What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8) Page 90

by Sabrina York

  “Depends. I was hoping you’d come with me to check out the place, see if you think it’s worth the trouble.”

  “There’s all kinds of real estate in Manhattan, which can be both good and a crock of shit. If you can find a decent place for little to no cost, consider yourself lucky. I’ll definitely let you know what I think. By the time I take you back to Jewels’s place, you’ll know exactly what you plan to do.”

  Somehow, I don’t doubt that, and I can’t stop grinning the rest of the way.

  The upper west side turns out to be clean and even enchanting. A wide variety of shops and small eateries from all corners of the world pepper the retail sector. We’re greeted on the sideway with smiles and head bobs, making for a real light, casual atmosphere. Once we get into the residential area filled with apartments, we’re bombarded with kids playing in the street, running their bikes along the sidewalk, and even a group of little ones splashing through a fire hydrant. The neighborhood seems quite friendly in general.

  “This is it,” Chloe announces, pointing to a tall, tan brick building at the end of a quiet block. “No doubt about it, this boy of yours has serious cash flow. Now let’s get your skinny ass up there so I can decide if he has the charm to go along with it.”

  I shoot Erik a text to let him know we’ve arrived. An older doorman who appears completely miserable in dress pants, a burgundy jacket, and hat, greets us with a bright smile despite the sweat covering his forehead. He doesn’t hesitate to ring Erik right away, ushering us inside once we’re given his approval.

  Chloe and I both sigh happily when we’re blasted with cold air. Tan marble covers the old-world lobby from floor to ceiling, the smells of fresh wax and disinfectant strong from a recent cleaning. We find a set of ornately decorated elevators and head up to Erik’s floor. Chloe gives me a play-by-play of the quality of the place, from the antique chandeliers in the lobby to the old style of the slow-moving elevator, loosely estimating the building’s value to be near a billion.

  I’m too busy to really listen, instead psyching myself up for whatever we’re about to find as we step out onto his floor. Erik’s apartment is the last one at the end of the bright hallway. Smaller version of the chandeliers in the lobby light our path to his beige door marked with gold numbers. I suck in a deep breath and raise my hand to knock. The door swings open before I have a chance.

  Erik stretches one long, muscular arm against the door frame with his other hand buried in the pocket of his cargo shorts. From the small preview of his smooth chest beneath his trendy, black button down, there’s no doubt he’s in excellent shape. He smells musky and fresh, as if he just stepped out of the shower. When I look into his intense blue eyes, the lust I keep denying myself stirs once again.

  “Kelly?” he asks, smiling brightly despite the frown to his eyes. “Is that really you? I’m sorry, you look a bit different from the person I met yesterday. Did you do something with your hair?”

  Yeah, so I guess I looked that bad while we were bar hopping. There’s no chance in hell I’ll traipse around New York like that again without even a stitch of makeup. I ignore his dig. “Erik, this is Chloe. She’s a friend of Jewels’s and volunteered to show me around today since Jewels had to work.”

  “Friends with Jewels?” Erik asks, quirking his brow her way. “You have my sympathies.”

  “I guess it really is true what they say,” Chloe answers with a surprised look. “A person learns something every day. I never would’ve guessed you could afford a place like this doing stand up comedy. I had a friend who couldn’t even buy his groceries off the shitty wages he earned performing in Times Square. You must draw a loyal following.”

  As Erik brays in a low laugh, I try to peer behind him. “Are you going to let me see this place of yours or what?”

  He opens the door wide, the arrogant spark to his eyes flaring. “Come on in.”

  Chloe and I file in, barely making it before he closes the door behind us. I’m thrown off by the relaxed feel of the brightly lit loft apartment, and the pleasant aroma of vanilla hanging in the air. I suck in my breath with the sight of the giant arched windows framing a breathtaking view of Central Park and the skyscrapers beyond. There’s a bachelor pad vibe from the dark leather furniture and black curtains, burnt brown brick walls, and sleek, worn wooden floors, yet it’s still incredibly classy and upscale. The small kitchen opens into a slightly bigger living room where the couches gather around a large flat screen television mounted to the wall.

  And just like that, I’m in love with the place.

  “The bedrooms are back here,” Erik tells us, swiftly moving to the right. We trail behind him. My heart skips excitedly against my ribs.

  “Would you get a load of this freaking place?” Chloe says to me from the side of her mouth. “If it were me I’d move in so damn fast his head would spin. I’d kill for the chance to live in a place like this. And normally I’d say I mean that figuratively, but…damn.”

  I’m in so much awe I can’t even form a complete thought to answer her. We reach a short hallway with three doorways, the first leading to a cramped bathroom. There’s a glass door on the shower, showing two nozzles and a stone interior. The walls and floors are done in the same expensive-looking brown stone. The second door leads to a room that’s very orderly and bare with a twin bed in the far corner, a nightstand at its side. A single window over my head lets in only a small amount of light.

  Across the hallway, a four poster bed with smoky gray bedding and a sleek black dresser covered in personal items both appear small in comparison to the set of large windows exactly like those in the living room. Chloe and I stand sandwiched together, taking the rooms in with appreciation. The guest room, while pretty small, is cozy. I could easily see myself living there.

  “That’s what I’m offering,” Erik says, jabbing his thumb at the spare room. “I’d expect you to keep the place clean at all times, especially your room. That means your bed always made, no panties on the floor, that kind of thing.” Not surprisingly, he smirks with the mention of panties as if it’s now our little inside joke. “Look, this is New York, and your chances of finding an affordable place within a few months is pretty slim. I’d be willing to let you stay as long as it takes if you follow my rules and keep the place presentable. I’m not going to live with a complete slob.”

  I cross my arms and cock my hip, trying to appear indifferent when in fact I’ve already resolved that I want to make this work. I’m pretty sure this is every small town girl’s dream set-up. “What kind of rules are we talking about?”

  “Besides keeping the place immaculate?” His smoldering eyes lock with mine, releasing a hundred shivers to creep through me. “No sex in your room. I don’t want to worry about having to fumigate the apartment once strange guys have paraded through.”

  With the mention of sex falling from his lips, I feel a sudden burn between my legs, and can’t look away. He bites his lower lip slowly, almost taunting me.

  Damn it all, the guy is sexy.

  For a moment I completely forget that we’re not alone, and that I previously warned Erik that the two of us would never hook up.

  “Those rules seem simple enough,” Chloe pipes in, most likely sensing the sexual tension buzzing between us. “You gonna make her sign a contract or something? What if she finds a job? Are you gonna charge her rent? Even if you’re well off like your big brother, this shit can’t be cheap.”

  “I’m pre-law,” he tells her in a matter-of-fact tone, finally tearing his eyes away from me. He looks down at my new friend like she’s a moron. “I’ll take care of the details. It’s unnecessary to worry your pretty little head over such trivial things.”

  His cool attitude toward her tears me from my sudden sexual trance. Does he just not know how to deal with people in general, or is he simply earning the reputation of an asshole? Thankfully Chloe taps away at her cell phone, appearing un-jilted by his crudeness.

  “The no sex thing won’t be a
problem,” I declare, clearing my throat. “I have no intention of ‘parading guys’ through your apartment.” I press my arm into Chloe’s side. “Hey. Would you mind giving us a moment? I need to talk to Erik about his brother and Jewels, and I don’t want to drag you into it any more than I already have.”

  “No problem,” Chloe answers, already in motion as she pecks at her phone. “I gotta call my boss at the tattoo shop anyway. Turns out there’s an emergency he wants me to cover tonight. Ozzy can be a real dick, and I gotta do whatever it takes to make him happy. I’m still under his apprenticeship and can’t afford to blow this. I’ve got a few months left until I can operate my own booth.” She glances up at me long enough to wink. “I’ll wait for you down in the lobby.”

  After there’s a click of the front door, Erik turns back to me, his brows stitched. “She talks too fucking much.”

  My resolve breaks the moment we lock eyes. I step into him, wrapping my fingers in his tousled locks, and kissing him. His lips are soft, but demanding. He immediately nudges his tongue inside my mouth, devouring me until I’m unsteady on my feet. His flavorful mouthwash bursts against my taste-buds as his tongue massages mine, making me so hot that I’m ready to implode.

  Hardly a full minute passes when he hoists me up by my waist and hauls me into his bedroom, slamming me into the mattress with the weight of his body. His full lips possess me with a force so strong I’m sure my own lips will be swollen for hours.

  Erik grinds up against me as we kiss, his massively hard package rubbing against my bare leg through the coarse material of his shorts. When I realize just how large he must be, I moan softly against his mouth. One of Erik’s hands darts up my shirt, his long fingers teasing the exposed tops of my breasts.

  My desire kicks into over drive when I imagine him naked and inside of me, filling me to my core. I reach for his shirt and begin to unbutton it, shivering in delight with the feel of his sculpted muscles beneath my fingertips. A deep hum vibrates from his throat just before he intensifies the kiss. He reaches back to slip his hand beneath my shorts and underwear, cradling my bare ass cheek.

  He stops kissing me to press his lips against my ear, his breath hot against my skin. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to climb off you now, and you’re going to strip naked for me.”

  Stunned by the unexpected dominance, I suck in a deep breath. Trailing kisses down my neck, he backs away, watching me with a dangerous fire behind his eyes. He towers over me like some kind of freaking mythical god with his gorgeous chest exposed, all tanned and muscular. I don’t break the connection our stare as I reach down to unbutton my shorts. My body tingles excitedly with what’s to come.

  Then for some ungodly reason that I’ll forever live to curse upon, I picture the disappointment in my best friend’s eyes when she hears I’ve slept with the only person she’s ever warned me to steer clear of. I may as well be dunked in a bathtub filled with ice water.

  “Shit.” I drop my hand to cradle my head. “I can’t do this. It’s a really bad idea.”

  “Ideas are only bad if you don’t want them, and who are you kidding?” He continues staring down on me, his heated gaze unrelenting and oh, so seductive. “You know you want me.”

  Clicking my tongue, I slide off the bed and straighten my disheveled shirt. “Wow. Conceited much?”

  “I only say things if they’re true. You want me, and I want you, so what’s the problem?” Damn it, the way he’s so confident makes his sex appeal shoot off the charts. And the enormous bulge in his pants hasn’t subsided any.


  I’m the poster girl for flustered as I stumble out into the hallway. My head and vagina are on two separate stratospheres, both vying for my complete attention.

  “The problem is that your brother and Jewels told me to stay away from you! And I already told you this thing between us isn’t going to happen! I don’t need to get into a complicated relationship where I wonder if I have to fuck you in order to have a place to live!”

  “Who said anything about a relationship? We’re adults. There is a such a thing as consensual sex.”

  I cackle a bit too boisterously. “Right. Ask your brother and his girlfriend how well that goes.”

  “Would you stop bringing my brother into this? You and I? We have absolutely nothing to do with him. Or Jewels. We’re two very attractive people. There’s nothing wrong with us being drawn to each other. I’m not saying we have to do this in order for you to live here. It would just be an added bonus. For both of us.”

  I look away, my heart racing, crotch throbbing. He’s right, and I can’t stop picturing us having sex together. I imagine it would be a new level of hot that would put all my past conquests to shame. Something about his irresistible physique and king of the world attitude makes me wonder if I’d remember my own name after being with him.

  I bite my lip and pull my phone from my back pocket for something to distract me. “My life’s already a mess without this added complication. I came out here to become a different person. I’m not about casual sex anymore. Anyone who wants in my pants is going to have to wine and dine me first.”

  “Really? You’re going to pretend that’s what you want, and make me draw this out? I can do things to you that will never make you see sex the same way again.” His words, low and sultry, ping around inside my brain with excitement. “I’m worth skipping the pretenses for.”

  I frown, ready to pull my hair out. “Jesus. You are completely full of yourself.”

  “Listen. I normally don’t offer myself up like this to women.” He spreads his arms wide. The hard muscles of his chest shift with the gesture, about making me cream my underwear. “Are you interested, or not?”

  I pull my jaw tight. “Fuck this. I’m out of here.”

  Before he can try to stop me or say anything more, I spring from the apartment and practically jog down the hallway. My trembling fingers poke at the buttons in the elevator, pushing more than one and making the ride down to the lobby way longer than necessary. Feeling like I could punch something, I cross my arms and grumble.

  Who exactly does Erik Murphy think he is? The kid’s only nineteen, for fuck’s sake. Not only does he act like he’s lived in the big city his whole life, but he thinks he’s some kind of superhero in the bedroom. If Jewels knew about any of this, she’d be ready with a big old “I told you so” look that would make me feel all of three feet tall.

  I must still look flushed when I catch up with Chloe. She leans away from the marble wall with the sight of me, raising her eyebrows with a little smirk. “Well? Did you make any decisions?”

  “You’re right, the place is amazing.” I hook my arm through hers, smiling as I pull her along to where the doorman holds the door for us. “Only a total idiot would turn down an offer like that.”

  As we launch onto the sidewalk, I realize I don’t have a lot of options right now. I dug this complicated shit up all on my own when I decided to drop everything and hop on an airplane to escape my problems. Erik’s offering me this incredible place to stay, free of charge. I’ll just have to find a way to see him as being unattractive, even though I’ve seen just how phenomenal he looks without a shirt. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I am capable of self-control.

  Or so I hope.

  Chapter Four

  By the time Chloe and I return to the brownstone, Jewels has showered and dressed for our night out—surprisingly not in the usual baby doll t-shirt and torn shorts. She wears a peach, fluttering tank top that flatters her skin tone paired with a flirty short skirt and a bunch of coordinating jewelry. Maybe the big city’s fashion is already rubbing off on her.

  Not surprising, however, is that she appears to be finishing a hot and heavy session with her boyfriend. They’re each adjusting their hair and clothing as Chloe and I step into the living room. Jewels hops off the couch to join us, her flushed cheeks smiling brightly as if it can divert us from the fact that they likely just had sex. It only remind
s me why I seriously can’t stay with them. “Hey! How’d it go? You guys have fun?”

  “We spent most of the day checking out the Upper West Side,” Chloe says, kicking off her thick sandals and sinking into the couch across from Adam. She massages one of her feet. “We checked out a street fair, and grabbed lunch at a Mexican eatery. I showed her the ropes in the subway so she can find her way around on her own. At least she’ll recognize one corner of the city. It’s not much, but it’s a start. We’ll have to take her to see all the touristy shit another time.”

  “I finally understand why you fell in love with this city,” I say, slipping my arm around Jewels’s shoulders. “And I owe you for setting me up with the best tour guide out there. Seriously, Chloe was amazing.”

  Jewels wraps her arm around my waist, hugging me for a brief moment. “I knew you two would get along. Can you join us for dinner, Chloe?”

  “I wish, but I have to fill in for one of the guys at the shop tonight. Some shit about his wife having the stomach flu and no one to watch his baby. Sometimes I think they just like to take advantage of me because they know I have to get my time in. I swear they’re always calling me in on my rare days off. It’s like I have a fucking sign on my head that says gullible or something.” She jumps to her feet, slipping back into her sandals. I get the feeling she doesn’t sit still for much longer than that. “You guys should come down to The Sticks tomorrow night on 23rd Street. My band will be playing at nine.”

  “We’ll be there,” Jewels assures her, grinning. If there’s one thing my bestie would never miss, it’s the chance to see a live band. She runs over to hug Chloe. “Thanks again, I owe you.”

  “We had a good time.” Chloe shrugs, turning to smile my way. “I think she’ll do just fine in this city. I look forward to hanging again.” After throwing me a wink and exchanging goodbyes with Adam, she disappears down the stairs.


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