Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) Page 13

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "There isn't time, put her in the back of my Jeep and I'll drive her to the hospital." I instantly scooped her up in my arms and carried her across the yard to James' vehicle. Ink flung open the door and I placed Lauren in the back before running around to the other side so I could hold her on the journey to the hospital.

  James and Amy got in the front and he eagerly made his way from the yard mindful of the amount of people around.

  "Babe you need to wake up, it's going to be okay. I'm sorry for punching Ramsey, I really am but I was only trying to protect you. I've lost mum and dad but I just can't lose you babe, that's why you need to wake up." I rocked her limp body back and forth hoping, praying even that she'd just open her eyes.

  It was the longest journey of my life. James was a fucking legend driving as quickly as he could but it still didn't seem quick enough.

  "Nearly there Woods, how's she doing?" Amy asked turning around in her seat to look at me.

  "Her breathing is really shallow Ames, we just need to get her some help." I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks at my helplessness to the situation. She couldn't die on me, I couldn't cope with losing her she just meant everything to me.

  "Right we're here Woods." James stopped the Jeep directly outside the doors for A&E where the Ambulances usually parked. I moved Lauren onto my lap and shuffled as best I could across the seat towards the door. Amy opened it and held it wide enough so I could swing my legs around but Lauren was a dead weight and I was finding it difficult to move her.

  "Here, we'll get her in this." I looked up to see James wheeling a wheel chair in my direction. He placed his hands under her arms, "On 3 you need to lift her, 1, 2, 3," I grabbed her legs and we carried her over to the wheel chair placing her so she didn't fall.

  "Park it for me," James threw the keys to Amy and she nodded understanding what she'd been asked.

  I grabbed the handles to the wheelchair and pushed her into the building and up to the main counter. James was already there giving her details and possible causes of injury.

  A nurse saw us enter and came over straight away, "Right follow me." I pushed Lauren down the corridor trying to hold her head so she didn't bang it on the metal handle. The lady rushed down the corridor and was paging someone hopefully informing them of our arrival.

  She typed a code into the metal keypad and turned the large handle to open the door, the room smelt sterile and I felt a little nauseous.

  "Is she pregnant?" she asked washing her hands before putting on some plastic gloves.

  "I haven't got a fucking clue," I let out a sigh as I extended my arms. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, I was like a helpless spectator at the worst event in my life.

  James patted me on the back, "Come on mate you're no use in here, let's wait outside while they look her over."

  "Is she going to be okay?" I asked tears pricking my eyes again.

  "She'll have a better chance if you leave them to it." James directed me from the room and down the corridor towards the waiting area.

  There was no point kicking off and protesting as they'd call security and I'd be asked to leave. I needed to be as close to Lauren as possible. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to make sense of the whole situation. Pregnant! Fucking pregnant! How could she be pregnant? There had to be something else wrong with her.

  I walked into the waiting area to see a few of the guys had made it up here. "What are you doing here, you didn't need to come?" I addressed the group.

  "Yes we did mate, we're family." Spike stepped closer and held my shoulder. "How's she doing?"

  I shook my head, "I don't know yet she's still being examined."

  "I'm gonna get some drinks, Lyric give me a hand." Spike pointed to the drinks machine further down the corridor and Lyric stood giving me a small smile as he passed. It was only then that I noticed Chloe standing in the doorway, she made her way across the room and opened her arms to give me a hug but I swatted her away. The shock was evident on her face and I felt like an arse but I was so full of rage.

  "I can't do this now Chloe." I pointed between the two of us, "This, is probably why she's ended up the way she has."

  Chloe frowned, "What do you mean I don't understand."

  "You've been taking up my time, I promised Lauren that I would always put her first but I haven't and because of that decision she's hurting."

  She reached out to touch my arm and I stepped back, "Woods don't do this babe, please don't push me away."

  I ran my fingers back through my hair agitated. I didn't want to push her away, I wanted her to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be okay but I was also looking for someone to blame and she was the easiest option. "You should go, I don't have time for this. Lauren is my priority, she only has me and I need to look after her."

  "That's where you're wrong Woods, she has the both of us."

  "Not anymore."

  Chloe's eyes welled with tears but I knew that I needed to be horrible in order for her to leave. She was the sweetest most caring woman I knew but I needed her to go as I couldn't cope with the feelings I had regarding letting Lauren down and needed to concentrate on that rather than Chloe at this moment in time.

  She bit her lip trying to control her emotions, she wasn't one for drama so I knew there'd be no big slanging match. Chloe nodded her head slowly and backed out of the room before turning on her heels and making her way out of the ward.

  "What the fuck have you done?" I turned to see Spike.

  "Exactly what needs to be done," I took one of the coffee's he was holding and stirred it. It looked like shit but I needed something to drink, it was just a shame that we didn't have anything stronger.

  "Mr Davies?"

  I turned to see a bloke in his mid forties in a white lab coat, "Yeah that's me."

  "Miss Davies is awake and asking to see you."

  I gave Spike my cup and followed the doctor into the room where Lauren was. She'd got a little colour back in her cheeks but she still looked drained.

  "How you doing babe?" I sat on the bed and stroked her arm noticing that she had an IV.

  "I feel a lot better now, sorry if I scared you."

  "I was going out of my mind Lauren, I thought I'd lost you." I adjusted my seating position which gave me some time to think how I was going to play this. I needed to ask her a variety of questions I just didn't know how I was going to ask her.

  "They want to keep me in for a couple of hours to monitor me but said I can go home tonight if I want or I can stay until morning, it all depends how I feel."

  "And what do you want to do?"

  "I'll sleep better in my own bed but it would be nice to stay here and have some space."

  "And what have they said Lauren?" I asked hesitantly.

  Lauren drew her brows, "What do you mean?"

  "Regarding the miscarriage! Are you okay or were there any complications or other things that we need to know about?"

  She turned her head to the side obviously not wanting to talk to me about it but we needed to be adult about the situation. If she was old enough to lay with a bloke and get pregnant then she was old enough to talk about the situation and the consequences.

  "Look I'm sorry, I'm trying to be sensitive to the situation and I know you've been through a lot today but I've got questions babe so many fucking questions. I won't get on your case tonight but they need to be answered coz I'm going out of my fucking mind here trying to keep it together."

  I stood and paced around the room, this wasn't the time to bombard her with questions, I needed to step back and think about her needs for now rather than wanting blood for my little girl getting hurt.

  "I promised myself that I'd look after you so can you imagine how angry and upset I am at the minute thinking that it's my fault, that I've let you down."

  She turned her head to look at me, "None of this is your fault, it was just a stupid mistake."

  "You're so cleaver how did you end up in this mess?"
  "Just promise me that you'll leave Ramsey alone from now on, none of this is his fault."

  "You know I can't promise that Lauren, he needs to pay for what he's done."

  "You're not listening to me, he hasn't done anything." She shouted flinging her arms around.

  "Well I know for a fact that you can't get fucking pregnant on your own." I too was now shouting.

  "Promise or I'm not coming home."

  "You fucking what?"

  "Promise you won't hurt Ramsey or I'm not coming home." Lauren folded her arms across her chest knowing that she'd just played her trump card.

  "Are you shitting me?" I was outraged that she was protecting him so badly.

  "I'm serious Mark, he has nothing to do with this."

  I let out a loud sigh, I wanted blood for Ramsey touching her when he'd been warned but I couldn't bare Lauren falling out with me either. She knew that and was using our bond as leverage, "I promise but if he even looks at you I'm gonna fucking hurt him, do you understand?"

  Lauren nodded her head, "I understand. I'm exhausted Mark, I'm going to get some rest."

  "That's fine sweet, there's some shit that I've gotta take care of but I'll be back bright and early tomorrow morning to take you home." Lauren smiled and turned on her side ending the conversation. I took that as my cue to leave and quietly left her room so she could get some rest but knew that there were still lots to discuss.

  I wasn't a big drinker but I needed something after the evening I'd had. I didn't want to go to the clubhouse through fear of bumping into Ramsey as I couldn't guarantee that I'd behave myself so I got a taxi to the Birdcage instead.

  I sat at the bar resting my boots on the stool beside me, this way hopefully people would get the hint and not join me as I wasn't in a talkative mood.

  Natasha placed a bottle of jack and a glass on the bar and left me to drown my sorrows, she knew by my expression not to make idle chit chat. I unscrewed the cap and poured the golden liquid into my glass, filling what looked to be a triple shot and placed the bottle back onto the bar before I knocked the liquid back in one. It stung but this was the feeling I wanted, it made my heart beat quickly and took off the edge. I poured myself another and turned to watch the young girl dancing on the stage.

  "She's hot!" Recon whacked my boots pushing them from the stool.

  "Is she?"

  "What you doing here drowning your sorrows, shouldn't you be with Lauren?" Spike leaned on the back of the stool that Recon had sat in.

  "She's resting and wanted to be alone, I'm picking her up in the morning."

  "Well for what it's worth I would've done exactly the same to Ramsey."

  I glared at Recon, "You fucking pulled me off!"

  "Well there were kids around." I rolled my eyes at his statement, he should've let me smash the shit out of him.

  Recon poured himself a drink and we clinked glasses, "No hard feelings." He winked and swallowed the shot.

  "Am I hearing you two correctly?"

  I glanced at Spike confused, "What do you mean?"

  "What, so Diesel should've beat the crap out of you for shagging Amy and maybe Hound should do the same to you for shagging Chloe. You're bloody hypocrites the pair of you, you don't know the full fucking story so stop jumping to conclusions." Recon and I glanced at each other shocked by Spike's outburst but he wasn't finished," You need to stop drowning your sorrows Woods, go home sleep it off and be in the best frame of mind tomorrow morning to speak to Lauren. She doesn't need you turning up tomorrow feeling like shit." Spike turned on his heels and stomped in the direction of the toilets leaving the pair of us gobsmacked by his rant.

  I looked at the glass I was holding and placed it onto the bar, "Do you know what, I hate to say it but he's right." I stood and collected my iPhone from the bar, "I'll speak to you later Recon." I walked through the bar ignoring the pleas from some of the women working tonight but Spike was right, I needed to get home so that I was in the best frame of mind tomorrow to deal with whatever was thrown at me.


  My face was stinging like a bitch, Maggie had treated the cuts making sure they wouldn't be infected but I was hurting. Woods had a bloody good punch on him that was for sure.

  I'd now been standing in the corridor for the past five minutes pacing up and down deciding what I was going to do. It was only a matter of time before Lauren's secret came out I was just a little shocked as to what it was. I hadn't known that she was pregnant and by the look on Lauren's face I very much doubt that she knew she was either but my suspicions were confirmed that she'd had sex that night at the party.

  I'd come to the conclusion that she'd been a virgin because I knew that she'd not had the opportunities during the time usual teenagers were experimenting. She was dealing with the death of her parents and then she had thrown herself into her studies with not much of a social life. The amount of blood she had on her dress on the night of the party was becoming a concern though. I'd never fucked a virgin so I didn't know from experience but I'd googled it and there shouldn't have been that much which was also leading me to believe that she'd been attacked in some shape or form.

  I couldn't prove it either way and Lauren didn't want to discuss it. God I'd tried over recent weeks trying to get her to open up and share what had happened but it was as if she'd chosen to forget about it, I suppose it was her coping mechanism but it just seemed strange to me. Woods had now put two and two together and come up with an answer that just said Ramsey. I was being held accountable for something that I tried to prevent and then rectify. I'd told Lauren that I would withhold this information from the club but it was now bigger than that and I needed to tell someone. I contemplated telling Spike who was my mentor but he'd only want me to explain it to Duke so that's why I was here, in the corridor contemplating how I was going to fucking say it.

  The door flew open and I stopped moving knowing that I couldn't back out of telling him now even if I wanted to.

  "Are you gonna come in here or are you gonna pace up and down all evening and wear my carpet out?" Duke folded his arms across his chest raising his brows waiting for a response.

  "Yeah, I was just about to knock," I lied.

  Duke sniggered and stepped aside inviting me into his office. "So what can I do for you?" I strolled into his office and stood waiting to be asked to sit. He gestured with his hand and I choose the sofa in the corner of the room.

  I knew that I was betraying Lauren's trust by being here but it needed to be dealt with in the right way.

  "The pregnancy was nothing to do with me." I blurted out needing to get it off my chest. Duke frowned, "I promise, I haven't laid a fucking finger on her. I'd obviously like to but I promise you I haven't."

  I could see Duke taking in what I was saying, "Okay so what do you know about the pregnancy?"

  "I believe she slept with a bloke at a party. Now I don't know for sure but when I picked her up she was distressed and she had blood on her, you know sort of in that region." I indicated with my finger around my genitals. Duke rolled his eyes at my way of explaining. "So I don't know if he took advantage of her or was just a little rough but she was a mess."

  "So why haven't you told me before now?"

  "Lauren assured me that it had been just a stupid mistake so I assumed that she'd had a one night stand and was just regretting it."

  "When, where and who do you know attended the party?"

  "It was in High Laver and I know Lauren went with Brooke. She may be able to help you with more information." I was annoyed that I didn't know any more information but I knew Duke would be able to find out.

  "Okay, leave it with me and I'll do some digging." Duke let out a sigh, "What the fuck we gonna do with Brooke? She is another Paige waiting to happen!" He shook his head and banged his fist on his desk clearly annoyed. He sat quietly composing himself and I could see that he was trying to keep his cool after his little outburst, "You say you like her!"

  I smiled, "I do, we'v
e grown close over recent weeks. I know she likes me too but we've both been fighting it. Me because of the club and Woods and her I suppose because of the baby."

  "Woods has just called to say that unfortunately Lauren lost the baby."

  I shrugged, "It wouldn't have mattered either way, I still like her and if she had a baby by another man so be it."

  Duke smiled at my comment which I thought was strange but I ignored it all the same.

  "Well I appreciate you telling me although this conversation should've happened sooner."

  "I know and I'm sorry but at that stage I didn't know then what I know now."

  "Get yourself home and chill out as I have a feeling that things are going to be a little hectic around here."

  I nodded my head slowly and left the room as I took my phone from my pocket to see if Lauren had tried to make contact. I sighed disappointed to see that she hadn't. I knew that I could make her happy, she needed that in her life. There was only so much that Woods could give her, she needed to find that special person that would be able to help her balance her life and that person was me.

  I pressed Whatsapp on my phone and brought up our messages, I wanted her to know that I was thinking about her although I didn't know how well it would be received.

  I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You know where I am if you need me, I'm only a message away xx

  Chapter 8


  "So why have you brought me here?" Mark had collected me early from hospital and had explained that he wanted to take me somewhere of importance. We walked side by side down the winding path from the car park and through the rose bush garden until we reached the grave of our parents.

  "I come here when I need time to take stock of situations, it may sound stupid but I like to tell mum and dad of what I'm up to and how things are." Mark sat on the grass verge directly in front of their headstone, "I know there's no one there to answer, don't go calling the men in white coats just yet but it helps me to get things off my chest and reflect."


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