The Iron Room

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The Iron Room Page 5

by Sarah Himebauch

  Katie: Hey, is it okay if I sleepover tonight?

  Amy: Sure, what time are you coming?

  Katie: Probably around 11:30 or 12.

  Amy: Late! But okay, text me when you’re on your way.

  By the time I finished packing, it was 10:25. Okay, that meant I only needed to sit in my car for a little bit. I walked down the stairs and my dad was fast asleep in his favorite armchair. It was Sunday, but I knew he had been at the office all week. As acting sheriff in Prairie, he never truly got a day off and he was always extremely wiped out. I didn’t want to wake him, so I left a sticky note on his forehead that I had left.

  I took a bag of Cheetos from the kitchen, as a nice little snack while I sat and waited. I figured I would just wait alongside the curb at the park. The nice thing is that it was always nicely lit, even in the evenings. I would hate to be at a pitch-black park. I only lived about a five to seven-minute drive from the park, so I started up the car and allowed it to warm up for a few minutes.

  I started my drive and noticed not a single car on the road. That wasn’t atypical, especially in Prairie. Considering it was now 10:40, it made sense that everyone decided to turn in for the night.

  I arrived at the park and checked the time- 10:45. Fifteen minutes. I decided to open my bag of chips as a means of distraction because my nerves felt fried.

  What would I say to Mark?

  Just ask him if he did it. Or, demand an explanation for why he was at Tara’s.

  I didn’t want to demand anything on the account of it would ruin my friendship with Amy if I accused Mark of something like this, or if he did do it- I was terrified of what he would do. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, with no way to get myself out.

  Trying to plan out what I would say was bringing me no sense of security or comfort at all. In fact, it was stressing me out more! I grabbed at the bottom of the bag and found that I had eaten all the chips. So much for a distraction. My phone lit up with a text from Amy.

  Amy: Mark just left the house… weird. You on your way?

  Katie: Not yet but will in the next thirty minutes. Sorry, homework is killing me!

  Amy: Sounds good, and I know. The course load is insane this year. I have romance movies stocked up, so don’t plan on sleeping tonight! See you soon. XO

  Okay. That was taken care of, and I saw a car coming in the distance. I instantly recognized Mark’s car, because it was always the nicest on the block- secondary only to his parent’s BMW’s.

  I felt as if I was shaking, and that my heart was beating a hundred miles a minute.

  Breathe, Katie.

  He parked behind me and came into the passenger side of my car. I unlocked the door, and he climbed in, smile plastered all over his goofy face.

  How could I think he would be capable of something like this? Mark was always the sweet guy, the one you could depend on. He wasn’t the type of guy to go around kidnapping innocent girls.

  Okay, well now I feel guilty.

  “Hey Katie. Thanks for meeting me. I talked to my sister, and she filled me in and what happened with Miss. Towner…” he said, and I could tell he wanted to explain more.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry Mark, but I must admit it doesn’t make sense, and then to hear your name… well you must know what I think.”

  “I do, and I want to change that. I want to explain. The night that she saw me with Tara is right. I was there. I was only meeting her so she could pay me.”

  “Pay you for what, Mark?”

  “I had done something for her that I don’t feel comfortable discussing, and it was payment for that. Look, I liked Tara and she didn’t deserve what happened to her.”

  Neither did Anna.

  “And Anna did? What are you trying to say Mark?”

  “Look, we all know she was kind of a bitch. Yeah, it sucks. But Tara was kind to everyone, and she really didn’t deserve it- not that Anna did, but Tara deserved it less.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Neither of those girls deserved whatever happened or may still be happening to them. Who cares if Anna was slightly rude to some people? That doesn’t give anyone the right to go ahead with kidnapping her, and it certainly doesn’t make it okay for people with grudges to talk poorly about her. She was still a person.

  So much for the sweet Mark, who was kind to everyone.

  “I can’t believe you Mark. She was a nice girl, in her own way,” I said and looked at Mark as his face turned from contrite to angry.

  “Yeah right! Anna was a cold-hearted bitch. Forget about her though. You need to stop looking into this, it’s only going to get you hurt, and I don’t want that.”

  “What is that even supposed to mean Mark? I know that you and Amy are just trying to look out for me, but you don’t need to. I will be okay. My dad is the sheriff after all,” I said with a smile half-joking.

  Everyone knew my dad was overwhelmingly overprotective when it came to me. Maybe that didn’t matter to the person who took these girls, but that was fine. There were more perks to having a sheriff for a dad then most people realized. It means that I took tons of martial arts lessons as well as basic self-defense. I also knew how to fire a gun. I wasn’t scared of anyone, especially in this little town.

  “We are trying to look out for you. The people in this town are genuinely scared, Katie. And for good reason! Everyone can easily see that these girls were kidnapped, including your dad. I’m sure he told you to stay away too, right?”

  “How did you know about that? Did Amy tell you she told on me?” I wondered if Amy had been open about her snitching activity to her brother, or if that was something that she wanted to keep private.

  “No. I was the one who told her to say something. It is not okay Katie. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Jesus Mark, you guys cannot micromanage every small aspect of my life. I don’t like the feeling of everyone breathing down my neck. It’s not cool. I would appreciate it if you backed off. Your sister’s interference, I can understand. But you? No.”

  “You don’t get it do you Katie?” Mark’s face took on a somber mood.

  “Get what?”

  “I’m in love with you! How can you not see that?”

  What? Mark? I knew my dad always felt he had a little crush on me, but to be in love with someone was on an entirely different level, one that I don’t even think my dad knew about. I certainly had no clue.

  Did Amy know?

  My head was starting to spin. How long was this going on? Did I feel the same way? Could I feel the same way? I had too many questions floating around, and meanwhile, Mark was staring at me, clearly waiting for me to respond.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “Are you sure, Mark?”

  “Yes, I’m sure Katie. I know it’s not what you had expected to hear, but it’s true. I have been in love with you for a while now. Don’t worry, I know the feelings aren’t reciprocated, but I just thought you should know.”

  “I’m sorry, Mark. I always thought we were friends. I don’t want things to be weird between us now.”

  “It’s okay. They won’t be. Like I said, I knew the feelings weren’t reciprocated. I just wish you would stop this investigating nonsense. None of us want to see you hurt.”

  “I’m sorry, but you know I can’t do that. If it is any consolation, I don’t think it’s you anymore. That doesn’t mean I can stop looking though. These girls were taken, and I firmly believe that. Someone needs to help them Mark, and I won’t stop until they are found.”

  “You leave me no choice then,” Mark said, and I felt a poke in the side of my neck and suddenly ice slid through my veins.



  Fuck. Katie was lying unconscious in my arms. I didn’t want it to be this way, but she left me with no other choice. Fuck! Amy was going to be pissed off. I needed to get Katie home, and fast.

  I pulled her into the back seat of her car, so she was lying flat and low. I couldn’t risk
anyone seeing her. The gossipers would have a field day with that. My house was five minutes away, and with my driving, I could make it in two. I needed to take her car and hide it. I would come back for mine later.

  I didn’t want this for Katie. I always envisioned us being together, not her being one of them. She was too good for that, too pure. Why was she so damn stubborn? Now I had a situation on my hands, and not one that would go over well with my sister.

  What did you do Mark?

  I kept telling myself that Katie left me no other choice. Of course, this wouldn’t be what I planned, but her persistent amateur detective work kind of put me under a microscope. I started up Katie’s car and headed over to my house. Oh god, Amy was going to flip out.

  I pulled into the long driveway a few minutes later and waved to my gate attendant as he let me in the gates. He smiled and waved back. Nothing more. I wasn’t surprised, as lately my dad had ramped up the NDA’s and made it mandatory for every employee to sign. That was a godsend in a time like this.

  Amy was already suspicious when I left home earlier today, and I had been very coy about where I was going. She tended to be kind of nosy, and I didn’t want her to interfere in my talk with Katie. I was successful in getting her to believe I wasn’t responsible for Anna and Tara’s kidnappings, but she was dead set on continuing to dig for the truth.

  The truth was much worse than any false reality she could have constructed.

  Right on cue, my sister came barreling out of the house. She looked happy, and then concerned when she noticed I was in the driver’s seat of Katie’s car, with Katie nowhere to be seen.

  “Mark, what the hell is going on?”

  She came around to the driver’s side and glanced at the back seat. Her eyes went wide, and her hand flew to cover her mouth.

  “You didn’t. Mark, are you stupid? Why would you take Katie?” She practically screamed at me; I was nervous she would wake Katie. Although the tranquilizer I gave her was sure to keep her out for a few more hours.

  “Will you be quiet? I had no choice Amy. She wanted to keep looking!”

  “I could have stopped her!” Amy screamed at me and shoved me hard against the driver’s door. I knew how much she loved Katie- but so did I! This was for her own protection.

  How did she not see that I was doing this for everyone’s sake?

  The whole family could be implicated if Katie were to find out the truth. I couldn’t allow my dad’s business to suffer, or to put my mom in the way of unnecessary gossip. This had nothing to do with them.

  Amy sighed, and looked frustrated. I understood where she was coming from, but she had to know this wasn’t easy for me either. I needed her to see the truth and help me get Katie in the house before George the gate attendant saw the scene and decided to tear up the NDA.

  “I know you’re mad Ames but please help me get her to the room.”

  “God Mark, you’re making a mistake.” Amy scolded me but opened the back-seat door and went around the other side of the car to try and pull Katie out by her arms. I ran over to help her. Katie was a thin set girl, but dead weight was really hard to carry.

  We pulled her around the back so mom and dad wouldn’t see. We opened the back-basement door, and both took Katie down the stairs to the locked iron door. I pulled the large key out of my back pocket and unlocked the familiar iron wrought chain. Mom and Dad had this place-built years ago, and it was used as a bomb shelter in a way. Why, I don’t know.

  Once I unlocked the door, the familiar muffled screams greeted me. Tara and Anna were chained up to their respective posts, with tape over their mouths. Honestly, the tape felt a bit much, but they wouldn’t shut up!

  Thankfully there was a nice corner for Katie to stay in. It had a mat and was close by the heater, even though it was never used because it could make this place quite warm with all the iron in it.

  Amy grabbed a chain from the closet, and unlike Anna and Tara, she fastened it around Katie’s ankle rather than her arm. We wanted her comfortable, after all.

  Amy had tears in her eyes, and I felt myself get angry. Why was she exhibiting any form of weakness in front of these girls? If we showed weakness, they would prey on that. We weren’t merciful, and we weren’t kind.

  It’s because it’s Katie.

  Yes, I know. But Katie is asleep, so the tears are doing nothing but pissing me off. When I get pissed off, I lose control. Amy needed to get her head in the game. We couldn’t start getting weak or making stupid mistakes. It could cost us.

  I gave a final once over to ensure all my girls were locked tight and grabbed my sisters hand and left the room. I locked the chains and gave it a second shake to make sure.

  “Amy, I need you to come with me to get my car. We can’t leave it sitting at the park.”

  “Mark…” my sister looked at me and started crying. Jesus. What the hell was going on with her?

  “Amy, stop!” I screamed, and she immediately stopped crying and looked at me with fear in her eyes. Fear… as if I would ever hurt my sister.

  “We need to go and get this done Ames. Think of the family.”

  She immediately dried her eyes, straightened her posture, and grabbed the keys out of my hand.

  “Let’s go.”

  We headed up the stairs, and I tripled locked the basement door. The nice thing about the room was that it was soundproof. Not only that, but our property was so big that no one could even make it close enough to hear the girls scream if they wanted to.

  So why did I do it? That is a loaded question… best saved for another time. Right now, I had to get rid of a car.

  I climbed into the driver’s seat, and we rushed over to the park. No surprise, it only took us a matter of minutes. I guess I could consider myself lucky that Katie picked such a late time to go meet up with me. It wasn’t really late, but it was to anyone in this crummy town who goes to bed at 8 p.m. sharp.

  Still, I kept my eyes peeled for any cars, as Amy climbed out and headed over to my car. She didn’t have her license, but kind of knew how to drive.

  She better not wreck my damn car.

  I let her get behind me, and we headed back home. I made it home at least a few minutes before her so I had a chance to stow Katie’s car in one of our many garages. Once I spotted Amy pulling in the gate, I motioned for her to park outside the garage that Katie’s car rested in.

  She pulled herself out of my car, and I was pleased to see that she had composed herself finally. We simply could not allow any spot for weakness or vulnerability. Certainly not with something like this at stake.

  “There is a duffle bag in Katie’s car. Where was she going?” I figured my sister would know better than anyone.

  “She was going to stay the night here.”


  Okay, so that was great. At least we had… two outfits. I didn’t want for my Katie to have to use the same outfit for too long- she was much too good for that. Besides, I had planned to get her some new clothes anyways. I took care of my girls.

  While I must admit this wasn’t what I envisioned my life with Katie every turning out to be, it was what had happened, and I would accept it gratefully.

  I grabbed Katie’s clothes, and the rest of her duffle bag to bring inside. I would keep it in my room for now and use it when needed.

  “Amy, if Sheriff Johnson starts looking for Katie, you need to say she never made it here last night. Got it?”

  “Got it Mark.” She seemed pretty okay with the plan. I needed her full cooperation. That’s when I had a brilliant idea.

  “Better yet Ames, call him early tomorrow and ask if Katie had left yet to pick you up. That way he realizes she never made it. Also, call her phone first a few times so it looks legit. We have to do this all by the book- he is a cop.”

  “Okay…” Amy seemed unsure and looked as if she had something more to say.

  “What is it?”

  “Where is her phone Mark?”

  I reached in my back
pocket, and waved Katie’s blackberry back and forth. I swiped it out of her car earlier, and I knew it would come in handy. I also remember Sheriff Johnson mentioning something about a tracking app on her phone, so I would need to delete that immediately. I clicked on the home screen. Shit. Password protected.

  Try Jenna. Katie’s mom.

  I typed in the name “Jenna” and sure enough I was in. So predictable. I loved my parents too, but parental attachment in some kids was insane. I easily found the app hidden amongst some other ones in a separate folder. Delete.

  I wanted to give Katie a few days to reacclimate to her new environment. I know it would take a while- and Tara and Anna were still struggling. Unfortunately, they would need to get used to it. This was their new home. I would keep them safe and protected, at least from the world. Or keep the world save from them. There was nothing to worry about.

  Amy on the other hand, had a wicked taste for torture. She tormented both of those girls, but especially took a liking to Tara. Sometimes I would have to excuse myself. I knew my soft spot for Tara was a problem, but it didn’t make me weak. I wasn’t weak.

  Tomorrow I would go to school with Amy and pretend like nothing happened. Katie was out sick, that’s all. Then her dad would realize she was actually missing, and just like the past two times, all hell would break loose in Prairie.

  This time would be different. This time, it was Sheriff Johnson’s own daughter that went missing, and there would be a manhunt without a doubt.

  I wasn’t worried. I knew how to cover my tracks. I headed up to my room and pushed Katie’s duffle bag under my bed. I laid down, and once my head hit the pillow, I felt sleepy.

  I was so exhausted, but overwhelmingly excited for tomorrow... well today. How is it one a.m. already?


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