Second Chance Soldier

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Second Chance Soldier Page 21

by Linda O. Johnston

  “Honey, what is it?” her mother said.

  Without replying, Amber stepped into the hall, then took the phone clenched in her hand and held it so they both could see.

  She heard her mother’s gasp and saw her raise one hand to her mouth. “Oh, no. Not again. And—and how did they know you talked to the police?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know,” Evan growled.

  “I want to tell Kara about this.” Amber nearly choked as she spoke. “But what if whoever it is has tapped my phone?”

  “I’ll call.” Evan motioned for the women to follow him into the living room, where he sat in the middle of the sofa. They took their places on either side of him. He pulled his phone from his pocket. “Number?” Amber looked at her log list and gave him the station’s number. He pressed it into his phone, said, “I’ll talk, you just listen,” then put on the speaker.

  He asked the person who answered for Assistant Chief Province. Apparently Kara was still there since he was asked who he was, then requested to hold.

  In less than a minute, Kara said, “Hello, Evan. Is everything all right?”

  “No,” he said almost curtly, then read the latest text message off Amber’s phone, which she held in front of him.

  “Damn,” Kara said. “Look, we’ll want our tech guy to check this one, too, but he’s gone for the day. And your bringing Amber here tonight is not a good idea since we don’t know where the suspect got the information that she was in touch with us. Where are you now, and where is she?”

  “I’m here, Kara,” Amber said, hating the throatiness of her voice—and also pointedly not looking at Evan as she disobeyed his order. “We’re at the ranch.”

  “That’s not a good idea, either,” Kara said. “I’ll get more patrols in that direction but it’s too remote a location. You and your mother need to spend the night somewhere else, with more people around. Maybe one of the hotels here in town.”

  “How about the Chance Resort?” Sonya suggested. “We can get there easily and I understand it’s pretty full tonight. That means a lot of people around.”

  “That’s probably okay,” said Kara. “And it’ll look fairly normal if I send some of our officers there to check on the place. They probably have some form of security, too.”

  “I thought it was completely full, Mom,” Amber said.

  “It is, but Nathan has been so nice… I imagine he’ll be able to fit us in. At least we can go there to check and be around more people. If he can’t find a room for us then maybe his reservations staff can find a place for us to go.”

  A good idea? Well, it certainly was better than staying here, at least for now.

  “Okay,” Kara said. “Check in with me later and let me know where you are. Call my cell.” She gave them the number. Amber programmed it into her phone, then Evan did the same with his.

  “Will this at least help you figure out who the killer is, once and for all?” Amber asked Kara.

  “Let’s hope so.”

  As Evan hung up his phone, Amber said, “But what about the dogs? Mom, will Nathan let us bring them?”

  “Probably not the youngsters,” her mother said sadly. “Maybe Lola and Bear, though.”

  “Don’t worry about any of them,” Evan said. “I’ll go to the resort with you and make sure you’ve got a place to stay, then come back to check on the dogs—as long as you’re safe and under security’s observation.”

  “But you live here, too, so the threat includes you. You have to stay at the resort. But if the person is watching this place and we’re not here, the dogs might be in danger, and I just can’t—” Amber said, but Evan interrupted her.

  “I hope they’re watching and make it obvious. I’ll ensure the dogs are okay, and maybe we can use those stupid threats to end this once and for all.”

  Amber appreciated his attitude—sort of. She wanted to throw herself into his arms so he could soothe her, to assure her everything would be all right. That he would be all right—and her, and her mother, too.

  And the dogs.

  But she was terrified about whether Evan, with his aggressive attitude, would survive that kind of “once and for all.”

  “Don’t worry,” he added, watching her as if reading her thoughts. “I’ll come back to the resort and stay with you tonight once I make sure everything’s okay here.”

  It made sense to do it his way, Amber thought. Maybe.

  She wished now that, for Evan’s safety, she had gotten Orrin to work with the dogs so he could be their sitter and protector. But Orrin lived here, too, so he’d also been threatened. Should they warn him? But he wasn’t likely to be first on the threatener’s list.

  Plus, what if he had made the threat and included himself as a tactic?

  What Evan said was probably best. What Amber didn’t mention, though, was that once her mother was safe and settled at the resort, she would come back here with Evan to check on the dogs.


  If Evan had considered keeping these women downtown and away from their ranch before, now it was one of the most critical intentions on his mind.

  He would not let anything happen to them. Either of them.

  He had come to care for Sonya like a surrogate mother. That was because she was the actual mother of the woman he had really fallen for. Heavily. Even if the only future in it was remaining her employee as long as he could.

  That presupposed she remained healthy and alive.

  And stopped getting those damn threats.

  Where was the menace? Around here, watching Amber? Well, he would check the ranch—soon. But first he needed to get the women away from this place.

  “Okay,” he said. “Grab some overnight clothes. I’m going to drive you both to the resort right now. And, Sonya, you might want to call Nathan and give him a heads-up.”

  Evan considered calling the guy, too, to warn him that nothing had better happen to the women while they were there. After meeting him, he’d considered Nathan a possible suspect in Corbin’s murder like everyone else he’d met, and hadn’t taken him off the list despite there being no apparent motive—except, perhaps, his interest in Sonya. And that seemed recent, originating only after Corbin was gone, or at least that’s the impression Evan got from Amber.

  Well, even if the guy was guilty he wouldn’t do anything while under the observation of Evan, the cops and even his own security guys—and Evan would make sure the staff knew to keep close watch over Amber and her mother.

  He’d also let Nathan know.

  “But, Evan, it’s too dangerous for you to come back here,” Sonya said. “Pack a bag and stay with us. We’ll lock the dogs in the house. They’ll—they’ll be okay.” But she choked on the last, evidencing her worry.

  “Oh, I’ll only return for a short while to check things out. I’ll lock the dogs up then and head back to the resort.” To make sure the women remained safe. “And I won’t be here by myself.” Evan patted the head of Bear, who, as nearly always, sat beside him. His dog looked up and gave his closest approximation of a smile, as if he understood and was proud to take care of his human.

  “Let’s get ready, Mom,” Amber said, then followed her mother down the hall toward their bedrooms. Evan waited where he was.

  Amber, first to exit her room with her bag, faced Evan, staring into his eyes. That should have made him uncomfortable. It did make him uncomfortable, but a lot less than such things used to. Because it was Amber.

  “I appreciate your driving us to the resort and offering to come back to check on the dogs, but that’s potentially dangerous.”

  He appreciated her concern. He appreciated her, and the warm and worried look she aimed toward him.

  “I’ll be careful,” he responded.

  “Well, so will I.” Her expression changed into one of her bossiest, as if daring him to protest.

  Evan felt his eyes widen as he started to demand what she meant. She wasn’t coming back here tonight, that was for sure.

ut now he saw Sonya approaching. He didn’t want to argue with Amber in front of her mother. But he knew he’d have an ally in Sonya if Amber repeated her foolish suggestion. “Great. Looks like you two are ready. Let’s go.”

  “I didn’t reach Nathan yet but left a message,” Sonya said.

  Evan picked up the small bags they’d each packed and headed toward the front door. “Wait here, and I’ll get my car. Lock the door behind me.”

  He and Bear left, hurrying toward his house. He drove back toward the main house as quickly as he could.

  Soon, with Sonya beside him in the passenger seat and Amber and Bear in the back, they drove to the resort. He parked in the temporary lot in front since he didn’t intend to stay long. But Amber would—as long as there was adequate protection available.

  Carrying the bags once more, he accompanied the women inside. The lobby was filled with people. Good. He didn’t see his students of that day, the Halvens, which was also good. And there were some guys in suits that he’d figured before weren’t all reception but included security staff—another plus.

  Almost as soon as they reached the front desk, Nathan appeared. Evan motioned for the resort owner to join him off to the side. “I don’t know what Sonya told you,” he said, “but they’ve received some strange communications so they’ve decided to stay here for the night. I expect you and your staff to take good care of them.” In other words, you’re under scrutiny.

  “Of course.” The guy sounded insulted and looked down at Bear as if the dog was a slimy rodent.

  “Great,” Evan said. “Thanks.”

  Evan watched Nathan approach the women and begin talking with them. He also studied the people in the lobby. Other than possibly the greeters and security guys, no one looked familiar. That didn’t mean they were all wonderful visitors who’d never hurt Amber or her mother.

  Without knowing the killer or motive, or the possibility of accomplices, Evan suspected everyone. But there should at least be safety in numbers, especially if the cops came through and sent patrols through here.

  Soon, Nathan went to the front desk to talk to the reservations people, which allowed Evan, Bear at his side, to head for the concierge desk. He asked to be taken to the security office.

  The guy in charge was tall and rotund, dressed, as most of the male staff, in a dark suit. His name tag identified him as Jack, the security chief. Without explaining details, Evan told the guy that the two women with Nathan Treggory were under police protection, and hotel security should also keep close watch on them to ensure their safety—even patrol the floor where the room they were staying a lot more frequently than normal.

  Jack gave Evan an offended look but promised to take care of the women.

  Then it was time. Evan could leave.

  For now, but not for long.

  As he returned to the lobby, Evan saw a couple of cops walk through it. Good. Kara was making good on her promise.

  He also saw Amber and her mother with Nathan at the far end of the lobby. He quickly headed in that direction.

  “Has Nathan found you a place to stay?” Evan asked.

  “He says he has,” Amber said. “I’ll get my mother settled into the room, then you and I can go back to check on the ranch.”

  “No,” Evan said firmly. “I don’t want to wait—and you need to confirm your mom is okay. Just make sure he’s found you a nice, safe, out-of-the-way room where you can lock yourselves in. Call me later and tell me where you are.”


  “But you know I’m right. You have to take care of your mother.” And stay here, where it should be a lot safer than what he was going to do. “But don’t trust anyone.”

  A frisson of unease coursed through him—on her behalf, not his. He waved toward Jack, who stood by the wall near the hallway to his office, and gestured toward Amber to make sure the guy knew who the security staff needed to protect. Even so, Evan had second thoughts about leaving for any reason. Yet he needed not only to check on the dogs, but also to look, without Amber’s presence, for any evidence at the ranch of who was threatening her since he figured that, even if she stayed here for the night, she’d insist on returning there tomorrow.

  It was up to Evan to make sure the place was safe.


  Amber still didn’t like the way Nathan seemed so smitten with her mother.

  And her mom, usually so withdrawn and quiet these days, also appeared more outgoing and friendly.

  Amber hoped it was only friendship—though it really wasn’t her business. At least not much.

  But Evan had been right—sort of. She had to stay here for the moment to make sure her mother remained okay.

  After Evan left, Nathan led them into an office behind the front desk, where two more reservations employees sat inside. “I know we’re pretty full,” he said to his staff members, “but surely you can find a place for these lovely women.”

  “Sorry, sir, there’s still nothing,” the older lady said.

  Her younger counterpart nodded vigorously. “We’ve been nearly booked up tonight for a week, and the few rooms that were left filled up today, too.” That explained how the Halvens had gotten a room, but there were apparently none left now.

  “That’s okay, Nathan,” her mom told him. “I’d really appreciate it if your wonderful reservations people could find us something else, in downtown Chance.”

  That might be their only choice, Amber thought. She’d have to call Evan to drive them there. Which meant he’d stay safe, away from the ranch.

  But the dogs…?

  Well, sweet Evan was on his way to check on them. She would do nothing to change that. Maybe they could take a taxi.

  “No, you’re staying at the resort,” Nathan said. “Come here, please.” He motioned them away from the desk. Near the door, he continued, “You may not know that I have a separate house on the resort property, and though I almost never invite anyone to stay with me, you two are the exception. I’d have suggested it right away since I figured there’d be no room available, but was concerned you’d say no. Now you have good reason to join me. I’ll show it to you first. The rooms at my place each have their own bathroom, and though it’s not quite as plush as this hotel, it’s a nice place. Is that okay with you?”

  Amber felt a bit relieved. She didn’t like the idea of staying with Nathan, of course, especially with her sad, vulnerable mother. But at least that meant no concerns about where they’d stay in town and how to get there.

  “That’s so kind, Nathan,” Sonya said. There was a radiance on her face that Amber hated to see, but she, too, thought the guy was being kind—even if he had an underlying seductive motive. “We accept your invitation. Right, Amber?”

  “Yes, thank you, Nathan,” she said—and figured she wouldn’t get much sleep. Not with all that was happening, with her concern about Evan, herself and the dogs…and she’d be listening to make sure neither Nathan nor her mother slipped into the other’s room.

  Chapter 24

  They were in the lobby getting ready to head to Nathan’s home when Amber felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket.

  She had turned off the sound because she didn’t want to hear it if she received another text—or impose the noise on anyone else. She pulled it from her pocket and casually glanced at it after confirming that Nathan and her mother were nearby talking to a bellhop, most likely about the two small bags they had brought.

  It was a phone call from Evan. Her heart rate sped up. Talking to him right now about anything, especially the dogs, would cheer her. As long as he, and they, were okay, at least. At the moment, she felt angry, concerned, sad, scared and even lonely despite the large number of people around that included her mother.

  Being threatened with death apparently stirred up all sorts of emotions Amber hadn’t imagined—and being threatened a second time, along with loved ones, only brought more.

  Had her dad—No. She wouldn’t think about that now.

around, and seeing that the man in a dark suit who’d been staring at her mother and her since they’d exited the reservations office—probably a security guy, since he was so obvious—was still watching, she hurried toward the nearby ladies’ room for privacy as she answered. “Hi, Evan,” she said.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Sure. You? The dogs?” She was inside the restroom now and was glad to see it otherwise empty.

  “We’re all fine. Do you have a room for tonight yet?”

  She had an urge to demand that he pick her up so she could sleep in her own bed—but she would be too worried about her mother even if he agreed. Instead, Amber explained that they’d be in Nathan’s personal home on the resort property.

  “I don’t know about that…” Evan sounded concerned.

  “We’ll be fine,” Amber said. “You just hang out with the dogs, make sure they—and you—remain okay.” She’d really love to do the same. But she had to act rationally after receiving that threat and obey what Kara had told them, as much as she disliked it, since it made sense for her mother’s sake. “Did you talk to the hotel security staff?”

  “Yeah, or at least the guy in charge, who hangs out in the lobby and has a security name tag.”

  “Well, he may be the one keeping an eye on us. I’ll tell him where we’re going so he can check on us there, too.”

  “Great. Now, be careful and, like I said, don’t trust anyone.”

  “I don’t.”

  He didn’t say much more, and Amber wished again that she was with the dogs.

  And with Evan.


  Evan was inside Amber’s house as he spoke with her, providing attention to Lola and the young shepherds. He’d soon leave them again to head back to town.

  It was critical that he do everything necessary so that Amber wouldn’t be hurt. Sonya, too.

  Even so, he had things to accomplish now at the ranch, to ensure as much as possible that the pups and Lola remained okay. And more important, in case he couldn’t prevent her return tomorrow, that Amber would remain safe here.

  At least Jack, the security honcho at the resort, appeared to be doing his duty as Evan had requested, keeping watch over Amber and her mother. Even so, he’d get back there as soon as possible. Maybe even faster than he’d initially planned.


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