Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 20

by Elaine Bassett

  He stood and listened to the sounds around him. All that could be heard was the rustle of leaves as the trees communicated with each other that he was there. Joseph continued walking deeper into the forest. He saw dim lights up ahead. He took out his intelligent eyes that were similar to binoculars, but did so much more. They took pictures, recorded the speech of those you were observing, marked the coordinates of where you had been, etc. Joseph looked through the intelligent eyes to observe what he could see of the facility. He became more curious as he looked around. He watched the pawns in training. Suddenly the back of his neck began to tingle. What Joseph realized, as he looked through the intelligent eyes, was that he’d been surrounded while he was focusing on the complex. Now he saw their body heat on the edges of the lenses. He counted them, six recruits. He put the lenses in his pocket and slowly turned around to stare at the pawns that had surrounded him. Each man was dressed entirely in black body armor.

  The commander of the group scowled and removed his helmet. “Joseph, what in the name of …” The commander stepped forward. “How did you learn about this place?”

  Joseph shrugged. “I have my ways of getting information out of my victims.”

  “Really? All right then.” The commander barked out coded orders as the armored officers disappeared, leaving him alone with Joseph. “I’ve got to hand it to you. Your methods must be extraordinary. The old man will be impressed.”

  As they stood in place, a man in a quiet motorized vehicle suddenly appeared. The commander stepped in the vehicle and Joseph followed. He realized he was being escorted back to the compound gate.

  Donovan was waiting for him. Joseph climbed out and walked over to the gate. Donovan opened it. The men in the vehicle stepped out and saluted him. “Hail Suzerain.” As Donovan nodded, they stepped back in their vehicle and left disappearing into the forest.

  Joseph heard the heavy clank of the gate being closed. Donovan locked it and said, “They notified me as soon as you crossed over onto foreign property.”

  Joseph squinted his eyes. “What are you talking about? This has always belonged to our family.”

  “Come on. We have to talk on the way because the auction is going to be starting very soon. I have details that have to be taken care of.

  “You still have a lot to learn Son. Don’t get a fat head since you discovered something that wasn’t a secret to you to begin with. I had just come from your office when I was informed that you’d headed out onto the compound. Yes, the area still belongs to us. We are just going to utilize it differently. It has a different purpose for us at this time. Now that you’ve pulled your little stunt, I will have to rethink my strategy. You were supposed to be in charge of this project, but since I can’t trust you…”

  Joseph stopped and hollered at his father, “Whoa. You’ve been developing this project for quite a while now, and you failed to inform me of any of this. Do not dare to start yelling at me. I don’t want to hear that you’re not able to trust me with information. I’m getting tired of your secretiveness. If I am to take over, then you’ve got to trust and teach me! Or I’m done with the whole thing!” He walked ahead of Donovan in the direction of the auction.

  Donovan said, “Son, halt!” Joseph stopped and turned around. Donovan walked up to him. “All right. I’ll confide in you after the auction, in private.”

  “All right then.”

  They walked the rest of the way together. As they walked, Donovan pointed out things to Joseph in a way that he’d never done before. It was the first time in Joseph’s life that he felt like he was being treated as an equal to his father. Donovan actually told him a joke that honestly made Joseph laugh. Silently they both wished they’d always been this close. As they walked into the main building, Donovan put his arm on Joseph’s shoulder and gave him a solid pat. They continued walking together as they made their way to the area where the auction would take place.

  The building was like no other on the premises. It was opulent in a different way than the Grande Auction House. This building was completely modern and sleek. Everything was colorful throughout the rooms, except the huge modern murals that were painted only in black and white. Donovan led the way to his personal area. When they walked into the section they were both handed black tuxedos to change into. Donovan dressed first. After he was completely ready, he waited for Joseph in the sitting area. Non joined him and they started a private conversation. When Joseph came out, the three men walked through the auction house together.

  There was hardly room to walk in this area with so many auction attendees. Joseph studied Maureen who had been working the room. No one worked a social room like Maureen Grey. She looked like royalty in her sparkling gown. All eyes were on her, as guests of the auction waited patiently for her attention. When Maureen was in her college years, she was referred to as the Brazilian Bombshell. At events like these, she proved she still had intense charisma. Auctions were the one time that Maureen the conservative, transformed into the alluring beauty queen of her youth. She made eye contact with Donovan and gracefully ended her conversation, leaving her guests excited about the auction.

  The four individuals converged at the private elevator doors in the middle of the lobby. Donovan placed his hand on the information board. An elevator immediately appeared. All four entered and stood together at the back of the glass-enclosed area. When the elevator reached the penthouse, the door opened and Donovan allowed Joseph to exit first. Together Maureen and Donovan exited next, with Non following. Everyone had been watching the elevator when the glass door opened and took notice that Joseph had stepped out first. Even though they perceived what had taken place, no one dared to say a word, they went back to gambling and placing their bets.

  Tonight was all about Joseph being introduced. He handled himself very well and exuded confidence as he gave orders. Since Donovan and Maureen were standing with him, no one dared question his authority. For the night he was the host of the auction. Joseph was the one who made all the announcements and decisions. The night went smoothly. Non had taken precautions to see to it.

  The auction ended as one of the more successful auctions they had had in a while. The bidding exceeded expectations, and Donovan was very pleased as he sat in his box with Joseph, Maureen and Non. He thought: Joseph may just pull this off after all.

  After the last bidding war ended, everyone applauded. Joseph made the standard announcement that the gambling floors would remain open, along with the entertainment rooms. Then the party of four exited the area, leaving the trained hosts to work the rooms. The small group departed from the auction building and was escorted in a vehicle, back to the main building. Donovan and Joseph engaged in a business conversation while Maureen and Non were quiet observers. When they stepped out of the vehicle, Donovan and Joseph continued their conversation up to Donovan’s office; leaving Non and Maureen at the foot of the stairs.

  Non smiled at Maureen. “You look lovelier than ever. Shall we?” Without hesitating she walked over to him. He took his jacket off and put it around her shoulders. The pair went outside the back way for a private walk in the dark. They didn’t notice Nxy, surrounded by shadows, watching their tryst.

  Chapter 39

  The following day after school, Charles sat down to finish his research paper. After he put the finishing touches on the assignment, he handed the pages to Carson to proofread. Carson sat down at his desk and began reading Charles’ work.


  Charles was pleased. He took the assignment and slid it in his backpack for class the next day.

  Bev quietly knocked on the office door before entering. She asked Charles, “How’s your homework coming along?”

  He reached up above his head to stretch. “Fine. Paw Paw just finished proofreading my paper. So I guess I’ve finally completed it.”

  Bev asked, “How would you boys like to go on a little excursion?”

  Carson and Charles looked at each other.

vely Carson asked, “What kind of excursion are you proposing, Ma’am?”

  “Across the border and through the woods.”

  Airabelle scolded her. “Bev, you know going across the border is dangerous, especially for Charles. Why do you want to take him to that place anyway? It’s haunted.”

  Bev grinned at Airabelle. “It’s not haunted.”

  “Is too.”

  “Airabelle, mind your manners.”

  “Is too.”

  Carson sighed. He asked Bev, “You really want to go back? It’s been years since your last visit. The last time you went across the border, you had nightmares for I don’t know how long.”

  Bev cleared her throat. “Not because it’s haunted.”

  Airabelle snickered and in her mind chalked up a point. Bev gave her a quick scolding glance.

  Charles was listening, amused and curious about this sudden suggestion to go on an excursion that entailed sneaking across the border in order to break into a haunted house. Sounds like something my friends would be interested in doing.

  Bev took an envelope out from her pocket. She removed some stationery. “The letter Kharissa sent, asked me to come home to take care of a few details.”

  Carson nodded. “Then that settles the matter. I guess we are going.”

  Airabelle sighed. “I’ll go too.”

  Bev teasingly said, “Only if it won’t give you nightmares. Boo!”

  “I was only looking out for you.”

  Bev said, “We should be going. This might take a while.”

  Carson gathered their things and asked Bev to double-check him. He asked, “What about Charles crossing the border?”

  Bev pulled another paper from Kharissa’s envelope. “I hope you don’t mind. I already approved it with Dimitrios.”

  “I should have known. Okay, I guess it’s settled then. You’ve thoroughly thought this through. Let’s go.”

  Charles said, “All right, let the haunting begin. Just what I had in mind for today.” Bev ignored him.

  Airabelle’s commented, “You ain’t seen nothing until you get a look at the monstrosity of a place.”

  Charles thought: I wonder who Kharissa is?

  Airabelle answered back: Bev’s housekeeper.

  They went through the Passageway, put on their Sojourner glasses and walked through the Hub. It wasn’t as busy as usual. Carson stopped and chatted with Nicky about a displayed Sojourner tool that had caught his eye. Then they continued on their way to the border. The Passageway Authority Officer asked to see their paperwork before they would be allowed to cross over.

  After perusing the paperwork he said, “Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I know you went to a lot of trouble to pass through the border today but I’m afraid I can’t allow you to cross over. There have been incidents of criminal activity across the border and it’s not safe for Sojourners to cross today.”

  Bev took it well. “Okay, thank you. We appreciate you looking out for us.”

  He nodded. “Just doing my job.”

  Carson took back the papers and put them in his jacket pocket. He suggested they go back to the market since they were already in the Hub. They headed in that direction.

  While they were walking, Carson whispered to Bev, “The wheels are turning aren’t they. You’re going anyway aren’t you?”

  She shrugged.

  “If you go, just be careful.”

  “I saw something in one of the shops I’d like to look at closer.”

  Carson tried to keep from smiling. “Okay, we will meet you back here when you’re finished.”

  Airabelle said, “I’m going with Bev.” Carson gave her a look. “Or not.” She flew over and landed on Charles’ shoulder.

  Bev hurried to the little shop where she had glimpsed a rare find earlier. She entered the shop and purchased the item. Then she put her scarf up over her head and walked down an alleyway, which led to another alleyway, which led to another alleyway. When she exited the alley, Bev walked straight to a fence made of steel panels riveted together. She turned toward the alleyway to check her position. Then she walked down the length of the fence counting the panels.

  Bev sighed and thought: I wonder if they have discovered the pass through. If so I might as well go back since there is no other way to get across.

  She found the steel panel she was searching for. It had a tiny sunburst image stamped into the rivet near the lower left corner of the panel. The imaged rivet was placed near the ground so a casual observer would never notice it. Bev gazed intently at the panel and noticed soldering welds in the seam. She sighed in disappointment. Oh well, it was worth a try. Then a thought crossed her mind. Bev put her right hand on the seam. Her fingers naturally curved around the panel. As she pulled the panel with her fingers, Bev felt the section move just a tiny fraction. Once again she slowly pulled the panel toward her body. A hidden hinge was attached to the fence post where the panel was connected. The hinge was stiff but with some effort Bev was able to pull the panel open far enough to pass through with the shopping bag. She thought: Thank goodness the welds were fake.

  Once on the other side, Bev closed the secret pass through panel. She looked at the section intently making sure she could locate the same tiny sunburst image stamped on the bottom rivet. Once it was located, she thought: I’m on my way home. Won’t Kharissa be surprised?

  She brushed the dust from her clothes and fixed her scarf. Then she applied lip-gloss before she walked in the direction of her family property.

  When Bev arrived at her property, she looked the house over with a critical eye. She scoffed at Airabelle’s words that the place was a monstrosity. The house was rather enormous. It had been built onto several times throughout the decades. Maybe it does look a little rambling. She tilted her head to the side as she studied it and thought: It looks more like a home to me and not a haunted house. Before Bev continued up the walkway, she closed her eyes and remembered the special protection words Dianna had taught her. Quietly Bev said the words so she could enter. She walked up the stately brick stairway to the front door.

  Kharissa saw Bev approach the house and opened the door for her. “Ma’am, if I do say so myself, you haven’t changed one bit. You look like a movie star if I ever saw one.” They laughed at that comment and hugged one another. Kharissa continued, “You laugh but it’s true.”

  Bev took the scarf down from her hair and fashionably wrapped it around her neck. Bev turned to look closely at Kharissa. She hated the fact that her friend was getting older. It was reassuring to see that she still had a sparkle in her eyes. A thought crossed her mind: I know very little about Kharissa or her family. She’s just always been here taking care of things since I was a little girl. She accompanied her mom as she took care of the house for Dianna. Kharissa is older than me, but I can still remember the two of us playing hide and seek in this house.

  Bev heard a giggle from behind Kharissa’s long skirt. Kharissa shook her head. “I had to bring my daughter and granddaughter.”

  Kharissa moved aside to reveal a beautiful child with straight, long, coal black hair that complimented her pale and slightly freckled complexion. She had the largest brown eyes Bev had ever seen. They smiled at each other.

  Kharissa introduced her: “Precious, this is Mrs. Beverly Jones. She owns this lovely house.”

  Bev reached out to shake Precious’ hand. “How do you do Miss Precious? You may call me Bev since we are friends now.”

  The child shook her hand, giggled and ran away calling, “Mama, Mama, Bev’s here!”

  Her mother came around the corner. “It’s Mrs. Jones, Precious.”

  Zaira hurriedly walked across the room to greet Bev. “Hello Mrs. Jones. It’s been a while.”

  “Hello Zaira. Your daughter’s name fits her. She is precious.”

  Zaira nodded. “That she is. I hope you don’t mind that we brought her.”

  “I’m glad she’s here.”

  Bev turned to Kharissa. “You mentioned in your let
ter that you need to speak to me about details.”

  Kharissa said, “Follow me…”

  Chapter 40

  When they finished their walk through, Bev said, “I agree with your suggestions. I’ll ask Ned to take care of those things.

  “I’m going to be in the study for a while if you need me.”

  Bev left Kharissa and walked through the mansion to the old study. She tried not to look at the furnishings along the way but couldn’t help herself. Her walk brought back memories of her time with Dianna. She and Kharissa had figured out that it had been ten years since the last visit. She wasn’t sure when she could return again. Bev paused facing the double doors to the study. There was a secret to opening them. She breathed in and slowly exhaled before finding the hidden catch. As she heard the click, Bev opened the doors.

  Dianna’s study had a mystical charm that was different from the rest of the house. There was something about this particular room that had fascinated Bev since childhood. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what made this room so distinctive. This was where she always felt inspired as if she had awakened from a deep sleep refreshed and rejuvenated. For some reason her aunt’s vibrant presence still filled the mansion. From time to time she believed she could still smell Dianna’s perfume; this was one of those times. She folded her arms and looked around: Nothing out of place or amiss. The huge enchanted paintings on the walls were priceless works of art. The scenes always changed to fit the mood. They captured the imagination and would lure the viewer to stare at the images for hours. Bev didn’t have time to enjoy the art today. Carson and Charles were waiting in the market so she needed to finish the task at hand.


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