Arden's Mate (Armageddon Mates Book 4)

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Arden's Mate (Armageddon Mates Book 4) Page 11

by Hazel Gower

  “You like my big head.”

  “Holey moley, did you just joke? Are you okay? You’re not sick or anything, are you?”

  “Pixie, I know how to joke.”

  “Wow, could have fooled me.” She grinned as Arden rolled his eyes heavenward.

  “I wanted to talk to you about something this morning before we go over to Griffen’s house.”

  She took a bite of her toast and said, “Sure, what?” She took another big bite and washed it down with her drink.

  Arden placed a purple vial on the table. “That is wolfsbane. It stops pregnancy and acts as a morning-after pill. You can take it four days after heat but no more as it’s too risky. All it takes is two teaspoons in a glass of water. It’s here for you to take if you want. I will support you in whatever decision you make.”

  Remy stared at the vial. She suddenly didn’t feel very hungry at all. “You’re giving me a exit, a choice.” If she didn’t already love Arden, she would now. Jumping out of her seat, she threw herself at him. Tears streamed down her face. “Do you know how much I love you? You are giving me a choice, and that’s the best gift you could ever give me.” She placed kisses all over his face before planting a big lip-smacking one on his smiling mouth.

  She had no idea what she was going to choose, but she loved the fact she had a choice. She loved Arden for going and finding something that gave her a choice even when it would go against what he wanted.

  Remy needed time to think about what she would do. “Let’s go see your brother Griffen and his mate.”

  “You’re not going to take it?”

  Remy could hear the hope in his voice and she even liked it, because she knew he still wanted a child with her. “Not right now. I need time to think. Let’s go see your brother.”

  His eyes scanned her face before he nodded. “Have you had enough to eat? I’m ready to go when you are.”

  “I’m not hungry. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Pet, as Griffen had called her, lay on the bed, deathly white, her eyes closed. They snapped open as Remy reached the side of the bed.

  “Remy, Arden told me you’d visit me today.” The woman’s voice was husky, and it sounded like she needed to drink an entire bottle of water before it would get better.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

  “Do you really mean that? Or are you just being nice to me because Griffen told you he would kill you if you said one nasty thing that upset me?”

  Remy laughed. That sounded like something Arden would do for her. “No. Trust me, I’m not afraid of the Wolfens.”

  Pet smiled, and then it froze on her face as she stared into space. Holy shit, Remy had seen that look a million times before. She waited patiently until Pet came out of the vision.

  When her eyes cleared Remy took one of her hands. “You’re a psychic. Did you see anything interesting?”

  Pet avoided her eyes, and Remy got a sinking feeling who the vision was about.

  “If I tell you, it may affect your decision.”

  Remy knew instantly what Pet was talking about. “Tell me please.”

  “If you don’t take the wolfsbane, she will look just like Arden, except she will have your blue eyes, and she will be the biggest daddy’s girl. He will be wrapped around her little finger.” Pet smiled, and it was big and bright. “He will never leave you.”

  Remy wiped at the tears that slid down her face. “How do you know what you saw won’t change?”

  Light but strong fingers squeezed around her hand. “I know, and you know it too.”

  Remy nodded, and she knew she wasn’t going to take the wolfsbane. She’d known before they arrived there that she wasn’t going to take it. “Thank you.”

  Pet’s smile shone. “No one’s ever said that to me before.”

  Remy leaned over and hugged Pet. “Thank you. I was already not going to take it, but what you said helped me to know I’ve made the right choice.” She kissed Pet’s cheek. “We need to get you a new name. Do you have anything you like?”

  “My mum’s name was Lena.”

  “Would you like to be named after her?”

  Pet shook her head. “Ava said it was up to me but it might get confusing. I never knew my mum so I don’t know how it would be confusing.”

  “Did Ava mean if you want to try and find out about her, and that you might want your own name so you feel like your own entity?”

  Pet stared at her. “I think I know what you mean. I know words and learned the meanings to things so I knew about my visions, but a lot of the time I don’t understand. What do you mean about me feeling like a different entity?”

  Remy explained as best she could and Pet asked more questions. “Why didn’t you ask Ava what these mean?”

  “She’s the only other person who visits me. I don’t want her to stop.”

  “You aren’t scared I will stop?”

  “No. I already know we will be friends.”

  They spent the day talking and getting to know one another. Remy tried not to feel too much pity for Pet as Remy would hate for someone to pity her. Remy knew Pet wanted a friend, not someone to feel sorry for her.

  After hours of talking Pet seemed to be drained, so Remy was surprised when she said, “Tell me about the new zombies.”

  Remy debated for a moment if she should tell her but didn’t see any harm in it. “A huge number of them attacked us. I’m surprised no one was killed or severely hurt. Arden was the only one they seemed intent on killing. They were stronger than the others I’ve dealt with and looked more alive but had a deeper drive to do what their mission was.”

  If at all possible Pet turned whiter. “They are getting desperate. They must know you’re all carrying. Oh no, they have someone like me again,” she whispered.

  Remy furrowed her brows and opened her mouth to ask what she meant when Griffen came in followed by Arden. Griffen’s gaze rested straight on Pet. “I think it’s time for you to leave now, Remy. You’ve used up all her energy.”

  “I beg your pardon. I didn’t use her energy. We had a great talk.” Remy leaned down and hugged Pet. “Don’t let him boss you around. These Wolfen men, you give them an inch and they take a mile. I’ll come back and visit tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Remy turned and studied the two men. She could tell they’d been talking about something important. Had they listened in on their conversation? She wondered for a moment what they’d been up to but figured she didn’t want to know. She had enough to think about without adding new worries to her bunch.

  She stood and went to Arden and held his hand, and together they walked out of the house. “Let’s go home. I have work tonight and I want to see Sara tomorrow. I got a text from her about twenty minutes ago asking me to come over.”

  “All right, make arrangements to go see her tomorrow. I need to talk to Tray anyway.” They walked down the street to their house.

  * * * *

  It was driving Arden crazy that Remy hadn’t chosen whether she was going to use the wolfsbane or not. He was trying to be patient, but both he and his wolf were eager for her to make a decision.

  He’d dropped her off at work that afternoon and she hadn’t mentioned the wolfsbane or even what she and Pet had discussed. Before they went to Griffen’s house Arden had gone by to see him. He’d wanted to make sure it was okay for him and Remy to visit. He’d also wanted to see how his brother was handling having a hurt mate.

  Arden was happy he’d gone. Griffen needed someone to talk to who knew how it felt like to be in the situation he was in. Arden had spoken to Griffen about taking it easy and making sure he let Pet have choices as she’d never had them before. Arden had learned how important they were from Remy.

  Griffen had apologized to him for thinking the worse and even contemplating putting him down for turning feral after Remy ran. He had introduced him to Pet, and she’d gotten so excited at the prospect of a visitor he felt bad he hadn’t come sooner.
  He was now out hunting with Logan, two human men, and three werewolves—Blake, Alex, and David.

  “It’s not just tonight, but other nights I’ve noticed there are less and less demons out,” David said. He was a young wolf but a good, strong fighter.

  “It’s strange. I mean, they sent a horde of zombies to attack the women and that’s the most active they’ve been in weeks. Something is not right.” Blake stopped walking down the club alleyway and looked at them all.

  “Do you think they’re laying low because we took their psychic?” Logan looked at the werewolves in the group. Arden knew that Ava was friends with Pet and Logan would know what she was.

  “As much as I’d like to think that’s why we haven’t found many demons, I know it’s not the reason. I was there when the zombies attacked. There were a lot of them, and they were determined to succeed. To turn that many people into zombies, demons must be out taking humans, and after we killed that bunch they have to be out looking for more. Plus, I would think after the blow we dealt them taking their psychic they’d fight back with more force. You are right though, Blake, it’s very strange.”

  Chapter 8

  They’d had a relaxing morning, but Remy could tell something was up with Arden. His answers were all one word and he kept staring at her like he was waiting for her to say something. Remy had a feeling she knew what it was about…the wolfsbane.

  She had been going to tell him but had gotten distracted, and when she got ready for work she remembered, but knew she needed time to sit down and talk to him. Now Arden guided her through the forest and down a path toward Sara’s house, but to Remy it looked like it went to the beach.

  Remy hadn’t seen Sara and Tray’s house. When they came out of the bush a beautiful cream, neat, two-story house with blue trim and a matching blue picket fence surrounding it sat before them. “That screams Sara.”

  “Sara was very sure about everything she wanted. Tray is a good builder. It’s had a lot more work done on it since the last time I saw it while you were recovering.”

  Remy glanced at Arden. “Tray did this for Sara, didn’t he?”

  “Of course he did. Tray would have built her a castle if she asked for it.”

  The front door opened and Tray came out with Sara by his side.

  “Don’t you just love it?” Sara asked. She went to Remy, taking her hands and pulling her into the house.

  “It’s very you, Sara.” The interior of the house was done in light, calming, warm tones of browns, blues, and greens. The house and its interior looked like it belonged in a home magazine. “It’s the perfect house for you. I remember you describing this in one of your dream goal books.” Remy followed Sara to the back of the house where a large family room was with French doors, and she gasped. “Sara, it overlooks the sea. It is your dream house.” She turned to face Sara. “You had two choices in that book of yours where you wanted to get married—a castle in England is out as everyone you love is home and you get married in a couple of days, the next…the beach with a reception in a huge tent filled with flowers and candles.”

  Sara came to her and hugged her. “You remembered. Yes, Tray is doing everything for me.”

  Remy remembered the dress and how it had gotten ruined with the circle of fire and the zombies. “Sara, I’m so sorry about the dress. I didn’t mean to wreck it.”

  Sara glanced behind Remy, and a huge smile came over her face and she glowed. She returned her gaze to Remy and said, “It wasn’t your fault. You saved me. I’m not as good with all the fighting as everyone else. I help by icing things and coming if needed, but if I do Tray doesn’t leave my side and Logan and Hayden are always with me.”

  Remy turned so everyone faced each other.

  Sara rolled her eyes. “That happens even less now that I’m pregnant. If Tray had his way I’d never leave the house until I have the child.”

  “Oh my God, you’re knocked up? What the fuck is with these werewolves? They have like super sperm or something.”

  Tray puffed up like he was kingpin.

  “You dope. That wasn’t a compliment,” Remy told him.

  Sara giggled. “I have missed you so much, Remy. No one makes me laugh like you do.”

  Sara hugged her and several things dawned on Remy. She patted her friend down. “I didn’t know. Are you sure you’re okay? Is the baby okay? My fire didn’t hurt you or the baby?”

  That was only some of the things that went through her mind. She bit her lip as something Pet said to her yesterday repeated in her head. They must know you’re all carrying. She would be pregnant with her friend. She would be pregnant with a lot of the new mates. The zombies…why did they come for them and when they are so close to the wolves’ home? It would be a desperate move, especially without minions or demons. There were lots of zombies and they weren’t trying to kill. Well, not until they knew killing her would stop the fire.

  “They want us.” She looked up at Tray and felt sick as she placed her hands on her stomach and glanced at Arden. “They took the risk at the bridal shop because they want us bad. It’s because we’re pregnant.” She looked over at Sara. “The demons want us. That’s why the zombies didn’t kill.” Remy’s knees crumpled, and she gripped Sara to steady herself.

  “Pixie, you said we.” Arden gathered her into his embrace as Tray did the same with Sara.

  “Pet told me. I’m not taking the wolfsbane. Even if she hadn’t told me what she saw, I still wouldn’t have taken it.”

  “What did Pet tell you?”

  “Not here. I want to tell you when it’s just the two of us. Right now we need to tell Kane and your brothers what the demons are up to. You need to talk to Pet. She knows things.”

  “Arden, you talk to Griffen and tell him to expect guests. I’ll call a meeting.”

  Remy knew something big was happening.

  * * * *

  Arden didn’t like how the elders were speaking to Pet. He knew they needed the information and that Pet had helped the demons, but they were forgetting she was a victim too. He nodded to Jamie to come over and help Devlin hold Griffen back while he phoned Ava for help. Arden knew Ava and Pet had become close.

  Easing away, he dialed Ava. She picked on the second ring. “Ava, it’s Arden. I’m at Griffen’s. I need you here ASAP as the elders are interrogating Pet. I know they won’t punish you as they would me.”

  “I’m pregnant with twins. They wouldn’t dare. I’ll be there in less than five.”

  Ava arrived in just under five minutes. Logan was at her side and his look was fierce. “Fill me in while Wonder Woman does her stuff,” Logan said.

  Ava blew Logan a kiss and rushed ahead of them and into the room that Pet was in.

  Arden told Logan their theory so far.

  “That makes sense. Pet told Ava that the demons not only wanted the women but pregnant ones. They want to train the children and turn them against us. We already knew they think that because the psychic women can have shifter babies they could have demon ones. I still have nightmares of what they could have done if they kept your sister. Think about it, though—if they take your shifter women and human psychic women you can’t produce the next generation. Holy shit, Arden, the demons are doing what they did to Grayson’s species of shifters.”

  Arden felt his eyes widen. How could he have been so stupid not to have seen that? How had they all? Fishing his phone out, Arden called Grayson. It barely rang before he answered. “We’re calling a meeting, and you have to be there. We’ve figured out the demons’ plan. Be at the gathering place in an hour. Nowhere else is safe enough to ensure others won’t hear.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Arden hung up. He looked up, surprised to see the elders staring at him.

  “If what you say is true, Logan, we have a lot of work to do.” Elder Alfred sighed. “From the info you just told us, and what we learned from the girl, it leaves me with one question. How did the demons know the girls would be at that bridal s
hop? They have either found another psychic or we have a traitor in our midst.”

  Arden’s blood ran cold with either option. He was eager to get back to Remy who he’d left with her friends.

  “I understand you have a mate. Where is she now? We need to keep closer watch on the females from now on.” Elder Ross, a newly retired military man, spoke up.

  “I left her with Tray, his mate, Kane, Faith, and their new baby.” Remy hadn’t wanted to stay behind, she’d wanted to be with him, but he needed to concentrate, and when she was around all he thought of was her.

  The elders left but told Arden they wanted to know what they decided at the meeting. A couple of them offered guard duty on the women and children. Arden didn’t like the thought that the women and children would have to be constantly watched, but with what they were learning he didn’t think they’d have a choice.

  Arden didn’t want to leave Griffen, he was so angry with how Pet had been treated and how everything was working out. Arden understood Griffen’s frustration, but Arden needed to be at the meeting. Ava promised she’d stay and help calm Griffen down and talk to Pet. Logan said he’d stay too, but Ava wouldn’t let him, and Arden agreed it was important he was there for the meeting.

  The meeting place was packed with shifters. Logan and Hayden were the only humans there. Rane stood forward as he was acting on Kane’s behalf as leader of the pack while he enjoyed his new child. “Thanks for coming on short notice. Some important, and possibly life threatening, facts have come to light. Arden is going to tell you what he’s learned.”

  Arden stood in the middle of the circle. “As you have all heard by now the bridal shop with four of our women in it was attacked by a horde of zombies in broad daylight. The zombies only went for the kill with me. They were trying to capture the women. The thing that’s even scarier than them trying to take our woman is that all four of them are pregnant. The psychic we recovered from the demons, who is mated to my brother Griffen, has told us that the demons want our mates, even more now if they are with child. They plan to turn our own children against us. They may even use our mates as leverage over the children. They want all shifters extinct. They have already started. Grayson, come forth. We need the story of what happened to your people.”


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