Cowboys Like Us

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by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  Ten years ago, the passion was ignited…

  And it’s only gotten hotter with time!

  Join the editors in celebrating

  a decade of wonderful authors,

  irresistible stories…and great sex!

  Look for all six

  Special 10thAnniversary Collectors’ Editions

  from The Original Sexy Six authors.

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  by Kimberly Raye


  by Jo Leigh


  by Tori Carrington


  by Vicki Lewis Thompson


  by Julie Leto


  by Debbi Rawlins

  Harlequin Blaze—

  Celebrating 10 years of red-hot reads!

  Dear Reader,

  Writing romance novels is my dream job. And when you’re lucky enough to have a job like that, the years go by like greased lightning! Blaze is celebrating its tenth anniversary this month? Impossible! But true, and I’m thrilled to be here wearing a party hat and throwing confetti around with my Blaze launch buddies (aka The Original Sexy Six) and Blaze Senior Editor Brenda Chin.

  Brenda and I have been friends and colleagues for longer than either of us is willing to admit. She edited my first Blaze, Notorious, which is included in this volume, and my current Blaze, Cowboys Like Us. Both books feature yummy heroes who look great wearing jeans, boots and a Stetson. Thanks for making me and my cowboys look good for all these years, Brenda!

  This is the sixth book in my Sons of Chance series, with three more arriving in the summer of 2012! I’m grateful for all of you who visit the ranch through my stories. I love hearing from you! You can email me through my website at Please do!

  And finally, thanks to all the readers who’ve helped make Blaze such a roaring success in the past decade. Here’s to ten more years of hot heroes and happily-ever-afters!

  Celebratingly yours,


  Vicki Lewis Thompson




  New York Times bestseller Vicki Lewis Thompson’s love affair with cowboys started with The Lone Ranger, continued through Maverick and took a turn south of the border with Zorro. She views cowboys as the Western version of knights in shining armor—rugged men who value honor, honesty and hard work. Fortunately for her, she lives in the Arizona desert, where broad-shouldered, lean-hipped cowboys abound. Blessed with such an abundance of inspiration, she only hopes that she can do them justice. Visit her website at

  Books by Vicki Lewis Thompson










  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19



  To my grandmother, Nellie Sharpe,

  a die-hard baseball fan. Your legacy

  jumped two generations to live on in your

  great-granddaughter Audrey, who eagerly awaits

  that first crack of the bat every spring.


  August 8, 1963

  from the diary of Eleanor Chance

  NOW THAT JONATHAN’S seventeen and chasing after girls, I decided to find a hobby so I wouldn’t be forever worrying about him. This summer I became a Chicago Cubs baseball fan! I figured that both Jonathan and my dear husband, Archie, would share in this new passion and we’d have some family togetherness listening to the games on the radio here at the Last Chance Ranch.

  So much for that idea. Turns out neither of them have the slightest interest in the sport, but I love it! I don’t care if my Cubbies don’t win very often. They’re historic, dating way back, and Wrigley Field is a piece of history, too. Besides, I like the team’s name. Bear cubs are the cutest things ever, and I should know. Here in Jackson Hole we have bears aplenty.

  I suppose I could have picked football or basketball, but I don’t understand those rules as well. Baseball has always made sense to me. Hearing the crack of the bat sends a chill down my spine, especially in games like today! Ron Santo hit a home run in the bottom of the tenth to beat the L.A. Dodgers, which is amazing because the Cubs aren’t doing so hot, as usual, and the Dodgers are leading the National League.

  When I announced this thrilling victory at dinner tonight, Jonathan and Archie both smiled and said that was nice, but I could tell they don’t give a flip. Too bad for them. They’re missing some great entertainment. I’ve sent away for a Cubs baseball cap. I’m going to wear it, too.


  Present Day

  LOGAN CARSWELL, FORMER catcher for the Chicago Cubs, had two surefire remedies for a troubled mind, and he couldn’t use either one. Booze was out because he’d taken pain meds for his knee so he could dance at Alex Keller’s wedding reception in Shoshone, Wyoming. As for the second method, he didn’t know any of the women in this tiny town well enough.

  Eventually, in spite of the meds, his knee began to bother him. Retreating to one of the Spirits and Spurs’s well-worn bar stools, he swiveled to face the dance floor, where Alex was two-stepping with his bride, Tyler. Logan had known him ever since they were both kids living in the same Chicago neighborhood.

  Alex had never had trouble getting girls, with his all-American blond good looks. Add to that his natural charisma behind a microphone, and he’d been able to pick and choose. Apparently he’d chosen Tyler, a dark-haired Italian beauty, or she’d chosen him.

  Near as Logan could tell watching the happy couple on the dance floor, they were both quite pleased with the situation. Alex was obviously in love and seemed to have his life together at last. Logan should be so lucky. But he refused to allow his problems to cast a shadow over this celebration.

  “Can I get you anything, Mr. Carswell?”

  Logan swiveled back to the bar and concluded that luck hadn’t totally deserted him. Of the two bartenders working the wedding reception, he’d drawn the girl instead of the guy.

  He’d noticed her earlier. She wore her sun-streaked brown hair in a no-nonsense ponytail and didn’t seem to go in for a lot of makeup. Her hazel eyes tilted up slightly at the corners, adding a touch of the exotic to her girl-next-door appeal.

  From her enthusiasm and ready smile, he guessed she might be exactly his type—a born optimist. He could sure use a dose of op
timism right now.

  As he gazed at her, he realized she was looking right back with similar interest. He’d built a night of outstanding sex on less. But Shoshone was a folksy town, and one-night stands wouldn’t go unnoticed around here the way they would in Chicago.

  Still, he could flirt with her a little without doing any harm. He tipped back the Stetson that Alex had insisted he buy, along with the requisite jeans, boots and yoked shirt. “I think this is the part where the teetotalling stranger orders a sarsaparilla.” He wished he could remember her name, but if someone had mentioned it, he’d forgotten.

  She laughed. “Sorry. Don’t have that. But the root beer is excellent.”

  “That’ll do.”

  After placing a coaster decorated with a bucking bronco in front of him, she picked up a glass mug. Her nails were short and unpolished, her movements quick and efficient. “How do you like Shoshone so far?”

  “Friendly place.”

  “We think so.”

  He grabbed the first conversational topic he could think of. “Is it true that this bar is haunted?”

  “So they say. That’s why it’s called the Spirits and Spurs.” She filled the mug to the top, and foam oozed over the lip. “Personally, I’ve never seen a ghost in here, but some claim they have.”

  Logan had never considered root beer foam erotic, but as it slid down the side of the mug, his balls tightened. Not much, but enough for him to register the sensation. Yes, a good romp in the hay with someone cute and personable like this bartender would be therapeutic, but he didn’t give himself much chance of having that any time soon.

  She allowed the foam to settle before putting the mug on the coaster. “I’ve never talked to a major league ballplayer before.” She sounded fascinated by the prospect.

  Oh, boy. If she had a fantasy image of him as some big celebrity, he needed to nip that in the bud. “I’m afraid you’re not talking to one now, either. I’m out of the game.”

  She met his gaze with sympathy in her eyes. “I know. Alex mentioned it. He said if you were still playing, you wouldn’t have been able to come to the wedding.”

  “Right.” He managed a smile. “At least some good came out of it.”

  “Still, it can’t be easy. But kudos to you for putting on a brave face for the party.”

  A knot loosened in his chest. Just kind words from a complete stranger, but they soothed him in a way he couldn’t explain. “No, it’s not.” He rarely admitted that to anyone, because nobody liked a guy who felt sorry for himself. But after tonight, he’d probably never see her again, so letting down his guard was easier.

  “Josie said you were a starting catcher for the Cubs.”

  That made him smile for real. This adorable bartender didn’t follow the game, or she would have known that fact without getting the info from Josie, Alex’s sister. Logan’s injury had come while defending the plate against a rather spectacular slide into home, and the news clip had been replayed a lot last year.

  “Yes, I was a catcher,” he said. At least she wouldn’t be pestering him for gossip about the big-name players. Sure, his ego took a small hit because she wasn’t a fan, but all things considered, he counted it a good thing that she wasn’t.

  He decided to extend the friendliness. “So how long have you been tending bar?”

  “Not long. I was the restaurant waitress until recently, when Josie asked me to start easing into her job so I’ll be comfortable with it by the time her baby’s born and she has to take time off.”

  “You seem comfortable with it now.”

  “Only because she sent me to a crash course in bartending.”

  Logan nodded. “I know all about those. When I was in the minors, I supplemented my income serving drinks.”

  “Yikes. You probably know more about this than I do!”

  “Nah. It’s been several years. Excuse me for not remembering, but what’s your name?”

  “Caro. Caro Davis.”

  “Karo like the syrup?”

  “Caro like short for Carolyn. Josie started calling me that a while back, and I like it. I feel more like a Caro than a Carolyn, anyway.”

  He thought the shorter name suited her. “Is Josie a good boss?” Logan remembered Josie as a pesky little kid who was constantly tagging after him and Alex. He had a hard time imagining her as a wife and mother-to-be, let alone the proud owner of a cowboy bar in Wyoming. She’d married Jack Chance, the oldest of the three Chance brothers, and seemed blissfully happy living at the Last Chance Ranch, located about ten miles outside town.

  Caro grinned at him. “As if I’d tell you if she wasn’t. But she’s great. She managed to promote me to this position without upsetting Tracy, who’s a little young to take over Josie’s job, or Steve, who’s a new hire but knows bartending. Either of them could have resented me getting it. Josie handled it beautifully.”

  “Hey, Caro.” The tall guy sharing bartending duties glanced her way. “Orders piling up down here.”

  “Be right there, Steve.” She smiled at Logan. “Excuse me. Gotta do my job.”

  “You bet.” He watched her walk away, ponytail bouncing. Damn, that smile of hers really cheered him up. He’d love to see more of it. He’d love to…no, he shouldn’t start imagining how her perky self would react in bed. He shouldn’t, but he did.

  “Hey, Logan, don’t be hitting on my best employee.” Josie took the bar stool on his left and punched him playfully on the shoulder. She was more dressed up than he’d ever seen her, all blue satin and lace. Instead of braiding her hair in one strand down her back as she usually did, she’d created an up-swept arrangement that made her look like a princess.

  He winked at her. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Yeah, right. You were sizing her up just now, and don’t try to deny it.”

  “Just having some innocent fun.” Thoughts weren’t deeds, right? “By the way, you look terrific, Josie. This Jack character must be treating you right.”

  “Don’t try to change the subject.” But her gray eyes, so like Alex’s, sparkled with obvious pleasure at the compliment. “Caro has enough on her plate without having you swoop in and dazzle her with your big-city ways.”

  “Big-city ways?” He pressed a hand to his heart. “You make me sound like an operator. I’m wounded.”

  “You know what I’m talking about, Logan. A guy can’t live the life you have without picking up a boatload of polish and sophistication.”

  “Now that’s more like it.” He winked at her. “Thanks for the compliment, Josie.”

  “See, that sly wink is exactly what I’m talking about. And I can tell she’s impressed with you.”

  “You think so?” His poor ego could take all the help it could get.

  “Don’t mess with her, okay?”

  “I had no such plans.” He’d already decided that getting cozy with a local girl would be a mistake. Now Josie was warning him off of this particular one, which was more than enough to cool his jets. He really wasn’t here to cause more problems. He already had enough to handle, like what the hell to do with the rest of his life.

  But he couldn’t help being curious about the cute little bartender. “What did you mean when you said she has enough on her plate?”

  “It wouldn’t be my place to tell you.”

  “Man troubles?”

  “No. Listen, take my word for it.” Josie patted his arm. “Caro’s become a close friend in addition to being an employee, so I can tell you with certainty that she doesn’t have time for romance right now, and she especially doesn’t have time for someone who will be gone in a couple of days.”

  “Is that when my guest privileges expire?”

  She flushed. “Uh…no! You can certainly stay as long as you want. I just thought, with Alex and Tyler leaving on their honeymoon tomorrow, that you’d…well, you’d want to go back to Chicago.”

  She had no idea how much he dreaded going home. The season was in the middle of its usual August frenzy, wit
h billboards and TV ads reminding him every ten seconds that some guys were playing ball and he was not. He was thrilled to get away from the unspoken message that he was a washed up has-been at the tender age of thirty-two.

  “Well, yeah, I need to get back eventually,” he said. “But I’ve never spent time on a ranch, so I was thinking, as long as I’m out here, I’d like to play cowboy for a few days. Unless I’d be in the way.”

  “Of course not. We’d love to have you. Are you thinking about riding?”

  He wasn’t sure what he was thinking about, except that the Last Chance felt like a haven, and he could use one. “Riding would be great. I’ll need a little instruction, but—”

  “What about your knee?”

  “It’s my right knee that’s dicey, and I vaguely remember you mount from the left, so I should be fine.”

  Josie smiled at him, understanding in her gray eyes. “You can stay as long as you want, Logan. Glad to have you.”

  “I appreciate it.” More than she knew.

  “But leave Caro alone.”

  “You’ve got it.” And to emphasize his willingness to ignore the lovely bartender, he left his half-full root beer on the bar and held out his hand to Josie. “May I have this dance, Alex’s little sis?”

  “Might as well. Can’t drink!”

  “That’s right, you’re on the wagon for the next few months. I’ll bet you’re popular as a designated driver these days.”

  “I am, at that.” As they arrived at the edge of the dance floor, she moved into his arms. “I must say, you picked up country dancing really fast for a guy raised in the city.”

  Logan guided her expertly into the crowd of two-stepping couples. “Thanks. Guess it’s the athlete in me.”

  “Guess so.” She twirled under his arm. “The Chance brothers are famous for their dancing. You’re not quite in their league, but given more practice, you could be.”

  Logan grinned. “See? I have the boots, the jeans, the hat and the dance moves. I’m halfway to becoming a cowboy already.”


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