Tayrym (Galactic Defenders Book 4)

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Tayrym (Galactic Defenders Book 4) Page 4

by Jessica E. Subject

  “Urhue,” his housemate called. “Come up and get your diploma.”

  The rest of the ceremony passed in awkward silence. Polite clapping for the remaining graduates instead of the cheers received by those earlier. He knew the audience was waiting for the moment palace guards showed up to take him and Tayrym away, send them beyond the borders to survive on their own. Guri smiled though he knew he shouldn’t because, if that were to happen, at least they’d be together. Sol and Myar never had that chance.

  After the ceremony, most of the crowd moved into the banquet hall for the graduation feast. Guri sped to Tayrym’s side. He didn’t want to make the situation worse but needed to apologize for his stupid move.

  “Tay, I’m so sorry.” He wanted to grab his hand, hold him close, but not with so many people swarming around them. He heard their groans of disgust and insults as they passed, but their opinions didn’t matter to him as much as Tay’s did.

  Instead of a shove or slap as Guri had expected, Tay clasped his hand and kissed the back of it. “It’s okay.” He waved and nodded to the crowd as they passed, as if they were congratulating them instead of condemning them. “We’ll get through this.”

  In the banquet hall, Sol and Hakon took their place at the front table where the royal couple would also sit. With the other three of his friend group gone home, Guri had no idea where to sit. He had no other family. If Tay hadn’t had a firm grip on his hand, he would have left, too, avoided the banquet altogether.

  “Let go of him this instant!”

  A blunt object struck his hand as Tayrym was yanked away from him.

  “He’s nothing but Erebus waste,” an older woman spat. “Deserves to be sent to the Holtador System for ruining you like that.”

  “Mom....” Tayrym grabbed hold of him again.

  “Why would you associate with someone like him?” Tay’s mother wrinkled her face as if she’d smelled something rotten. “Don’t you remember what happened to your brother? Why would you wish for the same thing to happen to you?”

  “What happened to Myar was wrong.” Tayrym’s voice cracked, and a vein in his temple popped out. “He told me he was in love. What’s wrong with that?”

  Guri couldn’t help but look across the hall to Sol. Had he heard what Tayrym had said? Had he been in love, too? Was that why he was content to be alone instead of finding someone else?

  “You mean to tell me you’re in love with this filth?” The woman’s nostrils flared, her stare murderous.

  Guri tried to drop Tay’s hand, give him some space, but he wouldn’t let go. As much as he wanted to know the answer, he hated himself for causing this confrontation to happen.

  “He’s not filth, Mom. And I don’t know if I’m in love yet, but I want to be with him to find out.” Tayrym finally let go then put an arm around Guri. “And this young man you call filth lives with my teacher whom you never stop raving about. I’ve been spending my nights in their home, in Guri’s bed.”

  “You disgust me.” Tayrym’s mother slapped her son’s cheek, the sound echoing through the room.

  Everyone had already stopped what they were doing to focus on the argument.

  “You deserve to be sent away just like your brother. You’re dead to me.” As she turned to leave, Bryce entered the room, his eyes narrowed.

  Guri bowed immediately. He had to show respect, though everyone around them seemed too shocked to follow proper decorum.

  “He will not be sent away,” Bryce said to Tay’s mother. “That policy was terminated when Queen Lalia took the throne.”

  Thank the universe for that. She had made the planet better for everyone in so many ways. Better homes, an education, and now, allowing them to love freely.

  “He deserves to be,” the woman screeched. “His behavior is disgusting. How can he be attracted to another boy? I didn’t raise him like that. I failed once again.”

  Guri struggled to breathe. How could she say those things about her own son? Tay was the kindest person he knew, always helping his mother and others after classes, showing up at his door exhausted. Would Guri’s parents have felt the same about him if they were still alive?

  “You didn’t fail.” Bryce patted the woman’s shoulder. “Tayrym has done very well in school and has been an excellent friend to Gwenodyn.”

  “Why couldn’t he be attracted to the princess?” The woman flung her arms wide.

  Guri jumped back to avoid getting hit.

  “I thought they would get married.”

  “Because that’s not who Tayrym is.” Bryce gestured her into the hall. “Why don’t we go sit down. You three can sit at the guest-of-honor table with Gwennie.”

  “I refuse to sit anywhere near that trash. Tayrym, get away from him and come with me. He can find someone else to taint.”

  Guri ducked away from Tayrym. As much as he had feelings for him, he didn’t want to be around Tay’s mother. Not when she was so cruel to them both.

  But Tay blocked his way, cupped his cheeks, and kissed him. In front of everyone. In front of the royal family.

  He hadn’t seen Queen Lalia approach. Not until Tayrym ended their mind-numbing kiss, and he began to focus on those around him again. And she smiled. She actually smiled. At him. He bowed, feeling faint.

  “I’ve had enough of this repulsive behavior.” Tayrym’s mother shoved past him and the royal couple. “Don’t come home, Tayrym. You’re no longer welcome.”

  Tay’s shoulders slumped, and his bottom lip quivered, though he didn’t chase after his mother as Guri had expected, but took his hand again and guided him over to the table with Gwenodyn. “I’m sorry. She...she’s wrong.” He pulled out a chair for Guri. “You’re so important to me.”

  When they’d both sat, Bryce came up behind them and rested a hand on the backs of their chairs. “You’re both always welcome at the palace. Whether together or on your own, if you need a place to stay, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you, Prince Bryce.” Guri bowed his head. “But I hope Tayrym will stay with me. At least for a couple more day cycles.”

  “Yes. Defender training starting soon.” Bryce squeezed his shoulder and winked. “Well, enjoy your meal. And if anyone gives you any problems, come see me.”

  “We really appreciate your support, Bryce.” Tayrym smiled at him, though it seemed forced.

  When the prince left for his own seat, Guri placed a hand on Tay’s thigh and gently squeezed. His boyfriend met his touch, intertwining their fingers. But he leaned his head the other way, onto Gwenodyn’s shoulder. As she rubbed the side of Tay’s face, a twinge of jealousy twisted Guri’s gut. He knew they were only friends, but he wanted to be the one to comfort Tay.

  Glancing past Tayrym to him, Gwenodyn sighed, her eyes full of concern. Was she mad at him? Cosmos, why did he have to kiss Tay in front of everyone? In a matter of day cycles, it wouldn’t be an issue anymore. But they had to get through the scrutiny from the kingdom until then. Would Tay even want to be around him since he messed up so bad? Sure, he held his hand now, but when the banquet ended, would he be as forgiving?


  After the meal had finished, Tayrym and his friends stood around the table . He leaned down and while squeezing Gwenodyn’s hands, kissed her cheek. “Thank you for being the best friend ever.”

  She dropped his hands and gave him a hug instead. “I learned from the best.” When she let go of him, she stepped over to Guri and wrapped her arms around him. The gesture warmed Tayrym’s heart. It meant so much to him that the two of them got along well. They knew him better than anyone else and mattered the most in his life. He couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other, but Guri smiled for the first time since the moment right before he’d kissed him in front of everyone.

  Tayrym sighed. Though glad he no longer had to hide he was in a relationship with Guri, he still observed the scrutiny of almost everyone around them. Something they’d likely always have to deal with on Hemera. He’d lost his mother, too. Th
ough not a surprise, her words still stung. She was supposed to love and support him unconditionally. But her love had conditions. And he’d failed to meet them. Just like his brother. If only Myar was still around....

  Queen Lalia and Bryce appeared beside him, the prince patting his back. “You’re an honorable young man, Tayrym. Don’t let anyone make you believe any different.”

  “We love you like our own son.” The queen lightly squeezed his arm. “We’re so proud of you, of the man you’ve become.”

  Tayrym wiped his eyes, holding back tears. He couldn’t cry in front of the royal couple. Not with everyone still watching. They had an image to uphold, one he’d already threatened by receiving their support for liking another guy. Instead, he bowed and chewed on the inside of his cheek. “Thank you.”

  After a quick wave to Sol and Hakon, Tayrym left the hall with Guri right behind him. He couldn’t leave fast enough. Sure, the food was wonderful, but the continuous glares and snide remarks chewed at his self-esteem. He knew he was a good person. Yet many in the banquet hall seemed to believe otherwise. And probably even more who weren’t in attendance. At least, he hadn’t lost any friends. Gwenodyn had somehow figured his sexual orientation out long ago, and the others he’d recently met through Guri had no issues with him dating their friend.

  As soon as he exited the palace, he paused, taking a deep breath. For a moment, no one was judging him. At least he hoped not. He glanced around to make sure.

  “I’m so sorry, Tay.” Guri darted in front of him. “I didn’t mean to make such a mess of things. Please don’t hate me for it.”

  “Why would I hate you?” Tayrym placed his palms on Guri’s cheeks and wiped the fresh tears from the other’s eyes. “You mean so much to me.”

  “But, I ruined everything for you.” Guri’s bottom lip slid out, and he still refused to meet Tayrym’s gaze. “In day cycles, you’re leaving, and now your mom won’t talk to you, and the whole kingdom is talking about us. It’s all my fault. I should have waited until we were alone.”

  Tayrym stroked the side of his head. “While what you did was unexpected, you were being true to yourself, and you made me be true to myself. It’s something I need to do more often, especially as a future Defender. But, I feel for you. You’re the one who will still be here, receiving the contempt of others. And I won’t be able to comfort you.”

  Guri grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the village.

  Tayrym couldn’t see his expression, could barely keep up with him, stumbling over loose rocks and wild vegetation. “Guri, what are you doing? Where are we going?”

  “Home,” he called over his shoulder. “We need to talk.”

  Tayrym’s stomach sank. What had he done? One moment, Guri was apologizing, worried that he had somehow ruined their relationship. The next, he was towing Tayrym through the village as if searching for an out-of-sight place to end his life. He tried to slip from Guri’s hold, but his grip was too strong. “Let go. You’re hurting me.”

  Though Guri slowed, he didn’t release Tayrym. “I’m sorry. It’s just…. I have something to tell you, something that I’ve been keeping from you for a while.”

  That information didn’t calm his fears, only made them worse. Their brief but intense relationship had been built on telling each other everything. Yet, Guri had kept something from him. “What? Just stop and tell me. Please.”

  Finally halting, Guri faced him. “I know we promised no secrets, but I wanted this to be a surprise. It’s good news. Or I hope you’ll think so. But I’d planned to tell you tonight, wanted this night to be extra special. Can we please wait till we’re back home?”

  “I...I guess.” Worry was replaced by guilt. The other had prepared a surprise for him, for his graduation. He’d done nothing for Guri, only wanted to spend every moment with him until he had to leave. But he should have. They had both graduated that night.

  Guri tugged his hand, leading them once again toward his house. Tayrym had to remind himself to breathe along the way, worried about the other’s surprise, whether he could ever make it up to him.

  Finally at the front door, Tayrym swallowed his nerves. He couldn’t do anything about the situation until he knew what Guri had done. After a deep breath, he followed the other inside.

  “Let’s go to my room.” Guri nudged him up the stairs from behind, slapping his butt with every step.

  “Okay, okay.” They’d spent so much time together in Guri’s bedroom, making out, cuddling, and sharing their dreams for the future. Tayrym had begun to feel comfortable there, but not this night. Too much had already happened during the day. He couldn’t trust anything that might change what he and Guri had.

  Once inside, Guri guided Tayrym to the bed. He lightly pushed on his chest, sending him tumbling. Tayrym shuffled back until his whole body was on the bed, instead of being uncomfortable half on and half off.

  “Exactly where I want you.” Guri crawled over him, planting a kiss on his nose then his temple, his cheeks, his chin, and finally his lips.

  As their kiss deepened, Tayrym grabbed his boyfriend’s hips, tempted to grind against him. They hadn’t had intercourse yet, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have the desire to. In fact, that was often on his mind, wondering if they would before he left for Defender training. He didn’t want to rush Guri, couldn’t make that demand of him when they hadn’t been together that long. And since he was leaving in a matter of day cycles.

  But Guri ground against him, moaning into his mouth. Then he broke their kiss. “I...I want to, but….”

  “It’s okay.” Tayrym cupped his boyfriend’s cheek then brushed his thumb across Guri’s bottom lip. “I understand.”

  “No.” Guri shook his head. “I mean, I really want to. Tonight.” He chewed on his bottom lip. “That is, if you want to.”

  “More than anything.” He lifted his hips to show Guri just how ready he was. So ready, he hurt. “You said but.”

  “Yeah.” Guri swallowed. “I wanted to tell you about my surprise first. Make sure you’re okay with it. I mean, I can change my mind, not do it, but if you’re okay with it, then I’ll do it.”

  Tayrym wrinkled his forehead, trying to follow Guri’s ramble. “Just tell me.”

  Guri straddled him. “Okay.” He took a deep breath. “Well, I, kind of, if it’s okay with you…. I’m going to be…. I’m going to train to be…. I’m going to leave in two day cycles with you for Defender training.”

  Tayrym squinted up at Guri. Had he heard him correctly, or somehow fallen asleep? Was this all a dream? “You’re what?”

  “Oh no.” Guri left the bed and paced back and forth in front of his doorway. “You don’t want me to come. You want to do it on your own. I should have known.”

  “No!” Tayrym jumped off the bed and grabbed Guri by the arms to make him stay still. Only he struggled, and Tayrym ended up holding him from behind, resting his chin on the other’s shoulder. “I want you to come with me. I want you to be a Defender, too. More than anything. I just…. I never thought you would, never expected you to leave Hemera. I believed it an impossible dream.”

  Guri clasped Tayrym’s hands, holding them tight against his chest. “It’s not a dream. I’m really going with you.”

  “That’s the best news ever.” He spun Guri around to face him. “I’m so happy. I don’t have to say goodbye. I don’t have to worry about when I’ll get a chance to come back to visit—” He stepped back, realizing Guri’s decision affected more than the two of them. “What about Sol? If he doesn’t find a roommate, he’ll have to move out of here. This is a two-working-person home.” As much as he wanted Guri with him, he didn’t want to cause trouble for others, especially Sol who’d been nothing but kind to him.

  Guri hugged him from behind, rocking him gently. “It’s sweet that you worry about Sol, but it’s taken care of. He already has a new roommate lined up. Though he said even if he didn’t, he wouldn’t want me to stay just for him. He’d find somewhere else to
live if he had to.”

  Tayrym turned around in his arms as so many questions darted through his mind. “Who’s his new roommate? How long has he known? Who else have you told? Why did you wait until now to tell me?”

  Chuckling, Guri ran his palms up and down Tayrym’s arms. “Calm down. I have been discussing the idea with Sol since the night you told me you were going to leave for Defender training. I made the decision to do it a couple of days later. But Sol had a housemate lined up before I told him anything. He was planning on telling me that night, too. I don’t know who the guy is, not even his name.”

  “But….” Tayrym still couldn’t believe Guri would be traveling with him to Kalara, training with him, would likely be in the same squadron. It still felt unreal.

  Guri squeezed his hands. “After I’d made the decision, I went to see Prince Bryce to find out how to sign up. He said I could leave at the same time as you.”

  “Bryce knows, too?” he squeaked out. Heart racing, he vibrated all over as shock turned into excitement.

  “Yes, Queen Lalia, and Princess Gwenodyn, as well. Also Coop, Dunn, and Rosh.”

  Small giggles escaped from Tayrym. He couldn’t help himself. “All these people, and yet no one told me. I was so stressed about leaving, seriously considered not going at all because of you. I’ve talked to every single one of them about it. And no one told me.” Feeling lightheaded, he sank to the floor and put his head in his lap. “No one told me.”

  Guri squatted in front of him and brushed Tayrym’s hair from his face. “I wanted it to be a surprise. I knew you were having doubts. They all told me. But, I wanted tonight to be special. That’s why I kept reassuring you that you were making the right decision to go, that I would be okay. I will be, because we’re going together.”

  Tayrym cupped his cheeks, and pulled Guri closer for a kiss. But he yanked too hard, and Guri fell into his lap. “Sorry.” Tayrym rolled him onto the floor. Just as quickly, he was on his hands and knees above him, staring down the man of his desires, the man who’d just made his biggest dream come true. “Guri, I….” He leaned down for that kiss, lingering a little longer than he’d planned. But, when it came to those perfectly sculpted lips, he couldn’t resist. “I just want you to know—” He became lost in Guri’s lust-filled gaze, his breath suddenly escaping him. How had he gotten lucky enough to find such a beautifully handsome man who actually liked him back?


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