Tayrym (Galactic Defenders Book 4)

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Tayrym (Galactic Defenders Book 4) Page 8

by Jessica E. Subject

  “Mine.” Eyes still closed, Tayrym wrapped his leg over Guri and pulled him closer. “All mine.”

  “Always.” He kissed Tay’s nose and when his boyfriend smiled, he matched his expression.

  Was it all just a dream? Would the Tayrym in front of him disappear when Guri truly woke up? Not wanting that to happen, he clung to the man in front of him. “Please be real.”

  Tay’s smile widened, and he slowly opened his eyes. “I am real. I found you asleep here last night. Was too tired myself to try to wake you up, so I decided to join you.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Guri kissed Tay’s lips. A quick peck because there were others in the lounge already. “Because I’ve missed waking up to you wrapped around me.”

  “And I’ve missed having you as my giant muscular pillow.” Tayrym shifted until he lay on top of Guri. “I’m so sorry for yesterday. I heard that you’d talked to Sol, and I got jealous because you hadn’t talked to me.”

  “Wait. I’d wanted to talk to you that night, but you’d already fallen asleep.” Maybe he should have woken him anyway. “How did you know I talked to Sol?”

  “Coop told me.” Tayrym kissed his collarbone, sending a rush of heat through his body. “When I contacted Gwenodyn.”

  “Whoa! What was Coop doing with Gwenodyn?” Guri sat up, moving Tayrym to his lap as he did. “And did either of them tell you about your brother?”

  “My brother?” Tayrym wrinkled his forehead. “What about him? He’s dead.”

  Trying not to give too much away, Guri shook his head. “You first. Tell me why Coop and Gwenodyn were together. Then I’ll tell you about your brother.”

  “They’re dating,” Tay said with no hesitation. “Now, tell me what you heard about Myar.”

  “Brave soul.” Guri knew Coop liked the princess but didn’t think he’d actually have the nerve to ask her out. Maybe she’d asked him out. She was part Mingot, after all. Probably easily picked up on his thoughts about her. And he wouldn’t have said no.

  Tayrym pinched his arm. “Tell me about my brother.”

  “Sorry.” Guri rubbed the spot Tay had hurt him. “But your brother is not dead. I talked to him the same night I talked to Sol.”

  Tayrym shoved off of him. “You lie. How could you say something like that?”

  Reaching for his boyfriend, Guri stood. “It’s not a lie. Not the first time I saw him, either. The day we left Hemera, he was standing off in the distance. Though I didn’t know it was him, then.”

  Tay’s mouth dropped open. “I remember that. Thought it was weird he was standing outside the dome by himself. But no one seemed worried, so I didn’t think any more of it.” He paced in front of Guri. “That was my brother? I could have talked to him. Should have. And now I can’t.”

  “Call him.” Guri gripped Tay’s shoulders. “He’s living with Sol, but he seems very wary of everything. He lived on his own, outside the dome, for many Galactic years. I think it’s going to take him time to adjust.”

  “Does Mother know? She won’t be happy.” Rubbing the back of his hand across his forehead, Tay whimpered. “Or maybe Myar was the son she wanted all along.”

  “Don’t say that.” Tugging his boyfriend into his arms, he held him tight. “You’re smart, have accomplished so much already. Be proud of yourself. I know I’m very proud of you.”

  Tayrym jerked back, his cheeks flushed. “It’s not where I wanted to be, though. I wanted to be with you.”

  Guri could hear the disappointment in his voice. He wanted to tell his boyfriend that he preferred him in front of a console rather than battling the Erebus, that he could focus on his own duty better knowing that Tayrym was safe rather than about to be an Erebus meal. But how did he say that without insulting him? “This is how things are for the time being. We’ll be fine. And it’ll definitely be better than during training when we didn’t see or talk to each other at all.”

  “True.” Tayrym pouted making him utterly irresistible.

  Guri tapped Tay’s wrist com. “Contact your brother before we have to go.”

  “No time,” Captain Daftar said as she passed them carrying several tote bags. “You have fifteen minutes to gather any supplies you need and get on board your assigned shuttles. It’s time to go to the carrier, boys.”

  Panic surged through Guri, like fire burning across his lungs and down to his gut. Their time together was over. It hadn’t been long enough. He already knew they weren’t seated on the same shuttle. Once they reached the carrier, he had no idea how often they’d get a chance to see each other.

  Grabbing his boyfriend, he kissed him hard, not worried about who was watching, or who could read his thoughts. He wanted Tayrym to know how much he loved him, to always remember this moment and every special moment they’d shared. Not only to keep Tayrym sated throughout the rest of his training and during the mission on Gyoun, but also for the rest of his life should Guri not make it back.

  His breath heavy, he kissed up Tayrym’s jawline then took his earlobe into his mouth. “I love you. Don’t forget that, Tay. Never forget.”

  When he pulled away, he noticed a couple of tears trailing down his boyfriend’s cheeks. “Oh, Tay Tay, don’t cry.” He wiped the tears away.

  Tay gripped his arms. “I’m sorry I doubted you. I will never do that again. I love you, too. Please believe me.”

  “I do.” He rested his forehead against Tayrym’s. “We’re always together. Even if not physically together, my heart will always be with you.”

  “And mine with you.” Tay kissed him quickly then pulled away. “And this is one of those times we need to be physically apart.”

  “I know.” Guri ruffled his boyfriend’s hair. “We’ll make time for each other on the carrier. And I won’t leave for the mission without getting a good luck kiss from you.”

  Tayrym’s cheeks reddened. “Okay. Deal.”

  Then Guri had to leave. If he didn’t, they’d both stay there in the lounge until they missed their shuttles. And began a new process of training and never seeing each other. At least their time on the carrier held some promise. Unless his squadron failed.

  After one last glance at Tayrym, Guri rushed to his bunkhouse to pack up his few belongings. He was a full-fledged Galactic Defender about to partake in his first mission. And he had the best reason to make it back alive.


  Tayrym woke with his arms wrapped around the muscular body of his boyfriend. The seventh Galactic day in a row. Captain Daftar had convinced General Mulgrave that it would be better for her squadron’s morale if each member could bunk with their partner, if applicable, rather than to segregate the members from the rest of the Defenders on the carrier. And he’d agreed. So, after hours of training, he and Guri still had the chance to spend time together before he left for Gyoun. It wasn’t much, brief conversation to recap their days to each other before passing out from exhaustion. Yet, it was enough.

  But their time to say goodbye to each other had come. As soon as Guri’s alarm went off, he would wake and then get ready to board the shuttle to begin the main phase of his mission. Until then, Tayrym chose to study him, take in every curve of his powerful body. His broad chest, his narrow, muscled waist, and every flawless section even lower. He didn’t want to forget any portion of his lover’s body. He wanted to touch Guri, too, run his hands over the other’s athletic figure, but he feared waking him up. Guri’s training session had lasted much longer than his own, and he needed to be well rested for the moment he set foot on the planet.

  “Tay Tay,” Guri moaned. “Your eyes are burning into my skin. Stop staring and just do something about it.”

  Tayrym didn’t waste any time. He climbed over Guri and straddled his waist. Leaning over him, he kissed him, trailing a path from his soft rosy lips, down his lightly whiskered jaw, to his brawny chest. Guri slipped his fingers into Tayrym’s hair, filling him with excitement and lust.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Guri asked with tired eye
s and an easy smile. “Don’t tease me, Tay. Now is not the time.”

  Sliding farther down, Tayrym pried open his boyfriend’s hot thighs, Guri’s dusky tip bobbing in front of him. With a sigh, he ran his fingers along the heavily veined cock before thumbing the slick slit. So ready for him. He leaned closer and teased the head with his tongue, licking and rolling it around the throbbing tip.

  With a guttural groan, Guri thrust his hips up. “I told you not to tease me, Tay Tay.”

  Before he received another warning, Tayrym swallowed him whole. They didn’t have much time, and he wanted to give Guri as much pleasure as possible before they had to say goodbye. Between sucking and wringing his boyfriend’s stiff cock, he had Guri writhing on the bed, his strangled cries only encouraging Tayrym on.

  Not realizing what had happened, Tayrym was suddenly on his back, Guri over him and teasing his taut ring with his fingers. “But I didn’t finish.” He wanted to sound upset but couldn’t with the jolts of pleasure rocketing through his veins.

  “I’m sorry, but I need this before I go.”

  Tayrym gave a brief nod. Then Guri reached over for the barrier spray and lube. They’d both tried taking the lead during sex, but found they preferred when Guri was inside him. He teased Tayrym’s hole, one finger just on the edge. Then two, barely penetrating him. Tayrym whimpered. “Please! I need more. Now it’s you who’s teasing me.”

  “Not for long, my love.” Guri lined the tip of his thick cock up with Tayrym’s fleshy ring.

  So close. Tayrym closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. On his exhale, Guri pushed into him, the pleasant intrusion awakening every nerve in his body. With each long, hard stroke, Tayrym felt the pressure building low in his gut. It wouldn’t take him long to reach his peak. He tried to restrain his pleasure, grabbing onto Guri’s hard shoulders. But his boyfriend sped up, weakening his resolve. “I...I can’t. I’m…I’m gonna—”

  Sitting up on his knees, Guri grabbed his hips and lifted him closer. Yet he didn’t slow down, his thrusts much faster, relentless. It was impossible for Tayrym to stop the encroaching ecstasy. Beads of sweat dripped from Guri’s forehead. His boyfriend’s dominating energy sent Tayrym’s mind spiraling into oblivion. With an uninhibited cry, Tayrym shot his load across his chest, riding the sudden waves of sheer bliss.

  “Fornax Tay.” Guri’s deep voice vibrated through the room before he, too, released, holding Tayrym tight against him, filling him to the brim before pulling out and leaving him empty.

  Guri immediately cleaned them both then dragged Tayrym into his arms. Usually Tayrym did the cuddling, but he wasn’t going to deny Guri this time.

  “I love you so much, Tay.” Guri kissed the side of his head then nuzzled into his neck. “Don’t forget that for a moment while I’m gone.”

  “I love you, too.” A sharp pain pierced Tayrym’s head. Even with his eyes open, he couldn’t see. He grasped for Guri, trying to find him, but instead of their bed, he found nothing but empty space around him. Then he saw Guri on the floor in front of him. Only he wasn’t moving, was covered in Erebus waste with his limbs at odd angles.

  “No!” He lunged for his boyfriend. But as suddenly as he’d appeared, he was gone again.

  Darkness surrounded Tayrym as tears streamed down his face. What had happened to his boyfriend?

  “Guri!” He screamed into the void but didn’t get a response. Not even an echo.

  Then he heard a faint whisper. Not even sure if it was a person, he rushed toward the sound.

  “Tayrym.” The same sound, only clearer. And a pinprick of light.

  He ran faster. Everything became louder and brighter until the light swallowed him.

  Gasping, he opened his eyes and found himself back in his room.

  His eyes wide with fear, Guri kneeled above him, rubbing his cheeks and forehead. “Tayrym. Tay Tay. What’s wrong?”

  He was alive. Alive and in front of him. Tayrym wanted to be relieved, but couldn’t be. Not after what he’d seen. “You can’t go on the mission.”

  Guri released a heavy breath. “Are you okay? What happened to you?”

  “I’m fine.” He sat up and held onto his boyfriend, resting his head on Guri’s chest. “But you can’t go. You have to stay. I mean it. You have to stay.”

  Guri trailed his hands up and down Tayrym’s back. “It’s okay. It’ll be okay. I’ll be back before you know it. We’ve both trained for this. It was just a dream.”

  “No.” Tayrym tightened his grip on Guri. He couldn’t let him go on the mission. “It wasn’t a dream. I saw what was going to happen. You can’t leave.” His voice hitched as his tears fell onto Guri’s chest. “You can’t go.”

  “Okay.” Guri lay with him on the bed and stroked his head. “Okay, I’ll stay. You rest. Cuddle with me and get some sleep while you can. You still have a job to do.”

  Tayrym refused to let go of him. He didn’t want to fall asleep until the squadron had departed without Guri. He couldn’t take the chance.


  Tayrym focused on Guri’s monitor, watching his vital signs to ensure nothing had changed. He was on the shuttle heading for Gyoun even after Tayrym had asked him not to go. Guri had waited until he’d fallen asleep to sneak out. But his boyfriend hadn’t seen what he had. And Tayrym had failed in convincing him to stay.

  Once the shuttle landed on Gyoun, he would have a lot of screens to watch, monitors to track, and information to relay. Until then, he simply had to wait. Wait for Juliet squadron to reach the planet and activate all of their equipment. And hope his vision didn’t become reality.

  His wrist com buzzed, jolting him from his thoughts. A message from Guri. He bit his bottom lip as he opened it.

  Miss you. Not much is going on here.

  I miss you, too. Tayrym replied smiling to himself. And same here. He checked the monitors showing heat signatures on the planet. Only minimal Erebus activity below. Just be sure you’re armed when you leave the shuttle. If he couldn’t keep Guri on the carrier, he had to prepare him for what he could encounter so he made it back alive.

  Of course. I need to get back to you as quickly as possible to finish what we started this morning. That was only a taste of what I want to do with you when I get back.

  Tayrym’s cheeks flushed. Quickly glancing to either side, he made sure no one was reading his messages. Don’t be long, then. He didn’t know how else to reply without putting Guri in an uncomfortable situation. Though the messages did help to reduce some of the worry gnawing at his gut since he’d woken up alone. I love you.

  I love you, too, Tay Tay. Gotta go as we’ll be landing shortly.

  Besides the yet-to-be-activated cameras each squadron member wore, they all had various monitors attached to them. And with the news of their approaching arrival, Tayrym observed the heart rate of every Juliet member speed up. Not much, but enough to show they were preparing to fight as soon as they landed.

  As expected, nearby Erebus observed the shuttle, and their heat signatures moved toward the landing zone. Tayrym reminded himself to breathe. This was something they’d all expected, something the squadron had trained for. It would be okay. Guri would be fine. Tayrym confirmed the number of Erebus he detected in the area, and his findings, along with those of other coms specialists, were forwarded to the members of Juliet squadron. Everything was going as planned.

  The shuttle landed. Five Galactic Defenders exited the craft and downed the surrounding enemy. The extra heat signatures disappeared from Tayrym’s screen within seconds. All easy kills. He had nothing to worry about.

  But right after Captain Daftar asked them to confirm there were no more Erebus around, she shared bad news. “The WHM is not working. No matter what I try, I can’t open a wormhole. So, we’re going to have to walk all the way to the laboratory.”

  Each of the com techs on shift, including Tayrym, confirmed a clear path for them. Yet, no one could explain why the WHM technology had malfunctioned. Was this the beginning of
the end for Juliet?

  With their surroundings devoid of any Erebus, the squadron had several kilometers to walk through brush and across uneven terrain to reach the laboratory where the Erebus had been created. Their heart rates lowered slightly with the absence of the enemy. But Tayrym’s didn’t. He still worried. It was the unknown threat that had him on edge. The idea of what else could be on the planet that the Alliance didn’t know about. He’d seen Guri dead, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake that image. Sure, they’d surveyed the area for months, but observing from above was not the same as being on the ground. Why hadn’t they sent a few communications technicians with the Defenders to take more accurate readings? Find out what else was there before they sent Juliet on their own to retrieve information they only hoped existed on the planet.

  He sighed. It didn’t matter what he thought. He was still new. The mission had already been decided before he’d started his training. And Guri was already on the planet.

  A new heat spot appeared on the screen. Then another. Beings between the squadron and the building they were heading toward. Tayrym reported them immediately. “Enemy spotted ahead of the destination. I don’t think they’re bogies. Please confirm.”

  The spots were immediately confirmed as Erebus by two other technicians. Captain Daftar was notified then responded when her squadron spotted them. They were exterminated right away with plazer fire. No chance to get near the squadron. But Tayrym couldn’t get them off his mind. One moment, the area had been clear. And the next, there were two Erebus in the way. Where had they come from? Why had they suddenly appeared in the middle of the screen without any sign of their approach?


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