Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 38

by Elaine Bassett

  He had worked through the complications found earlier then went in search of the night manager. After discussing a few operational issues with the man, Non left the building. As he walked around the compound, those who saw Non congratulated him on obtaining the prized Witzenelt Collection. If the truth was to be told, he too had mixed emotions, just as Joseph had admitted, on obtaining the tainted crystals for Maureen. He knew all too well the unpleasant background behind the powerful tainted crystals. He wasn’t sure Maureen, as tough as she was, could control them; even though she had assured him on numerous occasions she could. Non wasn’t even sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that he could handle them, if he was to be in their presence. He shivered at the thought of being anywhere near them. He didn’t want anything to do with the Witzenelt Collection. He just hoped Maureen had sense enough to put them in her family’s vault, and not somewhere Donovan could get his overzealous hands on them.

  He’d heard from a reliable source that Donovan had too easily handed the Witzenelt Collection over to Maureen. Knowing Donovan as well as he did, that act made Non extremely suspicious. Deep down he didn’t trust Donovan. His allegiance had always been with Maureen, not Donovan.

  It had always been Maureen for him and no one else, ever. It was a complicated situation, but through the years he’d always managed to keep surveillance on Maureen for her protection. This acquisition put fear into him. He was afraid she was dabbling into something she may not fully comprehend. He thought that perhaps the Witzenelt’s might be rejoicing that the collection, and their family’s curse which they inherited with the crystals, had disappeared without a trace tonight. They’d been sworn protectors of the collection for so long, he figured they were now celebrating the reality of being freed from the affliction.

  Non contemplated about all of the turmoil occurring throughout the universe. He thought back to a year ago, when he’d encouraged Donovan to implement his all-encompassing strategy to build and eventually maintain an empire in order to seize a majority control over the Universal Game. It had been working brilliantly, until recently when Donovan decided to become power hungry and had slaughtered the men at the incident. Non was worried about a downward spiral effect from that fiasco. There was an undercurrent of uneasiness that had been spreading like a plague. So far he had been keeping a tight rein over the unsavory happenings and repercussions from the fallout that were currently taking place, by utilizing his spies. Non was feeling pressure to figure out a way to calm the troubled waters that threatened to drown them all in a whirlpool. He knew it was imperative to monitor the situation closely. He would have to devise a strategy for saving Donovan’s empire by focusing his undivided attention on the activities happening in the universe before it was too late and all was lost.

  Non walked alone in the darkness to his home. He never understood why people were afraid of the dark. It calmed him and helped him to think rationally. He opened the back door to his house. He seldom entered through the front door. It would be too predictable for his enemies. He walked through the doorway and caught the scent of a familiar fragrance. He closed the door and stood still letting his eyes adjust so he could see her. He shook his head.

  “You shouldn’t have come here tonight of all nights. I still have work to complete. Not only that, but it’s too dangerous.” By this time she was already standing face to face with him. He continued, “You know we are in trouble. Now’s not the time for this. You’re only complicating things.”

  She responded back in a playful whisper, “Says who, the voice of reason? You forget my dear, you’re not talking to a reasonable woman.”

  Chapter 76

  Charles pulled up in the driveway. He got out of his car, glanced at the sky and put up the garage door. Then he carefully drove in the garage. He parked his car, shut off the engine and stepped out to close the garage door. Tonight they were going to celebrate Sophie’s birthday. Nana and Abby had been cooking and preparing for the big event all day long. The smells in the house made Charles’ stomach growl. He had just enough time for a quick snack, before he was needed to help Paw Paw rearrange the dining room.

  The doorbell rang. It was Margaret and Al. They handed Charles their coats and Margaret went straight to the kitchen to help Bev and Abby finish cooking and setting up. Al walked in to help Carson and Charles. He said, “It’s getting colder. Looks like snow for Miss Sophia’s birthday.” Once the furniture was arranged, Carson and Al went to the library to read the newspaper.

  Everyone knew when the birthday girl arrived. She was the center of attention. Charles looked at Sophia and thought: My little sister isn’t little anymore. She still had curly light brown hair but she was turning into quite the pretty young lady. She had a whimsical style that was all her own. Today Sophie had decorated her blue jeans with fabric marker and glitter paint. Bev commented that her youngest granddaughter was an extraordinary artist. Often Sophie wrote poetry on her jeans and sometimes stories that she made up. One thing was certain you never knew which Sophie original she might end up wearing. Today she was all glittery and sparkly. Absolutely fitting for a birthday girl.

  At some point Charles noticed she had a scarf tied around her head. Typical Sophie. Everyone said somewhere through their bloodlines she was the ancestor of a gypsy. She had every mystical quality of a true free spirit.

  Charles watched his youngest sister as he went from room to room helping. Sophie eventually gravitated to the room where Abby was sitting. Sophie and Abby were kindred-like spirits, or as Molly called them mystical magnets. Sophie sat on the couch, chewing gum and blowing bubbles. Cynthia was pretending to be annoyed and would pop the bubbles just as fast as her younger sister could blow them. The two sisters were laughing.

  The doorbell rang again. Peter was at the door. As soon as Cynthia heard his voice, she ran to meet him, leaving Sophie in the same room with Abby.

  On his way to place food on the table, Charles hesitated long enough in the doorway to catch a glimpse of what Abby and Sophie were doing. He hurried to put the food on the table then returned to the doorway to observe. He smiled at what he was witnessing. He soon headed back to the kitchen to carry more food to the table. Charles had to make several trips back and forth.

  Sophie was gesturing to a marble she had in her hand. As Charles watched, he heard Sophie giggle and say to their aunt, “I can tell your fortune with this marble.”

  “Oh, you can, can you? It isn’t a crystal ball you know.”

  Sophie shrugged. She leaned over to Abby and said, “I don’t need a big crystal ball. I’ve told others’ futures with things like a cootie catcher and number games. I did it for Caroline. I learned things about them that they wouldn’t want me to know.”

  Abby glanced at Charles and then back to Sophie. “You could see their future huh?”

  “Sure did. They are going to get married and have four kids.”

  Abby giggled, knowing Charles was listening. “Are you sure about that Sophie?”

  “Sure as Sophie is my name. I learned a few other surprises as well about those two. My lips are sealed. I’d show you the proof but someone took the evidence.”

  Abby played along and said, “Okay then, go ahead and tell what my future holds.”

  Sophie held the marble in the palm of her left hand. She placed her right hand over the marble and made circles in the air. Sophie bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. She said a few nonsense words. Abby mumbled the words in unison. Then his sister blew on the marble in a steady breath. Charles watched the look on Abby’s face. She was intently watching Sophie in action. Charles had never seen anything like what happened next. It was as if glitter had been thrown up into the air; the marble was floating and flashing images were projected around it. Charles’ mouth dropped open and he hid from sight.

  Abby said in a purring voice, “Very nicely done. I thought I was the only one who could do that.”

  “You were, but I borrowed it from you.”

  Abby seemed pleased. “Oh I
see. Well then, I bet you have things you can do on your own.”

  “Yes, a few. I’m getting better at it all the time.”

  Abby encouraged her. “Keep practicing my dear. I love your surprises.”

  Charles went to his bedroom and stood looking out the window. He replayed what he had seen in his head. It made sense to him that Sophie could do things that other family members could not. He was just in shock, thinking about her latest performance. He reviewed the images he had seen in the marble from across the room. When Charles had looked in the marble, it was as though he was seeing it through Sophie’s eyes. He shook his head.

  Sophie went to find Molly, who was talking to Chelsea in the kitchen. She held the enchanted marble in front of her and asked her mother, “Mama, do you want me to do a reading on you?”

  “Not now Honey, maybe later.”

  She took the marble from Sophie. Sophie tried to get it back, but Molly told her to run along. When Sophie left the kitchen, Molly set the marble on the kitchen table absent-mindedly, while she continued to talk.

  Carson walked by and picked it up. “I think this belongs to one of my games.” He nonchalantly put it in his pocket. Then he walked around the house, requesting that everyone come to the dining room to celebrate Sophie’s birthday.

  Sophie’s birthday dinner had her favorite entrée and side dishes. When the dinner dishes were removed, they had cake and ice cream. After the meal was finished, everyone went into the family room to get ready for Sophie to open gifts, leaving Bev and Abby to clear off the table. Margaret was in the kitchen putting the leftovers away.

  Charles just happened to be looking for the camera when he overheard Abby talking to Nana. Bev had just picked up a plate from the table when Abby said, “Bev, we simply must talk after the party.”

  Bev was curious. “Of course. What about?”


  Bev paused. “Sophie?”

  Abby leaned in and whispered in her ear. The plate that Bev held in her hand slipped from her fingers and shattered into a hundred pieces on the floor. Bev placed her hand to her mouth in shock.

  Abby put her hands out and whispered, “Don’t move Bev.” She knelt down and began scrutinizing the broken pieces of china on the floor.

  Charles looked around the table trying to remember where everyone was sitting. Nana had dropped Sophie’s plate on the ground. He turned back to watch Abby and strained to hear what she was saying in another language. Nana was as pale as fine white porcelain.

  Just as Abby stopped talking, Margaret came into the room. Abby said, “I’m so sorry, I was just trying to help clean this up. I’ll get this…”

  She turned and silently kept looking at what was hidden to everyone else in the room. Abby reached for the pieces and placed them in her hand. Margaret insisted that Abby stop clearing away the broken plate. Bev just stared at Abby with tears in her eyes.

  Abby whispered, “It’s true. She’s a wise one, Bev, just like us. She has the sight.”

  When Margaret returned, Bev looked at Charles with tears forming gently over her eyes. Charles moved to come near but she held up her hand to stop him. Then she turned her attention back to the mess. Bev silently regrouped and wiped the tears from her eyes. No one was the wiser.

  Charles looked around the room and noticed Sophie was sitting on a chair watching. He and Sophie gazed at one another without saying a word.

  Chapter 77

  Since it had snowed several inches the night before, Charles left for school early. Carson went to his office, then through the Passageway to the Hub market. He went directly to Nicky’s kiosk. Nicky was conversing with a customer. When he saw Carson, he asked his wife to help the customer. He went directly to talk to Carson.

  Carson pulled Sophie’s marble from his pocket and showed Nicky. Nicky took the marble from him. He examined it through a special loupe that he had withdrawn from one of his many pockets.

  He whistled. “It’s an ordinary, clear glass marble.” He handed it back to Carson saying, “With the exception that it has been used by a visualist.” He handed Carson his special loupe.

  Carson looked through the loupe and moved the marble around to see what was locked inside the glass. He handed the loupe back to Nicky. “A visualist, huh?”

  Nicky confirmed it again, “A visualist. However this was no ordinary visualist. I’d say this was someone special, an enchantress.” He pointed to the marble. “A powerful enchantress.”

  Carson looked at the marble thoughtfully then put it back into his pocket. “Why would you say a powerful enchantress?”

  Nicky shook his head. “She left an impression etched in the glass. Not many enchantresses around of that caliber anymore. If they are that powerful, they have followers.” He leaned in, looked around and whispered, “The kind of power that Xidoran was capable of using. If you get my drift.”

  Carson nodded. “Loud and clear. Thank you old friend. You’ve been very helpful.”

  “No problem, anytime. Hey, if you want to sell that, I’ll buy it from you.”

  “Thank you for the offer, but this is a keeper.”

  Nicky looked disappointed and said, “The offer stands.”

  Carson went back through the Passageway. He went straight to the vault and placed the marble in a drawer. He sat down at his desk and pondered how he was going to handle the information he had discovered. The time was right for him to discuss this with Bev. Carson knew he would have to be very careful; it was going to be a delicate discussion.

  After Carson decided how he was going to approach Bev, he stood and went to the house. He didn’t have to say anything. Bev took one look at his face, and she knew it was true. They met in the middle of the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

  Bev sighed. “I always knew it. I think we both did.”

  “We’d have to be blind not to see it.”

  “She’ll have to be trained. Abby is the only one who can do it in this realm.”

  Carson looked into her eyes. “If you feel this is something you have to do, then you have my blessing.” Carson kissed her hand then her forehead.

  Chapter 78

  Dimitrios left the office to meet Natalie and Wayland at their favorite restaurant. Several days had gone by and he had taken the time to carefully examine the information Reiko had recorded. He felt greatly relieved after studying the entire incident several times. He’d also been reading through his notes, trying to make his theory work scientifically. Bits and pieces of his memory slowly began to come back to him. He considered getting the memory starter, as the leader named Nxy, mentioned when she had him dumped off in the alleyway.

  The Sojourners’ Council were constantly digging for answers and making inquiries. They seemed to be appeased for the time being with the answers Dimitrios had been giving them of the bits and pieces that he remembered. They had agreed to put extra precautions in place throughout the metropolis to avoid that kind of breach from ever happening again in the future.

  When Natalie and Wayland walked across the restaurant to join him at the booth, Dimitrios stood and handed Reiko back to Wayland. Dimitrios thanked him for sharing the information. They quietly discussed the events that Reiko had recorded over lunch.

  After lunch, Dimitrios turned to Natalie and asked how she felt about Cassia. Natalie responded that she heartily approved of the lady. His daughter stated that she would be happy if the two became a couple. She hugged him.

  Dimitrios acted puzzled by her reaction. “What are you trying to say?”

  Natalie looked at Wayland then back at her father. “I thought you were talking about asking her to marry you?”

  “You thought I was going to ask Cassia to marry me?”

  Natalie shrugged. “That’s what I thought you were talking about.”

  He shook his head. Then he nodded and smiled. “I was.”

  They laughed at his joke. He told them how he was going to propose. They added their thoughts on how he could ma
ke it a little more romantic. He considered their ideas and agreed to some.

  After they left the restaurant, he went back to the office to find Cassia.

  Chapter 79

  Charles met Caroline at her locker after their last class. They walked to his car and he drove to the farm. They went into the office and saw Natalie talking with Carson. Charles said hello as he went to his desk to work. He intended to catch up on his journal writing and then study his Sojourner manuals before the next meeting with Dimitrios.

  Natalie decided it would be beneficial for Caroline to learn more about the use of crystals. She reached for her bag that was setting on the corner of Carson’s desk. The two young ladies went to the office chairs and Natalie set her bag on the table. She took her crystal, a manual and some Sojourner tools from the bag.

  Before she could begin her lesson, Caroline casually asked Natalie how she and Wayland met and became a couple. Natalie explained the whole story starting with Max’s foiled attempt to kidnap her. She told Caroline how brave Wayland was being her protector and fighting alongside of her when the odds were against them.

  Natalie said, “Now Wayland and I enjoy spending time together. We are a lot alike, and share the same interests.”

  Natalie directed Caroline’s attention back to the crystal manual she brought for studying. Natalie said, “You have the beginning basics of using your crystal. I thought now would be a good time to practice more intermediate uses.”

  When they finished reading and discussing the information, Natalie picked up her crystal. She used the crystal to demonstrate what they had just read about in the manual. Caroline removed her crystal from her backpack and practiced along with Natalie. Then Natalie added a few tricks her dad had taught her.


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