Friends Lovers and Family

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Friends Lovers and Family Page 4

by M. A. Innes

  Bryan’s desperate pleading continued as I worked my way down his body. Kissing and nibbling, I licked around his belly button, making him wiggle and whine before continuing down to where he really wanted my lips.

  When I finally got to his cock, he groaned as I bypassed it, pushing his legs up. Kissing down the inside of his thigh, I ran my tongue over his balls, loving the way his body squirmed and his muscles clenched. Low pleading noises poured out of him as I kissed closer to his needy hole.

  Nibbling on the soft flesh of his ass, I chuckled when he grunted and wiggled. “Please…Sir.”

  I blew softly over his hole, making him whisper Fuck quietly under his breath. Chuckling, I shook my head. “Should I make my boy tell me exactly where he wants kisses?”

  Bryan huffed and his hand came up to cover his face as he started to blush.

  He was so fucking cute.

  I ghosted just over his hole, letting him feel my breath and the heat from my body. Bryan whined and thrust his ass up, but I moved away before he could get what he was begging for. “What does my boy want?”

  Bryan began to shake. His hand was still plastered over his eyes, but he took a steadying breath. When his words came out low and desperate, I almost started humping the bed it was that erotic. “Please. Sir, please lick my ass. I need you.”

  He killed me.

  There was no more teasing, no holding back. Diving back between his legs, I flicked my tongue over his achingly empty hole, then circled it slowly. Bryan gasped and his muscles tightened as he moved his hand back to grip his legs. He made the most beautiful sounds once he let everything go and showed me how much he wanted me.

  His cock jerked as I speared his opening with my tongue, fucking him just enough to make him even more desperate for my cock. But I wasn’t ready to stop teasing him yet. I loved the way he squirmed under me, and I loved watching him lose everything to the pleasure that was building inside him.

  Unfortunately, I underestimated how turned on my boy was. Maybe it was the utter relief from the stress of the day or maybe it was just the crazy fantasies that were running through his mind, but as soon as I slide one finger inside his tight body, he came. His orgasm burst out and his cries echoed off the walls as he shook, cum shooting all over his stomach.

  I started fucking him faster, nailing his prostate with my finger as his orgasm faded. When he was a mess of nerve endings and exhaustion, I finally eased out of him. His legs flopped to the bed as I stretched out over him, still fully clothed.

  “I’m going to have to punish you later.” There were still some stray worries to chase away, so it would serve several purposes.

  Bryan didn’t seem to have the energy to look worried. He peered up at me through half-lidded eyes and nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Daddy already, huh?

  My sweet boy was utterly exhausted from the day, but I couldn’t have been prouder of him. He’d conquered his fears and shared a deeply personal side of himself with his friend. I just hoped I could make him see how far he’d come from the guy who would nearly faint every time he got overwhelmed.

  Then he gave me a tired smile. “I love that there’s always a later with you. I never want this to end.”

  Kissing him tenderly, I pinned him to the bed with my body, ignoring the cum streaking his chest. “There will always be a later with us, Baby. There will never be a time when I’m not right here with you. No matter what, I will always be here for you.”

  “I love you.” Bryan stretched up and kissed me slowly. “I love that you’ve got so much confidence in me and that you take care of me, letting me be little so I don’t have to worry about everything. You push me, but you’re always right there beside me to make sure I’m safe. Thank you.”

  Looking down at Bryan, I knew I’d never love anyone else the way I loved him. Nothing would ever change that, not kinks or clubs or graduating. He would always have me right by his side. “I love you too.” I braced myself on one arm and ran my free hand over his face. “I will always be right there beside you. Loving you, being your partner and your Daddy, has made me happier than you’ll ever know.”

  Taking his lips again, I kissed the only man I’d ever love and the only boy I’d ever care for. He was the missing piece of my soul and I couldn’t imagine a life without him.



  (and Finn too of course)

  Chapter 1


  “Are you sure? Because I’m still not confident they can function in the same room together, much less be little.” Ryland looked over at me as he cleaned up the kitchen, clearly confused at my smile.

  I was just so proud of him.

  But pointing that out would only make him uncomfortable.

  “They did great at the barbecue the other day. Even when everyone was crammed into the playhouse.” They’d all surprised me. Yes, there’d been some awkward moments, but even those hadn’t lasted long. “They’re just…stressful.”

  He finished emptying the dishwasher and walked over to mark it off the chore list on the fridge. We’d found it one day at Target when he’d gone with me to grab some groceries, and he’d immediately fallen in love with it. He leaned against the counter as he set the whiteboard marker down. “What if they can’t get little? What if I can’t be Riley while they’re stressed?”

  When he’d first started opening up to his little side, his question would have probably been What if I can’t be little around someone else? The fact that he didn’t notice how he’d changed made me want to give him a huge hug and call Holden to tell him.

  Riley’s Daddy was just as proud of him as I was.

  “I think once they see other littles around and realize they’re in a safe space where it’s okay to share that side of themselves, it will be fine.” I felt ridiculous sitting at the table while he cleaned, but he said it was his house and his responsibility.

  His house.

  I thought it was more that his Daddy had given him chores, so he wanted to follow it to the last detail, and he loved that it was his home now too. I just loved that they were happy and that Ryland was finally getting comfortable…at least around me.

  He was still very quiet around everyone else, even if he had opened up some.

  “I don’t know. Bryan’s still so nervous and Cody doesn’t understand that.” The fact that Ryland was calling someone else nervous was cute.

  “Cody just sees things differently. He doesn’t always know the right thing to say.” I wasn’t sure how much of that came from him being a genius and a bit sheltered or from other things, but he was doing his best.

  Ryland gave me a questioning look. “Do you think Bryan will be fine?”

  “Yes.” I smiled and did my best to look completely confident. “You heard them the other day. Bryan wanted Kevin around when he was little as a first step.”

  Of course, he hadn’t actually been the one to volunteer that information—Kevin had. Which had Bryan turning almost purple, but he’d gotten over it fairly quickly. He’d even admitted that Miles had given him the idea and that he thought it was a good idea.

  So they were all making good progress.

  “How do you think it went?” Ryland frowned, and I could see the wheels turning in his head.

  “I think it went fine. They’re almost as close as we are. Kevin is the perfect person for Bryan to open up to first because he’s very much a kid at heart.” Kevin jumped into everything associated with BDSM headfirst. There was no way he’d be uncomfortable around Bryan.

  Ryland nodded but didn’t seem convinced as he started shifting around the room aimlessly. “If Bryan’s more relaxed, Cody will be easier to deal with.”

  “Cody feels out of place with most people, and his submission is something he’s very confident in.” That’d been clear the first time I’d met him. “So I think he’s having a hard time understanding the emotions some of you guys are dealing with. The way he sees things made it simple for him to know what he
wanted and to go after it. He assumed everyone would be like that if they loved being little.”

  Sighing, Ryland shrugged. “It’s not always that easy.”

  “I agree.” But since I fell more on the Cody side of the line when it came to how comfortable I was, I appreciated how he saw it.

  “Bryan just needs to see that it gets easier to be little around other people. Kevin’s not as calm as you, but he’d be enthusiastic, so that has to help.” Ryland’s description had me laughing.


  “Nothing.” I shook my head as he frowned. “I liked how you described that.”

  “You are calm, which helps me feel the same.” He rolled his eyes and a grin peeked out. “At least, when you’re not trying to drive me crazy.”

  “That’s part of my job. It says it in the best friend handbook.”

  He shook his head but played along. “I didn’t see that in my copy.”

  “I got the dominant-and-confident edition.”

  He barked out a laugh. “What did I get?”

  I grinned. “The nervous-and-needs-to-be pushed edition.”

  He tried to look serious, but I could see the smile he was trying to hide. “Bryan clearly got the same copy I did.”

  Oh yeah.

  “But you’re both doing great.” I stood and walked over, giving him a hug. “One of these days you’ll get the updated edition too.”

  He laughed but leaned into my embrace. “I think I’d prefer the confident-and-still-quiet edition. Yours is a lot to handle.”

  “That would be perfect for you.” I hugged him tighter before relaxing my hold. “Not everyone has to be outgoing and loud.”

  “Like you.” His smile widened as he pulled back.

  “Yes.” I ran my hand over his head, ruffling it like he was my kid brother or something. “I don’t want you to hide from something you’re interested in or curious about because you’re too scared.”

  Ryland huffed but grinned and leaned closer to rest his head on my shoulder. “I know. I’m not the most worried one about the playdate, though. That’s saying something.”

  “That’s saying a lot. I’m really proud of you.” I couldn’t help but smile as he straightened and looked down.

  I didn’t want to change him, but the fact that he was getting more confident was wonderful. He’d never be as outgoing as Cody or me—most people weren’t—but there was nothing wrong with that. He was perfect just the way he was, and I had a feeling his Daddy would agree with that.

  “It’s just playing with other littles.” Ryland waved off the praise, but the smile on his face said a lot.

  “And that’s not easy. But you’re going to have a great time.”

  “Cody’s going to get a sandbox.” He grinned, changing the subject. “And I heard Ford tell Jameson that he was going to have to build an even bigger playhouse than the one Miles has if Cody expects us all to fit in it.”

  I laughed. “He’s right, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a bit of competition there.”

  Ryland snickered and started walking into the living room. “He likes pleasing Cody.”

  “That too.” Following, I shook my head, feeling slightly useless.

  He’d slow down once Holden got home, though. They were still working out the balance between Ryland being little and the more grown-up side of their relationship, but I thought Ryland taking the summer off from classes was helping them figure it out.

  “How was work?”

  “Great.” He smiled but rolled his eyes. “Daddy said he’s proud of me, but he thinks I should be paid since I’m doing so much work.”

  “That’s the point of an internship. They get free slave labor and you get job experience and stuff to put on a resume.” It was a time-honored tradition.

  “He said next summer he wants me to go for a paid position.” Ryland gave a little shrug like he wasn’t sure, but the thoughtful expression on his face said he was thinking about it.

  I lifted one shoulder, not willing to commit to saying Holden was wrong because he had a point. “You’re learning stuff and you’re figuring out that you really like it. Even if you aren’t being paid for it, that’s still valuable.”

  Ryland nodded. “Just knowing that it feels right is important. Enjoying the classes didn’t necessarily mean I’d like the job. But so far I think it’s the right move.” He rolled his eyes. “Not that my mother will approve.”

  His parents were doing better, but his mother still wasn’t happy with losing her place as the head control freak in his life. She understood Holden had taken over that slot, but she didn’t realize there was a big difference in the structure and support he gave Ryland and the insanity she’d given him.

  The difference was amazing in a lot of ways. Holden and I had both been really surprised when Ryland had said he’d put in an application for the internship. He’d been convinced he wouldn’t get it, but he’d wanted to try since he wouldn’t be taking classes over the summer. That he’d taken the chance even though he’d thought he wouldn’t get it was wonderful.

  Having Holden there for him had definitely given Ryland the courage to come out of his shell. I knew people outside the lifestyle probably wouldn’t understand, but his submission was giving him more confidence in other parts of his life. He’d come a long way since last summer when he was floundering about what to do and hiding from anything that made him uncomfortable.

  He and Holden were closer to twenty-four seven on the submission side of things but not as much when it came to Ryland being little. From what I’d seen, Riley, Ryland’s little side, was coming out most evenings during the summer, but they were doing a lot of date type activities together when Holden didn’t have to work.

  “Are you sure I can’t help?” Their house was really clean, but just wandering around as Ryland picked up the few things that were out of place felt odd.

  He chuckled. “You’ll take over if I let you. Daddy agreed this was my responsibility.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t help a little.”

  “Yes, it does.” He gave me a dirty look. “I let you help with the chores last week and you managed to talk me into coloring at the table while you did the dishes.” He shook his head. “I still don’t know how that happened.”

  “But you had fun coloring.” He’d loved hanging out and telling me about his day.

  He snorted. “But that’s not what Daddy and I agreed to.”

  “Okay.” It was just hard.

  “Thank you.” Ryland’s smile was worth backing down and watching him do the chores on his own. “I’m almost done.”

  He picked up a small basket of toys near the stairs and started heading up. “These go in the playroom and then my chores are done.”

  Every time he said chores I wanted to smile. Holden had been content just having a casual arrangement about what got done around the house. He liked taking care of Ryland and wouldn’t have minded doing most of the housework, but Ryland had insisted that his Daddy give him a list of things to do. Even after buying the chart, it’d taken him a few days to work up the nerve to explain what he wanted, but he’d done it without much prodding from me.

  I had a feeling he liked whatever rewards he was getting for being a good boy.

  Not that I was going to ask.

  I had some boundaries, just not many, and I was proud of him for asking what he wanted. That was something they were still working on.

  Following Ryland up the stairs, we headed into the playroom.

  “Did you guys have fun at the zoo?” They’d been doing all kinds of things, but most of their outings had a decidedly kid-like feel to them. I wasn’t sure if it was deliberate or not, but it seemed like it was Holden’s way of making sure Riley got to do things outside the house as well because I didn’t know many college guys who got to add stuffed animals to their collection when they went on dates.

  “Yeah.” Ryland set the basket of toys down on a small shelf and smiled. “Daddy got me a

  Because Ryland’s Daddy was head over heels for him.

  “Show me.”

  Grown-up Ryland who cleaned the house started to fade slightly as he beamed and sat down on the floor to dig through the growing pile of stuffed animals. His rabbit and bear had places of honor on his bed. The rest of the animals were stacked neatly on the shelves. I had a feeling Riley liked organizing them because every time I came over they were very precisely lined up.

  “Here.” Yeah, Riley was right below the surface as he smiled up at me from the floor.

  Going with it, I sat down beside him and took the little monkey he held out. Turning it over in my hand, I caressed the toy. He’d picked out a cuddly one. “Very nice. I like the soft fur.”

  Ryland’s smile was almost ear to ear as he took the toy back. “Daddy said he was perfect.”

  That scene was easy to imagine. Ryland still wasn’t comfortable with the fact that someone might guess about their relationship, so he was careful in public. I was pretty sure that was where picking out the stuffed animals had come from. Ryland might have been nervous, but Riley liked the idea of getting new stuffies and was excited about picking one out.

  Which was one of the big reasons I thought he’d be fine at the playdate. He was slowly coming out of his shell and it was wonderful to watch. He still had his ostrich moments when he ignored things, but in general, he’d stopped hiding from what he wanted.

  Like the binkie he absently grabbed off the shelf and stuffed in his mouth. Yep, Ryland was done for the day. Something about the chores seemed to help him transition to Riley after being Ryland at work. He was doing great from everything that I’d heard, but having a routine at home helped him leave the stress of the real world more easily.

  I was fine with him being either Ryland or Riley around me, so I picked up a book off the shelf and started to read to him as he cuddled his monkey. We were halfway through a story when I heard Holden come through the front door. Riley looked toward the door and grinned around the binkie as Holden’s footsteps thudded up the stairs.


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