Renewed (Shattered #3)

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Renewed (Shattered #3) Page 11

by Heather D'Agostino

  His tan skin shone in the sunlight that streamed through the slider, and the muscles of his back flexed as he dipped and stretched around the kitchen. I figured now that the weather was nice, he was probably running again. I'd been so tired lately that I didn't notice when he get up and leave me sleeping. I was noticing him now though, that was for sure.

  When he finished making the sandwiches, he grabbed the plates and carried them over to where Emma and I were still seated in the family room. When he sank down onto the floor, he handed me a plate and smirked.

  "You know you can't eat me, right?" he winked.

  “Who said I wanted too?” I feigned nonchalance.

  “You did with your eyes. They’re saying a lot right now…like you want to lick every inch of me,” he lifted his sandwich and took a bite.

  I know my face had to be beet red. I could feel the heat rising as his twinkling eyes continued to watch me. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  “If you say so,” he lifted a shoulder as he slowly chewed.

  When his tongue darted out to lick the crumbs that were lingering on his plump lower lip, I groaned. It was all I could do not to climb into his lap right there and devour him. My traitorous body was giving away everything that I was trying to hide. Nick’s shoulders shook as he watched me. I’m sure he could read everything I was thinking just by looking at me. He knew all the signs. He lifted a finger and trailed it down my cheek, continuing across my collarbone and finally down across my breast. I jumped slightly when he cupped it through my shirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, and as soon as he figured that out I knew we were done for.

  Nick leaned closer as he swallowed a mouthful of sandwich. His lips were only millimeters away from mine when he hissed out a breath. I felt the warm air float over my skin, and I let my eyes drift close. "How am I supposed to resist you when you walk around here with barely any clothes on?"

  "You're not," I murmured.

  "Leah," he swallowed painfully. "We can't. We have to wait."

  Just as I pressed my lips to his, closing the remaining distance between us, Emma let out a squawk. I’d been so consumed in my lust-filled state that I’d forgotten that she was even there. We both groaned as I turned to look at her.

  As soon as the moment was broken my interest shifted from Nick to my baby. People told me it would happen, that when I became a mom things like being with my fiancée wouldn't be at the front of my mind. They told me I'd have to make a conscious effort to be with him. I didn't believe it would happen until it did. Last week, and then just now.

  "You're a little cock block," Nick scowled as I picked up Emma and cradled her in my arms.

  “Don’t listen to him. He’s just jealous,” I whispered to Emma like it was secret. When I turned toward Nick, I noticed him shifted on the floor and grimacing. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," he muttered. "I'm going to go take a shower."

  “Ok,” I looked at him with a confused expression. It was the middle of the day. Nick never showered in the middle of the day unless we were showering together or he’d been working out. Once he stood up, and I saw the large bulge in his pants, it all began to make sense. "Do you need any help?" I giggled.

  "No!" he snapped. "You've done enough."

  "Hey!" I glared up at him as he stood looming over me. "Don't get mad at me because you've got a boner."

  “It’s your fault,” he frowned. “You did this, and she stopped you from finishing. Now I know what Jerry was talking about."

  "Your assistant? What does he have to do with this?" I bit my lip to hold back my smile.

  "His son is two. He warned me that I'd be in second place now," he crossed his arms over his chest. "I didn't believe him."

  "You're not in second place all the time," I giggled. "Only when she's awake," I shrugged before turning my attention back to Emma.

  "Which happens to be all the time right now," he tossed his arms up in the air before turning to walk away in a huff.

  “Sorry?” I called after him before settling Emma back on the blanket. Nick only swatted the air as he disappeared around the corner. “Your daddy is crazy,” I laughed as I gazed down at my daughter. She smiled at me as if she understood what I was saying.

  As she cooed happily beside me, I finished my lunch before moving to the couch and placing Emma in her swing. Was Nick, right? Was he in second place? I didn't think so, but I knew I needed to give him some attention too. The more I thought about it, the more things began falling into place. I was going to plan something special for the wedding. I only had six weeks to do it. As I grabbed my laptop and opened it on my lap, I went to work on setting up an unbelievable wedding night.

  Chapter 17


  I had no idea how long I’d been up. Nick had gone to bed hours ago. He had an early practice, and thanks to my nap I was only slightly tired. Emma had refused to sleep in her crib tonight, so instead of listening to her cry I brought her out to the family room. At the moment, she was slumped to the side sound asleep in her swing. She loved that thing, and as much as I wanted her to sleep in her bed I was just thankful she was sleeping.

  I’d tried for a while to sleep on the couch, but it wasn’t working. I was used to Nick’s warm body beside me. I know it must sound strange, but I can’t sleep well without him. It’s almost like a soothing balm, having him crawl in beside me. So what was I doing at the moment? Pouring over wedding ideas.

  Other than my dad, Avery, and Cam, we weren’t inviting anyone else at the moment. I knew that could change though. My dad had agreed to take Emma back to his house after the wedding so Nick and I could have a weekend for our honeymoon. We weren’t going anywhere. I’d booked a suite at the Residence Inn down the beach. It was the hotel that Will and I had stayed at. The fact that it was one of the nicest places near us wasn’t what made me book it. It was the hotel that was responsible for bringing Nick and I back together. We’d had drinks at the bar there, met on the beach in front of it, and had numerous reconciliations in the sand nearby. It was special, and I wanted to use that to my advantage.

  Nick had made comments several times about just staying at the beach house. I’d agreed with him, but secretly I was hoping to surprise him with my plans. Avery had agreed to help my dad during the day. I knew Emma was a handful, and I only hoped that in the next month she began to sleep better.

  Now, all I had to do was finish picking out a few surprises. Nick had a thing for lace, and I was doing my best to find something I was happy with. My usual skimpy underwear wasn’t going to work this time. I was still carrying the baby weight, and even though Nick had been assuring me that he would always find me attractive, I still felt fat. I was two sizes bigger than I was pre-pregnancy. I knew that if Emma kept up her antics, I would get back to where I was. I mean right now I was barely eating, and sleep was a thing of the past. If she kept this up, I might end up smaller than I started. With a deep sign, I finally closed the computer. I couldn’t stand staring at the skinny models wearing the things I wanted to wear any longer. I reached for the light on the end table, and after turning it off I curled up under the blanket that was bunched at my feet. Tonight I just wanted to try and get some sleep, and if sleeping on the couch so Emma could remain in her swing was what was needed to accomplish that, then that’s what I was going to try to do.



  When I woke up the next morning and noticed that Leah’s side of the bed was untouched, I had a sense of déjà vu. Even though I knew she had to be somewhere in the house, it still pained me to remember all those mornings and nights spent alone. I’d do anything to never have to feel that way again.

  As I laid there staring at the ceiling trying to wake up, I listened. I didn’t hear Emma’s cries or Leah’s soft voice. I pushed myself to a sitting position as I raked my fingers through my hair. Yawning, I stood and padded my way out into the kitchen. I wanted to get the coffee going before I jumped into the shower, and got ready for work. When I
rounded the corner, I stopped in my tracks to stare at the sight before me. Leah was sound asleep on the couch with Emma snuggled to her chest. They looked so sweet and peaceful, and I wondered how long she'd been there. I slowly crept over to them and lifted Emma into my arms. She fidgeted slightly but then sunk back into a deep sleep. I knew Leah had to be tired, and I wanted to get Emma back to her crib so Leah could enjoy her sleep. She was always so worried that she'd do something like drop her, or roll over on her that she didn’t sleep soundly when Emma was around.

  After placing the baby back in her crib, I returned to the couch. Leah was still sound asleep but had curled onto her side. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and she had placed her clasped hands under her cheek. She looked so young and innocent in the way she was posed, not at all like the woman I now knew. The youthfulness in her appearance always seemed to show through when I least expected it.

  I stood there debating for a few minutes if I should attempt to get her back to our bed. After deciding that she’d be much more comfortable if she could stretch out, I leaned over and slid one arm under her shoulders and the other under her knees. I picked her up bridal style and cradled her to my chest. When I turned to move, she nuzzled her face into my chest before releasing a soft breath and relaxing back into sleep. I don’t think she even realized I was carrying her. Her eyes didn’t open, nor did her body tense up like it usually did.

  After maneuvering down the hall, I placed her in the center of our bed and pulled the covers up around her chin. She sighed as she turned into my pillow and clutched it to her chest. It was as if even in sleep she wanted me near. A sense of male pride swelled in my chest as the thought that she'd didn't want to be away from me rattled around in my head.

  I stepped back and stood there for a few moments as I debated on calling into work so I could stay with her. I'd give anything at the moment to be that pillow, to have her soft body pressed into mine, those warm lips brushing over my skin, her nimble fingers teasing me. I had stop. Just standing there letting my mind fill with fantasies was torturing me. My dick was now throbbing for the second time in the last twelve hours. In the last two weeks, I'd beat off more than I did when I'd first discovered the act. After last night’s debacle, I’m embarrassed to admit that it took two rounds to calm me down. Leah had no idea the effect she had on me. Just being near her set me off, and it seemed that until our six weeks of celibacy passed I was going to be in a permanent state of arousal.

  Finally, after who knows how long, I made myself get in the shower. I needed to get away from Leah, and calm down. Nothing good was going to come out of staring at her like a stalker, and I needed to take care of the boner I was now sporting proudly.


  When I stepped under the hot spray, I attempted to relax. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to, but I was going try none the less. My entire body was strung as tight as a bow, and I knew if Leah was awake one tiny kiss would have set me off.

  I reached for her scrubby that was hanging by her body wash. I lifted it to my face and sniffed. It smelled just like her, and as I closed my eyes and imagined her in there with me, I was transported back to all the showers we took when she was pregnant. We’d gotten quite creative with our ways of pleasuring each other since we couldn’t actually have sex.

  The more the water beat down on me, the further into the fantasy I fell. My hard-on was so painful at the moment, I could feel the blood pulsing through it. I knew release was the only way I was going to get any relief. I let my head fall forward against the shower wall as one hand slithered down my wet stomach in search of the ache. The scrubby fell to the floor forgotten as I used my other hand to prop myself up against the wall. Water dripped from my nose and chin as I let the spray beat against my back, the pulsing of the water massaging me as I gripped myself tightly. I groaned as I imagined Leah’s tight little fist gripping me as she sucked and licked her way around my dick. She’s given me head numerous times, but lately she had seemed to pull out all the stops.

  As my fingers rubbed over the tip, my hips surged forward and I released a growl. Panting, I sped up and tightened my fingers. I could feel my release right below the surface and as I began to go impossibly faster my hips rocked forward once again as I came and all over my hand. I huffed out a breath as I let my weight fall against the tile wall of the shower. My entire body trembled as it came back to earth. Every part me tried to go lax as remnants of my orgasm sent my body into a state of euphoria. My time in the shower last night was nothing compared to this, and I silently wondered why. “Holy shit!” I muttered as I shook my wet hair causing small droplets of water to scatter around me. After rinsing off, I reached over and turned the shower off. When I pulled the door open to grab my towel, I was so startled that I almost fell backwards. Standing in the doorway with her index finger in her mouth as she chewed nervously on her nail was Leah.



  At first I didn't know where I was. I'd remembered falling asleep the night before on the couch, but when I opened my eyes I was in bed. Alone. I could hear the shower running, and soft grunts were coming from the bathroom. I knew Nick was in there, but I'd never heard him so vocal before.

  Curiosity overwhelmed me, and I slowly pulled myself out of bed. I was still wearing the t-shirt that I'd had on the night before causing me to shiver slightly from the cool breeze that drifted through the room. I wrapped my arms around my middle and padded over to the bathroom door. As I pushed on it lightly, it slowly opened to reveal the most erotic sight. Through the glass door, I could see Nick leaning against one of the walls. His head was tipped with his left arm bent and pressed against the wall over his head. Steam had fogged the air, but his silhouette left no doubt to what he was doing. His right hand was gripping his cock as he stroked himself vigorously, His thighs flexed tight as his face scrunched up in pleasure. Moans and groans escaped his lips as he mumbled incoherently. I had no idea why he was so turned on, but when his hips jerked forward one last time before he mumbled, “Holy Shit!” I knew he was done. He shook his head as his body trembled, fighting to remain standing. I watched as he stepped under the water one last time before turning the shower off.

  Before I could escape back into the bedroom, the shower door opened and Nick stepped out onto the rug. He didn't notice me at first as he reached for a towel, but when he brought it up to wipe his face, he fumbled and our eyes connected. Nervous and embarrassed at being caught, I began chewing on my fingernail. Nick quickly gained his balance as he smirked at me. I knew I must be blushing because he snickered before holding his arms and the towel out to the side exposing himself.

  "See something you like?" he chuckled.

  "I've seen better," I shrugged and tried to avert my gaze.

  Nick strode over to stand right in front of me and leaned in next to my ear, "Don't lie to me Leah. I can tell just by looking at you that you want me to take you right now."

  I shuddered and cursed my body for being so easy to read. I could feel every nerve ending coming to life as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. Sexual awareness zinged through me as he reached around to cup my rear causing me to stumble forward and press into his chest. I shivered when I felt his fingertips brush the underside of my butt, right along my panties.

  “You can’t tell me that you don't want me to fuck you right now," he murmured as he ran the tip of his nose along my jaw. "I bet you’re dripping,” he moved the hand that was behind me forward and right between my thighs, letting his fingers run over my damp panties. “That's what I thought," he grinned.

  “Nick?” I whimpered as I balled my hands into fists at my side refusing to touch him.

  "What baby?" his nose skimmed my jaw on the other side and then paused.

  “I can’t…” I squeezed my eyes shut fighting to remain in control.

  “I know,” he smirked and then stepped back away from me breaking all contact between us.

  My eyes flew open as my jaw dropped, "What are you doing?"

  “Getting ready for work,” he shrugged as he worked his way around me and over to the dresser.

  He pulled open a drawer and grabbed a pair of boxers. After tugging them on, he stepped into the closet. I stood there stunned for a moment, shocked that he would get me so worked up and then leave me like that. He'd never done it before, and the entire situation completely miffed me.

  "You can't leave me like this," I whined.

  Nick chuckled, "Ummm yeah, I can."

  "Nick!" I growled and stomped my feet like a petulant child.

  He only laughed harder as he pushed by me on his way back into the bathroom to comb his hair.

  “You said you wanted our wedding night to be special. No sex until then, remember?” he looked in the mirror at me standing behind him. “I’m holding up my end of the deal. Trust me when I tell you that waiting for this is going to make it that much better,” he winked at me before I turned and stomped over to the bed.

  I stood there in our room for a minute while he continued to pamper himself in the bathroom. As a plan began to form, I giggled to myself. I grabbed the bottom of the t-shirt I was wearing and whipped it over my head. After tossing it on the bed, I shimmied out of my panties, and sashayed right past him wearing nothing but a smile as I stepped into the shower. Nick's eyes traveled the length of me as I fought with myself to ignore his presence. He was not going to win. When the water blasted on, I heard Nick sigh. I giggled again as I muttered, "Game on!" before stepping under the water to take care of myself. Two could play this game, and I was not one to lose. Nick would be begging before our six week hiatus was up, I was sure of it.


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