Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) Page 15

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  I entered the cab and picked up the envelope to check my next location. Aiden was a regular gym goer and it wasn't too far from here. I glanced at my watch it was only 3.30pm but it stated on the paperwork that he didn't usually arrive until 5.00pm. I slowly pulled out of the space and made my way from one side of Epping to the other, the gym he attended was attached to a hotel on the outskirts on the town and I was trying to work out how I may be able to get him into the van.

  As I drove into the grounds of the hotel, I noticed CJ sitting in one of our unmarked cars at the back of the car park away from the main building. We had a few for such emergencies that were registered in people's names that weren't linked to the club, this way they weren't known to the police but tonight I didn't give a shit and was driving around in the clubs van.

  I parked behind CJ and exited the vehicle making my way to his opened window.

  "How did you know where he was?"

  "Don't worry about that, I have everything in place." CJ pointed to a skanky looking scag head loitering by the tree's to my right.

  "I know that Aiden leaves between 6-6.30pm most evenings but I didn't know if we could possibly catch him on the way in?"

  CJ frowned, "How do you know so much?"

  I took his photo from the envelope, "Chloe did some reconnaissance for me."

  He smiled and took the photo to study the bloke, "Oi Doppy bollocks come here." He encouraged the skank to walk towards the car as he moved his two fingers back and forth. "This is a photo of the bloke, you need to go in there and see if he's around." He nodded animatedly but I was a little concerned as he looked vacant. "Are you taking this all in?" CJ asked again talking slowly this time, his actions made me snigger. The guy nodded his head and studied the photo before scurrying in the direction of the gym entrance.

  "How you bearing up?" CJ asked and I heard the compassion in his voice.

  "I've just gotta focus on the task at hand at the moment but once we've caught up with them, that's a whole fucking different matter."

  "Totally understand, no one knows how they'll react in certain situations until they're in it but you seem to be calm which is worrying."

  I smiled, "It is for them!"

  A few minutes passed before the scag head made his way from the foyer of the gym and over to CJ's car. "That man is talking to the receptionist," he rubbed his hands together and his eyes widened as he saw CJ put his hand into his pocket.

  "This is yours," CJ handed him a small bag of weed. His eyes twinkled before he scurried along the bushes and out of sight.

  "Where the fuck did you find him?"

  CJ sniggered, "I know a lot of undesirables, they come in handy every so often."

  I rolled my eyes and looked towards the building to see Aiden coming out, "That's him but he's come to the gym early today."

  CJ checked him out also, "Don't knock it. Right, you need to just follow my lead." CJ started the engine of his car and slowly made his way through the car park towards the exit.

  Aiden was busy texting and I took this opportunity to message Buster with my requirements in order to satisfy my needs later on at the safe house. These bastards needed to pay for what they did to Lauren but I was missing one thing and he needed to get it for me in order for it to work.

  I got into my van, and followed his car at a safe distance through the car park and under the barrier to travel through the grounds of the hotel.

  I could see CJ's car in the distance as he moved slowly down the gravel road until he came to a standstill. Aiden slammed on his breaks and waited a while before he got out of his car to investigate. "Cleaver boy!" I muttered to myself as Aiden stood talking to CJ through the car window. Before long, Aiden walked to the rear of CJ's vehicle and started to push it hoping that he could move it out of his way so he could pass. I pulled the van over to the side of the road and doused a rag with chloroform. He was a big guy so he needed to be taken down quickly and without a lot of fuss. I exited the vehicle and stealthily made my way up behind him. I jumped onto his back taking him by surprise as I grabbed him around his neck and held the cloth to his face making sure that I covered his mouth and nose. He fought as best he could but I felt him slowly become weak and took this opportunity to pull him down to the ground.

  "I got out to help but it looks like you're doing fine on your own." CJ sniggered watching me bring the hulk of a man down to the ground.

  "You can laugh as much as you fucking like, you've gotta help lift him into my van."

  CJ rolled his eyes and I slowly let go of my hold to release the bloke completely. "I'll just move your van closer." CJ jogged back to my van and drove it so that it was parked beside his car. He exited the van and shoved his hands under Aiden's arms as I took the bottom half by carrying his legs. We lifted as best we could and slowly moved the dead weight towards the van. I let go of his legs to quickly open the doors and was pleased to see that Reece was still unconscious.

  "Right we'll lift him on 3, 1...2...3!" We both used all the strength we had left to move Aiden and dropped him in the back of the van. I rolled him some more making sure I had the room to close the doors and sighed with relief knowing that I had two of Lauren's attackers.

  We were both startled by CJ's phone ringing and laughed as I held my chest trying to calm my heart rate. CJ answered his phone and put Duke on loud speaker.

  "We can't find our precious cargo anywhere, have you had much luck?"

  "You won't find them either because their wings have been clipped." CJ stated closing the doors firmly.

  "Excellent, see you soon." Duke ended the call and CJ returned his phone to his pocket.

  "You get over to the safe house and get these cunts sorted, I'm just going to move his car out of the way and then I'll join you."

  CJ held out his arms and brought me in for a hug, he grabbed my head and placed a rough kiss on the top of my head, "Fucking love you man, stay strong."

  I appreciated his words and knew that he was right, I needed to get this scum over to the safe house and let the fun commence.

  Twenty minutes later, I pulled up outside a building belonging to Greenall in the middle of the forest in Matching Tye. As I jumped from the van I was greeted by some of the guys who'd come to help me remove the shit from the back.

  I stretched my arms trying to loosen some of the built up tension in my neck and back as I walked to the rear of the vehicle to see Recon already in the back using his feet to move the two blokes.

  "What you all waiting for, grab a fucking arm, leg or even a cock and get these cunt's inside." Recon was in one this evening, the bloke was a scary motherfucker at the best of times but I could hear the venom in his voice and knew that he was up for it.

  The guys dragged Reece and Aiden through the long grass and into the building, one of them was now conscious and his pleases for forgiveness could be heard. Pitiful little cunt, he didn't stop when Lauren pleaded with him so he wouldn't be getting any sympathy from me.

  Duke greeted me, "We'll follow your lead Woods. I'm happy for you to do whatever you feel is necessary."

  I smiled grateful that Duke would allow me to do this. As president of the club, it would usually be his call but he knew that I needed to do it my way to try to gain some kind of closure. I was surprisingly calm but that only made their fate worse because I was going to have some fun first and degrade them as they had Lauren.

  I followed Duke into the building and we took a sharp right into a room that was covered in plastic. All three boys were now conscious and looked to have been doused with a liquid possibly water to wake them up.

  "What do you want to do with them?" Duke asked leaning on one of the walls with his arms folded across his chest.

  I turned to face Laurens attackers, "He's mine!" I pointed to Reece and saw the horror on his face as his eyes widened with fear. "Take him next door and I'll deal with him in a minute."

  "With pleasure!" "Justice and Lyric each grabbed an arm and dragged him from the room as he proteste
d his innocence.

  Once he was out of sight and the door was firmly closed I turned my attention to the two young lads kneeling on the floor, they looked petrified at what their fate may hold.

  "These two are not to be touched!" Everyone in the room looked at me with varying degrees of expression but all meaning the same thing thinking I'd gone soft.

  I smiled, "They're going to touch each other instead." I pulled out my glock from the waistband of my jeans and clicked off the safety, "Strip!"

  The two guys glanced at each other and then back at me in disbelief of what I'd asked them to do. There lack of response only infuriated me further. I fired a warning shot and it ricochet nearly hitting Aiden in the process, the noise was deafening and echoed around the room but I didn't care they weren't taking orders and I was starting to lose patients.

  "I said fucking strip now." The guys knew that I was now serious and started to unbutton their garments and discard them onto the floor much to the amusement of the group as they didn't know where I was going with this.

  "Woods, do you still want these?" I turned to see Buster hold up a carrier bag in front of me.

  I snatched it from his hand and smiled, "Thank you Buster right on time."

  "Sorry Woods I got them as quick as I could. I didn't know where to go to be honest so I had to ask around." I sniggered thinking of this young kid asking for such things.

  I glanced into the carrier bag, "Oh you did good Buster, well done." I glanced over at the young lads who were still slowly stripping.

  "Do you even know why you're here?"

  "No man I don't, it must be a mistaken identity or something because we haven't ever done anything to the club." Aiden snivelled like a fucking baby, god it was pathetic.

  "Now let me tell you a little secret. I'm Lauren Davies' big brother and I'm also a member of the Ace's." They both froze and I could see the panic and I was loving the power. "Now I've seen the video of the three of you violating my sister. She pleaded with you to stop multiple times but you ignored her and continued regardless. I also saw how you two got excited as Reece gave you instructions on how to 'satisfy' my sister," I air quoted letting them know that I'd seen the video. Both guys swallowed hard knowing their fate wasn't looking good.

  "Yes that's right have you only just realised why you're here." I sniggered and caught some of the club members expressions still confused as to what I was going to do.

  "We're going to play a game of our own tonight though and my friend Recon is in charge." Recon stepped forward smiling up for the challenge that faced him.

  "Oh I love a game," he clapped excitedly.

  "That's why I've made you in charge," I patted him on the back.

  I rummaged in the bag, pulled out a big thick black dildo and threw it to Nick. He caught it and his eyes widened with alarm as it registered what I was about to ask him to do.

  "Right Recon, I want you to shout out instructions because these two get off on that and they are going to happily oblige and give you a floor show."

  Recon shook his head in disbelief but had the biggest grin on his face, "You're a fucked up individual." He stated clearly amused.

  "And I want the rest of you to get your phones out and record everything. Once they've finished I will make sure that it goes up on every single form of social media so everyone can see the rapists get violated."

  "What happens if they don't want to play?" Buster asked before I walked out the door to deal with Reece.

  "Make them or just fucking shoot them, I really don't give a shit." I pushed the door open to hear Recon give his first instruction and smiled to myself knowing that the sick bastard would enjoy every minute of it.

  As I entered the room Diesel, Duke, Justice and Lyric glanced in my direction. As Diesel moved, I saw Reece kneeling on the floor. He'd been gagged and his hands were tied behind his back but he tried his best to whimper a response through the tight cloth.

  I casually walked beside Reece and dug the muzzle of my glock at the side of his head. The fear oozed from his body giving me a small sense of satisfaction at how frightened he was.

  "Move!" I ordered pushing the glock further into his skin. Reece shakily got to his feet, breathing heavily in the process. I noticed his tears and shook my head, this pitiful bully had resulted to tears before I had even laid a finger on him it was fucking priceless. "You're not so care free and confident now are you pussy boy?"

  I pointed to a wooden chair in the corner of the room and indicated for it to be brought over. Lyric eagerly got the chair and dragged it to the centre of the room behind Reece placing it into the fire pit surrounded by bricks.

  "Sit!" I instructed treating him like a dog. He continued to whimper and breathe heavily but backed up to sit on the chair. His eyes flickered back and forth between me and the weapon not sure if I were going to pull the trigger or not but that would be far too easy. That would be too quick of a death, he deserved slow and painful for what he did to Lauren.

  I removed my rucksack from my back and opened the zipper. Every sound was intensified as the room was so quiet, everyone including my brothers were intrigued as to what I was going to do. I rested the bag on the floor and kneeled in front of it to retrieve a long length of rope. I pulled it through my fingers making sure there were no knots.

  "Anything you want me to do Woods?" Duke asked. He wasn't usually one to get his hands dirty, he'd done he's fair share of shit over the years working his way up through the ranks but he was with me on this, he understood the need for revenge and wanted to offer his support.

  "I will do in a minute mate," I glanced in his direction to see him nod and he stepped back giving me the stage as he knew this was my show.

  I removed my blade from its sheath around my waist and stepped closer to Reece. He closed his eyes as I brought the blade up to his face thinking the worse but I simply cut away the fabric.

  Reece moved his jaw around trying to gain the sensation back but his flicker of hope was short lived when I threw the rope over the beam directly above him.

  "Nah man, look I'm sorry for what I did. I was high on coke, I know that's no excuse for what I did but I'm sorry." He continued to plead for his life but I didn't respond, I calmly went about making a noose.

  "Please guys have a word with him, he's not seeing sense." He continued to plead and turned his attention to the guys who ignored him and focussed their attentions on me beavering away putting everything in place for the perfect murder.

  "See Lyric, this here is a perfect case of denial. He knew what he was doing that night and so did those boys next door but he'll do and say anything now in order to be released." Diesel stepped closer and kneeled before Reece, "You'll go to hell for what you did to Lauren but you know that your death will be slow and painful so it'll give you a long time to think about your actions." Diesel stood behind Reece and grabbed him tightly in a bear hug. Reece fought trying to get free as he struggled but there was no way that he was a match for Diesel.

  I placed the noose over his head and wiggled it down to his neck before pulling the rope tight to secure it firmly. I nodded seeing my handy work and held the rope tightly pulling him to his feet. "Get on the chair."

  He struggled again and in his plight he kicked the chair over, Duke surged forward and punched him square in the face he stopped struggling and his eyes rolled into the back of his head from the shock. Duke stood the chair up and with the help of Diesel lifted Reece into a standing position. Justice had quickly run around to the other side and pulled the slack on the rope, I joined him and we hoisted Reece until his feet were on tiptoes.

  He came to and tried to struggle but had no option than to go with the direction of the rope.

  "You're taking this too far now man, I've learnt my lesson. Pleasssse stop this!"

  The guy was delusional, he honestly thought that I was going to forgive him and set him free. I tightened the rope to the hook on the side of the wall once I was happy with the tension and turned to face Reece
. He blubbered like a baby and was saying things that were inaudible, I briefly thought what may go through a person's mind when they knew death was staring them in the face.

  "Speak up man I can't fucking hear you," I stood by his side and kicked the chair making it wobble. He nearly lost his footing and frantically tried to stay on his tiptoes. "I will do anything man, absolutely anything," he screamed.

  "Absolutely anything!" I tapped my chin thoughtfully pondering a response and crouched to retrieve a tin of lighter fuel and a pack of matches from my rucksack. "Absolutely anything you say," I calmly squirted the fuel around the wooden chair. Reece screamed at the top of his lungs pleading for his life but it was meaningless, his life was meaningless.

  I opened the matchbox, took one out and held it up to show Reece. "This little thing here holds so much meaning, this has the ability to change your destiny forever. You could've done so much, you could've been anything you wanted to be if you just set your mind to it but your actions have brought you here." I kept calm speaking to him in a monotone voice as he screamed and howled fighting for his life. I struck the match and flicked it towards the chair, it bounced on the ground before it settled in the fuel. The flames quickly took hold licking around the chair legs before it crept further up the wood towards the seat. Reece pulled on his cuffed wrists trying to release himself, he looked down at the flames as they made their way further up the chair. I stepped back pleased with my efforts, "I think that will do it."

  I crouched to pack the rest of my contents into my rucksack and stood as I swung it over my shoulder.

  The screams were intense as Reece knew his fate but I didn't care. I wasn't in a habit of taking people's lives but I couldn't let his actions go unpunished and if he did this so easily to Lauren, there was nothing to say he wouldn't strike again if he hadn't already.

  "Let him burn until the flames get to his waist and then put them out with this." I handed Justice a fire extinguisher. "Then just let him hang in pain until the cunt dies." Justice nodded understanding what I'd asked him to do. "Are you ok to sort out the aftermath?" I shouted over the screams so I could be heard.


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