Bought by the Raunchy Cowboy: A BBW Billionaire Romance

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Bought by the Raunchy Cowboy: A BBW Billionaire Romance Page 32

by Raina Wilde

  Lena followed Jenna into the elegant office restrooms where Jenna relieved herself and the women refreshed their makeup in preparation for the rest of the day.

  “I need to get to the airport before his flight lands…” Jenna began.

  “Don’t bother taking your car, you’ll never find parking. I called a driver who should be waiting for you downstairs any moment. He will drive around until the plane lands and pick you both up outside the main entrance. I put it on the company account. Also, ” Lena grabbed a travel mug of coffee from her desk, “you’ll need this. Two crèmes, two sugars. Make sure you stop on Lakeshore before you take him to the hotel. He’ll enjoy the city more if he sees the water first. ”

  Before Lena could continue Jenna had enveloped her in a massive hug.

  “What would I do without you? ” Jenna released her friend.

  Lena gave Jenna a soft pat on her backside as she pushed her towards the elevators.

  “Go get ‘em tiger. ” She waved. “You make him rue the day he ever thought he could do this without you!”

  The elevator doors clicked shut and Jenna felt a smile spread slowly across her face. With Lena at her side, Jenna knew she could handle anything that Alex Rockwell could throw their way.

  An hour later Jenna watched through the large glass windows as the plane eased into its assigned gate. For an instant she felt a slight flutter of nervousness. Sliding her hands down her skirt to ensure that each pleat was properly positioned, Jenna took a deep breath and felt her heart settle into a gentle cadence. She refreshed her lipstick and shouldered an oversized designer day bag that was efficiently stocked with anything that she might need at a moment's notice.

  As the passengers began to disembark from the airliner, Jenna held up an elegant cardboard sign with her client’s name printed in large black letters over the white surface. She chuckled to herself as she imagined what Alex might think when he saw it. Clearly, he was aware that she was his agent, having requested her services specifically, but there was also no chance of him having trouble recognizing her. Other than a more sophisticated, and expensive, wardrobe Jenna looked much the same as she had five years ago. OK, so maybe her face was slightly thinner from the ten pounds she had slaved to lose after the holidays last year but that was not enough for anyone, except maybe Lena, to notice.

  The sign, she thought, was more of a statement of their arrangement. This was how she would have greeted any client that she had never met before, and Alex would not receive special liberties because they had once been acquainted. More than acquainted if she was being perfectly honest.

  As she allowed herself one more self-indulgent giggle, Jenna witness Alex crossing the lobby with a small carry-on tucked under his arm. He made a beeline for her position at the window while cocking a remarkably sexy half-grin that used to make Jenna weak at the knees. Today, it annoyed her.

  She had expected him to pause in front of her for a greeting and therefore had not been prepared for him to reach out and pull the sign from her hand and place it dramatically in the waste bin a few feet away. Before she had time to recover Alex had sauntered back, grabbed her shoulders and planted a resolute kiss on her cheek.

  She had meant to be grateful that he had not kissed her mouth. However, her brain was misbehaving and all she seemed to recognize was the fact that he smelled absolutely delicious. Whatever cologne he was wearing was something that she had never encountered before. It was spicy and exotic in a way that the old Axe-spray-Alex had never been before.

  Luckily, she recovered before he pulled away so she was fairly certain that he had not been privy to her thoughts gone astray.

  Jenna placed her hands firmly on his chest, and pushed. She forced herself not to think about any muscles her hands may have felt through his cashmere sweater. What kind of fighter dressed this well? Wasn’t he supposed to be wearing athletic shorts and a cut off T-shirt?

  “Mr. Rockwell. ” She proffered a hand to shake. “It’s good to see you. If you’ll follow me to the car we can discuss our strategy on the way to your temporary accommodations. ”

  Alex continued to smile down on her from his towering six-and-a-half-foot height. Even in heels Jenna was lucky if she topped five-foot-ten. His short brown hair looked almost blonde in the sunlight and Jenna noticed that his once lanky frame had filled out nicely with the harsh muscles he’d always wanted. He must have been working very hard, she thought.

  “You look great, Jen. ” Had his voice gotten deeper? No. She decided. It had simply been too long since she had heard it in person. She decided not to respond. Instead, she checked her watch and gestured toward the door.

  As she took a step toward the exit Alex laid a gentle hand on her arm. It had always surprised her how he could be so ferocious in the cage, yet completely tender in any outside situation. She looked at his hand on her arm and then up into his eyes that were searching her face for… something.

  “Jenna. Are we going to get a chance to talk? ” He asked softly.

  Jenna took a deep breath. She had been prepared for this inevitable conversation but not so soon.

  “Mr. Rockwell. ” She began. “I am more than willing to discuss anything you wish, as often as you wish, in regards to our professional arrangement. However, I am afraid that anything outside of my duties as an agent, and yours as my client, are to remain strictly off limits. ” The speech sounded stiff even to her ears but Jenna needed to ensure that he had no chance of wheedling past her iron reserve. She did not want to discuss the past. She would not discuss it. They would both be better off, she thought, if Alex would simply refrain from bringing it up.

  Jenna watched as Alex pulled himself back, clearly getting her message. His eyes contracted and she could tell he was sizing her up. Clearly they both had the ability to surprise each other.

  Jenna was glad that the driver was taking them to the waters of Lake Michigan before the high-rise hotel that was located amidst the hustle and bustle of the city of Chicago.

  Alex had started to fidget after only fifteen minutes in standstill traffic and Jenna thought that he needed a reminder of how much he used to love this city.

  Just then driver pulled the car up to one of Chicago’s public beaches. When Jenna opened her door, allowing the cool fall breeze to waft into the vehicle, Alex finally raised his eyes from the clenched fists in his lap. She could tell that he could smell the fresh water. It was something every Chicago resident became acutely aware of whenever they found themselves within a few blocks of the massive body of water. Alex would not have forgotten, Jenna thought, and she found that her assumption was correct.

  Alex unfolded himself slowly from the back seat of the vehicle. He gazed over the churning water and took a deep breath. Suddenly, he revealed a uniquely peaceful grin that Jenna could not remember ever having seen on his face before. Alex slipped off his shoes, rolled the legs of his trousers and began walking through the sand without a glance or word to Jenna.

  “Alex, ” She shouted at his back, “we have a schedule to follow!”

  Alex turned around and waved for her to join him.

  “Hurry up then, slowpoke. ” He called before continuing his trot toward the water's edge.

  Jenna was dumbfounded by the pure bliss that she had momentarily seen flicker across his face. Five years ago, though he had been loving and kind in their relationship, Alex had also been surly and insecure in any situation that hadn’t involved the two of them alone. Later, she had witnessed signs of an arrogant and immature celebrity that had emerged for the public eye. Never, Jenna thought, had he ever seemed as completely happy and confident as this very day.

  Knowing that it was a bad idea, but unable to stop herself, Jenna slipped her heels off her feet and threw them into the car. Jenna informed the driver that they would only be a minute, and stepped tentatively into the sand.

  She came to a stop at Alex’s side where he was watching the last of the summer boaters surging amongst the waves. When she looked back at Al
ex she realized that he was watching her, once again, with that wicked half smile.

  “Double dog. ” He raised an eyebrow in challenge as he stated the well-known dare phrase.

  “What? ” Jenna’s brain was on overdrive. She could not seem to interpret what Alex was saying when he continued to stare at her in that particular way. He threw a pointed gaze at the water that lapped the shore a few feet in front of them. “No way. ” She stated firmly.

  He took a goading step closer to the water.

  “Absolutely not, Alex. ”

  “Come on, Jen. Live a little. You love the water. ” He proffered an upturned hand for her to grasp. She stared at it as if it were a venomous snake.

  With trepidation Jenna realized that her plan to utilize personal knowledge of Alex for her own benefit might just be a tool that he could use against her in return.

  “Winter is just around the corner. ” He flexed his fingers enticingly, still holding them out for her to grasp. “This might be your last chance for months. ”

  It was a low blow and one he knew she couldn’t resist.

  Brushing past him, without so much as a glance at the hand hanging in midair as it skimmed the sleeve of her blouse, Jenna plodded quickly into the water. The sensation of the warm water lapping around her ankles was that of pure, uninhibited ecstasy. She closed her eyes and plunged a little deeper, aware enough to keep the hem of her skirt safely above the water.

  She heard a deep sigh beside her and realized that Alex had followed her movements and was standing only inches away as they shared in this extremely pleasurable moment.

  “What has gotten into you? ” She whispered incredulously. For the first time Jenna felt the risk of working with Alex. She had prepared herself for the Alex she thought she knew. This was an entirely different person.

  “Do you really want to talk about it? ” He asked softly.

  This time when she looked at him, her hazel eyes searching his of deep blue, she understood his meaning immediately. If she wanted to discuss the change in Alex’s personality she would also have to discuss their past. She could not fathom how the two could be linked after so many years, but a flutter in her gut told her that this was territory she was not willing to enter.

  Jenna shook her head. Alex continued to look intensely at her, his eyes searching her face for any sign that belied her resolution to keep him at arm's length. Finally he broke eye contact and gestured back toward the waiting company car.

  “I suppose that’s enough fun for the day. ” Alex stated the words nonchalantly but Jenna thought she sensed a level of tension in his shoulders that had not been there before. She ducked her head and led the way away from the beach.

  The rest of the day passed in a haze of formality that Jenna would have reveled in with any other client. It turned out that Alex was outstanding with the children. He allowed them to climb all over his massive frame, hang from his arms and wrap themselves around his legs. He taught some of the teens basic sparring moves and finished up with an excellent speech on the importance of the martial arts for fitness, mental control, and self-defense, though never violence for the sake of violence.

  Jenna could not have asked for a better example of the type of fighter she wanted to sell to sponsors. Her surprise was even more profound considering that she had not yet had the dreaded discussion about the need for a change in his reputation. She knew, from his profile, that this was Alex’s first ever youth engagement and, though necessary, she had been unsure of his reaction to her plan. Never before had the athlete agreed to a public event that was anything less than a major showcase function, but for the first time Jenna felt that he might have actually enjoyed himself while promoting his position as a MMA fighter.

  As the weeks continued to pass Jenna found it unnecessary to initiate the discussion about a change in image. Alex appeared to have made that determination independently. His behavior was remarkable, she noted, making her search for sponsors much easier than she had initially expected. There would always remain those who wanted nothing to do with Alexander Rockwell, based on his previous antics. Yet, Jenna found that if she could convince the financer to hold a private meeting with her client he invariably won them over.

  Jenna had no idea what Alex said, or did, in those meetings. He had made it clear that they were conversations that were better left in private. More than once he implied that his method involved explaining why his attitude had changed and how he intended to maintain it.

  “That is something you have been clear about not being interested in. ” He stated bluntly when she had asked for an explanation as to his reason for requiring Jenna to wait patiently outside of the meetings.

  The truth was, by the time November rolled around, Jenna was more than interested.

  Jenna was frustrated that she was finding it more difficult than Alex to maintain a professional demeanor. After the intense moment on the beach of Lakeshore Drive, Alex had decreased his attempts to initiate a personal conversation with his agent. He seemed to have resigned himself to small reminders and intense looks but avoided any overt mention of their past relationship.

  Rather than relieve her this tactic drove Jenna crazy. She could rarely find herself in the same room as Alex without wanting to demand an answer for the dramatic change in his behavior. When they were alone in the back of the limo that one of his sponsors had provided Jenna found herself unable to breath and acutely aware of his nearness.

  He was winning her over with his kindness, she realized.

  Forcing her to have the conversation would have provoked her defenses in a way that Alex knew would negate any chance of Jenna actually listening to what he had to say. Instead, he was providing concrete proof of the transformation in such a profound and subtle way that Jenna found herself wanting to force the words from his mouth.

  She almost made it through November by convincing herself that it was best for their professional relationship if she simply let the issue pass.

  That plan worked well until the evening of the Thanksgiving holiday.

  This would be the first weekend that Jenna was not off at some publicity event or MMA tournament with Alex and his extensive team of trainers, kinesiologist, nutritionist, and promotional items distributors. These events made it easy for Jenna to find time away from the fighter who was kept perpetually occupied.

  For the first time in months Jenna found herself facing an extended weekend alone in her apartment. Her parents were fulfilling their lifelong dream of a European tour, and her brother, a Navy Seal, was off the grid until further notice. Lena had extended an invitation for Jenna to join her in North Carolina with her family, but Jenna had declined, thinking that she could use a few days to catch up on some much needed rest. The truth was that Jenna needed some time to fortify her reserve against Alex.

  Jenna spent the morning typing out emails to her parents and brother, who would each reply in their own time. She then watched the distant parade from her balcony before deciding that it would be best not to venture out into the chaos of the city on the holiday. Instead, she resolved to occupy her time with all of the special activities that she rarely had the opportunity to enjoy on a regular basis.

  Jenna lounged on her barely used, designer couch with a short novel that she was able to finish reading in only a handful of hours. She couldn’t remember the last time she had allowed herself the luxury of reading something that did not apply directly to her career. As the streets emptied and families settled down for their meal Jenna found a moment to pull her elliptical out of the closet and push through a brisk cardio workout. Feeling invigorated, but sweaty, she decided that a shower was in order.

  Forty minutes later Jenna, who had been dozing on the couch in her plush terry cloth robe, awoke sharply from a loud noise. For a moment she was disoriented. Her eyes took in the untouched mug of coffee on her end table, her robed body, and the twisted towel that encased her hair and was pulling at her scalp.

  The noise sounded again and she
realized that it was the door buzzer to her condo.

  She padded over to the intercom and activated the security camera.

  Alex stood outside her building with a large cardboard box and a guilty grin.

  She had almost decided to pretend that she wasn’t home when Alex shifted the apparently heavy box and rang the bell again.

  “What are you doing here? ” she spoke into the microphone.

  “You going to let me in? ” Alex responded, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

  “You didn’t answer my question. ” Though she couldn’t imagine what he was doing outside her condo, Jenna could not suppress the small twinge of excitement that raced through her body at the sight of him.

  “I came for Thanksgiving. ” He spoke as if stating the obvious.

  “What? ” Was he crazy? “Alex, I’m not cooking a turkey in here, I didn’t invite anyone over. ”

  “I know. That’s why I brought dinner to you. ” He lifted the box and shook it in front of the camera as if the sight of cardboard was enough to entice her. For all she knew, the box was empty and, even if it wasn’t, she was positive she did not want to be alone with Alex Rockwell in her home.

  “Are you going to let me in already or are you going to make me stand out here while all of this delicious food gets cold? ”

  She was about to buzz him in when Jenna realized what she was wearing. No makeup, wet hair, and absolutely indecent attire. She pulled the robe tighter to cover her breasts but it did little to hide the impressive amount of cleavage displayed through the plunging neckline.

  “Oh crap. ” She swore. She hadn’t realized that her statement had gone over the speaker until she heard Alex’s chuckle return from the other end.

  “You’re not naked, are you? ” He peered into the camera lens, pretending that he might be able to see her reflection inside. Jenna knew very well that there was no video feed at the entrance to the building but the act still made a blush rise up her neck and cheeks.


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