Spirit (Legend of the Dragons Book 1)

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Spirit (Legend of the Dragons Book 1) Page 8

by Denelle Elison

  After the first dance ended, Briahnna’s father kissed her hand and gave her a long hug as he whispered, “You were concentrating so hard that you didn’t noticed all the men chomping at the bit to ask you for your first dance as an official adult.” Briahnna discretely looked around and saw dozens of men lined up at the edge of the dance floor, watching intently. “I’m stalling so that the one with whom I know you would like to dance the most can get here first. If only your mother would stop gushing over him.” Briahnna’s gaze automatically found Jerrick. Queen Adriahnna had her palms on his cheeks and tears in her eyes. He smiled down at her and gave her one last lengthy hug as men slowly made their way onto the dance floor toward Briahnna. She began to panic until she saw Jerrick look around. Slowly he unwrapped the Queen’s arms from around his waist, bringing one hand to his mouth for a kiss. Briahnna smiled at his elegant dismissal, and Queen Adriahnna beamed with pride. He turned and walked confidently, yet swiftly, to Briahnna and her father.

  “It’s about time,” Rinald said smiling. “I almost had to risk decorum and bring her to you.”

  “Thank you for stalling, Your Majesty,” Jerrick laughed. He turned and bowed to Briahnna with a twinkle in his eye and held out his hand. “May I have the pleasure of this dance, Princess?”

  Briahnna took his hand and the music began.

  “You look beautiful,” Jerrick whispered in her ear, making Briahnna shiver.

  “You look quite amazing yourself,” she said, looking up at him. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

  “So, what’s your plan for tonight?” he asked. “Are you going to dance with Abriel? Because honestly, I don’t want to see you limping out of the door after he clobbers you with his large feet.”

  She laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

  He grinned. “Do you think your mother would kill us if we danced the rest of the evening together? Some of these men are old enough to be your father.” Briahnna looked around, he was right, and she groaned. Jerrick wiggled his eyebrows at her. “I could keep you distracted.”

  “Please,” Briahnna said, rolling her eyes. “And while you’re distracting me, will you be distracting the other girls as well?”

  “It would be impolite to ignore them,” he said innocently.

  “Just as impolite as it would be for me to ignore my guests,” she said, smiling sweetly at him.

  Jerrick laughed. “Let’s see who can dance the most dances. I’m pretty sure your mother would have me flogged if I kept you to myself for the entire evening, so let’s make a game out of it. It should be easy for you, because you have men lining up by the dozens waiting for their chance to dance with the notorious princess. But will you be able to keep up the façade?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve got this,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “Good.” He winked and the waltz ended. “Then I’m challenging you to a dance off. First one to miss a dance loses.”

  All of those who were coming of age began forming a circle and clasping hands. Jerrick grabbed Briahnna’s hand for the circle dance, blocking her from his feelings when it ended.

  Briahnna watched Jerrick walk away and turned feeling a small tap on her shoulder. Great, she thought to herself, looking at the man standing before her. I get to endure all sorts of company tonight. She berated herself for accepting Jerrick’s challenge.

  Jerrick danced with one girl and then another throughout the evening, unabashedly flirting, whispering in ears, and laughing. Briahnna wasn’t having half as much fun as he was.

  “Hello, Bri,” Samson whispered in her ear after yet another dance. She had escaped for just a second between dances to grab some punch. Briahnna turned to see him smiling brightly at her.

  “Oh, Sam, I am so grateful that you’re here! Hurry, dance with me before that man makes it over,” she said, grabbing his hand and directing him to lead her onto the dance floor.

  “Has it really been that bad?” he asked. “I found that man to be quite attractive myself.”

  Briahnna snorted. “Oh, I’m sure he finds himself to be an undeniable catch. In fact most of the men here are unbelievably arrogant.”

  “Would you like to get a little bit of fresh air?” Sam asked conspiratorially. “We could go out onto the balcony; it might save you from at least one more dance, maybe two.”

  Briahnna hesitated. Not dancing this dance would mean that she would lose… Then again… She glared at Jerrick’s back when he laughed at something his partner said to him. It seemed typical for Jerrick to challenge her to stay on the dance floor for exactly this reason. He didn’t want to see her escape with a man. She froze indignantly, and grabbed Samson’s hand. ”That would be wonderful,” she said dragging him out of the Great Hall and onto the balcony overlooking the pond and flower gardens.

  . . .

  Jerrick grinned down at his current dance partner. He deliberately kept himself from looking in Briahnna’s direction. He didn’t want to see her smiling and enjoying the attention of someone else. It drove him crazy when he felt her excitement over another guy.

  When he finally looked in her direction again, she was nowhere in sight. The last time he had looked she was dancing with Sam. He made her laugh. Samson could always make Briahnna laugh. Not sure how long it had been since he had seen her, Jerrick began searching the Great Hall. She wasn’t anywhere. He opened himself up to her and felt a nervous, excited anticipation. Cursing inwardly, he excused himself from his dance partner and almost ran to the balcony.

  . . .

  Samson grinned down at Briahnna, slowly inching closer. They had been talking and laughing on the balcony, and now he was going to kiss her. Her first kiss! She couldn’t hide her excitement at the prospect and was slammed when she felt Jerrick’s wall disappear. Bri took Samson’s face in her hands, watching as his eyes widened in surprise at her forwardness. Jerrick was not going to ruin this for her!

  . . .

  Jerrick saw Briahnna’s hands on either side of Samson’s face, pulling him down to meet her eager lips- “Samson!” Jerrick interrupted just before she kissed him.

  Samson stopped short and opened his puzzled eyes. He looked at Briahnna who ground her teeth together. He smiled at her and took her hands from his face into his as he looked over his shoulder at Jerrick, eyebrows raised.

  Jerrick looked from Samson down to his and Briahnna’s clasped hands and then back up at Briahnna, peaking over Samson’s shoulder with eyes blazing. Dropping Samson’s hands, Briahnna placed hers on her hips in indignation. Jerrick crossed the balcony, took her face in his hands, and kissed her.

  Briahnna ignited with fire, reached up and grasped his hair, returning his kiss enthusiastically. He groaned and tugged her closer.

  When they heard Samson clear his throat, they broke apart. Jerrick placed his forehead on Briahnna’s and whispered, “I always planned to be your first kiss.”

  She smiled at him, elated.

  “Way to ruin a moment,” Samson said behind them.

  Jerrick snorted. “I’d say ‘enhance,’ more like.” Jerrick looked over his shoulder and glared at Samson. Samson raised his arms in resignation, turned, and walked back into the Great Hall.

  Jerrick looked down at Briahnna and smiled. “You lose.”

  Briahnna laughed. “I’d say I won.”

  Chapter 13

  Briahnna snuck into the council room early and settled herself on the balcony. She wondered where Jerrick was as she watched all of the Elders being seated. Her father paused for a brief second, cleared his throat, and began to stand.

  Before King Rinald was able to address the Elders, Lord Braxton interrupted, “Your Majesty, I have a proposal before we begin our meeting.”

  “Please continue,” King Rinald said, sitting down and contemplating Lord Braxton.

  “I propose we invite Jerrick of Tristeil to sit in on our meetings.”

  Rinald looked at the Elders around the room. Some were murmuring their surprise, a few looked downright unco
mfortable, and some just waited, as if this was not unexpected in the least.

  Lord Braxton continued, “He is to take over his father’s position in a year, and since Lord Tristeil has been gone for a long time what better way to prepare the boy?”

  King Rinald surveyed the room. “Are there any objections?”

  The room remained silent, with a few shrugs, and then finally Rinald looked at Archibald, one of his most trusted allies who spoke up, “I don’t see why not.”

  “Daniel.” King Rinald turned to look at his tracker, who stood guard inside the council room. “Have Reed send for Jerrick, please.”

  Daniel eyed Lord Braxton suspiciously and then addressed the King. “He is standing outside the door speaking with Reed at this very moment, Your Majesty.”

  Rinald looked at his hands folded on the table. “How convenient,” he stated without emotion. Looking up at Braxton, he said, “Well then, please, send him in.”

  Briahnna held in her gasp and watched Daniel usher Jerrick into the room. He had obviously been keeping a great deal of secrets from her. Jerrick looked anything but surprised at this turn of events, walking in regally and exuding power. It was obvious that most of these men in this room knew who Jerrick of Tristeil was.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty, for this prestigious invitation,” Jerrick said, bowing low to King Rinald.

  The King gestured to have a chair brought to the table next to him. “Have a seat, Jerrick,” Rinald said, and then gazed around at all of the Elders. “To the point of this meeting; I have been informed that the Hyperboreans and Ravinians are being taken from their kingdoms.”

  The room erupted with gasps of astonishment and horror, save but a few who were already aware of the information. King Rinald looked at Jerrick who didn’t seem fazed in the least.

  “We must take action immediately!” exclaimed Lord Castlow from across the table. His estate was North of Mageia and closest to the border of Hyperborea.

  “Closing our borders worked for about a year, but we are being invaded by our unknown enemies again,” Lord Braxton said. “If the Hyperboreans and Ravinians are also being taken, then we can be certain that it is Thornhold.”

  King Rinald looked at Lord Braxton and then at the rest of the room. “I have been having Ravinia, Hyperborea, and Thornhold watched, and Thornhold has been preparing for war for at least two years.”

  “How do you know that they are preparing?” asked Lord Archibald.

  Rinald exhaled. “Their troops have been gathered in their designated cities and have been training. Of course this is not big news. They are always training with their weaponry and honing their skills, but they are strategically placed to move and protect their kingdom within a moments notice.”

  “We should have declared war two years ago when we first believed it was them!” exclaimed Lord Kirtzene. “We should have declared war when they started preparing!”

  “I wasn’t going to declare war because they were preparing to protect themselves.” Rinald gave Kirtzene a hard glare. “They have been preparing for two years, and have not attacked. I would do the same. Having a powerful kingdom even thinking about declaring war would drive me to prepare to face them. It gave me no reason to actually attack.”

  “We are not the only ones being taken!” Lord Kirtzene arose furiously and leaned across the table. “We could have prevented them from infiltrating Ravinia and Hyperborea as well. Yet here we are two years later with our circumstances worse than before, and they have been preparing the entire time!”

  “Our magic still gives us the advantage,” Rinald said calmly.

  “They are fast! We will have to use all that we have against them!” shouted Kirtzene.

  Daniel had his sword at Lord Kirtzene’s throat in an instant. “You will be seated sir.”

  Waving at Daniel to put his sword down, King Rinald stood. “We probably did give Thornhold too much time to prepare, but I wasn’t about to attack a powerful kingdom with nothing but rumors and hearsay to back me up. I still do not know for certain that it is them.”

  The table erupted in frustration and anger with a few of the Elders yelling at the king to see reason and to take action now before it was too late. King Rinald interrupted with a raise of his hand.

  “I did not say that I would not declare war on them!” Rinald roared. “I only said that I am still not certain who is behind it all. King Estrod is still insistent that he does not know anything about kidnappings from other kingdoms, but that does not mean that it is not Thornhold. I am afraid that we need to take action against them and abolish slavery so that the slave traders have no choice but to desist. Maybe we can win before Hyperborea and Ravinia get too involved and decide to attack as well.”

  Lord Braxton narrowed his eyes. “Why not let them get involved and help us take care of Thornhold once and for all?”

  “And when we have beaten Thornhold with the help of the Hyperboreans and the Ravinians, what then?” asked Rinald. “Do you think that Hyperborea will just leave Thornhold to us to do with them what we will? Do you think they will not demand a part of Thornhold or even the whole of it? And when we tell them that they have no rights to Thornhold, for I am not about to give Hyperborea any, how will they take it? They will want more. They always have. They will want to fight for it. Do we really want to end one war to begin another?”

  “We understand what you are saying, Your Majesty,” said Lord Braxton. “But then again, that is all speculation, isn’t it? Hearsay?”

  “We know of Hyperborea’s past, and how they still look to further their power.” King Rinald held Lord Braxton’s steady gaze with his own. “I will not ask for Hyperborea’s assistance. We will take care of Thornhold ourselves, and hope for a short campaign.

  “We need to prepare right away,” Rinald continued. “Each elder will need to gather his troops. We will proceed with our traditional format, which has worked in years past. Women will back up our troops with magic. I give you all a month to prepare before you will report. We will also need new recruits added to Mageia’s army. Jerrick will train all new recruits. They will be his troops. All eligible men and women who turn eighteen within the year will be under his jurisdiction.”

  After the King finished his announcement, Daniel brought a map of the four kingdoms to the table and the Elders began to strategize and plan.

  . . .

  “Father, I want to help,” Briahnna pleaded with King Rinald in his study an hour after his meeting with the Elders.

  “Briahnna,” growled Rinald. “I have tolerated you sneaking into my council meetings, but I will not tolerate you on the battlefield! You are a princess of Mageia! A princess is not part of an army! You will not fight!”

  “How can you expect me to sit back and wait?” she asked. “It is unfair! I have the ability to help more than most of the magiks who are in your army!”


  Briahnna stood immediately, hurt that her father would not see reason, and left the room, running straight into Jerrick’s chest after she closed the door. Jerrick took hold of her arms to steady her and smiled.

  Taking a step back, Briahnna poked her finger into his chest furiously. “You!” she exclaimed. “You’re keeping things from me!” She poked his chest again. “You keep blocking me!” She poked his chest one more time. “You’re lying to me!”

  Jerrick grabbed Briahnna’s wrists and growled, “Stop!”

  Bri was stunned into silence. Looking into his eyes, she felt frightened by him for the first time, and looked away.

  In a quiet but still angry voice she said, “Let go! You’re hurting me!”

  Jerrick’s grip loosened, and she jerked her hands away.

  “Briahnna,” Jerrick whispered, reaching for her.

  Briahnna retreated, stepping back from him.

  He stuck his hands back into his pockets, unable to look her in the eye. “I never lied to you.”

  Briahnna’s jaw dropped. “You might as well have! Most of those
men in that room know who you are, Jerrick! The way they regarded you…” She shook her head. “They knew you. They didn’t know of you they knew you. What have you been doing? How do they know you? I don’t understand what’s going on!”

  Jerrick looked down again and shrugged. “Lord Braxton was close to my father, as well as a few of the other elders.”

  “Shouldn’t that be reason to stay away from him?” Briahnna exclaimed. “Apparently you’ve been very busy!”

  “Not all of my time is spent with you, Bri.”

  “Obviously…” she hesitated, “but why keep it from me? Why haven’t you told me that you are talking to and apparently strategizing with Lord Braxton, and…who knows who else. You’ve seen him. He’s always undermining my father and trying to second-guess him. He wants us to go to war with everyone and rule all four kingdoms. Don’t you see that?”

  “Would it really be that bad, Briahnna?” Jerrick asked.

  “You really do feel that way?” she asked, looking up at him. Jerrick shrugged. “Why have you never talked about this with me before?” Briahnna stepped closer. “Why keep things from me and sneak around? Just because we don’t believe the same things, doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it.”

  “I remember trying to talk about it,” Jerrick said. “You turned from me and walked away.”

  “I thought that you were just speculating,” Briahnna sighed. “I thought that you were just… I don’t know, thinking aloud.”

  Jerrick scrutinized her. “I don’t think you want to hear the truth. I think that you want me to feel the same way you do about everything.”

  “I…I don’t,” she stammered.

  Jerrick avoided her gaze and stepped back. “You’re tired, I’m tired,” he said. “You should probably go to your room and get some sleep.”


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