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The Beatles

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by Bob Spitz

  Harry, Bill, ed. Mersey Beat: The Beginnings of the Beatles. London: Omnibus, 1977.

  Hauser, Thomas. Muhammed Ali: His Life and Times. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.

  Hebdige, Dick. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Methuen, 1979.

  Henri, Adrian. Environments and Happenings. London: Thames & Hudson, 1974.

  Hertsgaard, Mark. A Day in the Life: The Music and Artistry of the Beatles. New York: Macmillan, 1995.

  Hewison, Robert. Too Much: Art and Society in the Sixties—1960–1975. London: Methuen, 1986.

  Hignet, Sean. A Picture to Hang on the Wall. London: Michael Joseph, 1966.

  Hoffman, Dezo. With the Beatles. London: Omnibus, 1982.

  Hoggart, Richard. The Uses of Literacy. London: Chatto & Windus, 1957.

  Holloway, David, ed. The Sixties: A Chronicle of a Decade. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

  Hopkins, Jerry. Yoko Ono. New York: Macmillan, 1986.

  Hotchner, A. E. Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.

  Howlett, Kevin. The Beatles at the Beeb: The Story of Their Radio Career. London: BBC, 1982.

  Hughes, Quentin. Liverpool. London: Studio Vista, 1969.

  Hutchins, Chris, and Peter Thompson. Elvis Meets the Beatles. London: Gryphon, 1994.

  Hutchinson, Roger. High Sixties: The Summers of Riot and Love. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 1992.

  Ironside, Virginia. Chelsea Bird. London: Secker & Warburg, 1964.

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  Kane, Larry. Ticket to Ride. Scranton, Pa.: Running Press, 2003.

  Kelly, Michael B. The Beatle Myth: The British Invasion of American Popular Music. London: McFarland, 1991.

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  Klein, Joe. Woody Guthrie: A Life. New York: Knopf, 1980.

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  Laing, David. The Sound of Our Time. New York: Quadrangle, 1969.

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  Leary, Timothy, and Richard Alpert. The Psychedelic Experience. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1964.

  Leigh, Spencer. Baby, That Is Rock and Roll: American Pop, 1954–1963. Folkestone (England): Finbarr International, 2001.

  ———. The Best of Fellas: The Story of Bob Wooler. Liverpool: Drivegreen Publications, 2002.

  ———. Drummed Out! The Sacking of Pete Best. London: Northdown, 1998.

  Leigh, Spencer, ed. Speaking Words of Wisdom: Reflections on the Beatles. Liverpool: Cavern City Tours, 1991.

  Leigh, Spencer, and Peter Frame. Let’s Go Down the Cavern. London: Hutchinson, 1984.

  Lennon, Cynthia. A Twist of Lennon. London: Star, 1978.

  Lennon, John. In His Own Write. London: Jonathan Cape, 1964.

  ———. Skywriting by Word of Mouth. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.

  ———. A Spaniard in the Works. London: Jonathan Cape, 1965.

  Lennon, Pauline. Daddy Come Home. New York: HarperCollins, 1990.

  Levin, Bernard. The Pendulum Years: Britain and the Sixties. London: Jonathan Cape, 1970.

  Lewisohn, Mark. The Beatles Day by Day. New York: Harmony, 1990.

  ———. The Beatles Live! London: Pavilion, 1986.

  ———. The Beatles: Recording Sessions. New York: Harmony, 1988.

  ———. The Beatles: 25 Years in the Life, A Chronology: 1962–1987. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1987.

  ———. The Complete Beatles Chronicle. New York: Harmony, 1992.

  Lobenthal, Joel. Radical Rags: Fashion in the Sixties. New York: Abbeville, 1990.

  Lucie-Smith, Edward. The Liverpool Scene. London: Donald Carroll, 1967.

  MacDonald, Ian. Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records and the Sixties. London: Fourth Estate, 1994.

  Mailer, Norman. The Fight. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1975.

  Marcus, Griel. Rock and Roll Will Stand. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.

  Martin, George. All You Need Is Ears. New York: St. Martin’s, 1979.

  ———. Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. Pepper. London: Macmillan, 1994.

  Martin, George, ed. Making Music. London: Pan, 1983.

  Marwick, Arthur. British Society Since 1945. London: Pelican, 1982.

  ———. Class: Image and Reality. London: Collins, 1980.

  Masters, Brian. The Swinging Sixties. London: Constable, 1985.

  McCabe, Peter, and Robert D. Schonfeld. Apple to the Core: The Unmaking of the Beatles. London: Brian & O’Keefe, 1972.

  ———. John Lennon: For the Record. New York: Bantam, 1984.

  McCartney, Linda. Linda McCartney’s Sixties. London: Pyramid, 1992.

  ———. Linda’s Pictures. New York: Ballantine, 1977.

  McCartney, Mike. Thank U Very Much: Mike McCartney’s Family Album. London: Barker, 1981.

  McCormick, William H. The Modern Book of Ships. London: A. & C. Black, 1936.

  McDevitt, Chas. Skiffle—The Definitive Inside Story. London: Robson Books, 1994.

  McKie, David, and Chris Cook, eds. The Decade of Disillusion: British Politics in the 1960s. New York: Macmillan, 1972.

  Mellor, David. The Sixties Art Scene in London. London: Phaidon, 1993.

  Mellors, Wilfred. Twilight of the Gods. New York: Viking, 1974.

  Melly, George. Owning Up. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1965.

  ———. Revolt Into Style: The Pop Arts in Britain. London: Allen Lane, 1970.

  Miles, Barry. Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now. New York: Henry Holt, 1997.

  Miles, Barry, ed. Beatles in Their Own Words. London: W. H. Allen, 1978.

  ———. John Lennon in His Own Words. London: Omnibus, 1980.

  Mitchell, Carolyn Lee. All Our Loving: A Beatle Fan’s Memoir. London: Robson, 1988.

  Morley, Deirdre. Look Liverpool: Images of a Great Seaport. Liverpool: Light Impressions, 1985.

  Musgrove, Frank. Youth and the Social Order. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964.

  Naha, Ed, ed. The Beatles Forever. New York: O’Quinn Studios, 1980.

  Napier-Bell, Simon. You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me. London: New English Library, 1982.

  Neaverson, Bob. The Beatles Movies. London: Cassell, 1997.

  Neises, Charles, ed. The Beatles Reader. Ann Arbor: Pierian, 1984.

  Neville, Richard. Play Power. London: Jonathan Cape, 1970.

  Nimmervoll, Ed, and Euan Thorburn, eds. 100 Beatle Facts. Sydney: J. Albert, 1977.

  Noble, Trevor. Modern Britain: Structure and Change. London: Batsford, 1975.

  Norman, Phillip. Shout! New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981.

  Nuttall, Jeff. Bomb Culture. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1968.

  Obst, Linda, ed. The Sixties. New York: Rolling Stone Press, 1977.

  O’Connor, Freddy. Liverpool: It All Came Tumbling Down. Liverpool: Brunswick, 1984.

  O’Donnell, Jim. The Day John Met Paul. New York: Hall of Fame, 1994.

  O’Grady, Terence J. The Beatles: A Musical Evolution. Boston: Twayne, 1983.

  Okun, Milton, ed. The Compleat Beatles. New York: Bantam, 1981.

  Oldham, Andrew Loog. Stoned: A Memoir of London in the 1960s. New York: St. Martin’s, 2000.

  Ono, Yoko. Grapefruit. Bellport, N.Y.: Wunternaum Press, 1964.

  ———. John Lennon: Summer of 1980. New York: Perigee, 1983.

  Ornstein, Edward, and C. Austin Nunn. The Marketing Leisure. London: Associated, Business, 1980.

  Pascall, Jeremy, ed. The Fabulous Story of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. London: Octopus, 1975.

  Pawlowski, Gareth. How They Became the Beatles: A Definitive History of the Early Years, 1960–196
4. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1989.

  Perry, Helen. The Human Be-In. London: Allen Lane, 1968.

  Picton, J. A. Architectural History of Liverpool. Liverpool: privately printed, 1858.

  ———. Memorials of Liverpool, Historical and Topographical. London: Longman, Green, 1875.

  ———. Views in Modern Liverpool. Liverpool: Marples, 1864.

  Poirier, Richard. The Performing Self. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971.

  Pym, Bridget. Pressure Groups and the Permissive Society. London: David & Charles, 1974.

  Quant, Mary. Quant by Quant. London: Cassell, 1966.

  Raison, Timothy, ed. Youth in New Society. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1966.

  Rayl, A. J. S. Beatles ’64: A Hard Day’s Night in America. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989.

  Rehwagen, Thomas, and Thorsten Schmidt. Mach Schau: Die Beatles in Hamburg. Braunschweig: EinfallReich, 1992.

  Reich, Charles. The Greening of America. New York: Random House, 1970.

  Reilly, C. H. Some Liverpool Streets and Buildings in 1921. Liverpool: Livery Daily Post & Mercury, 1921.

  Reinhart, Charles. You Can’t Do That! Beatles Bootlegs and Novelty Records. Ann Arbor: Pierian, 1981.

  Remnick, David. King of the World. New York: Random House, 1998.

  Riley, Tim. Tell Me Why: The Beatles Album by Album Song by Song. New York: Knopf, 1988.

  Roberts, Kenneth. Leisure. London: Longman, 1981.

  Rogan, Johnny. Starmakers & Svengalis: The History of British Pop Management. London: Macdonald, 1988.

  Rolling Stone, Editors of. The Age of Paranoia. New York: Pocket Books, 1972.

  ———. The Ballad of John and Yoko. New York: Doubleday, 1982.

  ———. The Rolling Stone Interviews. New York: Paperback Library, 1971.

  ———. The Rolling Stone Record Reviews. New York: Pocket Books, 1971.

  ———. Rolling Stone Rock Almanac. New York: Collier, 1983.

  Roszak, Theodore. The Making of a Counter Culture. New York: Doubleday, 1969.

  Russell, Jeff. The Beatles: Album File and Complete Discography. London: Blandford, 1989.

  Salewicz, Chris. McCartney. New York: St. Martin’s, 1986.

  Saimaru, Nishi F. John Lennon: A Family Album. Tokyo: Fly Communications, 1982.

  Sampson, Anthony. Anatomy of Britain. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1962.

  Sanchez, Tony. Up and Down with the Rolling Stones. New York: William Morrow, 1979.

  Scaduto, Anthony. Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1971.

  Schaffner, Nicholas. The Beatles Forever. Rev. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.

  ———. The British Invasion. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.

  Schaumberg, Ron. Growing Up with the Beatles. New York: Pyramid, 1976.

  Schultheiss, Tom. A Day in the Life: The Beatles Day-by-Day. Ann Arbor: Pierian, 1980.

  Schumann, Bettina, ed. Insight Guides: Germany. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

  Schwartz, Francie. Body Count. San Francisco: Straight Arrow, 1972.

  Shankar, Ravi. My Music, My Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968.

  Sheff, David, and G. Barry Golson, eds. The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. New York: Playboy Press, 1981.

  Shepherd, Billy [Peter Jones]. The True Story of the Beatles. New York: Bantam, 1964.

  Shevy, Sandra. The Other Side of Lennon. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1990.

  Shipper, Mark. Paperback Writer. London: New English Library, 1978.

  Shotton, Pete, and Nicholas Schaffner. John Lennon in My Life. New York: Stein and Day, 1983.

  Sinyard, Neil. The Films of Richard Lester. London: Croom Helm, 1985.

  Slater, Philip E. The Pursuit of Loneliness. Boston: Beacon Press, 1970.

  Solt, Andrew, and Sam Egan. Imagine: John Lennon. New York: Macmillan, 1988.

  Somach, Denny, and Kathleen and Kevin Gunn. Ticket to Ride. New York: Quill, 1989.

  Somach, Denny, and Ken Sharp. Meet the Beatles… Again! Havertown, Pa.: Musicom International, 1995.

  Southall, Brian. Abbey Road: The Story of the World’s Most Famous Recording Studio. Cambridge (England): Stevens, 1982.

  Spector, Ronnie, with Vince Waldron. Be My Baby. New York: Harmony, 1990.

  Spence, Helen. The Beatles Forever. London: Colour Library, 1981.

  Spencer, Terence. It Was Thirty Years Ago Today. London: Bloomsbury, 1994.

  Spitz, Bob. Dylan: A Biography. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989.

  ———. The Making of Superstars. New York: Doubleday, 1978.

  Spizer, Bruce. The Beatles Are Coming! The Birth of Beatlemania in America. New Orleans: 498 Productions, 2003.

  Stannard, Neville. The Beatles: A History of the Beatles on Record: The Long and Winding Road. Vol. 1. London: Virgin, 1982.

  ———. The Beatles: A History of the Beatles on Record: Working Class Heroes. Vol. 2. London: Virgin, 1983.

  Steele-Perkins, Chris, and Richard Smith. The Teds. London: Traveling Light/Exit, 1987.

  Stewart, Tony, ed. Cool Cats: 25 Years of Rock ’n Roll Style. London: Eel Pie, 1981.

  Stone, Steve, ed. John Lennon: All You Need Is Love. New York: Marjam, 1980.

  Sulpy, Doug, and Ray Schweighardt. Get Back: The Unauthorized Chronicle of the Beatles’ Let It Be Disaster. New York: St. Martin’s, 1997.

  Sutcliffe, Pauline, and Kay Williams. Stuart–the Life and Art of Stuart Sutcliffe. London: Genesis, 1995.

  Swenson, John. The John Lennon Story. New York: Leisure, 1981.

  Tashian, Barry. Ticket to Ride: The Extraordinary Diary of the Beatles’ Last Tour. Nashville: Dowling Press, 1997.

  Taylor, Alistair. Yesterday: The Beatles Remembered. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1988.

  Taylor, Derek. As Time Goes By: Living in the Sixties. San Francisco: Straight Arrow, 1973.

  ———. Fifty Years Adrift. London: Genesis, 1984.

  ———. It Was Twenty Years Ago Today. New York: Bantam, 1987.

  Terry, Carol. Here, There, and Everywhere: The Beatles First International Bibliography. Ann Arbor: Pierian, 1990.

  Thompson, Phil. The Best of Cellars: The Story of the World Famous Cavern Club. Liverpool: Bluecoat, 1994.

  Thomson, Elizabeth, and David Gutman. The Lennon Companion. New York: Macmillan, 1987.

  Tremlett, George. The Alvin Stardust Story. London: Futura, 1976.

  ———. The John Lennon Story. London: Futura, 1976.

  ———. The Paul McCartney Story. London: Futura, 1975.

  ———. Rock Gold: The Music Millionaires. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990.

  Turner, Steve. A Hard Day’s Write: The Stories Behind Every Beatles Song. London: Carlton, 1994.

  Twiggy. Twiggy. London: Hart-Davis, 1975.

  Walgren, Mark. The Beatles on Record. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982.

  Ward, Ed, Geoffrey Stokes, and Ken Tucker. Rock of Ages: The Rolling Stone History of Rock & Roll. New York: Rolling Stone Press, 1985.

  Welch, Chris. Paul McCartney: The Definitive Biography. London: Proteus, 1984.

  Wenner, Jann. Lennon Remembers. New York: Fawcett, 1971.

  Whale, Derek. Lost Villages of Liverpool. Liverpool: Stephenson & Sons, 1978.

  Wheen, Francis. The Sixties: A Fresh Look at the Decade of Change. London: Century, 1982.

  Whitaker, Bob. The Unseen Beatles. London: Octopus, 1991.

  Whitburn, Joel. The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits. New York: Billboard Publications, 1983.

  White, Charles. The Life and Times of Little Richard. London: Pan, 1984.

  White, Timothy. Rock Lives: Profiles and Interviews. New York: Henry Holt, 1990.

  Whittington-Egan, Richard. Liverpool Colonnade. Liverpool: Philip, Son & Nephew, 1955.

  Widgery, David. The Left in Britain, 1956–1968. London: Penguin, 1976.

  Wiener, Jon. Come Together: John Lennon in His Time. New York: Random House, 1984.

  Willett, John. Art in a City. London: Methuen, 19

  Williams, Allan, and William Marshall. The Man Who Gave the Beatles Away. London: Coronet, 1975.

  Williams, Richard. Out of His Head: The Sound of Phil Spector. New York: Outerbridge & Lazard, 1972.

  Willis, Paul. Profane Culture. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.

  Winn, John C. Way Beyond Compare: The Beatles’ Recorded Legacy, Vol. 1—1957–1965. Sharon, Vt.: Multiplus, 2003.

  ———. That Magic Feeling: The Beatles’ Recorded Legacy, Vol. 2—1966–1970. Sharon, Vt.: Multiplus, 2004.

  Woffinden, Bob. The Beatles Apart. New York: Proteus, 1971.

  Wyman, Bill, and Ray Coleman. Stone Alone: The Story of a Rock ’n Roll Band. New York: Viking, 1990.

  Yule, Andrew. The Man Who Framed the Beatles. New York: Donald I. Fine, 1994.

  Zint, Günter. Grosse Freihei 39t. Munich: Wilhelm Heyne, 1987.


  “Brian Epstein Presents THE BEATLES Christmas Show.” Souvenir program. December 1965.

  Beatles Book Monthly, The. August 1963 through July 1987, all volumes.

  Beatlefan, issues 1–89.

  Beatles Unlimited (Dutch magazine).

  “Cenario Area Profile Report” for Litherland, Liverpool, 1960.

  “Fab Four on Tour!” Press accounts of the 1964 American concert tour prepared by Musicom International for promotional use.

  “Fluxus, Etc.” Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum. Michigan, 1981.

  Leach, Sam. Follow the Merseybeat Road: With the Beatles. Liverpool: Eden Pub., 1983, 1992.

  Legman, G. The Fake Revolt. New York: Breaking Point, 1967.

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  Machin, W. F. A Short History of the Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool: Liverpool Cotton Assn.


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  ———. “California, 1965.” Typescript.

  Bennett, B., C. Crickmay, and N. S. Sturrock. Report on Central and Lime Street Stations.” Typescript. University of Liverpool, 1963.

  Brooks, N. Gough, and J. Ritchie. “Warehouses in Liverpool.” Typescript. University of Liverpool, 1961.

  Harry, Bill. “Mersey Beat: The Book.” Proposal for unpublished manuscript, 1997.

  King, M. J. “Commercial Architecture in Liverpool, 1750–1900.” Typescript. University of Liverpool, 1963.


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