Bought by the Raunchy Cowboy: A BBW Billionaire Romance

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Bought by the Raunchy Cowboy: A BBW Billionaire Romance Page 8

by Raina Wilde

  “Me neither. ”

  After that, the silence just felt right. It was so cozy to curl up against each other, eventually covered up by the blanket that Graham pulled over them, and dizzy with affection for each other – dizzy with the thought of what they almost lost. And if they spoke into that silence a short while later to make love again, then… well.

  Surely nobody could blame them for that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Okay. She wasn't in New York. She didn't have $50, 000, at least not directly, and she had not entirely left her father behind.

  On balance, though, the last few months had been… well. Completely perfect. As it turned out, ignoring the town folks' petty gossiping was much easier when you lived on a ranch a short drive from town, or when you had a big, handsome cowboy by your side. Christy was no longer afraid to leave the house for fear of what people might say. In fact, their judgment kind of amused her.

  If even her father could start to come around to the idea of Graham being her partner, then surely everybody else could.

  The pastor had not found it easy, of course – but then, neither had Christy. Though she had begun to realize that everybody made mistakes and that her father's affair had been born out of a very difficult time in his life, it was still not easy to forgive the way he had treated her mother. They both had obstacles to work past, and in a way that made it easier. They were learning each other all over again, and re-establishing their relationship from brand new ground.

  She was proud of Pastor Robinson, honestly. It wasn't easy for a man with such great pride to go back on the kind of things he had once said about her – and though he still wasn't a great fan of Graham, he endured his presence quietly and respectfully at church, and Christy had high hopes for the future.

  Claire, of course, was still her shining diamond in this town, but now she had gained a new friend in Georgia Sullivan, too. With Buck still on the picture as Claire's boyfriend, Christy felt she was beginning to build the kind of network of friends that any community would be envious of. Everybody cared for one another, and nobody had to be afraid of the way this town talked any more.

  So… no. She wasn't in New York. She didn't really want to be, any more – or Chicago, or San Francisco, or any of the other places she had been considering. Everything she needed was right here, including a distance learning course that would one day enable her to design websites and marketing materials for people online. All she needed was an internet connection and Graham's support – which she always, always had.

  Life was, frankly, idyllic. Graham would work all day on the farm, occasionally visiting others' places to buy and sell, and come back into the house for a lunch that Christy had prepared in between her studies. In the evening, they would spend all their time together, maybe inviting over some of their friends or going out to visit.

  And when night fell, and all their friends had gone home, and the glasses and the plates were tidied away?

  Well – then they could be a little more private and intimate.

  It was after one of these moments that they were lying together here tonight, Graham's face plastered with a grin that wouldn't leave; Christy's early ventures into giving head, it seemed, were really hitting base. Christy sat and thought about her life, cuddled up against her boyfriend's arm, and wondered where she would be today if she hadn't had the courage to stand up and sell her virginity on stage that way.

  Almost certainly not here, she realized – so she was thankful for everything that had happened, including the parts that hurt. All that hurt now was the knowledge that her mother would never know how her life had turned out. She had taken great comfort in hearing the big plans Christy had for her life, and now all that had changed, she felt a little further away from her.

  In that moment, however, she felt her presence smiling down. Christy was happy, she realized, and that was all any mother could ever ask for her daughter.

  She kissed Graham's arm, light and lazy, and watched as that happy, grinning face turned to her and softened.

  “You okay? ”

  “I'm great, ” Christy told him, fingertips trailing up and down his forearm, then over his knee, then his ribs; there was no part of Graham's body that she didn't love to explore, even just casually like this. It still thrilled her that she had permission to do that. “I'm just… thinking about everything. Thinking about us. How amazing our life is. ”

  “I've been thinking about that too, ” Graham told her.

  “Yeah? ”

  He hummed his confirmation, eyes down on Christy's trailing fingertips, and then he shuffled in the bed. “Actually, I've been thinking about auctions again. ”

  “I'm sorry to inform you, baby, but I can't sell you my virginity twice. ”

  “I'll have you know you didn't sell it to me the first time, ” Graham teased, sitting up and stretching with an easy smile on his face. “But I don't know. I kind of liked the last one. Even though I never actually spent the money, it gave me a thrill. I missed that. ”

  “Mm? ” said Christy, not really sure where he was going.

  “So I guess I found something else I wanted to bid on. ”

  “Did you buy another truck? ” said Christy, voice heavy with playful judgment. Graham had only recently replaced his, and Christy knew that he was a petrolhead, always looking for the next best engine to switch his out for, or a great bargain in the market. “Because honestly, I don't know where you're going to put it. ”

  “Not a truck, ” Graham said. “Guess again. ”

  “A… horse? You were talking about that a couple of weeks ago, but I think you missed the Adams auction. Right…? ”

  “Not a horse, ” Graham told her – but it seemed they were done with guessing. He leaned over to his bedside table. “Something smaller. ”

  Christy's ears got hot as she began to be able to guess, licking her lips with a strange blend of nerves and excitement. “Graham…”

  Sure enough, when her boyfriend came back to the middle of the bed, he was carrying a distinctive little black jewelry box. It was unmistakable, and Christy sat up straighter in bed to look between both him and it.

  “Are you serious? ” Christy said.

  “I haven't even asked yet. ”

  Christy's heart fluttered, face flushing as it always did as Graham slipped from the bed and got down on one knee. He was so handsome in the fading evening night, naked and well-formed as a Greek statue. “Christy, ” he said.

  “Graham. ”

  He popped open the box. Inside, just as Christy guessed, was a ring – a tasteful, beautiful thing set with a sapphire. Graham still surprised Christy often, but for him to be able to choose something that Christy liked so much, even when it was something so far removed from the things that Graham was naturally drawn to and understood? Well, that was overwhelming. Christy leaned closer, getting a good look at the ring, and then looked at something even more important. Her eyes landed on Graham's.

  “I've done this once before. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was wrong. I was just going down the path that everybody follows. I thought she was the one. I didn't know what it felt like until I met you. So… maybe my first marriage didn't work out, but you can trust me, Christy Robinson. You are everything I want. Will you marry me? ”

  It felt like she should be speechless. Certainly, Graham had taken her breath away – but she wasn't speechless at all. She knew what her answer would be before Graham had even started talking, and she gave it confidently now.

  “I love you so much, Graham. Of course I will. ”

  She didn't know whether her father would approve of the wedding, but that no longer mattered. She didn't know whether she'd ever leave the country for the bright lights of the city, but that was no longer something she craved. All she knew about her future was that it contained Graham Sullivan – and frankly, that was the only certainty she needed. As they kissed, hearing the sound of the last of the season's cicadas around them, Christy wo
ndered what wonderful thing she had done to deserve a man like Graham, and a life like this.

  She closed her eyes, thanked her mother for watching over her, and relaxed into the warmth and happiness of her fiancé's kiss.

  The End

  Second Chance Seduction

  When Lori Stone and Josh Bennett last crossed paths, both had been on the fast track to fame. Josh—Lori’s best friend Ashley’s scorching hot older brother—was on his way to football stardom, while Lori was about to embark on a musical career after being accepted to one of the most prestigious music conservatories in America.

  But four years after a night of red-hot passion forced Lori into making a dream-shattering choice, Josh Bennett has become a household name while Lori lives hand-to-mouth serving sleaze-balls at the local sports bar. Worse yet, Josh is coming back to town to attend Ashely’s wedding—a wedding that Lori must make an appearance at, even if it means exposing the real reason she called off their romance all those years ago.

  Lori’s kept her secret under wraps for the last four years, but she knows she can’t hide forever. It’s finally Lori’s turn to be thrust into the limelight—but for all the wrong reasons.

  Chapter 1

  Lorilee Stone, or Lori as everyone in the small town of Norman’s Bay called her, wiped down the table of the corner booth. She had worked at First Down, the local sports bar, since she was fifteen years old. Not much had changed in all that time. She scooped the tip into her hands and the coins jingled sadly as she thrust them into her apron.

  “Awesome. ” She muttered to herself. How was she supposed to make ends meet on pitiful tips and a barely-there hourly wage?

  She leaned over to reach the far corner of the table when she felt it. The large palm that rested on her backside.

  “Hey, baby. When you going to let me take you out? ” The smooth voice spoke over her shoulder.

  She instantly straightened and swatted the man’s hand away.

  “I’ve told you all not to touch me, Jake, and I better not need to tell you again. ” She glared at the man who was a regular customer with his buddies.

  “Come on, Lori. ” Jake leaned against the wall and shot her a smile that made all of the other single women in town leap under his sheets. “Just one date. I’ve been asking all these years, that has to count for something. God knows you aren’t dating anyone else, so why not try me on for size? ”

  Lori pushed past him and walked toward the kitchens. It was pointless having this conversation with Jake, or any of the other local men. She had told them all numerous times that she was not interested and she meant it. She was too busy trying to keep her head above water to make time for a man.

  “I’m taking my break. ” She informed Randy, the owner of the pub.

  He nodded as she walked by and headed out the back doors for some fresh air.

  Lori sat on the back steps and leaned her head against the building. She was tired. Not the kind that a nap would fix, but that bone-deep exhaustion that seems to take over your soul.

  Her cell phone chimed in her pocket and Lori sighed. She pulled the device out and stared at it with wary eyes. She was not the kind of person who texted idle information so, when the phone chimed, it usually meant something important.

  Hey Lori. It’s Ashley. I hope that this is still your number. Anyways, I don’t know if you’ve heard but I am coming back to the Bay this weekend. I’M GETTING MARRIED! I would REALLY love it if you could be there and I won’t take no for an answer! Please respond. I miss you.

  Lori stared at the text for a long time. Ashley was getting married? Ashley was her best friend from all of the way through high school.

  Ashley, Lori sighed; the girl whose texts she had been routinely ignoring for almost four years now.

  No wonder Lori had not known that her friend was getting married. She had not even known that she was dating.

  Lori had only seen Ashley once since the summer after their graduation. It had been a nerve-wracking experience as Lori had done her best to be vague about the details of her own, small life. Thankfully, Ashley had enough going on to keep their conversation flowing on her own.

  Lori had learned a lot about Ashley’s California lifestyle. It was all glamour and glitz, much different than the reality that Lori lived. Lori had promised to do better to keep in touch, but they had both known that it was a lie.

  She did not know what to say to the friend that she had abandoned. She was tired. Maybe it would not be such a bad idea to give in, just for the weekend.

  Congratulations, Ashley! Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Thank you for inviting me.

  She sent the text and instantly felt a cold sweat race over her skin. She clapped a hand over her mouth, regretting the decision at once. She was wishing that she could take it back when her phone chimed once more.

  Oh, Lori! Thank you! The wedding is Saturday, but I would LOVE it if you would come to dinner tomorrow evening to meet my fiancé, Wyatt.

  What had she gotten herself into?

  Lori agreed to meet with Ashley and Wyatt. A time and place was set. Lori breathed a sigh of relief that they had not chosen the pub. She was willing to pay the cost of the fancier restaurant, even if it meant picking up more shifts cleaning at the motel, her second job. She would rather not have to explain to Ashley that she was still working the same dead-end job as she had been in high school.

  Not, that Randy and the rest of the staff at First Down had not been great to her. They had. It was only that this was not where she had intended her life to go. She had never meant to stay in Norman’s bay. She had been accepted to the most prestigious music conservatory in the country to pursue a musical career as a pianist and vocalist. She had been a prodigy. That was a long time ago.

  Lori went back in to finish her shift with a heavy heart.

  What were Ashley, and all of their other successful friends going to think when they found out that Lori, who had been voted Most Likely to Be Famous, was still holed up in a cheap apartment in their hometown?

  That evening, Lori unlocked the door of her apartment to hear what sounded like a war going on inside.

  “Mommy!” The tiny, curly haired blonde leapt into her arms. “Look! I’ma kill the giant!” She climbed down from her perch and raced over to deliver the final blow to the ferocious beast.

  The babysitter now lay on the floor in peals of laughter.

  “Hey, Miss Stone. ” Lydia greeted Lori. “Emmy’s already had her bath and she’s got her PJs on. ”

  “Has she eaten? ” Lori asked the teenage girl who was now packing up her things.

  “No, mama!” Emmy revealed a smile with one missing front tooth. “I want to wait for you. ”

  “All right. ” Lori smiled at her daughter. “Why don’t you go pick up your toys while I talk with Lydia. ”

  The child skipped to the other room while humming happily.

  Lori paid the babysitter and thanked her for coming on such short notice. Lydia was a Godsend. The local teenager often worked on short notice—for cheap— so that Lori could pick up extra shifts at both jobs.

  By the time Emmy had finished picking up her toys Lori had already begun to cook dinner.

  “Mama! You are sposed to wait for me. ” Emmy stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips and a very adult stare that was leveled directly at Lori.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. ” Lori moved over so that Emmy could pull up a chair and stand beside the stove. “I’m just really hungry, so I thought I’d get a head start. You can help now. ”

  Emmy stared at the chicken and vegetables sautéing in the pan. She scrunched her nose at them. With the determination of someone with many more years, she climbed down from the chair and went to the refrigerator. With a small size she opened the doors and peered inside.

  Lori could hear her muttering to herself, “…need something tasty with all that green stuff. ” Lori laughed to herself as she watched her daughter pull strawberries and the tub of whipp
ed cream from the refrigerator.

  “These? ” Emmy asked. Lori nodded and the little girl began to amass a collection of fruit. Lori showed Emmy how she cut the fruit and then left the child to arrange their meals on the plates as she desired.

  While they ate, Lori participated in a series of knock knock jokes that Emmy told regularly. Together, they laughed as if it were the first time either of them had heard the joke. After dinner, they read a book as Emmy lay down to sleep.

  Lori tucked her child in and turn out the lights. As complicated as her life may be, these moments with her child made it all worth it. Ashley’s text had made Lori feel nostalgic for the old days with her friends. Not, she reminded herself that Ashley would not have been supportive of her friend’s pregnancy. It was only that… well, Lori sighed, it was not possible to tell her. This secret was Lori’s and it needed to stay that way.

  She grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down on the couch. She would check the scores of the nights NFL games and then go straight to bed, she told herself. As she watched the statistics and scores race across the bottom of the screen a postgame interview came on and she felt as if her heart had stopped.

  There he was. Josh Bennett. Ashley’s older brother looked just as good as the last time that Lori had seen him. He had been home from his senior year of college, for the girl’s high school graduation, and Lori had been surprised at how much he had grown up. It was not long after that he had been drafted to the NFL. He was now an all-star running back for the team that was most likely to win the super-bowl in the coming year.

  “Good for you!” Lori whispered to herself. Josh had followed his dreams and with the support of his family behind him had made all of them come true.

  The interviewer was asking Josh about his game-winning play. Lori rolled her eyes as Josh flashed a killer grin at the screen. So maybe he had made all of his dreams come true, but Lori wasn’t impressed with the reputation as a playboy that he had developed in recent years. She tried to remember what he had been like back when she knew him. There had been nothing of this cocky attitude. No casual flirtations, no golden boy behavior. Back then, he had been serious and focused. She wondered why that all changed.


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