Princes of Hell MC Set

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Princes of Hell MC Set Page 6

by KJ Dahlen

  The other man nodded, then began backing his bike up to turn around and go back to the clubhouse.

  Eagle and the others waited until the other bikers were no longer in sight. He then looked over at Hawk. “You stay behind with some of the boys to make sure they don’t come back.” Glancing over at Rogue, he ordered the other man, “Protect our borders, and make sure no one gets through that isn’t supposed to be here.” He looked over the congregation of men in front of him. “We’ll take shifts to protect our borders but I’ll be damned if they’re gonna just walk over us.”

  The whole crowd cheered as Eagle went back to his bike.

  Engines roared and some went back to the clubhouse while others remained where they were and some left the lot ad began going the other way. They now had a mission and no one was willing to fail to protect their borders. They knew to split up into groups of no less than two. Nobody rode alone. It wouldn’t be safe.

  Talon rode back to the clubhouse but Eagle waved him on. Instead, Talon headed home. He wanted to check on Fiona and Bret.


  Fiona barely napped. She didn’t feel safe just yet. Being close to Talon was safety. Being near the clubhouse was safety. That was a scary thought though. Fiona couldn’t believe this was where her life ended up. On the run. Going from a cheap motel to a biker’s apartment.

  The MC didn’t even want us... the way Eagle looked at me and Bret...

  Fiona left Bret sleeping in the bed, knowing it was going to really mess up bedtime later on. Then again, maybe he’d sleep better knowing he was in a safer spot. Still not home, but Bret really never had a home, did he?

  The try and keep her nerves steady, she cleaned off the kitchen counters, organized the groceries Talon had picked up, and opened the kitchen window, where she then sat on the counter, next to the sink, and had a cigarette.

  The problem with being near the MC was realizing things were never going to be calm. On the surface, they were all rough and tough looking guys. Outlaws in the worst way possible. They laughed at laws, made their own laws just to break, and if anyone got too far out of line, they were sentenced to hell. And hell wasn’t always a fast death either. Sometimes guys were forced to give up their position within the MC, which left them bound to the regular world and all the laws they were so quick to break.

  Truthfully, Fiona didn’t know where this would end. Or what the plan was. She had no plan in mind. Talon was the one who planned things out. He was always the one telling her what was going to happen and then made damn sure to make it happen.

  Their last fight played through her mind. The argument where too much was said. Thinking back, Fiona knew one of them should have kissed the other and that would have cured everything. Talon had been one breath away from finding out who killed his father in an ambush when he was a kid. Fiona had been there for it all. She had been a young girl herself, but she remembered seeing the giant line of motorcycles all going to Bullseyes’s funeral. Talon wearing all black, being protected by the bikers for the entire thing. Later that same day ,Fiona found Talon in his backyard, leaning against a tree. Crying. Because he was too afraid to cry in front of the other bikers.

  A knock at the door made Fiona jump, shattering the memories that didn’t mean a thing anymore.

  After the knock, the doorknob started to shake.

  “Shit,” Fiona whispered.

  Her heart raced, figuring it was Devin.

  Devin followed her. Watched her with Talon. Waited for Talon to leave. Checked out the clubhouse. Now came back here.

  Of course, Fiona left her phone in the bedroom. On silent.

  She hurried to open a few drawers until she found a big knife. She sliced through the air, knowing if push came to shove, she’d have to defend herself again. Even if it meant killing Devin.

  Fiona slipped from the kitchen to the door to the apartment. Standing where the door would open, knowing she’d have one chance at making this work, she licked her lips.

  The door opened.

  Fiona shut her eyes and readied herself.

  When the door shut and she had her opening, she lunged forward, the knife poised for an attack.

  A hand grabbed her wrist, ending the attack before it could even begin.

  “Goddamn, Fiona, what are you doing?” The back of her body was pressed to the front of Talon’s steel like body. His hand had a firm grip on her wrist but he wasn’t hurting her.

  His breath tickled her hair as she gasped for a breath, realizing what was happening. “Talon...”

  “Did you just try to kill me?”

  Fiona tried to move but Talon didn’t let her go. His other hand slid around to her belly.

  She took a shuddering breath, almost melting right there. Her mind had now shifted from murder to something else. Thinking of the last time she was with someone. “Thought you were someone else,” Fiona got out breathlessly.

  “Who would come here? I have a key, sweetheart.”


  Talon slid his hand down and took the knife from her then he let her go.

  Fiona quickly turned to face him.

  He looked pissed off.

  “Are you okay?” she asked him.

  “That’s a loaded question.”

  “I mean... what are you doing here?”

  “Last time I checked, it was my apartment.”

  “Right. I know that. I—”

  Talon touched her cheek, sending warm shivers through her body. “Deep breaths, Fiona.”


  “Where’s the kid?”


  “Did you nap?”

  “Not much.”

  Talon nodded. “Figured. I wanted to come check on you.”

  “I’m here.”

  “Any contact from Devin?”

  “No,” Fiona said. “He won’t contact me. He’ll just show up.”

  Talon laughed. “He steps a foot in this town and he won’t leave alive.”

  “These guys are serious, Talon.”

  “You think I’m afraid of some guy running a titty bar?”

  “It’s not just that. Please, Talon, listen to me...”

  “I am,” Talon said. “And I’m telling you that nobody is walking into my goddamn town to swing their dick.”

  Fiona turned to walk away.

  Talon wrapped a hand around her wrist again and tugged. “Where you running?”

  “I’m scared, Talon,” Fiona said through gritted teeth so she didn’t yell and wake up Bret. “I can’t believe I let this happen.”

  “Scared, huh?”

  “What would you have done, huh? I was making ends meet. I was trying to be honest about it. But my son needed medicine. I tried to explain it...”

  “You did the right thing,” Talon said. “I would have done the same myself.”

  “And now it could cost me my life.”

  “So could crossing the fucking street. If you don’t look both ways. Right?”

  “You’re such an ass sometimes.”

  Talon released his hold.

  Fiona walked to the kitchen sink and scooped up her cigarettes.

  “Smoking, huh?”

  “Can’t smell worse than this place already does,” Fiona said.

  “I should give it up, huh?”

  “This place you mean?” She tilted her head at him.

  “I don’t come here anymore.”

  “Was this your love palace?” Fiona asked, a hint of jealousy burning in her gut.

  “No, sweetheart. It’s where my old man hung out. Where he’d come to hide when shit got the best of him. It was left to me. Well, Hammer got it and he passed it to me. Not many people know about the place.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize,” Fiona said. “Sorry for smoking.”

  Talon laughed. “Smoke away. There’s been booze, smoke, drugs, women, blood...”

  “That’s not exactly reassuring when I have a kid sleeping in the bed right now.”

nbsp; “He’s fine. Listen, I came here to apologize for what happened.”

  “What do you mean?” Fiona asked. You’re going to own up what you did to me? What you did to my heart? What I saw when I opened that door and you were...

  “At the clubhouse,” Talon said. “That was fucked up what they did to you.”

  “Oh. That.”

  “You know how this works, babe,” Talon said with his too sexy of a grin.

  “You can’t tell me much,” Fiona said. “It’s like sliding right back in time with you.”

  “Is it now?” Talon asked. He inched closer to Fiona.

  She was pinned against the kitchen sink, her only choice but to stare up into his eyes. “Talon...”

  “Fiona,” he said.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking...”

  “Doesn’t matter. I wanted to check on you. Tell you it’s going to be okay. The club is going through a lot right now. We just buried Hammer.”

  “Buried... as in...”

  “Six feet down,” Talon said.

  “Oh, Talon. I’m so sorry. I know how much he meant to you. He was like a fath—”

  Talon growled. “You don’t know enough to....”

  She swallowed hard. “Right. Sorry.”

  “I wanted to tell you that I’ll have prospects sitting outside watching the place for you. If you need to go anywhere, call me first.”

  “So I’m like a hostage here?”

  “No offense, but you did this. And you called me for help.”

  “I did. But I have no plan, Talon.”

  “Plan for what?”

  “Everything,” Fiona said. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Ah, shit.” He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close.

  She shut her eyes, as she smelled his shirt and his leather cut. This familiar smell was like home to her.

  “We’ll make this right,” Talon said. “He comes near you, I’ll take care of it.”

  “What about the club? I feel like I have a target on my back.”

  “Don’t worry about that. It’s not an easy time.”

  “It never is,” Fiona said as she broke the hug and looked up at him again.

  “Just a lot, happening. Hammer was the last of the originals to die. Puts the club in a vulnerable spot.”

  “And I’m making it worse.”

  “No you’re not.”

  Fiona thought of everything else she wanted to say. But she was captivated by his stare. That lightning bolt feeling in her chest, thundering in places she loved and hated herself for. The way Talon’s lip gently curled, telling her he was having those same old sparking feelings again too.

  As Talon started to inch down lowering his lips to hers, a voice cried out, “Mommy!” from the bedroom.

  Talon backed away. “Better go check on the kid, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Fiona hurried from the kitchen to the bedroom, letting out a deep breath to calm herself again. She slowly opened the door.

  Bret sat up in the big bed, wide eyed, looking worried.

  “I’m here, sweet bear. Right here.”

  “I had a bad dream.”

  “Oh, no,” Fiona said. “I don’t like bad dreams. Can I tell you something good about them though?”


  “When you wake up, they’re gone.” Or at least that’s what I want to tell you. Because my dreams and nightmares have been crossed together for a long time.

  “Okay,” Bret repeated again.

  “I can help with that, kid,” a deep voice said.

  Bret’s eyes went wider.

  Fiona turned her head and saw Talon entering the bedroom.

  To her, Talon was like a monster in look and size. To Bret... she couldn’t even imagine. “You remember Talon?” Fiona asked Bret.

  He nodded slowly.

  Talon crouched at the bed and was still taller than Fiona and Bret as they sat on the bed together. Fiona made surety wrap an arm around Bret to make sure he felt safe.

  “I get bad dreams too, kid,” Talon said. “They’re not fun, right?”

  “No,” Bret replied with a hard swallow.

  “What do you dream of?”

  “Bad people.”

  “Me too,” Talon said. “Can I give you something?”

  “I guess.”

  Talon reached for his neck and pulled at a necklace that looked made of lace. It popped free in a second because of his strength.

  It was a tan piece of a string with a black feather on the end.

  “This feather used to be white, kid,” Talon said. “Want to know how it turned black?”

  “Yes,” Bret said, staring at it intently.

  “It took the dreams away. Took all that bad sh... stuff.”

  Fiona grinned.

  “It works?” Bret asked.

  “It works, kid. I know it’s not exciting around here right now, but this will keep those bad dreams away. Can I trust you with it?”

  “Okay.” Bret nodded.

  Talon leaned forward, put the necklace around Bret’s tiny neck and tied it. He looked at Fiona and winked. He then stood up. “Looks good on you.”

  “Wow. Thanks.” Bret looked down and the necklace.

  “Well wear it during the day,” Fiona said. “But at night, you put it next to you.”

  “Will it work then?” Bret asked, nervously.

  “Yes it will,” Talon replied. “Mark my word.”

  “How about I put the TV on for you?” Fiona offered. “I need to go talk to Talon.”

  “Nah, forget that,” Talon said. “You two come with me. We’re going to the clubhouse for a bite to eat.”


  “Don’t worry about what happened,” he said. “I’ll call Eagle right now. Tell him have the prospects fire up the grill. We’ll get a good, hot meal.”

  “Are you sure?” Fiona asked.

  “Damn sure,” Talon said with a nod then closed the door behind him.

  Fiona faced Bret. She ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

  “It’s going to be okay, Bret.”

  “I know,” he said. “I have this necklace now. Nothing bad can happen to me.”

  Fiona forced a smile. If anything does happen, please let it happen to me.

  Talon got off his motorcycle and hurried to the car to open the door for Fiona. He then did the same for Bret.

  The air smelled like burgers and hot dogs. It made Fiona’s mouth water and stomach rumble. “Are you sure about this?” she asked.

  Talon took her by the hand, sending warm shivers through her body again. “I’m sure,” he said.

  Fiona carried Bret as they approached the clubhouse.

  Two guys stood at a table, drinking beers.

  “Hey, there he is,” one of them called out. “Prez was looking for you.”

  “Falcon, this is Fiona,” Talon said. “Old friend of mine. This is her son, Bret.”

  “Oh, we remember,” another biker said.

  Talon leaned toward her. “That’s Raptor.”

  “Prez is gong to lose his mind again,” Falcon said.

  “They need a hot meal.” Talon glared at him. “We don’t abandon family. She’s got ties to the MC that go back to my old man. So show some goddamn respect.”

  The two of them looked stunned then shut their mouths.

  “Let’s go,” Talon stated in a low voice, leading the way to the door.

  Inside the clubhouse, it was loud. Music. Voices. Glasses clanking together. It was not the perfect place for Bret, but it was probably the safest. Bret clung tighter to Fiona as Talon broke away and went to the bar.

  Fiona stood there, sticking out like a sore thumb. To her left she saw two women standing with a biker who had a beard, holding a knife. He turned it with ease, telling a story to the women. A few feet away another guy had his face buried between the breasts of a woman as she cried out with laughter. Fiona turned a little to make sure Bret was shielded from everything.<
br />
  “Here, I got the kid some apple juice,” Talon said, returning with a glass.

  “Thanks.” Fiona nodded. “Can we go somewhere else? It’s a little...”

  “Yeah, I know, sweetheart,” Talon said. “We’ll head out back and get some food.”

  Talon turned Fiona around as the clubhouse door opened.

  In walked Eagle, along with two other bikers. They were all huge men. The two bikers Fiona didn’t know had towels in their hands. They were wiping blood off their hands, smiling as they did so.

  Eagle froze when he saw Talon. “VP,” he said.


  Eagle looked at Fiona. “Can’t stay away, can you?”

  “I invited her,” Talon interjected. “As family. A good meal.”

  “Right,” Eagle replied.

  The three bikers walked away.

  Talon looked over his shoulder at them.

  Fiona’s heart raced. The sight of blood. Knowing what the bikers were capable of. “Talon—”

  “Hey,” he said. “You take the kid and go outside. Find Falcon and Raptor. They’ll get you set up.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have to talk to Eagle about something. I’ll be out in a few.”

  Fiona knew she couldn’t argue with Talon. When he set his eyes on something, he wouldn’t move away from it.... Just toward it

  Whether it was Fiona herself, the club, some kind of violence going on... or even another woman.


  Talon watched as Eagle rolled a cigarette between his fingers before sticking it between his lips and lighting it.

  “Have a seat,” Eagle said as smoke billowed from his lips.

  “Standing is fine with me,” Talon d stated.

  “VP, I know you’re pissed.”

  “Pissed? How about fucking betrayed? You rode back out there without telling me? Without a vote?”

  “Last time I checked, my patch says President.”

  “And you have a duty to the gavel with all of us sitting here. We have heat coming from the Bratva and this debt that Hammer got himself into.”

  “And you come strolling through the doors with some floozy and her kid,” Eagle snapped. “Care to talk about that?”

  “You know Fiona. Don’t play stupid.”

  Eagle smirked. “You’re too much like your father, Talon. The heart thing...”


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