K-9's Fight

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K-9's Fight Page 9

by E. C. Land

  “I’ll be there.” I nod.

  Nodding Horse and Twister leave the room. Lex stays behind and sits in the empty chair on the other side of my woman.

  “She’s gonna be okay,” he mutters softly, looking at his sister’s face.

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “I don’t think she remembers it, but our dad used to sit with her at night from the time she was still in her crib to the day before he died. He would sit there every night telling her stories about the man she would one day marry. Told her that that man would love her unconditionally and never let her go once she was his. Would say that a man loved his woman with everything he has. Said she would know when that man came into her life.”

  Where the hell is Lex going with this?

  Lex’s gaze comes to mine, and he holds my gaze. “I think my sister found this love years ago, but it wasn’t your brother like I had thought for so long. It was you, and she’s blamed herself for his death for far too long. I finally see the happiness pouring out of her when she’s with you. Same with you, brother. I won’t stand in your way when you are ready to ask her to marry you, but I do want you to promise to love her unconditionally like our dad used to tell her growing up.”

  Fuck me.

  Anabelle’s brother just gave me his blessing to marry my woman. “I already love her unconditionally, brother. She’s mine and has been for as long as I’ve known her.”

  “Good, then I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Lex nods with a grin.

  Giving Lex a grin of my own, I shake my head before looking at my woman.

  Today has been one hell of a day for both Anabelle and me.

  Leaning back in my seat, I close my eyes and wait for someone to come in to cast Anabelle’s wrist so I can get her out of here. The sooner I get her home, the sooner I can lay her out underneath me and reassure myself she’s okay.


  “What do you think?” I ask, looking to Horse. He’s not just my VP. He’s my brother-in-law and best friend. We had moved here to start this charter. Stoney, Horse’s pops could easily have put Horse in my position as Prez, but he didn’t. Said he wasn’t pulling favoritism over who would run this location.

  Horse and I work together and can all but read each other’s minds somedays. His being with my sister annoys me, but he adores my sister. Has for years now.

  “I’m thinking it’s a war that’s been going cold for so long that when it actually erupts, all hell will break loose,” Horse grunts walking out of the hospital.

  After checking on Anabelle, we decided to all head out. Striker made it through surgery, and we’ll be able to see him tomorrow. The doctor wants him to sleep through the night without being bothered. I stationed a prospect and a brother on each of them. With Anabelle hurt, K-9’s mind won’t be in it all the way. He’ll be focused on his woman.

  “Agree with you there. This started when Trevor attacked Tanner years ago. He knew who Anabelle was even back then. There’s gotta be another connection we’re missing with this.”

  “Think her uncle could have been involved with Trevor?” Horse grumbles, clenching his hands into a fist.

  “With that fucker, there’s always a possibility.” I shrug.

  “We’ll deal with it tomorrow. I gotta get home. The kids are already in bed, so that means I’ll get my woman to myself for a bit before she crashes.”

  “Fucker, I don’t need to hear about you and Kenny,” I groan, not wanting the image of my sister in my head.

  “Too fuckin’ bad. I’ll see you in the morning for church,” Horse says and climbs on his bike. I give him a two-finger salute and follow suit, thinking the same thing about being able to spend time with my own woman.

  Gadget had told me he has information to give me in the morning and that when I see it, I won’t be happy. The headaches that will be coming at the club will be here all too soon. Tonight, I need my woman to ease the rage burning inside me. She’s the only one who can calm me when I’m ready to blow like I am now.

  It’s been a long time since the clubs had any major trouble, and now we’re facing a war with a rival holding a vendetta. One, we need to figure out. This isn’t just about territory.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Last night after everything, K-9 had brought me to the clubhouse since he needed to be here first thing this morning for church. The club wanted to talk about what happened to both Striker and me. I didn’t need to be told to know that’s what they’re meeting for.

  Guilt eats at me, and I don’t know how to stop it. I’m out of work for the next week. My boss had wanted me to take some time off to allow my wrist a chance to heal a bit. I wanted to argue, but I didn’t. I get she’s using my wrist as an excuse for me to take time off rather than the attack itself.

  Why had Trevor wanted me, to begin with, is bugging me?

  What did I ever do to him?

  Questions continue to bombard my mind, and I’m conflicted wanting the answers . . . answers that I know I want to get.

  Snuggling deeper into K-9’s bed, I think about the day and everything going on between us. K-9 deserves more than me and last night proves it. I’m weak compared to the ol’ ladies of this club. I haven’t been through hell like them, and yet my co-workers had knocked me out to keep me from acting out.

  Tears well in my eyes at the thought. Maybe I should just leave. Get out of here before K-9 comes back in. I should give him the chance to be with someone that is worth his love. My son is still at my brother’s house spending the day with Bethany and Alexis’ kids, so I don’t have to worry about him. I just need to get the courage to get off this bed and walk out of here before he comes back.

  Climbing off his bed, I let out a shuddering breath. It’s now or never. Dressed in one of K-9’s shirts, I pull on my jeans that I’d intended to put on last night when I went to my car to get my extra clothes at the hospital. I slip on my shoes and head for the door. I pause only long enough to look back at the bed once.

  I know without a doubt K-9 will be pissed with me when he finds me gone, but in time he’ll understand. I hope.


  Sitting at the bar in the main room of the clubhouse, I sip on my coffee. It’s still early in the morning, and with three kids, I need the peace and quiet. Okay, so I use that as my excuse to get out of the house. I mainly wanted to be with my man. I love my kids, but sometimes a woman just needs her man, plus I know something’s up with him. Last night he came home and did something he has rarely done—hold me to him without trying to get any booty. Horse is a man who has a very active sexual appetite. It’s his way of connecting with me when we’re constantly busy all day.

  Between the kids, Outlaw Racks, and the club, we’re both always on the go. JC is now playing football for a little league team, so I also juggle that into the schedule.

  I didn’t have to worry about the kids this morning since they’re at my brother and Izzy’s house. Kayla had wanted to spend the night with Mercy. Those two are thick as thieves and drive their dads nuts.

  Being here at the clubhouse also gives Horse and me a chance to be together whenever he’s finished with church. I don’t know all of what happened yesterday but what I do know bothers me to no end. Striker was hurt in an accident, and Anabelle was attacked.

  Movement coming from down the hall draws my attention. I take a sip of my coffee and look to see who it is. It could be any of the ol’ ladies if they’d stayed here last night. I smile, seeing Anabelle coming into the main room.

  “Hey,” I say, waving her over.

  “Um . . . h—hey, Kenny.” Anabelle’s nervous and seems to stutter.

  “Come on over and get some coffee,” I offer.

  “Thanks, but I’m just heading out.” Nodding toward the door, she stops when she’s closer to me.

  “What do you mean?” I furrow my brow in confusion.

  “Nothing, I just need to go home. I’m sure Derick is probably ready for me,” she tries to wave me o
ff, but I can see the sorrow in her eyes.

  I get what she’s doing now.

  “You know it’s not that easy, right?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

  “It has to be,” she whispers. “Anyway, I’ll talk to you later. Can you just tell K-9 when they get out of church I went home?”

  “Sure, I’ll tell him. But just remember he’s gonna fight to keep you,” I say quietly.

  “I’m not worth fighting for.” Tears slide down Anabelle’s cheeks as she makes a run for the door.

  Well, this is going to be interesting. I know I should wait for church to end and the guys to come out, but I think this is more important. With one more gulp of my coffee, I slip off the barstool and head down the hallway leading to the room where they hold church. It’s a known fact that all the ol’ ladies are prone to barging in, so they shouldn’t be surprised when I do so.

  Taking a breath, I grab the handle and open the door, meeting my man’s gaze.

  “Baby girl, what are you doing?” he demands.

  “Thought you all would like to know Anabelle just left,” I announce, switching my gaze over to K-9. “She told me to wait to tell you until after church, but you need to know. Maybe you can catch her before she leaves through the gates.”


  Fuckin’ hell.

  I didn’t expect Kenny to barge into church while we were meeting to tell me Anabelle had left. I’m already pissed with what we’ve been talking about. I don’t need this shit now.

  Gadget had found out Trevor was connected to Justin, Lex, and Anabelle’s father. But more than that, we’ve got to find out who is giving Trevor information on my brothers. Burner and Badger went over Striker’s bike last night and found there was a tracker on the inside of the fender. It is a cheapo, but all the same, someone had to put it there.

  Trevor is going to get what he deserves soon enough. The club had already voted right before Kenny interrupted; we’re heading to war with the High 7’s.

  Looking to Twister, I ball a hand into a fist on the table. “We done for now?” I need to get out of here and stop Anabelle from leaving.

  What the hell is going through her head right now?

  “Yeah, brother, go stop your woman,” Twister grunts.

  I nod and stand. With Anabelle taking the forefront of my mind, I storm out of church, heading in the direction of the door. I make it outside and spot her sitting in her car.

  Thank fuck.

  I focus on Anabelle, seeing the tears streaming down her face, and it hits me that she hasn’t even started her car. She’s just sitting behind the wheel crying.

  Taking a deep breath, I slow my approach. I open her door and crouch down next to her. “Belly, what are you doing?” I ask softly. Anabelle’s tears gut me, and my anger dissipates.

  “I . . . I’m sorry. I—I shouldn’t have been so stupid. It’s my fault. Everything is my fault,” she stammers.

  Fuckin’ hell, she’s blaming herself for everything. She always takes everything on herself. Taking the blame even when it’s not her fault.

  I gotta make her see she’s not to blame for any of this.

  She never has been and never will be. I’ll fight to no end to make sure she understands just how much she means to me.


  I had wanted to leave. I tried to leave. I walked through the clubhouse and got in my car. Only I haven’t been able to bring myself to start the car and drive away.

  Now K-9 is here.

  “Look at me, Belly,” he demands gently. The touch of his hand cupping my cheek makes me wish I were better. That I deserved him.

  I meet K-9’s gaze and what I see causes my heart to skip a beat.

  “Anabelle, baby, you gotta stop taking the blame for everything. This shit isn’t on you,” he mutters quietly, pulling his hand away from my cheek.

  “But . . .”

  “No buts about it, Belly. Now get out of the car.” K-9 stands to his full height and reaches out for me to take his hand.

  With a trembling hand, I take his and he pulls me from behind the wheel. K-9 pulls me into his arms and I lean into his chest.

  “Anabelle, you need to listen to me clearly right now. Whatever is going through your head right now, get it out. You are everything to me, and I’m not letting you go. I fucked up for three years now when I could’ve easily made you mine.”

  I tilt my head back in order to meet his gaze.

  “Dylan,” I whisper his name.

  “Belly, I see it in your eyes. Stop blaming yourself. We’re together, and we’ll get through it just the same. With you and me side by side,” K-9 murmurs, leaning forward to press his forehead to mine.

  I close my eyes and nod. K-9’s right. We’re together, and I need to stop blaming myself. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, Anabelle. Now let’s get inside so I can show you just how much you mean to me,” K-9 says, lifting me into his arms.

  I gasp and open my eyes to meet his dark molten eyes as he grins at me. A grin I know all too well and love seeing on his face.

  Kenny’s right, and so is K-9. He’ll fight for what he wants no matter what.



  Over the past week, everyone in the club has been on alert from this whole situation with the High 7’s gang. With the club agreeing to go to war with them, we’ve been taking measures to make sure all the ol’ ladies and kids are protected at all times.

  Anabelle is finally coming to terms with the fact none of what’s going on with the club is her fault. She’s scheduled to go back to work in a few days, and I know she’s excited to get back to it. The woman loves her job though she’ll still be restricted to what she can do until the cast comes off.

  Today I’m making it all about her in every way I can. Anabelle deserves something special and so does my nephew, Derick.

  I’ve got everything set up, and it’s time for me to get Anabelle. I asked her to follow the trail leading from the back of the house out to where I’m waiting for her. Surrounding me are white flower petals. It’s kinda cheesy, but I don’t give a flyin’ fuck. This is about me giving my woman her dream.

  Reaching into my pocket, I grab the ring I put there this morning when I left the house to get everything set up. I can hear my woman making her way through the leaves on the ground.

  “Dylan,” Anabelle calls out when she gets closer, and I lift my gaze to meet hers when she comes into view.

  “Hey, Belly.” I grin and step toward her.

  “What’s all of this?” she asks in a hushed tone.

  “This, Anabelle, is me asking you to be my wife?” I announce, grabbing her left hand and sliding the ring onto her finger. “Marry me, Belly?”

  “Yes.” Tears brim in her eyes as she launches herself at me. “A million times yes, Dylan. I love you so much.”

  “Love you too, Belly. With everything that I have in me. You were always meant to be mine, and I want a lifetime with you,” I say, holding her to me.

  “A lifetime?” she giggles.

  “Yeah, baby, a lifetime of you and me. Maybe even adding another kid or two to our family,” I chuckle.

  Anabelle pulls back and gives me a smile. “About that, it seems you made sure to do that already.”

  “What?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “Dylan, I’m pregnant,” she says.

  I pull her back into me and slam my mouth to hers in a long kiss. When I break my mouth from hers, I palm both sides of her face. “This time around, I’m there with you the entire time. From start to finish.”

  “Is that so?” she says breathlessly.

  “Yeah, Anabelle. You’re mine, and I’ll fight to the death to keep you at my side. From now on, it’s you, me, and our kids against the world.”

  “You, me, and our family against the world. I like it,” she whispers and lifts up on her tiptoes, placing her mouth against mine. I slide my hands into her hair and hold her to me, loving the way she feels.

; Author’s Note

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading K-9’s Fight. I hope you enjoyed K-9 and Anabelle’s story. As you can tell, the drama is only just beginning for the club, and more is coming their way. Keep a look out for Red’s Calm releasing this winter.



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  Available Now

  By: E.C. Land

  Devil’s Riot MC Series

  Horse’s Bride

  Thorn’s Revenge

  Twister’s Survival

  Reclaimed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 1 – 3)

  Cleo’s Rage

  Connors’ Devils

  Hades Pain

  Badger’s Claim

  Burner’s Absolution

  Redeemed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 4 – 6)

  K-9’s Fight

  Devil’s Riot MC Originals

  Stoney’s Property

  Owning Victoria

  Blaze’s Mark

  Taming Coyote

  Luna’s Shadow

  Choosing Nerd

  Ranger’s Fury

  Carrying Blaze’s Mark

  Neo’s Strength

  Cane’s Dominance

  Venom’s Prize

  Devil’s Ride (DRMC Boxset 1-5)

  Protecting Blaze’s Mark

  Whip’s Breath

  DRMC Southeast

  Hammer’s Pride

  Malice’s Soul


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