Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 66

by Sheridan Anne

  “Jace?” she yells as the douchebag looks back and forth between us, wondering what the hell is going on here.

  I’m having far too much of a good time to stop here. “You’re on your own, babe,” I tell her before turning to the guy beside me and putting a hand on his shoulder. “Congratulations, man You’re going to be a dad.”

  “Woah,” he says with wide eyes as both his hands fly up “I’m… ah. I’m out,” he says before backing away and bolting out of here like his ass is on fire.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Cami demands as she crosses her arms over her chest and gives me her best glare.

  I can’t help but laugh at the whole scene. “I’m sorry, babe,” I say. “I couldn’t help myself. I was protecting what’s mine.”

  “Jace,” she demands. “I’m not yours to protect.”

  I give her a hard stare and make sure I have her undivided attention. I lean in and take her chin in my hand. “But you will be,” I tell her.

  Her arms drop from her chest and the heavy scowl instantly turns into shock. “Jace?” she whispers, and even though the sound of the club is almost deafening, I hear her perfectly well.

  Without saying another word, I wink and walk away before I throw myself over the bar and crush my lips to hers.

  Chapter 17


  I stand in the middle of my store, ecstatic for the night ahead of me. Tonight is the re-launch of Style me Crazy and we are celebrating by throwing a huge party.

  I can’t wait. Bec, Lilly, Kim, and I have been running around like crazy all week preparing for this. I got the keys back on Monday morning and the second I walked through the door, I was in heaven. The place is absolutely beautiful and is more than I could ever have imagined.

  Every single change I had wanted to make from the last store was added, my security system was upgraded, and there’s a shitload more space to display designers’ collections without it appearing cramped or over-stocked.

  So, after opening the doors on Monday morning to an empty space, the girls and I had a lot of work to do. There were car trips back and forth from the store to The Dark Room where Rylee had allowed me to store all the new collections until we got access to the new and improved Style me Crazy. We were running around like crazy trying to get everything put out on display, entering stock details, and price tags.

  In short, it’s been one of the busiest weeks of my life. I’m just thankful that I was able to get rid of the stupid cast so I was able to actually help. I swear, only having the use of one hand sucks. It’s hard and frustrating, not to mention, the simple things take so damn long, like trying to get my jeans down before I piss myself… yeah, that was interesting and way too close for my liking.

  Having a busy week has been a godsend as it’s helped to keep my mind off those three words Jace had uttered. ‘You will be’.

  I swear, the second those words came out of his mouth, I must have died. Actually, maybe I was already dead as never in this lifetime had I imagined I’d ever hear that from him. I must have been in heaven where all my dreams and fantasies were coming true because the Jace I know wouldn’t be making me promises like that.

  The bell above the door opens and I jump into action while realizing I’ve been standing here daydreaming about the way Jace had winked at me for nearly an hour… I mean, damn, that wink. Oft. It was hot enough to melt the panties right off me. It sent this desperate need right through me, leaving no choice but to pull out the bright green battery-operated friend when I got home. Though, as usual, it was disappointing. Nothing is as good as having the real thing.

  I look at up at the newcomers in the store and see none other than Rylee and little Isaac walking in with Cole behind them, carrying a wrapped box. “Hey,” I grin as I skip around the counter and crash into Rylee with a welcoming hug. “How are you?”

  “Good,” she laughs before pulling back and having a look around the store while Cole slides the big box onto the counter. “This place looks incredible,” Rylee says as I scoop Isaac out of his pram.

  “Yeah,” Cole agrees as he checks over every little detail and makes sure to stick his head out the back and into the changerooms. “They’ve done a great job.”

  “Indeed, they have,” I say in my baby voice as I hold Isaac up high while making a big slobbery toothless grin come over his little face. “You know the party doesn’t start for another hour?” I ask.

  “I know,” Rylee says, “But we wanted to bring you something first.”

  “Huh?” I grunt.

  At that, she stops looking around at the new collections and points towards the box that Cole had put on the counter. “Open it. It’s for you.”

  “What?” I smile. “You didn’t have to bring me a present.”

  “I did,” she tells me. “It’s our way of saying thanks for looking after The Dark Room over the past three months and a congratulations on your re-launch.”

  A grin rips across my face as I carry Isaac over to the counter and look over the big box. My excitement levels have been running high all day, but right now, standing in front of an unknown surprise, they’re skyrocketing.

  Rylee comes over takes Isaac from me, freeing up my hands. The second Isaac is comfortable in his mommy’s arms, I make my move.

  I rip the paper open like a maniac before gawking at the box in complete surprise. “Holy shit,” I whisper as tears begin to pool in my eyes. “You bought me a new sewing machine.”

  “Yeah,” Rylee smiles. “You’re last one got burned in the fire and I didn’t want you to give up on Cameron Drew Designs.”

  My bottom lip pouts out at the tears fall from my eyes. “Thank you,” I whisper as I pull her and Isaac into my arms. “You’re the best.”

  “I know,” she laughs.

  I turn to Cole while I hold his whole world in my arms. “You’re the best too, but Rylee is just a tad better.”

  “Believe me,” he says with a grin. “I know. She tells me all the time.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I pull out of her arms. “Alright,” I say. “I might as well put you guys to work. There’s still so much we have to do. Bec and Lilly are out getting a cake and Kim is doing the liquor store run, so I still need a table set up and I haven’t quite worked out the new sound system.”

  Cole rolls his eyes, but nonetheless, he gets right to work, and an hour later, the store is filled with everyone I know. Our whole group of friends have arrived, except for one certain man who makes constant appearances in my dreams. My family has turned up. All my trusted designers have come, and of course, all the workmen who helped put this place back together have stopped by for the beer I promised them.

  The party is an absolute hit and has me absolutely high on life.

  By the end of the night, the guests disappear, leaving behind just my close group of friends. All us girls sit in the new change room where there are the softest couches I’ve ever sat on. Apart from Lexi and Imogen who are both pregnant, the rest of us have has a few glasses of champagne to help celebrate the night, while all the guys are out the front of the store doing whatever the hell guys do.

  I can’t help but think back to Jace. I wonder what he’s doing tonight while all of his friends are here. Maybe he’s taken himself out or maybe he just went straight home to bed… though, I highly doubt party boy Jace King would be home alone on a Friday night.

  The thought stings, but let’s be real, I know Jace likes to take advantage of a beautiful woman. It’s something that I’ve just had to get used to over the past two years. At first, it would hurt, but then after seeing what it did to me, he would be a little more discreet about it, but I know it’s still happening. At least, I think it is.

  “So,” Imogen says, bringing my attention back to the here and now. “Caden and I have some news.”

  My eyebrows furrow as I try to work it out. I mean, she’s already pregnant and there’s no ring on her finger, so it couldn’t be either of those two… and well, they’re the two b
ig ones.

  I wait patiently as an excited grin creeps over her face. “Caden and I are applying to legally adopt Brandon.”

  “What?” I shriek as I fly to my feet in excitement.

  “Are you serious?” Rylee smiles while Lexi cheers.

  “Yeah,” Imogen says. “We haven’t talked to him about it yet, we want to get all the paperwork out of the way first, but we think this is right for us.”

  “You guys are incredible,” Charli tells her before getting up and giving her a massive hug. “Brandon absolutely loves you guys. You’re doing the right thing.”

  “Thanks,” she says. “I’m so nervous about telling him. What if he doesn’t want this?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I tell her. “Brandon already sees you guys as his parents. He’ll be so happy. The kid will probably wet his pants from jumping up and down too much.”

  She looks up at me and her bottom lip wobbles as the emotion overtakes her. “I want this so badly,” she tells me.

  “You’re going to be a great Mommy.”

  And just like that, it’s a sob-fest for all the pregnant women in the room, and of course, Rylee who’s still suffering through all the hormones, while the rest of us fill our glasses and continues celebrating an amazing night.

  An hour later, I’m sitting in the back of Cole’s truck, leaning across the back seat with my hand resting on Isaac’s stomach. He clutches my pinkie finger in his hand while a massive yawn rips through his whole body. “So,” I say as the curiosity finally gets the best of me. “What was Jace up to tonight?”

  Cole scoffs. “Who the fuck would know?”

  “Huh?” I grunt as I look into the front seat to study Cole’s face.

  “He’s been a sneaky bastard for the past few weeks,” he tells me.

  “How do you mean?” I question.

  “He’s been pissing off every few days and asking for his sessions to be covered, though he won’t say where he’s going.”

  I sit back into the seat as a million things start going through my head. I mean, where the hell is he disappearing to? And why’s he not telling the boys? Is he…. No. He wouldn’t be seeing someone. It must be something else.

  Whatever it is, not knowing is going to kill me.

  Cole pulls up to my apartment building and I lean across to say goodbye to Isaac, only the little guy is fast asleep, so I settle for just looking a little while longer. “Thanks for taking me home,” I say to Cole and Rylee in the front seat.

  “No problem,” Cole says. “Do you need me to walk you up?”

  “No,” I smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  I unbuckle my seatbelt and slip out the door, though I don’t miss the way they sat right there until the door of the building closes behind me.

  I make my way up to level three and walk down to my door, completely lost in my own world, so it’s not until I’m about to jam my key into the lock when I see a note taped to my door and a bottle of my favorite wine sitting at my feet.

  I reach up and pull it off the door before scanning my eyes across the torn paper.

  ‘Congratulations, baby. Your store looks incredible, but you looked better, especially in that red dress.’

  I hold the note to my chest and close my eyes as the emotion takes over. He didn’t sign his name, but he didn’t have to. I’d recognize his handwriting anywhere.

  I let out a sigh. All night I was thinking about Jace sneaking off to sleep with some random skank, yet he was there. He must have stopped by at some point to have a look around or at least peeked through the window. I would have known if he walked through the doors, though, I would have felt it. I always feel it.

  I bend down and grab the bottle of wine off the floor before unlocking the door and dumping my crap inside. With the bottle in my hand, I pull the door closed and walk down the hallway until I’m standing before Kelly’s door.

  I knock before remembering that it’s the middle of the night and she’s probably fast asleep, so I start backing away from her door while trying to be as quiet as possible. Only, her door opens and a chirpy Kelly gives me a wide smile. “Oh, hey stranger,” she says before noticing the bottle in my hands. “Where have you been all my life?”

  I walk in and she instantly takes the bottle and goes about her kitchen getting us both a glass. “I hope it’s alright that I just pop in like this,” I tell her. “But I just got home from my re-launch and I’m not nearly ready to go to bed.”

  “It’s fine,” she says. “I literally just kicked my one-night stand out. You probably walked right by him in the hall.”

  I scrunch up my face as I think back to my walk in. I certainly don’t remember passing anyone, but then, the second I received Jace’s note, I was no longer aware of a damn thing other than that tiny slip of paper which I have to admit, is safely tucked away in my bra. “Sorry,” I say. “I think I was daydreaming on my way in.”

  She shakes her head and laughs as she comes to join me on her couch. She hands me a glass of wine and pulls her feet up under her. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be at your party,” she says. “How’d it go?”

  With that, I launch into my run down of my night. I go through all the details and even tell her about the note I found on my way home. As soon as I’m done, she refills our glasses and gives me her rundown on the lousy one-night stand who just walked out of her door.

  Two hours later, I push my way back through my door and make sure I lock it behind me. Kelly has been a great friend to me over the past few months. The only downfall is that we have a habit of showing up at each other’s door with a bottle of wine before staying up all night talking about all sorts of shit when we should be sleeping.

  Though, luckily for me, I’ll have the whole weekend to sleep before officially opening the store on Monday morning.

  I stop in my bathroom and strip out of my red dress before washing all the makeup off my face. Once I’m done, I grab my phone and walk down to my bedroom in my underwear before crashing straight down into my bed.

  I lean across and plug my phone into the charger before remembering the note from Jace tucked away in my bra. I dig in and grab it before sliding my arms under my pillow and rubbing the paper between my fingers.

  I lay awake in bed wondering what the hell is going on with him at the moment. I want nothing more than to go over there and demand answers, but it’s not my right, and besides, he’s the kind of guy who would tell you something if he wanted you to know, so for now, I guess I’ll be left in the dark.

  I don’t know what makes me do it. Maybe it’s the tone Cole had used when telling me Jace had been sneaking off or maybe it’s just the pure concern I have for him. I don’t know, but for some reason, I reach for my phone and pull up a new text.

  Cami – I hope you’re ok. You know I’m here if you need to talk.

  Shit. Delete.

  Cami – What’s going on? I heard you’ve been MIA lately. Is everything ok?


  Cami – I love you.

  Delete. Delete. Delete.

  Jesus. What the hell am I doing? I let out a deep breath and try one more time.

  Cami – I miss you.


  Chapter 18


  I stand in Luke’s kitchen beside Lexi who’s looking down at the chopping board in absolute concern. “Are you sure?” she questions.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I groan with a roll of my eyes. “Just cut the damn thing.”

  She cringes before getting on with it.

  It’s Luke and Lexi’s anniversary from when they first kissed or fucked or… I don’t fucking know. It’s a reason for them to celebrate them. But you’d think after living with a guy like Luke for so long, the woman would know a thing or two about getting around in the kitchen, but no. She has no fucking clue what she’s doing.

  Hence, why I’m here.

  She wants to do something special for him today as he’s the big fancy chef of the house. So, in other words, she some
how has talked me into cooking their anniversary dinner so she can take all the credit when he gets home.

  I don’t mind though, Luke is my best friend and I’d prefer to do the cooking for them, rather than have Lexi do it and get them both sick with food poisoning. Besides, she’s eight months pregnant now, so it’s the least I can do to help her out.

  “This is so gross,” she groans to herself as her knife slices through the chicken breast.

  I look across to see her face all scrunched up with her fingers barely touching the chicken. “Are you kidding?” I laugh. “It’s just chicken.”

  “I know,” she says. “I just didn’t expect it to be so damn… squishy.”

  Jesus Christ. “Get on with it,” I laugh as I pull out another chopping board to get started on all the vegetables. “And be sure to cut off all the fat. Luke would die if there was fat on his chicken.”

  “Don’t I know it,” she scoffs.

  I can’t help but grin as I start peeling the carrots. “Why can’t I do that job?” Lexi sulks.

  “Because if you’re going to take credit for my cooking, then you’re at least going to get your hands dirty.”

  She doesn’t respond, but she doesn’t have to for me to know that she’s currently rolling her eyes at me. “So, how're things going with this baby? Have you got the nursery put together yet?”

  “No,” she groans, and from the tone of her voice, I get that this has been a bit of a touchy subject. “I want to get it all done, but Luke doesn’t want to put the stuff in the room until we paint it.”

  “Sounds fair,” I grunt.

  “How on earth is that fair?” she argues as the knife in her hand goes flying around the room with her dramatic hand gestures. “We don’t know what gender the baby is, so I have no idea what color to paint the room, therefore this little bubby won’t have a room set up until after it’s born.”

  “Ok…,” I say slowly, not really getting it. Maybe it’s a mommy thing.

  “Are you serious?” she grunts as she turns to fully face me. “You can’t bring a baby into the world without having its room already set up.”


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