Red Hot Liar (9781617738654)

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Red Hot Liar (9781617738654) Page 14

by Noire

  “I hope you don’t mind if I turn this thing on while we talk. I’ll still take notes but I find this way faster and much more accurate because I would hate to miss anything. Oh, and Frank needs to take a few pictures too. My bosses will need to get a feel for the set if they’re going to shoot from here.”

  Bunni nodded, her eyes big and greedy. “Yeah, girl! Go right ahead. Snap-snap-snap! We ain’t got no problem with none of that.”

  GiGi gave her a bright smile. She turned her tape recorder on and Frank stepped away and got to snapping pictures.

  “So,” she began, flipping open a yellow pad like she was ready to roll. “Tell me what life is like in the house of the Dominions? Which one of you is the funny one, who’s the most serious, and who’s the most flamboyant?”

  Bunni opened her mouth but Peaches jumped in first.

  “Well, I’m the most flamboyant gal in all of Texas,” Peaches said as he blinked rapidly, fluttering his fake eyelashes. “I’m the ray of sunshine that gives these two little heffas their glow.”

  Everybody except Mink bust out laughing as Peaches cracked them up by yapping about how he was a glamorous headlining diva and how Bunni and Mink were just the extras in his movie.

  “So, Bunni,” GiGi said brightly after the laughter calmed down, “I’ve read all about Mink and how she was kidnapped as a child. I remember hearing on one of those talk shows that you and Mink grew up together in a New York City slum. Tell me, exactly what type of employment were you ladies engaged in before coming into your fortune?”

  “Oh, we was performers,” Bunni said proudly as Mink bucked her eyes at her. “We got up on stage and entertained a bunch of willies every night.”

  GiGi looked real impressed. “You mean, like thespians? You two performed on stages like on Broadway?”

  “Hell, naw!” Bunni waved her hand and giggled. “We danced on a stage at a titty joint called Club Wood!”

  GiGi nodded like she got it, then pursed her lips together as she scribbled strippers down on her notepad.

  Bunni started bragging on herself next as she and Peaches battled wickedly with their tongues trying to out-do each other. Mink sat back and eyeballed her friends, but she was totally uninterested in telling GiGi shit about herself. She could smell traces of a very familiar game coming all outta the glammed-up white chick’s pores, and she didn’t understand why Bunni, and especially grift-master Peaches himself, hadn’t already sniffed around and picked up a whiff.

  “So, now that us pretty girls have chatted and gotten to know each other a little”—GiGi beamed and winked at Peaches—“it’s time to find out more about the men in the Dominion family. Of course Viceroy Dominion would be a major part of any television show, but I understand there are three sons in the family who might be interesting as well. When can I meet them?”

  Bunni poked her lip out and shook her head. “Naw, see here now this is an us thang. I mean, yeah the Dominions can get a little play ere’ now and then too, but you got the stars sitting right here!”

  GiGi’s smile wavered and she looked perplexed.

  “Oh!” she said brightly. “I thought you knew? Our shows have a clause that states the entire family has to be involved. It’s the only way our audience can get an authentic feel for the true nuances of a family. If we exclude anyone from the equation it makes it seem as though the family has something to hide and perhaps isn’t being forthright, which of course”—she shook her head and her curls bounced—“just leads viewers to change the channel.”

  Bunni sat up straight. “Well hold up now. I ain’t saying they can’t be down, I’m just saying they can’t be down right now.”

  “Well, why is that?” GiGi asked, chipper as shit.

  “Well, ’cause they not home right now!” Bunni snapped.

  GiGi showed her perfect teeth as she flashed Bunni a big bright smile.

  “That’s not a problem,” she said, flipping her notebook closed as she clicked off her tape recorder and dropped it inside her bag. She motioned to Frank, who nodded and switched off his camera then yanked the plug out of the wall. “How about we just reschedule our visit for a more convenient time for everyone?”

  “Like when?” Bunni wailed.

  “Like when the rest of the family is home,” GiGi said sweetly as she rose to her feet and sashayed her sexy round butt toward the door. “Especially the men.”


  Me and Suge were at his house playing a game called Pin the Tail on the Porn Star. We had gone to the racetrack earlier and he’d won a nice big purse. He took me to the mall and let me spend the whole damn thing, and now I was paying him back.

  I had dug into my bag of tricks and given him a hot little show. I felt freaky as hell as I stood on his big bed and posed butt naked and urged him to take all kinds of pictures of me in my porn star glory. My body was built for the camera and I damn sure didn’t have nothing to hide. I was the type who could rock the cover of joints like Towers of Tits and Ass Almighty magazines, and Suge was loving every scrumptious angle I tossed my hips at him from.

  I had shown him what I was working with and now I was on my hands and knees licking him like a cat. I started at his neck and I was working my way down to the grand prize.

  “Girl, that tongue is sumpthin else,” he muttered as I sucked and panted and swirled my pink tongue around his dark nipple. Suge’s chest was rocked up with muscle and his arms felt like they were made of iron. All that hardness had me turned the fuck on and my pussy was leaking little puddles all over the place as I shimmied down lower and snaked my tongue in and out of his navel.

  His dick was packed full of lead, and only the very top of his mushroom crown was somewhat soft. I concentrated on that part as I squeezed my titties around his shaft like a foot-long hot dog between a nice soft bun. Gripping my tits and pinching my own nipples, I flicked my tongue out and licked at the sweet slippery liquid that was oozing from the slit in his head, and hummed as I rolled it around on the roof of my mouth.

  Suge put his big paws on my shoulders and thrust his strong hips back and forth, giving me the erotic titty fuck of a lifetime. I leaned back a little and guided his dick to my stiff nipple and flicked it back and forth, sending sparks of pleasure flying straight to my clit as I squeezed my legs together and turned myself out.

  I jacked his dick in my tight fist and gave it a few more long, thorough licks, then I maneuvered my body until the juice from my pussy was dripping right into his mouth. We sixty-nined like a mutha, and Suge ate my tender meat so deliciously that I kept sliding off my suck game and falling off on my gobble.

  Suge got impatient and said fuck all that. He flipped me over and jammed his thick dick up in me until I shrieked and hollered, “Ow! Too fuckin’ much!” Gripping my ass-cheeks in his palms, he idled right there for a few to let my coochie get loose and adjust, then he slammed them last two inches up in me too!

  We went at it like battle cats, trying our damndest to out-fuck each other. It was a gladiator contest up in that bitch and both of us were winning. I lay there with my legs cocked wide open as his dick drilled up in me and sent sparks shooting through the back of my pussy. I was loving the fuck outta his muscular weight riding on top of me. My titties were smushed against his chest, and his bucking hips pounded me damn near through the mattress as he went for his and made sure I got mine too. Dude put some real good lovin’ down on me and he didn’t stop until my pussy was scuffed and plunged and nice and sore.

  When we were finally empty and exhausted and all out of cum, we stumbled to the shower together. Suge had just washed my pussy for me like he usually did, and he was wiping drops of water off my back when outta nowhere he hit me with some bullshit noise about us needing to keep our shit under wraps.

  “Check it out, Mink. We’re gonna have to slow this down a lil bit, baby girl. It ain’t just about us no more, you understand?”

  I poked my lip out. “Why? What are you talking about?”

  He smoothed my hair o
ff my shoulder and kissed me on the back of my neck.

  “I’m talking about me and you, baby girl. And what we do.”

  I shrugged. “It ain’t nobody’s business what we do. Everybody in the whole world knows I was adopted, so we ain’t even really related, Suge.”

  “Yeah. I know,” Suge said quietly. He turned me around and kissed my forehead, then gently patted the beads of water on my puffed-up breasts. “But that ain’t how this type of shit works. My brother is running for state office now. It’s gonna be a cut-throat political campaign going on up in here. That adopted shit ain’t gonna mean a damn thing to the voters.”

  I wasn’t going for it.

  “Look, I know Daddy Viceroy don’t want nobody bringing bad light on the Dominion name, but I’m a LaRue so he don’t have to worry about me.”

  “Yes he does. He’s gotta worry about everything. Them white liberal fuckers gonna be digging deep up in his ass to see what kinda shit they can pull out. We can give ’em nothing to work with on this end, baby. It’s my job to make sure my brother is straight, and me and you can’t let ’em pull nothing out on us.”

  I stood there with my hair frizzing into curls and my lil heart about to melt. “But that ain’t what you said before,” I sniffed. “When we talked about this before you said you didn’t wanna stop.”

  Suge reached out and took my chin in his big old rough hand and pressed his juicy lips to mine. “I don’t wanna stop, Mink. I swear to God I don’t. And we don’t have to. But we do have to go way underground with this. At least for right now while I handle my business.”

  “So you ain’t never gonna be my boo-thang no more?” I asked him with big fat tears filling up my eyes.

  Suge reached out and pulled me into his huge strong arms.

  “Look here, Mink. Let me ask you something, baby girl. When you’re running a tight race and your shit is on the line, who you gonna put your money on? The jockey or the horse?”

  I looked at him like he was crazy. Dude knew damn well I didn’t know shit about betting on no stank behind horses.

  I shrugged. “I’ma put my money wherever you put yours.”

  “Why’s that?”

  I shrugged again. “Because you always win.”

  “Think about it,” he said, his big hands gripping my shoulders. “If the jockey breaks his leg lining up at the gate, can the horse still get out there and win the race?”

  I shrugged. “Yeah. You just gotta get you another jockey.”

  “But if the horse stumbles going into the gate, can the jockey jump out there on the track and give the race a go?”

  I grinned a little bit. “Hell no. It’s a horse race, not a jockey race.”

  A smile lit up in Suge’s eyes and he nodded and pat me on the hip. “Damn right. I ain’t no light in the ass jockey, Mink. I’m a muthafuckin’ racehorse, baby. The fastest stallion on the track, and you can always put your money on me. You got that?”

  I nodded and pressed my face into his hard, damp stomach as a tear slid out my eye.

  “Do you trust me?” His voice was low and strong, rumbling from his belly.

  I nodded and dug my sniffling nose deeper into his rock-hard gut.

  “Answer me, Mink. Answer me like a grown-ass woman.” He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head until we were staring into each other’s eyes.

  “Do you trust me?”

  I trembled. “Yes,” I answered tearfully, copping to something that I had never in life said to any fuckin’ man. “I trust you.”

  He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.

  “Baby girl, I’m always gonna be your boo-thang. I’m gonna need you to be a big girl and remember that too. No matter what goes down or how fucked up shit might look, can’t no other woman get what’s yours, and Big Suge is always gonna have love in his heart for you. You hear me, girl? Always.”


  “GiGi just called! She said she’s cancelling our next appointment because her bosses said we need some more drama around here!” Bunni plopped down on my bed the next morning and reported with a frown. “She says we ain’t got enough of a groove to boost up the ratings with our own show. She says our shit is stale and dry and we need to get something real hot poppin’ if we wanna be stars on national TV.”

  I sighed and dug my head deeper into my pillow. My ass was miserable. It had been four days since Suge had practically cut me off and I missed him like a knocked-out front tooth. Even though he said we could still see each other from time to time, I was mourning his ass like an old lady whose sailor husband was lost out at sea.

  “Did you hear what I just said? GiGi is kicking us to the curb! She said this joint ain’t interesting enough for no reality show!”

  I waved Bunni off. “That heffa’s just mad because we don’t have no drive-bys popping off around here. No thots walking the stroll, no strippers riding the poles, and no drug dealers slanging crack neither.”

  “Well then we need to get us summa that shit real quick!”

  I raised my head and glared at Bunni and rolled my eyes. “If you wanted all kindsa drama you shoulda stayed your tail up in Harlem. Be grateful there ain’t no Punchies and Guttas and none of them other kinds of fools running around up in this bitch.”

  “But how are we gonna get on TV when ain’t nothing happening with us, Mink?” she wailed. “It’s boring as hell around here! We need to get something shaking, mami! You know, the way we used to do back in the good old days! GiGi says the best shows are the ones where people feel like they can relate to all the crazy shit that’s happening in your life. She says it’s only when you give TV viewers a real juicy bone to chew on that they tune in for episode after episode. Matter fact, GiGi says—”

  “Who gives a good goddamn what GiGi says!” I blasted on her. “GiGi just wanna see a bunch of rich niggas act a fool and get in a train wreck up in this camp! She wasn’t tryna give us no show from the gate. That trick must get off on seeing black folks cussing each other out and cutting each other up! Hell, ask GiGi if she wanna go hang out in our crib back in Harlem and wait for Gutta to come kick down the fuckin’ door! Now that’ll be some drama for her ass! We’re rich now, Bunni. Ain’t nobody got time for that hard-knock type a’ life no more!”

  My rowdy cut her eyes at me and turned up her lips and I groaned. I knew what that shit meant and it definitely wasn’t good.

  “You ain’t gotta be down with my program, Mink,” she huffed with mad ’tude. “After all the ratchet capers me and you done pulled and all of our fifty-million misadventures I woulda thought you’d be down for at least one more ride.”

  I threw my hands up. “We done rode this bitch all the way to the bank, Bunni! Look around. We got everything we coulda ever dreamed of and then some. We don’t need no trashy white chick with fake titties, a booty pad, booger-green eyes, and Chinese-apple color in her hair to tell us what our reality is! This right here is what me and you did, Bunni. This is our flimflam! We schemed our asses off for this hustle! Fuck GiGi. I say we kick that trick to the curb. Don’t nobody need her around here no way.”

  Bunni nodded. “Yeah, uh-huh. I see what time it is now. You done let this lil bit of change go to your head, Mink. You all up on your high horse tryna insult GiGi because you jealous of her. Go ’head. Admit it. You’s a hater, Mink! You salty ’cause GiGi got a booty and she’s damn near cute as you, and that’s why you don’t wanna get down with my reality show!”

  I shook my head. Stunned. “What the hell do I gotta be jealous of GiGi for? Name me one thing that heffah got that I ain’t got?”

  Bunni gave me the stank face as she raised her eyebrows, twisted her lips, and then hit me right where she knew it would hurt.

  “A man.”

  “That was shitty,” I told her. “That was real low and shitty, ma.”

  Bunni shrugged. “And so is your attitude, Mink! Now c’mon, dammit. I’m about to call her back and beg her ass. I’ll invite her to that fancy election lun
cheon Viceroy is having and tell her she can meet all the men in the family if she promises to come by.”

  I smirked. “Yeah, well that oughtta bring her mining ass running straight through the door.” I turned my back on Bunni and shook my head. My rowdy was getting straight bamboozled. Mizz GiGi was a hustla. A real-live working girl, and I sure as hell wasn’t talking about on no TV.

  It was Sunday afternoon and Suge was pushing the brand-new, triple-white, three-hundred-grand Bentley Mulsanne down the highway as he headed toward the Dominion Estate. He had driven his truck to Miyoko’s crib so he could take her to the movie she wanted to see, but she had ditched out on him saying her father had called for her and she needed to go see him.

  “I’m sorry, I won’t be able to hang out with you,” she said with a sad smile. “My father had a pretty bad night,” she told him with a worried look in his eyes. “His doctor is with him now but I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be able to avoid a hospice.”

  Suge wasn’t the type to wish an enemy good, and he hoped like hell Wally Su would hurry up and kick the damn bucket so he could get away from his crazy-ass daughter!

  “Can you do me a small favor, Superior?” Miyoko had asked just as he was leaving. “Would you drive my car today and bring it back a little later?” she asked. “I keep hearing a clicking sound that’s making me crazy. The dealer came and looked at it a few times but they claim there’s nothing wrong. Could you maybe drive it for a little while and see if you hear anything?”

  With the music pumping some smooth jazz cuts, Suge hadn’t heard anything out of the showroom-sharp luxury convertible except the sweet purr of the high-powered engine, and as he entered the gates of the Dominion Estate he paused to drop the top as he rolled up to the front door.

  “Suge!” Mink screamed as her, Bunni, and Peaches tagged each other with fat jiggly water balloons. They were running around barefoot on the far side of the driveway filling up balloons with cold water from the garden hose and throwing them at anyone in sight.


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