still in bed, he stood.

  "Clothes. You need clothes."

  "No. Don't bother. Hand me my bathrobe. I'll go in my nightgown."

  "Okay, robe... I'll grab your robe."

  Jake was spastic, searching in the closet as if he had no clue where she hung it. First, he located her slippers and set them on the floor beside the bed. Then he took a deep breath and blew it out through his mouth before he found the garment hanging on a hook in plain view and handed it to her.

  "Let me go ahead and put this in the front of your bug... and I'll be back to help you out to the car." Jake grabbed the suitcase and with quick strides took off down the hallway.

  While he was gone, Vanessa noticed her cell phone and charger on the nightstand. She unplugged them both and dropped them into her purse. When Jake returned, he held his own phone in his hand.

  "Who're you texting?"

  "Sending a group message to the staff... telling them what's going on and asking them to hold the fort down while I'm gone."

  "Jake it's two o'clock in the morning." Vanessa gripped the bedpost and breathed through another contraction.

  "I don't care... I might forget if I don't do it now." Jake watched her grimacing "How are you doing?"

  "We need to get going." Vanessa took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.

  Before they reached the end of their driveway, Vanessa bend over in pain. She panted as the contractions came in waves.

  "Are you going to make it sweetie?" Jake smoothed the hair away from her moist face.

  "I think I ate something bad. I'm all swelled up," she tried to laugh.

  "At least you haven't lost your sense of humor."

  "Not yet, anyway. Let's go have this baby whale."

  "Is that what they are called? Baby whales? They don't have proper names like puppies or cubs or something." Vanessa snickered knowing her husband was trying to keep her mind occupied with his dumb jokes. As he sped through town toward St. Vincent's she cautioned him to slow down.

  "I want to get there alive... at least."

  Every time she moaned and clamped her hands down on the car seat, she noticed Jake seemed to hold his breath. Pulling up to the emergency room, he parked the car with the flashers on and rushed to help Vanessa out. Within moments, an attendant appeared pushing a wheelchair. "Are you in labor?... Are you pre-registered?"

  "Yes and yes. I called the doctor's answering service to let them know we were on the way." Vanessa managed in-between pants.

  While Jake was gone, an older nurse with a kind face checked her and determined she was dilating but had a way to go yet. She had just finished attaching the monitors to Vanessa's belly when Jake returned from parking the car.

  "Nothing to do now but wait, and let nature take its course," the nurse told them. "You took Lamaze classes?" She looked through the documents on her tablet.

  "Yes," they replied in unison.

  "Very good. Remember to continue to use your breathing techniques. The monitor will keep track of your contractions. I'll update your doctor."

  "Update?" You mean he's not already on his way?" Jake huffed.

  "No, not yet. Don't worry, Mr. Morrow. He'll be here in a few hours. Actually, I believe he's in the hospital delivering another baby now."

  Noticing Jake was about to protest again, Vanessa squeezed his hand. "It's fine, Jake. They will send the on-call OB doctor here to check on me. Then our physician will come in when it's time for the delivery."

  "He should be here now! What if something goes wrong?" Jake pursed his lips.

  "You're just a worry wart. Our doctor is down the hall. We're in the hospital surrounded by a well-trained staff. This is the way they do it. I'll be fine."

  Jake frowned at her, not satisfied. But after a few minutes, she turned on the TV and found a fishing show—he settled down. It wasn't long after an older lady in a white coat appeared and introduced herself as Dr. Matthews. She examined Vanessa and smiled at both of them.

  "Everything is proceeding as normal. You are dilating, and the contractions are getting closer together. I'll be in to check on you again in a bit. If you have any questions or concerns, just use the call button."

  "Thank you, Dr. Mathews." Vanessa smiled as the doctor closed the door behind her.

  "How is your pain level?" Jake asked.

  "Hanging in... It will all be over soon." Vanessa glanced around. "I'm dying of thirst, and I don't see the ice."

  Jake stood and began opening all the doors to the cabinets across the room as if he would find ice in there.

  "Jake, you'll have to go ask the nurse."

  "I thought maybe there was a small refrigerator somewhere..." Jake shook his head at his foolishness and rushed out. Moments later, he returned with the nurse carrying a cup of ice and a spoon on a tray. After listening to her strict instructions, Jake sat beside his wife and spooned a few chips at a time into her mouth.

  Jake will be a fantastic dad ... Vanessa thought.

  Chapter 26

  Six hours later, Vanessa's hair was damp and pulled back into a ponytail. She seemed both excited and exhausted, and Jake was spastic with anticipation, trying not to pace and make a nuisance of himself. Their own doctor, Dr. Thomas came in a couple of times to check on her. Finally, announcing she was ready, the nurse's aide began setting up the room for the delivery.

  "Mr. Morrow, come with me," a nurse told him. "We need to get you scrubbed up and in a gown, and mask."

  "Sure, no problem." Jake rushed down the hall.

  Everything went from slow motion to full speed ahead as Vanessa almost broke his hand squeezing with every contraction. She had elected to forgo pain medication, and he found himself wishing she had agreed instead. Jake knew it was best for the baby, but from her moans and groans, he was not so sure it was best for her.

  The hours of labor had funneled down into less than fifteen minutes as she pushed several times and the baby's head came into view. Watching the birth was both fascinating and terrifying to see. Jake tried to remain on his feet — smiling and encouraging Vanessa with every contraction. He took a deep breath.

  I can’t faint… he thought.

  Supporting Vanessa shoulders as she gave one final push, Jake watched awestruck as the doctor pulled the baby free. "You're in luck, folks… ten fingers, ten toes, and one penis!"

  He offered Jake a pair of scissors
and moved aside to let him clip the umbilical cord before handing the baby to a nearby nurse. Jake grinned a proud papa grin. "A boy. We have a son!” Then his smile faded. There was no sound.

  Why isn’t he crying? Don’t they hold them upside down and smack them on the backside?

  "What's wrong?" Vanessa asked, her face full of worry seeing Jake's expression.

  “Shouldn’t he be crying…” he began to say, but his words were cut off by the sound of suctioning. Then the wail of a newborn filled the room.

  "Get used to that," the doctor said. "You'll be hearing plenty of it in the next few months."

  "Seven pounds and eight ounces, twenty-one inches long: 8:48 a.m.," the nurse announced as she wiped the baby clean. Wrapping their son in a blanket, she laid him on Vanessa's chest.

  "This is one healthy baby. Damn, I'm good," Dr. Thomas joked.

  "Thank you. Thank you so much." Jake's voice cracked with emotion.

  He was amazed how Vanessa cuddled their child. She touched his face checking every finger and toe, speaking soft words — welcoming her son into the world. The emotion he felt was like no other. Filled with a sense of pride and fear, he was already second-guessing himself. What if he turned out to be a poor father? What if he fouled this up? It was his dad's voice that filled his head, providing him with comfort.

  He remembered some of the final words from his father. "Son, I won't be here much longer, but I will always be a part of you. I will live on in your memories. I know I may not have always been a model dad, but I hope you can forgive me for my failures. I always tried to do my best."

  "You've never failed me, Dad," Jake told him out loud.

  Tears rolled down Jake's cheeks as he sat watching Vanessa and their child. Pulling out his phone, he saw that he had missed calls and messages since it was on silent mode. He sent out a group text that included Vanessa's family: Another Morrow is born! Healthy baby boy!

  "We'll be back for the baby in just a few minutes." The nurse said. "I'll give you two a few minutes of privacy."

  "Thank you.” Vanessa grinned over at Jake. "Come on Dad. It's your turn." She held out the bundle to him.

  Jake peered down at his son. "He looks like you, Vanessa. He's got a helluva of a grip too." Jake wiggled his finger for effect, showing her what a tight hold the baby had on his pinky.

  "Okay, now we must make a decision. What are we going to name him now that we know he's a he." Vanessa giggled.

  "How about Moby?"

  "I will hit you, Jake. I will!" she teased.

  "Fine. Fine. How about Theodore Hart Morrow?"

  "Theodore? Are you still yanking my chain?"

  "Theodore after my father..."

  "Oh, that's right, Jake. I'm sorry. I just always heard you refer to him as Ted. I love the name. Ted or Teddy..."

  "Theodore Hart Morrow it is… Hart after his beautiful mother and her family. We can name the next one after me."

  "No, the next one will be a girl and Vanessa will be her middle name." They both laughed and posed together with the baby in front of each other's phone snapping photos. Jake chuckled to himself watching Vanessa. In less than five minutes several pics of Teddy and his proud parents were posted on her Facebook page.

  The nurse returned about fifteen minutes later, as promised and carted their son away to the nursery. She was barely out of the room when Jake noticed Vanessa was sound asleep. He smiled and sat back in the recliner, drifting off himself.

  After work hours, Beth and Mossy arrived with a card and flowers. Later on, Sebastian and Philip stopped by too. Jake had previously arranged to have a large bouquet of yellow roses delivered to Vanessa's room. By nightfall, the place looked like a florist's shop, filled with arrangements, bears, and gifts from friends, neighbors and a few of Vanessa's clients.

  Around eight o'clock, the nurse came in and ran Jake off saying, "Your wife needs her rest... and so do you. If all goes well, she and the baby can go home the day after tomorrow."

  Before Jake left, he asked the nurse to take another picture. He sat on the side of the bed with his arm looped around Vanessa's shoulder with Teddy in her arms. Then he kissed her on the forehead and told his wife good night.

  "I love you Vanessa... and Teddy too."

  “I love you too, Jake.” She reached for her husband’s hand and squeezed. “I can’t wait to get home now that we’re all safe. And the only one I have to thank for that is you.” She pulled him closer and kissed his lips. “Teddy and I will see you in the morning… sleep tight, Jake.”

  On the way home, he almost drove off the road peering at the picture of the three of them. When he turned down the lane at Renegade Ridge Ranch, one thought came to mind.

  I'm a lucky man. I have everything I could ever ask for and more...

  About the Author

  Arabella Steedly is a romance author with a taste for steamy, and a flair for cowboys, bad boys, and SEALs. Her collection of books will instantly satisfy your every desire…

  Can’t get enough hunky cowboys, military men and women, billionaires and

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  Also by Arabella Steedly

  Renegade Ridge: Bad boy Action-Adventure Romance Book #1 in the Renegade Series

  If you enjoyed Mended Hearts, you’ll love Renegade Ridge. Learn how they fell in love, and the secret Jake’s afraid to share with Vanessa.

  Renegade Ridge

  Book #1 in the Renegade Series

  Read FREE in Kindle Unlimited

  Renegade Ridge


  Renegade Ridge


  Arabella Steedly


  Saddle up for a wild ride…

  Jake is in trouble again… but this time it’s not with the law. His prized mare is injured while barrel racing and needs medical attention fast! He is forced to turn to Dr. Vanessa Hart…

  The young, HOT inexperienced veterinarian who is new to town.

  When she shows up at the ranch, they get off on the wrong foot… Jake’s PTSD kicks in from his military days, and he gets angry with her.

  Jake can’t deny his attraction for the BBW, but he has a shady past. One he is afraid to admit to Vanessa for fear she will label him as a bad boy loser.

  Vanessa has come to town for a fresh start…

  She keeps to herself but when Jake does her a favor she agrees to go out with him. After their first kiss, Vanessa can’t keep her eyes off him.

  She wants more…

  But she holds a deep dark secret too that she isn’t about to share… a deadly secret!

  Will Jake and Vanessa’s love for each other be strong enough for them to find happiness and put their pasts in the rearview mirror?

  Renegade Ridge is a Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance with a guaranteed HEA. This full-length novel is a contemporary romance but has elements of a thriller as well. Renegade Ridge is book #1 in theRenegade Series and can be read standalone. The book comes to a natural ending with no cliffhangers even though the novel has been developed to create interest in future books in the series. ***Adult Only Content***

  Renegade Ridge

  Chapter One

  Jake’s heart thumped against his chest as he sat atop his horse Tamara waiting their turn. It was a massive adrenalin rush every time the crowd at Stampede Stadium roared and rose to their feet when he and Tamara rushed out on the floor of the arena. Granted, it was a far cry from the bronco busting he had done when he was younger, but he was almost thirty. Plus, there was too much on the line now that he had taken over the ranch for him to put himself in that sort of danger. Though barrel racing was typically a women-only event in most places, his county was one of the few that he
ld competitions for male participants, and he never missed an event.

  After adjusting his white Stetson, Jake focused on the course as the mare charged out the gate. The pinto quarter horse was bred to race, and she had the heart of a champion. Tamara galloped forward and spun around the first barrel, changed leads and headed for the next making loops around each in a cloverleaf pattern. The crowd cheered for them as they rounded the first and second barrels and then charged toward the third. The mare knew the course well, having practiced it repeatedly for months. It was more her skill than his that made her a crowd favorite to win this event.

  “Get it, girl,” he urged as Tamara rounded the third barrel and headed down the home stretch.

  She seemed right on target at first, but then something went wrong. She should be turning, preparing to continue in the opposite direction, but instead, she was going straight. He pulled at Tamara's reins to right her, but it wasn’t working. She was faltering, falling, despite trying to maintain her footing.

  Jake saw the fence, dangerously close, and felt a bit of panic set in. She was going to hit it sideways from the looks of things. He prepared to dislodge himself, to jump to safety before things got worse. Instead, he found he was too late freeing himself from the stirrups only made it easier for him to go sailing across the fence and toward the set of metal bleachers on the other side. He landed with a heavy thud, thankfully just beyond the metal rows of seating.

  For a moment, he was stunned, the breath knocked out of him from the impact. He could hear voices coming closer and feel the bodies of people that began to surround him — some out of concern for his well-being and others just for ghoulish delight in the event there was a serious injury. Those were the two types of people who came to rodeos. Many really enjoy the events, but some were only there for the injuries. They were the same sort of people who went to the round car track for the crashes. “Back up. Let us through,” Jake heard a woman shouting.


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