Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 24

by Elaine Bassett

  Nxy crossed the border to find one of the best Scouts they had in the organization. She had already scored on her latest victim and was looking for a challenge this time. This score might be my last hurrah for a while. Later I won’t be able to take a chance with my baby. I want to do something special, something no one else could even attempt. I want to be a legend so the upper echelon will remember me. It has to be so big I will be able to return to my position after my love-star child is born.

  As Nxy walked, she felt the eyes of the pawns in place monitoring her. The only way they would have spotted her was if they had been given orders to watch for her. She figured they were already reporting on her whereabouts. Nxy sighed. This might prove to be a little trickier than she had first thought.

  Nxy went into a busy restaurant and looked around the lobby. She went over to the hostess station and said, “I have a tag on my shirt that is bothering me. Do you have a pair of scissors that I could borrow to cut it off?”

  The hostess opened a drawer and handed her a pair of scissors. Nxy thanked the girl before walking straight to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror as she began cutting the pink ends off her hair. A lady entered the bathroom and walked to the sink. Nxy took a paper towel, gathered up the evidence and threw it in the trash. Then she went into a stall. Nxy took off her slacks, turning them inside out. The pants were now black. She shrugged off her pink jacket, and glanced at the white lace short-sleeved shirt that was underneath. Nxy took off her necklace and put it in the pants’ pocket. Then she took off her pink shoes before walking out of the bathroom. She scooted into an empty booth and put the shoes under the table. She lined them up against the wall so no one would discover them.

  She then took her jacket to a server and said, “A lady with blonde hair left this at a booth. I imagine she will be back for it. You can’t miss her. She’s wearing matching pink pants.” The server thanked her and took the jacket to a manager.

  Nxy then walked up to the hostess stand, put the scissors on the reservation book and walked out of the restaurant undetected. She headed for a shoe store where she bought a pair of shoes to match her black leather pants. She took her necklace out of her pocket and put it back on.

  She then sauntered in the general direction of the Scout she was searching for. Once Nxy located him, she thought: This is where it could get ugly. She was about to infringe on someone else’s score. She took a deep breath, watched and waited. Nxy rubbed one of the beads of the necklace between her fingers as she formulated her plan.

  Chapter 48

  Charles sat in class and thought back on his sophomore year of school. He’d worked harder this school year than he ever had before. He reflected back on all the class projects and research papers he’d had to complete. Not only did he have weighted classes to contend with but assignments from Dimitrios to complete as well. It turned out that basketball practice and their games ended up being the highlight of his school year. He and Peter were a winning combination on the basketball court. They ended with a winning season, taking first place in the state championship.

  He gazed briefly out the window to freedom then looked back at the test on his desk. He didn’t want to stop daydreaming but forced himself to refocus on the papers in front of him. With this being the last final exam of the day and the last day of the school year, Charles worried about turning in this test in his challenge class. He sat in his chair and looked over the answers he’d written on the exam. He found that he was now second-guessing his answers. He glanced around the room and noticed most of the other students were still working on the test. Charles glanced at the clock and decided he was going to turn in his test papers, ready or not.

  The walk to the instructor’s desk was the longest walk he’d ever taken in a classroom. Charles felt like the room had somehow grown by four lengths since he stood to leave. When he reached the teacher’s desk, he waited for the man to acknowledge him. He had felt his instructor’s eyes on him the entire time he was taking the test; but now that he was ready to hand over his test, the man was suddenly busy. Charles patiently waited.

  The teacher looked at the test papers and raised an eyebrow before accepting them from Charles. Charles looked at the clock once again. It was close enough to the end of the hour that he could leave the classroom. He went to get his backpack and walked out of the classroom for the last time.

  As Charles walked down the hall, he thought back over the test and had to admit it was tough because it consisted of all essay questions. He knew that he had tried his best. Charles believed that his grade would be subjective, at the discretion of the instructor. He wasn’t at all sure what grade he would receive on his report card for the class. He’d fought a battle for every “A” he’d received in there. He believed he had to go above and beyond in order to justify his work. Charles breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled at the thought that this class and its final exam were now finished. All that was left to do was wait for his grade card to come in the mail.

  Charles was deep in thought as he went to find Caroline so he could walk her to her bus. A few of his friends talked to him along the way. He caught up with Caroline at her locker. She had just shut her locker door. Charles offered to walk her to the bus. They talked about their day. When they stopped at the bus, she told him goodbye then got on the bus. After Caroline sat down, he waved to her and ran to meet Cynthia.

  Chapter 49

  Today was Charles’ turn to celebrate his birthday. He had requested that the celebration be kept small. Nana invited Caroline, Al and Margaret. Of course Carson, Molly, Jack, Cynthia, Pete, Sophie, Abby and Carson’s sister, Chelsea, joined in the party. Bev cooked Charles’ favorite entrée and side dishes. After the meal, Charles opened his gifts and thanked everyone. Bev began to clean up with Abby and Margaret’s help. The guests then left the room to find places to talk or read. Molly asked Charles if he was ready to get his driver’s license.

  Charles grinned. “I’m more than ready! Would it be okay if Caroline joined us?”

  His mom gave her permission, if he asked Margaret first. Charles went to the kitchen to ask Margaret. When she nodded yes to the request, Charles looked for Caroline. She was sitting with Cynthia, Pete and Sophie. Charles walked to the group and asked Caroline to come for a walk with him. When he asked if she would like to go to the license bureau, she told him to lead the way. They hurried to meet Molly at the car.

  As they walked in the license bureau, Charles took a ticket before sitting down. The lady behind the counter asked for the people taking the written driving test to stand in a line. They were immediately ushered into a room separated from everyone else. Everyone in his group was told to take a seat at a desk. The moderator asked that they wait until all the test booklets were handed out before beginning. He walked around the room handing out a pencil and a copy of the test to each person. He instructed them to fill in the oval of the best answer. After the last test was handed out, he said, “You may begin, and good luck.”

  Charles was the first person to finish his test. He looked it over before he handed it in. He was instructed to wait for the results. After the officer graded the test he looked at Charles. “Congratulations. You may take your results and proceed to the line for your driving test.”

  Charles waited in line for an officer to return to the building. As he stood in line and watched, Charles had a pretty good idea which officer he wanted to give him the driving test. He did not want the old grouchy officer. Charles crossed his fingers. He smiled when he saw that the first officer to come back was the grouch. He would take the girl in front of him. The grouch went to talk to the lady behind the desk. Another officer returned and took the girl in front of him to take her driving test. Charles grimaced when the grouchy officer looked at him and pointed to the door leading outside.

  The grouchy officer whispered, “You can’t win them all young man.” They walked out of the building to his car.

  The officer whistled and pointed. “This is your car?”
  Charles nodded. “That’s it.”

  They got into his car. Charles put on his seatbelt, the officer followed suit. Charles adjusted his mirrors and put the key in the ignition to start the car. The man instructed Charles where he was to drive. Throughout the test the officer sat quietly; he spoke only when telling Charles what skills were to be demonstrated. At the end of the test, the officer asked him to park the car. He totaled the points on the paper on his clipboard. The man unbuckled his seatbelt and handed the scored sheet to Charles.

  As Charles looked it over, the officer said, “I hope the next time I see you, it isn’t to give you a speeding ticket. Take that to the front desk and get your mug shot.”

  Charles swallowed hard. “No, Sir. I’ll be a careful driver.”

  The officer stepped out of the car. “That’s what they all say.” He closed the car door and walked through to the building.

  Charles looked over his test paper. He passed without missing a point. Charles let out a sigh of relief.

  Molly watched the officer walk in without Charles. She stood to find her son. She walked to the door and looked out in the parking lot at Charles. As they made eye contact, he held the sheet and car keys up in the air. Molly smiled and quietly clapped her hands for him.

  Charles rushed in to take the scored sheet to the lady at the front desk. As he stood in line, he looked around. There were several people in front of him. He looked at Caroline and grinned. She waved and smiled at his success. He glanced down at the test sheet in his hands. The top copy had his written test score, perfect. The second had his written score, perfect.

  Then he noticed there was a third page. Charles flipped to the last page that wasn’t attached to the others. He placed it on top of the test pages and looked it over. It was an invitation to a sacred selection interview for the Brotherhood of the Finders Sojourners. The letter said he was to R.S.V.P. by midnight but didn’t give an address or directions.

  Charles wasn’t paying enough attention to realize he was next in line. The lady asked for the information she needed to get him licensed. He didn’t hear her, so she asked again. Charles handed her the papers that were underneath the invitation.

  She frowned as she looked at him over her glasses. “What is that that you have in your hands young man?”

  Charles shook his head. “Nothing.”

  The woman held her hand out for the paper. Charles was uncertain. He froze. The lady stayed as still as a statue. Molly witnessed the whole episode. She casually walked over to find out what was going on. His mother took the paper from Charles and handed it to the lady. The lady looked it over and smiled.

  Charles asked, “May I have the paper back?”

  “Yes, you may.” She handed back a blank sheet of paper.

  Charles blinked. How could that be? He’d been watching the woman the whole time. He didn’t see her switch the papers. Charles started to ask the lady what had happened to the original paper, when the officer he had taken the test with briskly walked over to the counter.

  “Mabel, is there a problem?”

  She looked at Charles. “I don’t think so. This young man was just about to get in line to have his picture taken for his driver’s license.”

  The officer growled, “Move along. People are waiting behind you.” He pointed to the line Charles needed to be in. Charles did as he was told. He walked over to the other line and waited.

  After he had his picture taken, Molly whispered to him as they waited, “Charles why didn’t you just hand the lady the blank paper?”

  He shrugged and looked around at the people who were in the building. He turned just in time to glance at a man walking out the door. The man quickly made eye contact with Charles before walking out into the parking lot.

  Molly was still talking. “After we get your license, you can drive us back to the farm.”

  Charles had his picture taken and was soon handed his driver’s license. Molly followed Charles and Caroline to the car. Charles sat in the driver’s seat as they put on their seatbelts. He smiled when he turned the key in the ignition. He carefully backed out of his parking space and drove back to the party. He pulled up in the driveway and stopped near the front door.

  As they walked up the porch steps, Charles held his car keys up and announced he was ready to drive. Everyone congratulated him. Bev announced it was time for dessert. She served her famous blue ribbon baked applesauce cake with ice cream. Charles blew out the candles and made a wish. He smiled remembering last year’s wish. After dessert, everyone once again left the table.

  Pete, Cynthia, Sophie, Charles and Caroline began playing a game of cards. After several rounds were played, Sophie stood and walked to the kitchen. She took Abby’s hand and led her into the room.

  Sophie said with a smile, “Look who I brought to make the number even.” Abby joined in the card game.

  After playing several different card games, Charles and Caroline excused themselves. They walked outside and down the lane.

  Charles asked, “Caroline would you like to join me for lunch tomorrow? I can drive to your house and pick you up.”

  “Yes, I’d love to join you for lunch. I need to ask my parents for their permission first. Would it be okay for me to call and ask now?”

  Charles held Caroline’s hand and they walked inside the house to the kitchen. Caroline picked up the telephone to call her mother.

  Chapter 50

  As Non was going over the possible scenarios in detail with Joseph and his father at the table, an informant knocked on the door. Donovan scowled. “What’s he doing here? Let him in.”

  Joseph walked over and opened the door. The informant whispered to Joseph that Nxy had disappeared after a pawn had watched her enter a restaurant. He became very angry and growled, “Find her, now.”

  “We’ve been trying for the last hour.”

  Joseph looked over at his father and Non, who were now watching them. Joseph turned to the informant. “Do what you have to do to get her location.” The informant left.

  Donovan and Non went back to their previous conversation. Joseph rejoined their discussion until Non gave him an opportunity to depart by saying, “I need to leave now in order to direct the manager for tonight’s auction.”

  Donovan said, “Send Joseph. He can do that. We’ve got to finish going over this information.” Joseph left the room and went in search of the manager.

  The auction manager already had Non’s orders on his clipboard, so Joseph took the hint. He went to his office for his paperwork. He left the compound to find Nxy. He thought: Those jokers may not know where to find her, but I have a pretty good idea as to where she is and what she’s attempting to accomplish. He was going to put a stop to it.

  Nxy had been watching for long enough. She was ready to move in and take over. She knew just how to do it. She began crossing the busy street. Before Nxy reached the other side, someone grabbed her arm. The assailant began pulling her in another direction.

  Once Nxy realized who it was, she growled, “Just what do you think you are doing? Release me. I was just about to…”

  Joseph stopped, turned around and glared at her. The way he looked at her stopped her in midsentence. He finished the sentence for her, “Go back home. Now.” She was devastated and shook her head, no.

  He glared right in her face to remind her who was the boss. Then he escorted her back toward the compound.

  Nxy debated on whether she could give Joseph the slip as well but decided against it. She knew it was dangerous for him to cross the border and figured she’d better return with him back to the compound. Then after he went back to work, she’d figure something out. She told him about her outfit change.

  Joseph sighed then changed direction to retrieve her clothes from the restaurant. He told her to wait in the lobby while he went to collect her things. Nxy rolled her eyes as he said, “I mean business when I tell you to wait right here. I will find you if you leave.” She looked away.

He took her chin and gently turned it toward him. “I love you. I want you and our baby to be safe.”

  Nxy couldn’t argue with that. She followed Joseph as he entered the restaurant. While he was gathering her things, he received some strange looks. She wondered what his explanations would be for getting her shoes. She thought: That explanation ought to be rich. “Pardon me, but I need to get under your table for my girlfriend’s shoes.” Then to walk up to the hostess and say, “Excuse me, but my girlfriend left a pink jacket when we were here earlier.” She bit her thumbnail as she smiled just thinking about it.

  Just then a man from the compound burst through the door of the restaurant. He quickly walked past her in order to talk directly to Joseph. The two men came back out to the restaurant’s lobby looking grim. Joseph had her shoes and jacket. He took Nxy by the arm and accompanied her briskly back toward the border. The pawns in place noticed the couple and silently returned into a secretive position-mode that alerted Nxy something big had just developed.

  Once they crossed the border, two vehicles were waiting for them. One took Nxy back to her house; the other took Joseph to his father. They had had an emergency while he was away. Donovan was having a snit fit because Joseph had sneaked off the compound. Non was waiting for Joseph once he arrived at the door. He rushed Joseph to his father’s office.

  As soon as Joseph entered the room, Donovan went off. “We’ve had an emergency around here, and I find that you’re sneaking out, going after your piece of fluff! I don’t think your actions are funny or cute! It’s very serious around here right now. How do I know I can trust you to keep your eye on our operations, if you keep crossing the border without a specified mission? It’s dangerous! You’re not thinking straight. Now focus on what has happened, will you?


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