Princes of Hell MC Set

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Princes of Hell MC Set Page 20

by KJ Dahlen

  Rogue tipped his gun up as the kid slammed into him, hugging him fiercely. Rogue’s eyes met hers.

  She stared at him then at the gun in his hand.

  Grinning at her, he said. “Looks like you and the kid are going on a trip.”

  Chapter One


  Fiona couldn’t even cry. She couldn’t even move really. Trapped in such misery. It had been hours since he’d been taken. Her Brett...Her whole world. Everything she did and anything she did had all been for him all these years. Even bringing him here to Talon’s MC.

  Now he was gone. Just like Devin had threatened. He said he would make sure she never saw him again. She heard voices around her but she couldn’t really focus on the words. She was grappling with fear—a crippling terror that her baby boy might be dead. Oh, God! Let him be alive? Please, please God?

  Someone touched her but she didn’t move. She couldn’t breathe here in this place.

  Finally, she lifted her head.

  Talon stood there above her. His were eyes full of... sadness? No! No, he was here to tell her Brett was dead. No! She did not want this confirmed. She scooted back to the wall on the floor where she’d been sitting since she was told Brett was gone.

  Talon seemed to swallow heavily as he knelt down in front of her. “Please baby,” he whispered. “Please don’t do this?”

  Blinking her eyes, Fiona knew something was very wrong. He’d never spoken to her so softly, so humbly. He was here to give her the news. She wouldn’t listen no matter what he fucking said!

  “Its ok, Fi. Brett will be here soon. You will see.”

  New hope dared to break through as their eyes met.

  Tears flooded her eyes. “Oh Talon, Bret i-is—gone.” Her voice broke. “Devin snatched him—away. I’m so afraid I’ll never see our baby again. Oh God, I’m so alone!”

  Talon’s grip on her tightened. “No baby, you aren’t alone anymore. I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere. We’ll find our son and the brothers will bring him home to us. I’m not giving up on my son, not this time. Never again. You and the boy are mine. You and he belong to me, belong with me. I’ll never give you up again.”

  “Oh, Talon,” she wailed. “I couldn’t protect him! I failed. I failed!”

  “But don’t you see? You did protect him. You did,” he insisted. “This isn’t on you. He shoulda’ been safe here. I’ll tear that fucker from one end to the other when I get my hands on him. You didn’t do anything wrong here. Cat is the one who handed him over to Devin, not you.”

  “I need him,” she cried out. “I need my baby back in my arms!”

  “Soon babe,” Talon whispered in her ear. “Soon, I promise.”

  Eagle stood above them now and handed his cell to Talon.

  Fiona stared up at the phone, not at the man holding it out, not at his face, not anyone...just at that phone. It could be the news. They’d found her son. But did they find him alive? Her eyes remained on that cell as it exchanged hands and Talon placed it up to his ear.

  “Yeah...” His voice sounded gruff and edgy. Then he listened and sucked in air.

  Fiona watched him closely, so closely...she could see the stubble hairs on his chin.

  “Damn...” He let out a huge sigh. “Fuck Rogue. Thank you man!”

  Fiona’s body started to shake as she listened.

  Talon seemed to be listening some and pushed his fingers through his dark hair. “Yes, you bring them both here. I’ll send out men to escort you.” He listened again. “Alright, they’ll meet up with you on 10th and Baylor.” He swiped the phone screen and looked up at Eagle.

  Eagle nodded at him. “Condor! Falcon!” he yelled out.

  Fiona jumped at his shout.

  Talon knelt down and scooped her up. “It’s ok Fi. They found him. Rogue has him. He is fine. Not a dammed scratch on him!” Talon’s eyes filled with tears.

  Fiona’s shaking suddenly stopped as she let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “W-what?”

  Talon nodded as he carried her out of the room amidst bikers that were scrambling out the front door. “Rogue just called. He’s got Brett.”

  Fiona closed her eyes and bit at her lip so hard she tasted blood. “Oh!” She then started to cry. To weep... in fact.

  “Shhh, Baby. Shhh...” Talon whispered to her ear as he carried her down the hall to his room. He kicked the door open and strode through, laying her down on the bed.

  “Rogue i-i-is bringing him h-here?” She hiccupped between words.

  He nodded and sat down beside her then smoothed her hair with his hand. “He said he never stopped looking till he got one of Devin’s men to talk.”

  Fiona closed her eyes, as the tears wouldn’t stop rolling down her cheeks. “Thank you God!” She squeezed her fists together. “I prayed and prayed. I prayed that Brett would have a guardian angel to watch out for him and keep him safe.”

  Talon chuckled. “Well, people have called Rogue many things, but an angel isn’t one of them.”


  “You’re Evil. A dammed devil from hell!” she shouted at Rogue from the backseat.

  Rogue kept driving, though he stared at her in the rear view mirror. He smirked. If she only knew. Yeah, she was pissed that he’d had to tie her up when he got her into the car. Now, he was pissed that he hadn’t gagged her too.

  “Uncle Rogue?” Brett asked from next to him in the front.

  “Yeah, buddy?” he replied as he stopped at the light.

  “Why do you have Sevie tied up?”

  Rogue looked over at him then into the mirror to meet those blazing green eyes of the woman who sat there fuming in her seat. Sevie huh? Not a common name. “Well, little dude. Someone took you from your mom and I found you with her. So I can’t let her loose until we get to the Club.”

  Little Brett seemed to mull this over and he asked, “So when we get there, you’ll untie her?”

  He paused as he saw Falcon on his cycle coming up alongside his right. Then he glanced over to see Condor at the bumper of the car. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe?!” she shouted from the backseat. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”

  Rogue shrugged as he nodded to Falcon then headed through the green light. “I don’t know that, now do I?”

  “Ooh,” she fumed. “You are in so much trouble.”

  He smirked. “Oh yeah? From who? Your boyfriend?” He was thinking of Devin. Though, how a classy babe like this would go for that cretin, Rogue couldn’t even guess. Maybe it was all the money. It made the world go around and it could buy a girl like this he supposed.

  Silence from the backseat. Then she replied, “I don’t have a boyfriend.

  Rogue raised his brows. A woman with her curves, that long red hair and those eyes? “Bullshit,” he replied.

  Huffing, she sat back. “Kidnapping is a federal offense you know?”

  He nodded as he changed lanes with his blinker on. “Sure is, so why did you do it?”

  Her mouth popped open.

  He stared in the mirror. Delicious looking mouth too.

  “I did nothing!”

  “Yeah, yeah, so you keep saying.” He sped up as both cycles ran side-guard along the car in the lanes on either side of him.

  “I mean it. You are going to jail!”

  He laughed. “Right after you. Although, kidnapping a child may get you beat up in prison, babe.”

  Her chest was heaving with rapid, angry, panicked breaths. “I did no such thing! You’re the one that broke in and took me at gun point!”

  Rogue just couldn’t stop watching those very full breasts lifting up and down with her breaths. “Look. If you don’t shut up, I will pull this car over and gag you,” he spoke quietly and firmly as his gaze met her glittering eyes in the mirror.

  She huffed again and dropped back in the seat.

  Brett stared at her and then him with wide eyes.

  Rogue reached out and patted his hand. “Don’t worry kiddo. Ev
erything will be all right.”

  Brett swallowed heavily as he nodded uncertainly.

  Poor little guy. Being kidnapped and taken from his mom. He had to have been terrified. Rogue saw the turn for the clubhouse up ahead. “Well, your mom is gonna be waiting for you and she’s gonna be so happy to see you.”

  Brett’s eyes lit up. “I-s is she ok?”

  “Sure, little guy, she was just worried about you is all.”

  Brett bit at his lip. “I sure didn’t mean to cause her that. My mom has been through a lot. She deserves...” His small voice faded away as he looked out the window.

  Again, Rogue reached over and grabbed his shoulder with a light squeeze. “Well, you and Talon will make her happy like she deserves.”

  Brett looked up. “Yeah, he’s cool.” He gazed down at his shirt as he pulled something out of the collar. It was a tan piece of a string with a black feather on the end. “I think his feather kept me safe.”

  Rogue glanced over as his eyes widened. “He gave you that?”

  Brett looked proud as he nodded.

  Rogue raised his brows. “Well, he has worn that for as long as I’ve known him. So you must be pretty special for him to have given it to you.”

  Bret’s eyes rounded. “Really? You think so?”

  “Sure. I know so.”

  Brett smiled hugely.

  Rogue met the woman’s eyes in the mirror again.

  Instead of an angry glare, her eyes were wide and confused looking.

  He shrugged. So? He had a soft spot for this kid. Who cares what she thinks. He looked back at the road and then made the turn to the clubhouse gates.

  Chapter Two


  They were motioned in by two huge men. Through very large and intimidating double gates. The place looked like a fortress instead of a club as this Rogue had mentioned. Sevie swallowed heavily. God, how did I get into this mess? Her lips pressed together. Devin Langdon is how.

  The car pulled up to a huge building.

  There were large motorcycles all lined up on either side of a double doored entrance. There must be 50 here. God, were there fifty men just like this asshole who grabbed her, inside here?

  Rogue parked and shut the engine off.

  Little Brett grabbed the door handle.

  “No, little buddy. Let’s wait for your—Talon to come out, ok?”

  Brett removed his hand and then put both of his small hands in his lap.

  Sevie watched it all. Odd, how gentle and caring this biker was with the boy. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. She rolled her eyes. Yes, that is what you always think. Then you end up in the backseat, tied up while under gunpoint! She heaved out a breath. “Can I speak now?” she asked her kidnapper.

  He turned his head to stare at her.

  She gulped. Those blue eyes just pierced straight through her.

  He smirked. “And if I say no, will you keep your mouth shut?”

  She again, pressed her lips together then opened her mouth to speak.

  He raised a hand. “See? I knew you couldn’t do it.” A sparkle lit in those blue depths of his eyes as he grinned at her.

  She stilled. Damn, when he smiles...She straightened her shoulders and again, tried to speak.

  The passenger door opened with a hard yank.

  Looking up, Sevie stared at a tall man wider than Rogue was.

  He grabbed Brett up into a bear hug and held him. “Damn, Brett. You scared us to death!”

  Brett just looked shocked as he was held so high up and so tight.

  “Come on, your poor mom is waiting.” He carried Brett around the front of the car.

  Sevie swung her gaze over to Rogue.

  He was watching her very intently.

  “S-so, what happens now?” she asked in a small voice.

  He let out a sigh. “I take you to my Prez.” He turned in the seat and opened the door getting out.

  Sevie licked her dry lips. To his prez? What did that mean?

  He opened her door.

  She looked out and saw some of the large men those huge bikes belonged to. Covered in tats, some with long beards and mean eyes. Most were glaring daggers at her. Now, she didn’t want to leave the car.

  Rogue turned his head to follow her gaze. He then looked back at her. “No one will touch you. Don’t worry.”

  She let out a shaky breath and tried to scoot over with her hands behind her back. Her shoulders were sore from being tied up for over an hour and her legs were cramping.

  Rogue stared at her, then he let out a disgusted breath, reached in and scooped her from the seat.

  “Oh!” she let out, feeling surprised at this action.

  “Just say nothing. Until my Prez asks the questions,” Rogue whispered to her ear.

  She bit at her lip and nodded. He smelled of leather and maybe pine? She shook her head at the ridiculous thought, there were no pine trees here that was for sure. Loud engines roared as more bikes pulled up. She leaned in tighter to Rogue to make herself disappear. She had no idea what this was all about or where she was. Why she had been treated like this. She did gather Brett had been taken, but she never thought Devin would steal a kid? There had to be some explanation. Some misunderstanding going on here.

  Rogue stepped through the now open double doors while carrying her through a very large room. It was also a loud room as many men were speaking at once and low music played in the background.

  Sevie stared around. They weren’t drinking or fighting at least. That’s what she assumed bikers did when they gathered.

  Taking her on through, Rogue came up to a large oak paneled door. The door actually had letters on it.

  President - Princes Of Hell MC

  Then there was a graphic painted below it.

  Sevie gulped and looked over at the large man who carried her. Her wide eyes staring into his blue ones.

  He smiled at her. “Yep. You called it. I am a devil from Hell. Except I’m a Prince, you see?”

  Sevie didn’t think any of this was funny. Not at all. She was trembling now. Princes Of Hell? That couldn’t be their real name for this club. Could it? Who would name themselves something like that? It had to be a joke right?

  The door opened as another large man motioned them in. Then he stepped outside and shut the door.

  Rogue carried her in and across a large room then deposited her into a wingback leather chair.

  “OOOMPF!” Her breath left her lungs as he dumped her.

  He paused. “Oh, sorry about that, babe.”

  She glared at him as she tried to get her wrists out from under her ass.

  He leaned down and raised her up, pulling her hands back. Then he stood and pulled something from his pocket.

  Her eyes zeroed in on the object.

  A knife.

  Were they going to kill her now? Blaming her for whatever Devin had done?

  Leaning down, Rogue cut the bonds at her wrists.

  Her breath rushed out in a huge relief, as she pulled her arms and hands back to the front of her body. “Oh, thank you!” Her hands were completely numb as she tried to rub at her wrist.

  “This her?” a loud voice broke into her distracted relief.

  She gazed up at the huge desk she hadn’t even noticed before now.

  A large man sat there. He was bald, big and his eyes were a little bloodshot.

  Sevie stared openly at him.

  Rogue stepped toward the desk. “Yes, Prez.”

  “So, little girl. Why did you take the kid?” the Prez asked.

  Her eyes rounded at the accusation. “Now look. I did not take him.”

  The man looked over at Rogue.

  Rogue let out a sigh. “She was hugging the kid the first glimpse I got into the house.”

  The prez’s eyes swung to her. “Why were you there?”

  “I’m a real estate agent.”

  He raised a brow. “And...?”

  She rubbed her wrists again where the rope had caus
ed marks. “I sold Devin Langdon the house. Or I was about to. I was there with the escrow papers that he needed to sign.”

  The big man behind the desk glared at her. “His name is Brooks. Devin Brooks.”

  Sevie paused. “Not according to...” Her voice fell away. “Why would he lie about his name?”

  The big man leaned forward in his huge chair. “We are asking the questions, you hear?” He leaned back in his chair again.

  Sevie then realized he wanted her to go on explaining. “My company has sold him two houses already. Though why he wanted this small one in the suburbs puzzled me.” She shrugged slightly and winced at the pain in her shoulders. “Then when he arrived late, he got a call. He seemed upset. The next thing I knew, another man brought the boy in.”

  “Brett?” he asked.

  Nodding, she went on, “He said the boy’s mom just up and left him in the driveway across from Devin’s other place. He got an emergency call and asked me if I could stay with the boy while he went to get the kid’s mom.”

  The prez studied her.

  Sevie had nothing more to say really. That was all that had happened.

  “So, you just said yes? That you would babysit an unknown kid for a man you barely know?”

  Sevie tilted her head at him. “Oh, no. I do know him. I met him several years ago. So he isn’t stranger...” she paused. “Though now that you say he has an alias name and he took this kid...I suppose I never knew him at all.” She pressed her lips together and stared down at her hands. “I mean how was I or my company to know he was... well, whatever he is?”

  “He’s scum,” Rogue nearly growled the words from beside her.

  Swinging her gaze up, she saw the hate in his eyes. She again gulped. “I only sold him houses. That is all.”

  “And babysat for him,” the prez commented dryly.

  “He’s a client, a good one and I did agree, yes. He said he would be but an hour.” She swung her gaze up again to a now silent Rogue. “Then this man came in with a gun and took us.”

  Rogue winked at her.

  She felt her cheeks flush as she again looked down at her hands.

  “So you are claiming you’re totally innocent,” the prez asked.


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