Opening Moves (The Gam3 Book 1)

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Opening Moves (The Gam3 Book 1) Page 10

by Cosimo Yap

  “Hmm, yes, this will do quite nicely. Thank you for this information. Now, I’ll trust that you won’t disclose this to anyone else, especially none of the military police or one of the information brokers.”

  "What? But—”

  “As a bonus, for this exemplary work, and your discretion, I’ll throw in any item you find in here worth up to a thousand credits.”

  Alan narrowed his eyes. “Before or after the tutorial discount?”

  The shopkeeper smiled sweetly. “Why, after, of course.”

  Alan mulled it over. On one hand, whatever was going on was likely illegal and something should be done, yet, on the other hand, this was a substantial amount of money, and he did need to get a replacement weapon still.

  Accept the offer, Eve commanded.

  What? Why?

  It is highly unlikely the shopkeeper is a simple salesman. I will explain more once we are in a safer location. The information provided by the Thought Emporium has been quite enlightening, allowing me to make previously unseen connections, as well as a great deal of history to draw upon.

  Not one to question Eve, Alan nodded at the shopkeeper. “Alright. Deal.”

  Two messages popped up:

  Shady Dealings, Complete!

  Reward: Revenant Power Armor, 5000 credit item of your choice, a Black Coin

  Level up!

  The shopkeeper grinned, putting his hand into an unseen pocket, bringing out a pitch black metal coin with a cloaked figure on one side, a pile of miniature metal cubes on the other. The shopkeeper flipped the coin at Alan, who caught it without a second thought. When Alan tried to examine it more closely, the images distorted, showing no detail.

  “You’ll find that there are a number of shops in the Game that will buy and sell more unsavory items, including those acquired through… different means. Simply show them that coin and they should be willing to take a look at whatever it is you want to sell, from items to information to favors. The stores will also sell you an expanded range of items. I’ll upload the names of a few of these unique stores to your AI. Should you distinguish yourself as a customer, various other locations may open up to you.”

  “Thanks," Alan said. "Uh, where are the, um, additional items you sell? If you don’t mind me asking of course.”

  The shopkeeper grinned, leaning forward, and whispered, “Changing room third from the left. Walk through the mirror. Take the item you want, then leave the shop, invisible, as I doubt anyone saw you coming in.”

  The shopkeeper then leaned back, and, patting his belly, said, more loudly, “Pleasure doing business with you.”

  “Um, yeah, you too.”

  Alan entered into the designated room, then walked through the changing room mirror that covered the back wall. The mirror turned out to be a hologram, a projected image. He entered a small space about the size of a few supply closets squished together, extended behind the five changing rooms. Now that he knew what was back here, he could recall the dimensions of the changing rooms seeming a bit off.

  The space was dimly lit. Each shelf had a digital price tag displayed, ranging from 100 to 100k credits along with various items. None of the items were labeled, but when asked, Eve displayed descriptions of the various items that had been in the database the Thought Emporium provided. All but a few of the items were known. On the left there were a few packaged items which were most likely mass produced, but illegal to sell.

  One shelf held numerous kits intended for a non-standard class. Alan examined a basic thief’s kit, which contained a set of lock picks, a weak laser cutter, and other miscellaneous but no doubt useful tools. Another was labeled as a basic hacker kit, another an assassin’s kit. Each cost 5000 credits. If Alan had wanted to be any of those classes, he’d have picked the package up immediately. But he didn't yet know what class he wanted, so he continued on.

  On the next three shelves there were numerous weapons, from bandoliers of grenades to modified shotguns. None of the weapons looked especially dangerous or illegal to Alan, but he assumed there was some reason they were being sold back here. Come to think of it though, he hadn’t seen anyone in the main trading hub selling grenades or rocket launchers or other explosives.

  Many of these weapons are built illegally to target specific species or are made by unlicensed weapons manufacturers. Eve let Alan know.

  Oh, you need a license to create weapons?

  Yes. There are many guilds and regulating agencies within the Game that enforce many such laws in “civilized” space. Such politics are not necessary to learn about now while we’re undergoing the Tutorial.

  Um, okay.

  Along the next few shelves there was an assortment of items, from armor to weapons to tools to machine parts. Alan couldn't tell how they were different from ordinary items until he realized they all still had a label on them, such as “Owned by AlienPwnage” or “Owned by US.Agent.33AE2″. He decided he didn’t want one of these items, despite how they cheap they were, as he’d have trouble explaining where he got it.

  Any ideas, Eve?

  This weapon seems suitable.

  Eve highlighted a small blade embedded in a weapons rack next to the far wall. Alan walked up over to it, examining its description.

  Modified Laser Knife (Rank C):

  Once a laser wire cutter, this tool has been modified into a powerful knife. Capable of cutting through most materials once the laser field has been activated. Power required to activate the laser blade is quite high, with energy leakage.

  Regular damage: 15-20 Laser damage: 225-335

  (+100 bonus shield damage modifier, +500 penetration while laser activated)

  20 Energy, 2 Energy/sec used while laser is activated, 1 Energy/min regen.

  88/100 Durability. Energy Melee Weapons (Basic) Recommended, 4500 credits

  Uh, that seems rather OP. I also don’t have the recommended skill, Alan sent.

  The highest damaging human sniper rifles Alan had examined did around 75 damage, although there were bonus multipliers if you got a headshot. The higher end alien laser rifles available at the Hub did 300-400 damage a shot, but cost tens of thousands of credits. Most alien weapons were energy based, using cold fusion batteries, thus didn’t require ammo. They just needed time to recharge.

  Melee laser weapons tend to deal much more damage, Eve sent. While you may be able to take a shot or two of plasma, you would take much more damage if someone cut you with a weapon capable of cutting through steel. My direction and your Knife Fighting (Basic) skill should be sufficient for you to wield this weapon effectively. Combined with the Revenant Armor’s invisibility, we should be able to practically one-shot any enemy close to our level.

  Alright, I’m all aboard that plan.

  Once he was holding the laser knife Eve was able to connect to it somehow, similar to the power armor, allowing him to activate the laser edge with a thought. Normally, the knife looked similar to a basic combat knife made with some dark grey alien metal alloy, but when the laser was activated its blade was outlined in a red glow and the knife looked like a miniature, bladed lightsaber.

  Alan tried activating the laser knife while he was invisible, but unfortunately the glowing red wasn’t dimmed at all, revealing him. That meant he’d need to activate it once he was right next to an enemy, or already stabbing them.

  Like most of the items in the trading hub, the knife didn’t have a level requirement, which Alan thought was a bit odd for a game. Most items simply had recommended skills to use them effectively.

  According to my item database, only rare and powerful items rank B and above have requirements to wield. Many of those requirements are skill or attribute requirements rather than level requirements. Items are also much more important when determining one’s strength, at least compared to most games. A well geared level one player would be capable of fighting on par with a poorly geared, equally skilled level 1000 player.

  Huh, interesting. I guess that makes credits much more important,
and again explains their real life value, especially if all these different factions need to fund in-game armies.

  Having selected the item he wanted, Alan exited the shop, invisible. He briefly considered trying to rob the place, but the shopkeeper probably had underworld connections or something along those lines. Alan also had no idea what level of security these shops had. As soon as Alan stepped outside the store, a message popped up, letting him know the Revenant Power Armor and Modified Laser Knife were now bound to him.

  What exactly does that mean? Alan asked.

  An unbound item rank E or above will always drop upon death, while any item rank A or above will also always drop upon death, even if it’s bound. Any bound item rank B or below will not drop upon death. Items are usually bound to a player after purchase or significant use. Items may have modifiers that affect these properties. A bound item may not be traded away or sold, and it costs credits to get an item unbound. If items are left unattended by their owner for a period of time, they also become unbound.

  Interesting… what rank is the Revenant Power Armor by the way?

  I am uncertain, as the item was not in the item database provided. I would guess it was rank C or B.

  Alright, Alan answered, happy the Game recognized that the armor was his. He was making progress, though he still needed a main weapon. The laser knife would only get him so far.

  Alan made his way outside of the trading hub, keeping a vigilant eye out for any suspicious activity, even though Eve would probably notify him before he detected anything. The rebels were up to something here; he didn’t know what.

  As San Francisco is a major supply port, they are most likely attempting to sabotage the military base and supplies, Eve sent.

  Huh, interesting. What do you suggest we do?

  … Too many variables. There are a few clear choices, yet they would result in vastly different consequences.

  Oh? What are the choices?

  Firstly, we could immediately alert the military, no doubt earning us favor. Unfortunately, they may not believe the threat to be credible, and as an outsider our rewards may not be as great or we may even be detained for questioning. Additionally, the Dark Merchant would most likely revoke our black market status and put a bounty on our head. We are also uncertain what faction he is tied to.

  Secondly, we could attempt to join these rebels, potentially with a backup plan of betraying them to the United World Government. The outsider uncertainty applies as well here, perhaps even doubly so, as they are an underground group. Their connections are dubious as well.

  Thirdly, we may try to anonymously sell this information, which is most likely what the Dark Merchant will do. However, the chance of detection is rather high.

  Finally, we may simply wait and see what happens, taking advantage of the chaos caused, or return to base. There is still the second wave in the Survival Test, whatever it may be, which we should prepare for. These last two options are the most neutral.

  Please proceed to the designated point and deactivate your armor’s ability.

  Alan followed Eve’s directions, cutting into an office building a few blocks away from the trading hub, crouching underneath the reception desk before deactivating the armor’s invisibility, but maintaining his stealth ability.

  Based upon news about current events and the information provided by the Thought Emporium, there are a few major factions that we are likely to encounter. First of all, the various humanoid governments. The Haxlardian Empire, whose ship we will respawn in, are a local alien empire, controlling the space that Earth is in, including but not limited to the majority of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are ruled by a council of seven under the Three. They all wear masks that show off status and rank. Higher level masks provide them with various stats and abilities. On average, Haxlards are twice as strong as humans, while Ultihaxlards are ten times as strong.

  The Unified World Government, which you are undoubtedly aware of, is the government that was hastily erected in order to meet the requirements for humanity to join the Game. Their place within the scheme of things is fairly uncertain, both in terms of Earth politics and intergalactic politics, as there are many places on Earth which do not acknowledge their authority. The rulers and rules of the UWG are still in fluctuation. Currently, the primary authority in the UWG is the USA and its NATO allies.

  A series of explosions suddenly went off in the distance, rocking the building Alan was in. Alan activated the Revenant armor’s invisibility and raced outside, never more thankful for a series of potentially harmful and devastating terrorist attacks.

  Remember, things are very, very complicated, and the universe is a large place! You should leave political dealings and faction choices to me, I’ll be able to calculate our best interests better than you can! Eve shouted into Alan’s mind, but he wasn’t paying attention anymore.

  Outside, it was chaos. It seemed more like a full on invasion rather than a simple terrorist attack. Alan watched as hundreds of people fled downtown, while hundreds more were heading downtown in military vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Planes flew in from above, and a series of space fighters materialized out of nowhere in the sky, firing upon various buildings and each other.

  Head upstairs for a better vantage point.

  Alan readily followed Eve's suggestion; he ran back into the building, racing up the stairs as adrenaline pumped through him. At the top of the twentieth floor he darted into a corner office with a window facing the action. Below, a fleet of sea ships had appeared out of nowhere in the bay, and were launching a series of attacks from the waterfront, while a few well placed explosions had knocked out various anti-ship defenses that had been set up by the United World Government military. There was so much smoke and fire everywhere that Alan couldn’t tell what was really happening.

  This is our chance. Eve whispered into Alan’s mind, almost sinisterly.


  As I outlined beforehand, this seems like a good chance to take advantage of the chaos, and acquire both items and experience we need.

  And exactly how do you plan on doing that?

  Eve highlighted a number of nearby buildings.

  There have been sniper shots from the highlighted buildings. Should we sneak up on one of the snipers, we should be able to easily assassinate them and take their gear. We may simply disguise these killings as the work of the Legion of Man, and no one should be the wiser. Unlike in most games, unless an action can be directly attributed to you, it has no bearing on your faction standing, except in certain scenarios, such as an officially declared war or battle.

  I don’t know…

  If you wish to become an effective, efficient mercenary you will need to start making such morally grey choices that benefit you. Think of the snipers as simply a rare mob that have a special drop item you need. Also, you didn’t seem to have much issue with buying stolen goods.

  Alan began to formulate an argument with Eve in his head, but then, mulling it over, decided that it was in his best interest to try to take out a sniper for their weapon. Besides, it wasn’t like a single sniper would change the course of the battle: they’d respawn once they were killed, and he’d pay the United World Government back once he was done with the Tutorial. Maybe he'd even take the sniper's place, trying to eliminate Legion of Man soldiers. Conscience clear, Alan descended the stairs carefully, debating with Eve which building he should target.


  A few minutes later, Alan approached the building he and Eve had decided upon. It was on top of a hill, on a street further away from downtown, towards the Presidio, where the tutorial base was. If something went wrong Alan could flee away from the Legion of Man forces. The battle, off in the distance, was still going strong, with more laser fire and reinforcements arriving every minute. Where a rebel military force Alan had never heard of before was getting such firepower Alan had no idea, but then again maybe the group only existed within the Game.

  Alan was about to step into the lobb
y of the multistory apartment building, when—


  Alan halted.

  There are motion detectors set up to detect if someone enters the building.

  Two small devices besides the doors into the building were highlighted, showing a red screen surrounding the entrance. Alan assumed this was the field Eve detected. As Alan looped around outside the building, he saw that the detection field surrounded the entire first floor. Well, so much for that plan.

  Negative. Proceed to the fire escape.

  Eve highlighted a fire escape on the side of the building that Alan hadn’t noticed. The detection field didn’t expand outside the building, at least as far as he could see. The only problem was that the fire escape was a bit over 12 feet off the ground.

  You should be capable of leaping up and climbing onto it.

  Alan carefully considered the jump. He was definitely feeling stronger than he’d ever been before, and he could probably make it if Eve told him he could. It just might hurt a lot. He walked underneath the fire escape, and leapt up with all his might. To his surprise, his fingers managed to brush against the bottom of the un-extended ladder. After a few more leaps, Alan managed to catch on to the edge of the fire escape and pull himself up. The metal squeaked and shifted a bit as it bore the brunt of his weight, but it didn’t give way.

  Alan traversed up the fire escape to the 7th floor, the floor below where Eve calculated the sniper to be, remaining invisible all the while. He’d been maintaining his invisibility for about an hour total since getting the power armor. Taking into account the regained energy, he was left with 200 shield energy. It was 2:13 p.m., with a bit over three hours left until the next round in the Survival Test. That meant the shields wouldn’t be done regenerating by the time the round began, unfortunately.

  So, um, why’d you have me stop on the 7th floor? Alan sent to Eve.

  You will attack the sniper from below, cutting out the floor beneath the sniper, silently, quickly, and carefully, at my direction. How did you expect to get to the sniper? Climb in through the window they’re shooting out of, or through the door that’s no doubt booby trapped?


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