Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 54

by Elaine Bassett

  Natalie smiled at his quick thinking. "First stop, to warn Daddy. He's not going to be happy," she stated.

  Meanwhile, Charles and Carson were having a discussion about the prior events. Bev wasn't convinced that they should visit the Stygian Market.

  Airabelle agreed with her and said, "Bev is the only one with common sense in this room. You should be listening."

  Bev said, "What do you think you could accomplish there? You can't help those unfortunate souls. That is the authorities’ jurisdiction. If you get caught, it’s possible that your actions could jeopardize Charles’ future, or worse yet put us all in danger. I vote no."

  Carson thought about her words and said, "She's right."

  Charles slumped in his seat. He wanted an adventure and a taste of excitement. He knew they were right though. He decided to research more about what Phil had written in his journals. Then if Dimitrios came to him, he'd be knowledgeable. The last thing he wanted was for Dimitrios to stop trusting him. In the last couple of months, Charles had been spending a lot of time with his mentor. Dimitrios had been opening up and sharing more information. Natalie was right; he knew her father would be sharing information about the “Unknown” sector with him, when he needed the facts.

  Charles also knew that Anthony and Dimitrios were preparing the information he would need about the government of Bridgeiro. During his last visit, Dimitrios shared that the prime minister was getting ready to start his own type of mentorship with Charles. He wondered what that might entail. He knew Anthony didn't want the Sojourner public to know that he had an apprentice at that time. It could take years to be announced. If Sojourners discovered that the prime minister was considering stepping down, then Anthony would be considered a lame duck head of state until Charles fully took over.

  Charles said, "Okay, you're right." He sighed. "Time for me to head off to bed." He helped Bev gather the snacks and dishes.

  Just then Dimitrios came charging through the Passageway. "Thank goodness, I found you! You weren't going to do something crazy tonight were you Charles? Tell me you weren't!"

  Charles looked at Carson and said, "I was. I was on my way to bed."

  Dimitrios closed his eyes and bent over then he stood straight. "Natalie told me about your conversation. I thought..."

  Charles said, “We talked about it and no, we are not going."

  "I'm so glad. I don't think you could find the criminals anyway. They are a slimy group. Not many Sojourners know how to locate their whereabouts."

  Charles couldn't resist adding, "By the small coin tattoo at the back base of their neck?"

  Dimitrios whipped around and looked at Charles. “How do you know this?”

  Charles knew he was in trouble. He looked down. Then he looked Dimitrios right in the eyes and said, "Our family journals have information on their secrets." Dimitrios looked stunned.

  He turned to Carson. "I would like to see them. May I?"

  Carson agreed, even though he knew by Sojourner law he didn't have to share the journal’s entries. He said, “I am not relinquishing them, though I will share the information. You may even tape the interview with your crystal for the benefit of the Sojourners. I do not however state that what is contained in the journals is true. I have no way of knowing."

  Dimitrios agreed that the journals would not be confiscated under any circumstance. Dimitrios and Charles went outside to talk, while Carson took the key and went to the picture where the keyhole was located. He turned the journal shelves around. Carson went directly to the journal that Phil had written and opened it to the place where the journalist had interviewed Jasen. When Dimitrios and Charles came back into the office, the bookcase was returned its original position. Carson handed Phil’s journal to Dimitrios, who was fascinated.

  Everyone put on their Sojourner glasses and watched as Phil interviewed Jasen right in the office. The characters came to life right before their eyes because Jasen had agreed to a full body scan. Taking a full body scan meant that he could take questions from everyone in the room, and give answers if he chose. It was like having him actually in the room with them.

  Carson unlocked a secret compartment within the spine of the journal allowing everyone wearing Sojourner glasses to actually participate in the interview. Charles and Dimitrios were amazed that the journal had the capability to transport them to the actual interview. At first Jasen was startled by the presence of so many people. Phil knew this could happen and he wasn't fazed at all by the audience. He knew that they had to be his descendants since this was documented in his journal for future reference. He was actually relieved that the journals had not been lost, but were actually being used.

  Jasen turned to Phil. "Who are these people? You didn't tell me that they could be here."

  Phil casually replied, "You didn't tell Sojourners that you were stealing from them either. Did you?"

  Jasen growled, "How do I know who these people are and what they will do with this information? They may turn me in. Do you know what would happen to me if they turn me in? Why should I tell them anything? I agreed to only talk to you."

  He turned to the observers and said, "I don't know who you are or how you got here. What do you want from me?"

  Carson reassured him they were there to observe the interview. Jasen reluctantly agreed that the others could listen and turned his attention to Phil. Phil went on with the interview and asked questions that Charles could see amazed Dimitrios. He was fascinated by what Jasen had to say.

  When Phil completed the long interview, everyone froze. No one could move and it became dark all around the area where they stood. Then Phil stepped out from darkness into a spot light.

  He said, "At this point I have frozen the surroundings so Jasen cannot leave. I did this interview for the benefit of my family and for no other reason. I would ask you, as observers, to not exploit this information or to attempt locating this dangerous group of individuals. As you can see from the interview Jasen has given me, it is extremely sensitive information to this criminal organization. Jasen is considered a Rogue Seeker. During this interview, he has imparted information about the Passageway Thieves’ clan. Members of this group do not ever get out, more than likely they would be eliminated first. The question and answer session you witnessed is information the outside world has only heard if they are watching this interview, during this session. If you have any questions, I can have them answered at this time. Now would be the time to ask. I can go back to where Jasen is waiting and ask him your questions before I set him free. He has agreed to be full body scanned; therefore the answers he provides are as if he is answering in person. If you do not have questions, then as far as I am concerned, he has lived up to his obligation. I do not believe that in the spirit of Jasen's agreement, that I can maintain my integrity as a journalist if in fact the interview is revisited again at a later date. It is my belief that the interview should stand as it occurred in real time. However, we are not under any legal contract and that decision is yours alone. He is however scared for his life and at some point he will refuse to answer any more questions. Wouldn't you? I cannot be the judge of what you choose to do with the information you receive from this interview. It is my hope that the information you gain is helpful to you, and that it will serve to help others." He waited for a response.

  Dimitrios asked Carson, "Can we stop what we are doing and come back later after we have discussed the interview?"

  Carson said, "I don't know. I have never entered a realm like this before in our family journals. I don't know what to expect."

  Dimitrios thoughtfully played the interview over in his mind trying to think what important information might have been missed. This was the moment that he once would have thought impossible. It was an interview he could only dream about. If he missed any relevant details that could help the authorities close down the “Unknown” operations, Anjoleah would be irate. Anthony would be disappointed at the missed opportunity. He thought: This is a chance to get infor
mation that could help us have a fighting chance against the thugs who have eluded the authorities through the ages. Rogue Seekers and Passageway Thieves rarely if ever get caught, and they never leave clues or a trail. They get in and out of their victim's space in no time at all. Anjoleah is a worthy opponent, but she doesn't have an inside track or a plant with this group. They are an inconspicuous clan and it seems that they will forever remain elusive. All the leads that we have gathered turn up being dead ends, or dead Sojourners. Time and again the authorities have tried unsuccessfully to track those that they thought were Passageway Thieves.

  Dimitrios was perplexed by the situation. It always came down to time. Something he was all too familiar with. This was one situation that he couldn't figure out a way to get more of it. Chances were if they tried to reenter the interview, Jasen would clam up. Now was the chance of infinity.

  Dimitrios said, "I'd like to ask a few more questions then we will be finished. You can keep your word and release Jasen." Phil looked relieved.

  Dimitrios said, "Thank you for your interview. It is the most detailed and important interview that has ever taken place."

  Phil replied, "I guess even in the future, Rogue Seekers and Passageway Thieves are still a menace.

  “I sense you are not a relative but rather someone of importance."

  "Yes, you are correct when you state I am not family. I feel as though I am after working with your family members for the past three years. Since you have given so much, I would like you to know that within your bloodline is another prime minister." Dimitrios looked at Charles.

  Phil looked proud as he smiled. He said to Charles, "Congratulations. I wish you the best in your endeavors and a successful reign."

  Dimitrios said, "I am the assistant of the prime minister. We have been at a disadvantage in dealing with “Unknown” thieves. Honestly, we have had little to go on. They vanish into the shadows."

  Phil understood his frustration and agreed. "I couldn't pass up this chance to help my family understand that they do exist and are very dangerous. No one wants to have a conversation about the “Unknown” thieves; therefore many Sojourners do not know of them, or want to acknowledge them. Everyone that does know about the clan is fearful. I wish I knew what happens to Jasen when he leaves the interview. I am certain he has to be back with his clan. Any deviation of his routine or orders may cost him his life."

  Dimitrios pondered this dreadful truth. He made a mental note to check into this Jasen to see if in fact, the organization that he worked for had eliminated him. Then Dimitrios asked Phil, “Would you ask Jasen a few important questions?” Phil agreed. Dimitrios stepped over to Phil and had a private discussion. He told Phil the questions he’d like Jasen to answer. Phil then left them and went back to his interrogation of Jasen.

  After the interrogation, Phil came back to where they were waiting. He asked if they had any other questions based on what they heard? He wanted to know if the answers Jasen gave were sufficient. Everyone agreed that the interview was extraordinary and that they gained useful knowledge from it.

  Dimitrios stated to Phil, "This was remarkable. I am going to visit the Hub library to study your official interviews."

  Phil said that he was honored to hear that his interviews were useful and that it was a pleasure to have them observe the interview with Jasen. He gave Carson a code so they could return to the site and listen to the interview again, if they needed to review what was said. Carson was to write the code in the margin of the journal where the interview took place then he had to run his crystal over the numbers to activate the code. Phil stated that since Jasen responded to all the questions asked of him, he believed that the young man had lived up to his agreement. He would be setting Jasen free immediately. Everyone agreed. They all shook hands.

  As Phil shook Charles’ hand, he congratulated him again. Before he stepped away Phil whispered to Charles, "I have a secret word I want you to remember. It’s important that you only use it when the time is right, and only with this man or the prime minister.” Charles looked puzzled by this statement, but nodded.

  Phil then said the word in his ear. He even spelled it for him.

  Charles turned his back to everyone and whispered back, “When will I know to use it?”

  “Oh, you’ll know.”

  Charles was puzzled by what Phil meant for him to do with a secret word. It was a mystery that Phil even offered it. Charles kept repeating it over and over. He felt as if it must be some kind of secret code, but for what he wasn't sure.

  He felt a strange sense of pity for Jasen. He too wondered what happened to the young man after he was set free. His mind raced with possible scenarios, until Carson said, "Time to go back." As they took off their Sojourner glasses, Phil and Jasen disappeared.

  Dimitrios was noticeably preoccupied, pondering what to do next with the information he had just witnessed. He thanked Carson for sharing his personal Sojourner family journals with him. He asked Charles how his senior year was going. They discussed his homework and school activities. Dimitrios asked for Charles’ grade sheet so he could check on his class standing. Dimitrios took the paper and once again thanked them before he left through the Passageway.

  Once on the other side, he rushed to Anthony's house. Nearly bumping into Sojourners that were clearly not in a hurry. Once he reached Anthony's residence, Dimitrios brushed his clothes and ran his fingers through his hair. He entered the passcode to the wrought iron gate and went to the front door. Anthony instantly opened the door.

  Before the prime minister could say anything, Dimitrios asked, "May I come in?"

  Anthony motioned for him to come inside. "Of course." He stepped aside as Dimitrios entered the house.

  The prime minister continued, “I stopped by your office before I left for the day. Cassia informed me that you had literally run out the door without saying anything to her. My first thought was that you were actually looking for me, but after waiting in my office for a considerable amount of time, I realized that it wasn't me you were going to meet." Anthony closed the door.

  Dimitrios nodded. "I can understand why you would think that. After all it seems as if I am doing a lot of running lately, and usually I am running to meet you because of your busy schedule. However it was Charles, I was running to find."

  Anthony raised his eyebrow and turned to walk to his study. Dimitrios followed him. Once they sat down, Dimitrios told Anthony about Natalie and Wayland's visit. He had Anthony's complete attention. Dimitrios went on to explain why he ran out of the office. He had envisioned Charles and Carson investigating the Stygian Market, trying to solve the mystery of who was involved with the Passageway Thieves. His suspicion was correct. They had been contemplating going, but had decided against it. Anthony sat motionless as he listened.

  Dimitrios went on, "As we were talking, Charles mentioned that he knew how to identify Passageway Thieves, by detecting the coin tattoo on the base of their neck." Anthony raised an eyebrow.

  Dimitrios cleared his throat and said, "When I asked Charles how he knew that information, he stated that they have within their family journals an interview recorded with a Rogue Seeker, who was fully body scanned." Anthony's eyes opened wide out of reflex. He quickly regained his composure.

  Dimitrios continued, "I know, I know. Anyway, I asked to see the interview. In order for Carson to let me view it, he stated that he wouldn't relinquish the journal. I agreed. It was worth it! I witnessed the most in-depth interview I have ever seen! The only drawback was that he had to ask questions right then, without the chance to interview at a later time.”

  “Why wouldn't he be able to interview him later?”

  “The journalist gave the Rogue Seeker his word there would only be one interview. If the promise had not been offered, the thief would have refused to talk. The Seeker was aware that his life was at stake. A longer interview would have alerted his superiors that something was amiss.”

  Dimitrios pulled a recorder from his poc
ket that replayed everything Phil and Jasen had said. When the interview finished, he stopped the recording and waited.

  Anthony said, "Excellent work as always. I think now is the time to include Anjoleah." Dimitrios agreed.

  Anthony walked to his desk and picked up his technology tablet. He dialed the commissioner’s code number. When Anjoleah answered, he asked her to come to his home immediately. She stated she would be there momentarily. It didn't take long for her to reach Anthony's front door. Both Anthony and Dimitrios stood when the doorbell rang.

  Dimitrios stayed behind when Anthony left to answer the door. He could hear Anthony and Anjoleah in the foyer, their voices just above a whisper. While Dimitrios waited, he looked around the room and noticed that it was strangely absent of pictures. Just for a moment he wondered what Anthony's life was really like, before the man became the prime minister. Another thought flashed through his mind. Anthony never talked about it, ever. He knew quite a bit about the man and his life because they had attended Brahmsley University together and moved in the same circle of friends. He knew the prime minister had integrity and would never turn his back on a friend. Other than that, Anthony was the wealthiest man on the planet. He had amassed a huge fortune. If anyone knew how to make money, it was Anthony. He came from very old money to begin with, but he had made his own fortune. Dimitrios also knew the prime minister was raised in the country of Greece.

  One time, long ago after a few glasses of his best wine, Anthony had told him that he lost the only love he had ever cared about. He never said how it happened. The prime minister never said her name or gave any other information about her.

  He thought about the conversation he had with Anthony the other day at lunch. Anthony had asked him how things were going with Cassia. Dimitrios was sure he'd turned several shades of red when he replied, "I'm happier than I’ve ever been."


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