Renewed (Shattered #3)

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Renewed (Shattered #3) Page 15

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Of course, but that doesn’t always work,” I sighed.

  “I can’t argue with that,” she shook her head “That’s why I moved all the way across the country.”

  “I’d do that, if my family wasn’t here,” I shrugged and leaned back into the couch. “My mom and sister are all I have. I can’t leave them,” I mumbled.

  “So were you married or just dating,” she watched me out of the corner of her eye.

  “Excuse me?” I swallowed.

  “The ex,” she lifted a shoulder. “Were you married or just dating?” She sat back and watched me as if she was waiting for me to explode on her.

  “That’s a little personal don’tcha think?” I cocked my head to the side.

  “Well…we’re all at group for the same thing…I already know your secret, so why not confide in me. They say it’s good to have someone to count on,” she lifted a brow and sipped her coffee again.

  “I just…” I shifted nervously. Could I spill my guts to a complete stranger? One that I’d just met less than twenty minutes ago? Could I tell her about the demons that haunted me?

  “Come on,” she pushed on my knee. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” I swallowed.

  “His name was Gavin,” Erin began. “We were high school sweethearts. He was the sweetest boy I’d ever met until he’d start drinking. The first time he hit me, he apologized and told me it would never happen again. I believed him, until it did happen again.” She looked up at me as a tear ran down her cheek, “The last time he hit me, he broke my nose. That was two years ago. I packed and left that night.” She wiped at her eyes before turning her gaze back to me, “Your turn.”

  I inhaled deeply before squeezing my eyes shut and going back to a time I wished was just a nightmare, and not my past.

  “Madison!!!!” Richard’s voice bellowed as he stormed in the house searching for me. I don’t know what I’d done this time to set him off, but I knew if I didn’t face the music now, it would be worse when he found me.

  “In here,” I called from the kitchen.

  “What did I tell you about dinner?” he growled.

  “It’s almost ready,” I took a few steps back away from him. “I made your favorite…see?” I pointed to the oven where a roast was cooking.

  “I told you that I like to eat when I get home,” he clinched his jaw. “What time do I get home Madison?”

  “Five-thirty,” I whispered.

  “What was that?” he narrowed his eyes on me.

  “Five-thirty, Sir,” I took another step back.

  “And what time is it now?” he voice dropped even deeper and more menacing.

  “Five-thirty?” my lip began to tremble. “Rich…” I slowly began to creep towards the door to the dining room. “It only needs five more minutes…I thought I’d try to surprise you.”

  “I don’t know how many times I’ve told you what I expect when it comes to dinner,” he roared as he charged towards me. “I’ve said this at least a hundred times…WHEN I COME HOME, DINNER SHOULD BE ON THE TABLE!!!!”

  Before I could duck and get out of his way, I felt his fist slam into the side of my face. I recoiled against the shooting pain that was radiating outward from my eye. I cupped my cheek and scrambled back away from him as he stood seething over me.

  “See what you did?” he yelled. “This is all your fault! You made me do this! Why?” he moved closer as I crouched in the corner of our dining room. “Clean this mess up!” he demanded. “I’m going out,” he turned, grabbed his coat, and stormed out the door like a charging bull.

  “That night was only the first of many,” I glanced up at where Erin was watching intently. “I always thought he would change, but he never did.”

  “We all think that,” Erin sighed wistfully.


  The bell on the door to coffee shop dinged alerting a new group of customers, and I jumped to crane my neck. No matter how hard I tried, I was always prepared to run into Richard. He’d broken his restraining order once before, but after I pressed charges, he’d stayed away. I always wondered if he was plotting a way to get back at me though. It never mattered that he was the one with the problem. He always found a way to make it mine. I lived in constant fear of him. Fear that he’d attack me when I least expected. Fear that he’d show up at my office. Fear that I’d never find someone to love me the way I should be loved. Fear that I was to remain in this state of in between for the rest of my life. I had often wondered if I was irreparably broken, and if I could ever be put back together.

  “You ok,” Erin placed her hand on my knee. “You seem to be off in another world.

  “This is normal for me,” I gave a half smile. “I can’t seem to stay out of the past. Knowing that he could walk in the door at any minute has me on edge. His office is right around the corner.”

  “Can I ask you something then, and please don’t take offense at this…why did you pick the meeting that you did?”

  “My office is two block away,” I bit my lip. “I usually go to the spot near my apartment, but I was in a rush tonight, and decided to catch this one.”

  “So you’re not coming back then?” Erin frowned.

  “Probably not,” I muttered. “I can’t handle this stress.

  “Could you give me the address to your regular meeting spot? I’ll switch,” she grinned. “I don’t have many friends here. I’d like to have you as one…that is if you’re ok with that. I mean…how many people understand what we’re going through?”

  “Sure,” I smiled. “I’d like that too.”

  I pulled out a scrap of paper and jotted down the address to the church that was down the block from my place. “Here…we meet on Wednesdays,” I handed her the paper. “I hope you can make it.”

  “Thanks,” she stuffed the paper in her purse and glanced at her watch. “Well… I better go. It’s getting late.”

  “Yeah…I got an early day tomorrow, and a busy afternoon,” I stood and tossed my cup into the trash nearby.

  “What do you do?” Erin asked as we headed for the door.

  “I’m a vet,” I smiled a genuine smile. I loved my job, and talking about it always brought joy.

  “Cool,” she giggled. “I love pets.”

  “Me too,” we stepped out on the street together. “Well, I’ll see you next week,” I called as we parted ways and I headed towards my car. I knew I needed to get home and try to sleep. Not that I’d be able too, but I needed to try. Maybe my newfound friendship would help. Maybe not, only time would tell.


  Where do I start??? Thank you so much to my family and my understanding husband. It has been a long journey with Nick and Leah. I never saw myself as a bestseller, and honestly never expected it. It has been a wild ride these last several months, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Thank you to my wonderful beta, Shellie. You have pushed, supported, and cheered me on at just the right times. You know exactly what to say to keep me going, and when to stay quiet and let me vent. You’re a godsend in more ways than you know, and I can’t wait to go on another literary adventure with you.

  Thank you to Michelle Warren at Indie Book Covers for continuing to create beautiful covers for my books.

  Thank you to all the bloggers and to my fellow Indie Authors who have supported this trilogy and helped spread the love for Nick and Leah. Lisa at Three Chicks and Their Books, Kellie at Eye Candy Bookstore, Jessi at Jess Time to Read, Nicole at Author Groupies, Jennifer at Sweet Yet Naughty Book Blog, the ladies at Wicked Women Book Blog, M&D’s Have You Read Book Blog…you all have shown me so much support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  A special thank you to Angie with Twinsie Talk Book Reviews. Your support has been immeasurable. The texts and PMs I’ve gotten while you’ve been deep in the heart of these books has given me the drive to keep at them. You have no idea how much that encouragement has been needed some days.
Even though we’ve never met, you are a true friend.

  But most of all…THANK YOU to YOU!!! The fans!!! You guys have brought tears of joy to my eyes, and smiles so big my face hurts. I never in my wildest dreams believed that I’d one day be here. When I set out a year ago to begin this journey as an author all I wanted was for one person other than family to buy my book. Now I watch all of you send me messages daily asking me for more. More Nick and Leah, more Cam and Avery, more of anything… Your support and love of my books…I just can’t put it into words what it does to me. So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for loving my work. Thank you for telling you friends, and thank you for always wanting MORE.

  About the Author

  H. D’Agostino currently resides in Syracuse, NY with her husband, two children, and a house full of pets. Originally from Harrisburg, NC, she attended UNC Charlotte and received a BA in Elementary Education with a concentration in Math. H.D’Agostino loves hearing from her fans. You may follow her on Facebook at or on her website at Want to make sure you don’t miss anything new? Join H.D’Agostino’s mailing list by filling out the subscribe form on the homepage of her website. You’ll be the first to know about new releases and sales the day they happen.

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